Guest guest Posted March 14, 2005 Report Share Posted March 14, 2005 13 WAYS TO PREVENT BREAST CANCER Source: Natural HealthAuthor/s: Sarah Fremerman YOU HAVE A 1-1N-8 CHANCE OF DEVELOPING BREASTCANCER IN YOUR LIFE. THIS PLANSHOULD CHANGE THOSE ODDS. WOMEN KNOW THE NUMBERS all too well--1 in 8.They show up every time we readabout breast cancer or hear about some newdrug that's supposed to cut theodds. But a woman's chances of getting breastcancer in her lifetime, in spiteof new drugs and the millions poured intoresearch, aren't shrinking. Theories abound for ways to improve theodds--take tamoxifen, exerciseregularly, take antioxidants, don't live neartoxic waste sites, even have apreventive mastectomy. Some make sense andcould help; others seem far-fetchedor even barbaric. Natural Health has consulted five breastcancer experts, both those from theconventional fold and others more alternativein their approach, and asked themto help us build a program that wouldsignificantly lower your risk of gettingthe disease. The centerpiece of this plan isdiet. It's the one thing you havedirect control over. And, according toMitchell Gaynor, M.D., director ofmedical oncology and integrative medicine atStrang Cancer Prevention Center inManhattan, it has proven to be the mosteffective way to reduce your risk. Other important suggestions about such thingsas exercise and going bralessappear in "Cancer Dos and Don'ts" on page 95.But first, here are 13 simpleways you can redesign your diet and startprotecting yourself today. 1 SAVOR SEAWEED WHAT TO DOEat seaweeds such as kelp and nori often. Orconsider taking blue-green algaesuch as spirulina (1 heaping teaspoon) andchlorella (3 g) in a glass of juicedaily. WHY* Jane Teas, Ph.D., of the Harvard School ofPublic Health found that rats fedkelp had less breast cancer than rats who werenot fed kelp. The highconsumption of kelp may explain the lowerincidence of breast cancer amongJapanese women (who have one-third the risk ofbreast cancer of Americanwomen). * Kelp, chlorella, and spirulina containchlorophyll, which studies have shownto have anti-carcinogenic effects, as well asvitamin C and carotenoids, whichfight free radicals. 2 HALVE THE FAT WHAT TO DOLimit your daily fat intake to 20 percent ofyour overall caloric intake. WHY* A diet high in fat (especially animal fat)is known to increase the risk ofbreast cancer. One study found that the riskof breast cancer increases forJapanese women who move from Japan (wheredaily fat intake is about 20 percentof total calories) to the United States (wheredaily fat intake is about 40percent of total calories). * According to Charles Simone, M.D., author ofBreast Health (Avery PublishingGroup, 1995), a high-fat diet produceschemicals in the intestine that bacteriaconvert to carcinogenic estrogens. Theseestrogens can then be stored in thefatty tissue of the breast, making cells inthis area more susceptible tocancer growth. 3 PILE ON THE FIBER WHAT TO DOGet plenty of fiber from foods such as fruitsand vegetables, beans, and wholegrains. WHY* Robert Arnot, M.D., author of The BreastCancer Prevention Diet (Little,Brown and Company, 1998) says that fiberinterrupts the body's metabolism ofestrogen and decreases the blood levels ofestrogen. High levels of estrogen inthe bloodstream correspond to a higher risk ofbreast cancer. High-fiber dietscan decrease breast cancer risk by up to 54percent. 4 CRUNCH CRUCIFEROUS VEGGIES WHAT TO DOConsume plenty of cruciferousvegetables--broccoli, Brussels sprouts,cabbage,turnips, bok choy, kale, and cauliflower.Steam them or eat them raw to bestpreserve their cancer-fighting nutrients. WHY* Cruciferous vegetables contain sulfurouscompounds called indoles, which helpeliminate estrogen from the body and preventit from triggering the growth ofbreast cancer. According to Gaynor, author ofDr. Gaynor's Cancer PreventionProgram (Kensington Books, 1999), onlycruciferous vegetables are known toconvert estrogen in the body fromcancer-promoting forms to forms that actuallyprotect against breast cancer. One particularindole, indole-3-carbinol (13C),inhibits the development of potentiallycancerous cells in the breast. 5 GO FISH FOR FATTY ACIDS WHAT TO DOEat at least three servings a week ofcold-water fish such as tuna, salmon,halibut, mackerel, haddock, cod, and sardines.If you don't eat fish, you canalso take fish oil capsules (2 to 10 g a day)or vegetarian supplements ofalgae-derived docosahexaenoic acid (300 mgdaily). WHY* Omega-3 oils inhibit the effects of thecompounds known as prostaglandins,which have been associated with theinflammation that suppresses the immunesystem's ability to identify tumors. * In one major British study, researchersexamined mortality data for breastand colorectal cancer in 24 Europeancountries. A high consumption of animalfat was linked to more cases of cancer, whilea higher consumption of fish andfish oil was linked to fewer cases of cancer. * In a study from Finland, women with breastcancer were found to have lowerlevels of EPA and DHA, two omega-3 fattyacids, in their breast tissue thanwomen with benign fibrocystic breast disease. * North American Eskimo women, who eat a dietextremely rich inomega-3 oils, have no breast cancer at all. 6 LEARN THE SOY SECRET WHAT TO DOEat soy products such as tofu, miso, andtempeh regularly. (All soy productsare not equally beneficial. Highly refined soyproducts, such as soymilk, soyburgers and fake meats, contain much lessgenistein than traditional Asian soyproducts, and some may contain artificialpreservatives. Soy oils and soy sauceare not good sources either: Soy oils containunhealthy fats, and soy sauce ishigh in sodium.) WHY* Soybeans and other soy products containgenistein, a natural plant estrogenthat binds to receptors in the breast, makingit impossible for potentiallycancer-causing forms of estrogen to connectwith breast cells. * Scientists are also investigating otherbenefits of soybeans. In one study,Seventh Day Adventist women, vegetarians whotypically ate a lot of soy, werefound to have a lower-than-normal risk ofbreast cancer. This may be becausethey have higher levels of the hormone DHEA,which is higher in women who arefree of breast cancer. * Gaynor says, "Soy does so many things--it isa weak estrogen that blocksestrogen receptors, decreases angiogenesis[the development of blood vesselsthat feed a tumor], increases apoptosis[cancer cell death], and containsenzymes that break down carcinogens in thebody." 7 STOP AND SHOP ORGANIC WHAT TO DOWhenever possible buy organic food: fruits,vegetables, grains, dairy products,meat, and poultry. WHY* Organic produce is free of pesticides suchas DDT and other environmentaltoxins that have been linked to a higher riskof breast cancer. Though DDT isbanned in the United States, Americanmanufactures export the pesticide toThird World countries, which often exporttropical or out-of-season produceback to the United States. According to DevraLee Davis, Ph.D., M.P.H., of theWorld Research Institute in Washington, D.C.,organic fruits and vegetablescontain higher levels of vitamins and mineralsthan nonorganic produce. * Dairy products and meats that have beencertified organic are free ofhormones like bovine growth hormone, achemical fed to cows that has been shownto promote the growth of breast cancer cells. 8 STOCK UP ON SUPPLEMENTS WHAT TO DOEvery day drink one cup of astragalus tea;take 200 mcg selenium; 30 to 100 mgof coenzyme [Q.sub.10]; 25 mg of grapeseedextract; 30 to 100 mg alpha lipoicacid; and a good multivitamin and mineralsupplement. WHY* Astragalus. A 1990 study conducted at theM.D. Anderson Cancer Center inHouston found that taking astragalus dailyincreased the body's ability to killcancer cells by tenfold. * Selenium. A study by Larry Clark, Ph.D,M.P.H., associate professor at theUniversity of Arizona showed that takingselenium could halve cancer rates, andan earlier study published in HolisticMedicine in 1989 concluded that thehigher the blood selenium level, the lower therate of breast cancer. Buy theorganic form of selenium, selenomethionine,rather than selenite (the inorganicform). * Co[Q.sub.10]. This nutrient protects againstcancer by strengthening theimmune system and zapping free radicals.However, there is no data that linksCo[Q.sub.10] specifically to breast cancerprevention. * Grapeseed extract. According to Gaynor,studies have shown that thisantioxidant is 20 times more powerful thanvitamin C and 50 times more powerfulthan vitamin E at scavenging free radicals. * Alpha lipoic acid. This powerful antioxidantstrengthens and regeneratesother antioxidants in the body, especiallyvitamin E. Biochemist RichardPasswater, Ph.D., suggests that lipoic acidmay even inhibit the activation ofthe gene that triggers cancer growth in cells. 9 MAKE THE MOST OF MUSHROOMS WHAT TO DORegularly include medicinal mushrooms,especially the Japanese varietiesmaitake and shiitake, in your diet. Reishi,another medicinal mushroom, isslightly tough when cooked so you may want tobuy it as a tea, tincture, orcapsule. WHY* Studies have shown that maitake mushroomsstimulate immune function and alsoinhibit tumor growth. "Maitake D-fraction, theactive ingredient in maitake,does not kill cancer cells directly," explainsCun Zhuang, Ph.D., whoresearches the anti-cancer effects of maitake."It activates the immunesystem." According to Zhuang, maitakemushrooms have been shown to beparticularly effective in protecting againstbreast cancer in mice. Someevidence suggests that maitake is effectiveagainst tumors in humans as well. * Shiitake contains the polysaccharide calledlentinan, which is known to boostthe activity of the immune system. * Reishi also contains polysaccharides. 10 THROW TEA PARTIES WHAT TO DODrink one cup of green tea three times a day.Green tea contains about half thecaffeine of coffee--you Can also buydecaffeinated green tea bags or try greentea capsules or tinctures. WHY* Green tea contains cancer-fightingantioxidants and polyphenols, which reducethe damage done by free radicals. * In one study of women, drinking a lot ofgreen tea--10 cupsperay--significantly lowered the risk ofcancer. * Green tea may be another importantprotective factor responsible for the lowrates of breast cancer among Japanese women. 11 CHOOSE THE RIGHT OILS WHAT TO DOCook with virgin or extra-virgin olive oil.And use flaxseed oil in dishes thataren't heated (flaxseed oil is volatile andits chemical makeup is changed whenit's exposed to light and heat). Avoid canolaoil, safflower oil, corn oil,soybean oil, sesame oil, and margarine. WHY* Monounsaturated oils such as olive oil havebeen linked with lower rates ofcancer. A study of women in Spain demonstrateda lower risk of breast cancer inthose who were consuming the most olive oil.Lilian Thompson, Ph.D, a professorof nutritional sciences at the University ofToronto, has found that a dailyclose of flaxseed (1 tablespoon of oil or 3tablespoons of seeds) can actuallyreduce breast cancer tumor size. * Trans fats (denser fats, also calledhydrogenated oils, found in margarine,for example) are linked with higher rates ofcancer. A University of NorthCarolina study in 1997 confirmed a correlationbetween the consumption of thetrans fats in processed margarines andvegetable oils with an increase inbreast cancer. * Saturated fats (such as those in dairyproducts and red meat) cause the bodyto produce higher-than-normal levels ofinsulin, according to Arnot. Likecertain types of estrogen, high levels ofinsulin can stimulate cancer cellgrowth in the breast. In a recent study,Pamela Goodwin, M.D., an associateprofessor at the University of Toronto, founda 283 percent increased risk ofbreast cancer in women with high insulinlevels. 12 BEFRIEND PHYTONUTRIENTS WHAT TO DOEat a wide variety of vegetables, fruits,grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes. WHY* These foods contain phytonutrients (plantnutrients such as polyphenols),compounds that protect against cellular damageand inhibit cancer growth. Inone Harvard School of Public Health study,women who ate the most vegetableshad a 48 percent lower incidence of breastcancer than those who ate the least;those who ate the most fruit had a 32 percentlower incidence than those whoate less fruit. * Health researcher Robin Keuneke, author ofTotal Breast Health (KensingtonBooks, 1998), suggests cooking with herbs suchas dill, which containslimonene, a phytochemical important for breastprotection, and rosemary, whichhas antioxidant and anti-tumor properties. 13 EAT AN ALLIUM A DAY WHAT TO DOEat plenty of allium vegetables--garlic,onions, leeks, and shallots. Foroptimal benefits (if you're brave), eatalliums raw. WHY* According to the National Cancer Institute,garlic is one of the best foodsfor protection against cancer. It contains theanti-cancer mineral selenium,which stimulates white blood cell productionand induces apoptosis (cancer celldeath). * Onions and other allium vegetables offersimilar therapeutic effects--alliumscontain compounds that stimulate theproduction of enzymes that neutralize thefree radicals linked with cancer. Alliums alsocontain saponins, which preventcancer cells from multiplying. * John Milner, Ph.D., head of the nutritiondepartment at Pennsylvania StateUniversity, used an aged garlic extract tosuccessfully prevent the developmentof breast cancer tumors in rats exposed tocarcinogens. Of the rats thatreceived no garlic extract, 90 percentdeveloped tumors. Only 35 percent of thegarlic group developed tumors. And a 1995study in Oncology Reports showed thatthe sulfur compounds in garlic extractinhibited the growth of precanceroushuman breast cells, and increased levels of animportant detoxifying enzyme. CANCER DOS AND DON'TS DOGet 4 hours of vigorous aerobic exercise aweek. A study of 1,000 women showedthat those who exercised 3.8 hours or more aweek had less than half the rateof breast cancer of those who didn't exercise. Stay within 12 pounds of your ideal bodyweight. In many studies, obesity hasbeen correlated with a higher risk of breastcancer. Excess body fat producesestrogen, which can then be stored in breasttissue and trigger the growth ofcancer cells. Breast-feed infants. Breast-feeding interruptsovulation and as such is thoughtto reduce the amount of time estrogencirculates in the body. Go braless for a few hours each day. InDressed to Kill: The Link BetweenBreast Cancer and Bras, (Avery PublishingGroup, 1995), authors Sydney RossSinger, Ph.D., and Soma Grismaijer found thatwomen who wore a bra more than 12hours a day had a 19 times greater risk ofbreast cancer than those who wore abra fewer than 12 hours. The scientificcredibility of this finding is stillbeing debated. Sleep in total darkness. Light inhibits yourbody's production of the hormonemelatonin, and lower levels of melatonin havebeen correlated with a higherrisk of breast cancer. Spend time in the sunshine--15 minutes a day,3 times a week. Sunlight helpsthe body to produce vitamin D, which has beenlinked to lower breast cancerrates. Use hormone replacement therapy with caution.Some researchers linksupplementation with DHEA and other hormoneswith an increased risk of breastcancer, though no conclusive information isavailable yet. Check with yourdoctor before embarking on any hormonereplacement program. DON'TDrink excessive amounts of alcohol. Accordingto Simone, women who have 2 to 4alcoholic drinks per week have a 2 to 3 timeshigher risk of developing breastcancer than those who don't. Use dark hair dyes for several yearscontinuously. A 1980 study showed thatwomen who dyed their hair to change its color(rather than to camouflage gray)were at a three times greater risk for breastcancer. Smoke. One study of close to 85,000 womenshowed a higher risk of breast cancerin smokers than in nonsmokers. Some Age-Old Advice Pre-pubescent girls: Eating plenty of organicyogurt at this age can reduce therisk of breast cancer by half, according to astudy in the InternationalJournal of Immunotheratry Teens: Strenuous exercise during adolescencelowers the risk of breast cancerlater in life. If possible, avoid taking birthcontrol pills--they increase therisk of breast cancer later. Begin monthlyserf-exams. Express feelingsopenly--talk out problems as they arise. 20s and 30s: Ideally the pill should be usedfor a prolonged period after thebirth of a woman's first child. Having a childbefore the age of 35 lowers yourrisk of breast cancer 40s: Experts disagree about whether it isnecessary to get a baseline mammogramin your 40s. Check with your doctor. At thisstage, doing a monthly breastself-exam is crucial. 50s and up: Get annual mammograms. Between theages of 51 and 70, increase yourdaily dose of vitamin D to 400 IU. If you are71 or older, you should be taking600 IU per day. CERTAINLY OUR MINDS and emotions play apivotal role in the prevention,recurrence, and remission of breast cancer.One recent study in the Journal ofthe National Cancer Institute reported thatfollowing breast cancer surgery,women showing the worst signs of stress anddepression also experienced themost profound suppression of their immunesystems. In response to findings like this, cancerspecialists like Jeremy Geffen, M.D.,founder of the Geffen Cancer Center in VeroBeach, Fla., are addressing notonly the physical but the spiritual aspects bycombining conventional medicinewith meditation, yoga, and massage. The following are a few resources to help youuse your mind to protect you frombreast cancer. The Center for Mind-Body Medicine.Phone: 202-966-7338. Web The Geffen Cancer Center.Phone: 561-770-5800. Web Stress Reduction Clinic at the University ofMassachusetts Medical Center.Phone 508-856-2656. Rituals of Healing: Using Imagery for Healthand Wellness by Jeanne Achterberg,Ph.D. (Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1994). Sarah Fremerman is a frequent contributor toNatural Health. "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public". Theodore Roosevelt Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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