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Bizarre Turkey Facts

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Bizarre Turkey FactsBen Franklin, in a letter to his daughter, proposed theturkey as the official United States bird.The heaviest turkey ever raised was 86 pounds, about thesize of a large dog.Wild turkeys can fly for short distances up to 55 miles perhour.Tom turkeys have beards. This is black, hairlike featherson their breast. Hens sometimes have beards, too.Turkeys' heads change colors when they become excited.Turkeys can see movement almost a hundred yards away.Gobbling turkeys can be heard a mile away on a quiet day.Turkeys don't really have ears like ours, but they have verygood hearing.Turkeys can have heart attacks. The United States Air Forcewas doing test runs and breaking the sound barrier. Nearbyturkeys dropped dead from heart attacks.Wild turkeys spend the night in trees. They especially likeoak trees.In England, 200 years ago, turkeys were walked to market inherds. They wore booties to protect their feet.Turkeys have a long, red, fleshy area called a snood thatgrows from the forehead over the bill.

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