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Well said Paula!



--- Paula <pstumpjr wrote:


> I'm primarily a " lurker " , but felt compelled to post

> on this. I find it so sad that people seem to take

> things personally that which was generally stated.

> It is my opinion that the first answer to the new

> person was rude...to state your opinions as fact is

> never acceptable. It is " your " fact, but does not

> necessarily make it so for everyone. As far as meat

> and cheese being unhealthy, period, I beg to differ.

> One only needs to peruse The American Heart

> Association diet...it includes

> meat/eggs/fish/poultry (proteins), cheese/milk

> (dairy), grains, vegetables and fruits...none of

> which are considered " unhealthy " . As the one lady,

> I believe it was Bobbie, stated, moderation and

> balance is the key. It is a matter of personal

> preference and belief. Anyone can find research to

> support whatever it is they think and want to

> believe...but for each one that is found, there are

> others that would dispute it.

> As far as the post from the same lady who said there

> are some beliefs that cancer is self caused by a

> unhealthy psyche (my paraphrasing)...I did not see

> that she directed that to anyone specifically, it

> was an informational response, nothing more. And

> she is correct in that there are cultures out there

> who do believe this to be true. As for it being

> vicious, hateful or mean, that is only if you allow

> yourself to take it that way. Cancer is derived

> from your own body cells...immature cells that for

> some reason, are suddenly triggered by some unknown

> message in the body to begin multiplying. Cancer is

> NOT a foreign substance introduced into your

> body...it IS part of your body. Everyone has these

> cells, it's just that for some, they remain dormant.

> I too have done extensive research on cancer. I

> believe that mental outlook does have an extremely

> direct impact on cancer as well as other illnesses.

> However, what I believe and think does not make it

> so for everyone. I do not

> believe that what one eats or drinks " causes "

> cancer, although it may be considered linked. Most

> studies state that something is " ..believed to cause

> cancer in laboratory animals " (primarily rats).

> Now, I don't know about you, but I am not a rat nor

> a laboratory animal. And, everyone's metabolism is

> different and therefore reacts differently to

> things. However, I do believe that there are things

> out there that will exacerbate a cancerous

> condition.

> What I am trying to convey is that tolerance is the

> key....tolerant of others and their beliefs,

> tolerant of others and their choices, tolerant of

> the world in general because this world is full of

> diversity. No one is right and no one is

> wrong....only when it pertains to themselves

> personally. No one has the right to judge nor make

> judgmental statements about anyone except

> themselves. Unfortunately, it is a fact of

> humankind that we all have a tendency to do so.

> There are just some who are aware of it and make

> more of an effort to avoid doing it.

> Oh, and just so no one gets their drawers in a

> bunch, I would like to further qualify my statements

> about cancer.....I am a cancer survivor. I also

> lost my mother to cancer, and prior to my father

> passing, he also had cancer. For me, I made the

> decision to tackle the cancer with a positive

> attitude and do whatever it took to overcome it. I

> knew and fully believed (and still do) that it was

> not going to take my life. I also felt that it was

> not the worst thing that could have happened to me

> in my life....personally, getting involved in a bad

> auto accident would be much worse, especially if my

> truck were to explode into flames. There are

> thousands more things that I can think of. I got

> it, took care of it, and I am continuing on with my

> life. Should it recur, I will again tackle it in

> the same way. That's not denial, simply accepting

> that it was an unfortunate situation out of my

> control insofar as getting it, but certainly within

> my control to take action. I have never, ever,

> felt sorry for myself over it, and I never allowed

> anyone around me to voice any negativity. I did not

> join support groups simply because I had a great

> network of family and friends, as well as a dear

> friend who is also a cancer survivor, for support.

> I did not wish to be around others who, and

> rightfully so for them, may have been unable to

> cope, maybe break down, feel sorry for themselves,

> etc. I did not feel that would be conducive to my

> own mental health and healing for the cancer. That

> was my choice and it's not for everyone....some need

> that camaraderie of others in the same situation.

> So, please, remember to be tolerant and respectful

> of others and their opinions even though it may

> differ from your own. Anything I have said here is

> strictly my own thoughts, beliefs and opinions and

> if anyone takes it any other way, then the problem

> is yours, not mine.

















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