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Subject: The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Good Guy

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I have had IBS for years and I must respectfully

disagree about soluble fiber in foods that have a high

carbohydrate rating. For me they are simply disasters.

Part of the problem may be grain allergy and/or

sensitivity to gluten. Carbs when not digested

properly DO ferment and cause a LOT of trouble in the

gut. So I personally try to stay away from them even

though they are EVERYWHERE. If I don't then there is

hell to pay. Fruit should also be regarded with

moderation and even caution. I don't know why " pasta "

has become so respectable even in for people who are

trying to lose weight. If one considers the amount of

(white) flour pasta contains, then for sure it will

become clear that it's just another glorified wheat






The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Good Guy


Hmmm....You've heard of fiber, you're pretty sure you

know what it

is, and you've probably had it recommended to you as

beneficial for

Irritable Bowel Syndrome. But soluble fiber? Is this


special? Yes, it is.


Soluble fiber is the single greatest dietary aid for


Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms in the first place,

as well as

relieving them once they occur. Here's the kicker.

Soluble fiber is

NOT typically found in foods most people think of as

" fiber, " such

as bran or raw leafy green vegetables. Soluble fiber

is actually

found in foods commonly thought of as " starches " ,

though soluble

fiber itself differs from starch as the chemical bonds

that join its

individual sugar units cannot be digested by enzymes

in the human GI

tract. In other words, soluble fiber has no calories

because it

passes through the body intact.


Soluble Fiber Foods ~ the Basis of the IBS Diet-


As a general rule, the grain and cereal foods at the

top of this

list make the safest, easiest, and most versatile

soluble fiber

foundations for your meals and snacks.



Pasta and noodles




non-gmo Soy





Sweet potatoes





Squash and pumpkins













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---Good Evening,

An imbalance of the gut flora, termed `dysbiosis' is indicated by

symptoms such as IBS, diarrhea, constipation and a lack of natural



Among the foods that encourage the growth of friendly bacteria are

fruit and vegetables, pulses and whole grains such as that which is

found in " kefir " .

while pathogens thrive on sugary,high protein and refined foods.


Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) is a well researched substance that

feeds only friendly bacteria. Because it is a type of fibre, it

passes undigested through the stomach and then arrives intact in the

intestine where it stimulates the growth of helpful " gut " bacteria.


FOS serves as a food for friendly bacteria, which *aids* our


by " fermenting " undigested food and increasing elimination of toxins.


FOS may be useful in treating conditions like

irritable bowel syndrome.


Artichoke, bananas, leeks and asparagus are the richest food sources

of FOS and it is also incorporated into supplements. known as

prebiotics. FOS is also present in papaya and pineapple, however in

much smaller amounts.


Probiotics, literally meaning " pro life " , are foods or supplements

that actually contain a dose,

usually in the billions, of live bacteria of the kind that naturally

grow in the gut.


Best Regards,




In , Zamyrabyrd

<zamyrabyrd> wrote:

> Hi,


> I have had IBS for years and I must respectfully

> disagree about soluble fiber in foods that have a high

> carbohydrate rating. For me they are simply disasters.

> Part of the problem may be grain allergy and/or

> sensitivity to gluten. Carbs when not digested

> properly DO ferment and cause a LOT of trouble in the

> gut. So I personally try to stay away from them even

> though they are EVERYWHERE. If I don't then there is

> hell to pay. Fruit should also be regarded with

> moderation and even caution. I don't know why " pasta "

> has become so respectable even in for people who are

> trying to lose weight. If one considers the amount of

> (white) flour pasta contains, then for sure it will

> become clear that it's just another glorified wheat

> product.


> ZB



> The Irritable Bowel Syndrome Good Guy


> Hmmm....You've heard of fiber, you're pretty sure you

> know what it

> is, and you've probably had it recommended to you as

> beneficial for

> Irritable Bowel Syndrome. But soluble fiber? Is this

> something

> special? Yes, it is.


> Soluble fiber is the single greatest dietary aid for

> preventing

> Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms in the first place,

> as well as

> relieving them once they occur. Here's the kicker.

> Soluble fiber is

> NOT typically found in foods most people think of as

> " fiber, " such

> as bran or raw leafy green vegetables. Soluble fiber

> is actually

> found in foods commonly thought of as " starches " ,

> though soluble

> fiber itself differs from starch as the chemical bonds

> that join its

> individual sugar units cannot be digested by enzymes

> in the human GI

> tract. In other words, soluble fiber has no calories

> because it

> passes through the body intact.


> Soluble Fiber Foods ~ the Basis of the IBS Diet-


> As a general rule, the grain and cereal foods at the

> top of this

> list make the safest, easiest, and most versatile

> soluble fiber

> foundations for your meals and snacks.


> Rice

> Pasta and noodles

> Oatmeal

> Barley

> tortillas

> non-gmo Soy

> Quinoa

> Potatoes

> Carrots

> Yams

> Sweet potatoes

> Turnips

> Rutabagas

> Parsnips

> Beets

> Squash and pumpkins

> Mushrooms

> Chestnuts

> Avocados

> Bananas

> Applesauce

> Mangoes

> Papayas






> Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

> http://launch./promos/britneyspears/

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---According to James Balch, FOS feeds only " good " bacteria.

Many other diseases can be related to IBS. Diagnosis of IBS requires

ruling out disorders that can cause similar symptoms. Treating IBS

in addition to candida can be very tricky and to complicate the

matter, there are a host of worthless supplements on the market.

Beneficial bacteria, pathogenic bacteria and yeast should balance

each other out in the intestines.

In my opinion, Udo's Super 8 Hi-Potency is the best for this. Super

8 has been specially formulated to be effective against yeast


The specific strains used in Super 8 have been specially chosen for

their value to upper bowel health and have been formulated to the

appropriate viable count.

Each vegetarian capsule is guaranteed to contain not less than 20

billion total viable cells of:


Lactobacillus acidophilus: 45%

Lactobacillus rhamnosus: 25%

Streptococcus thermophilus: 10%

Lactobacillus plantarum: 7%

Bifidobacterium bifidum: 6%

Bifidobacterium longum: 3%

Lactobacillus bulgaricus: 3%

Lactobacillus salivarius: 1%

In a base of: micro-crystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and

ascorbic acid.




James A. Balch, M.D. has quite a bit to say about replenishing

good stomach flora. He confirms that when good flora is in short

supply, bad stomach flora will take over. However when the good

flora is sufficiently replaced, it tends to destroy the offending

organisms. There is not room for both in the intestinal tract at the

same time. There are only so many 'seats'! When the good bacteria is

replenished, the others just tend to die out in a very short time.

Those supplements which are dairy based will only exacerbate the

problem so it is important to obtain only those with NO dairy in

them at all!


The herbs mentioned in the preceding article in addition to enteric

coated peppermint capsules will soothe the inflammation and help

control bowel spasms. It is wise to avoid citrus and other fruits

when symptoms are at their worst. However, unripe bananas are the

best fruit for restoring stomach flora. I know this from past

experience. We are all biologically different. I would advise that

you take Udo's supplement and proceed from there.

When one is dealing with carbs it is best to differentiate between

the refined carbs and complex carbs. All carbs are not created

equal! If you are referring to refined carbs, yes, I believe it

would be wise in this case to avoid them all. However, there are

complex carbs that are rich in fiber and are very beneficial for

restoring our intestinal flora. I stand by my affirmation that

asparagus, leeks and artichokes are fabulous for this. In addition

artichokes aid in liver cleansing. Whenever IBS is a factor, it is

wise to treat your liver as well as your digestive tract. Silymarin

(milk thistle) is excellent for this.


Aloe Vera is healing to the digestive tract. It helps to keep the

colon walls clean of excess mucus and slow down food reactions.

Take 1/2 cup 3x daily on an empty stomach.

Valerian root is helpful for the nerves that regulate intestinal

muscle function. It is good taken at bedtime or when an upset occurs.

All the Best,






In , " Linda Jones "

<lindaj@h...> wrote:

> I hate to say this, but I have IBS, and one of the worst things I

did was

> use FOS. It majorly aggravated my IBS, and it took a lot of work

to get it

> calmed back down again. It turns out that FOS not only feeds good


> but also some types of bad bacteria. It may be useful for


> disbiosis, but once disbiosis sets up, it can make things much

worse. So can

> arabinogalactins, and other types of fiber and carbohydrates that

are often

> promoted as good for intestinal health. Good pathogens eat some of

the same

> things as bad pathogens, and feeding good pathogens in the

presence of bad

> pathogens just compounds the problem.


> And for the record, eating a low carbohydrate diet with no grains

and little

> fruit has allowed me to gain control of my IBS and help correct the

> disbiosis. But it took me years to figure out that they were

making things

> worse, not better, because they are erroneously promoted as being

so healthy

> for people.


> However, disbiosis is only part of the picture with IBS for many


> Even after correcting the disbiosis, I still continued to have

problems. It

> turns out that I had other pathogens elsewhere that were triggering

> inflammation, which in turn lowered MSH levels. (In my case, I

have Lyme,

> and staph. aureus, as well as a myriad of viruses) MSH is a

hormone that not

> only allows a person to tan, but has many other functions,

including acting

> like a master hormone in the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal

gland which

> in turn affects digestion, adrenal function, circadian rhythms,

and even

> immune function, AND it also directly kills both candida and


> aureus.


> Controlling inflammation elsewhere in the body can help reduce


> disbiosis by raising MSH levels, which in turn corrects immune


> digestion, and directly kills some of the pathogens that

contribute to IBS,

> and elsewhere in the body. It didn't matter how many colon

cleanses I did,

> or probiotics I took, or digestive enzymes, or anticandida

supplements, or

> antiparastitic supplements, or whatever. And the suggested HSO


> FOS and grains and fruit were disasters for me. I remained

susceptible to

> staph and candida as long as my MSH levels were deficient, and I'd


> reinfected as soon as I stopped whatever I was using to kill them

off, and

> eventually they developed resistance to what I was using. Staph in


> sinuses, staph in teeth, staph in inner ear fluid, etc., can


> contribute to IBS, even if it is not directly connected with the


> tract. It can set up residency in bones and skin and impact the

body through

> the production of toxins. Both staph and candida produce toxins

that act as

> neurotoxins that can pass through the skin, through the tissues of

the body,

> and be recirculated over and over in the body.


> The intestinal tract, like the brain, is controlled by

neurochemicals, and

> is impacted by neurotoxins. Even if the neurotoxins are not

produced in the

> intestinal tract, they are lipid soluble, and circulate through

the bile

> into the intestinal tract and into the nerve endings in the


> tract, affecting intestinal function. Even in an intestinal tract

with a

> healthy flora, neurotoxins elsewhere can trigger IBS symptoms. And


> course, mercury can act as a neurotoxin, and cause similar

problems. Because

> of the neurochemical connection, antidepressants are often

prescribed to

> people with IBS to help control symptoms when diet changes don't

help. But

> getting rid of the source of the neurotoxins, and detoxifying the

body of

> them is a far better route to take.


> I would highly suggest that you look up information on Pubmed

about MSH.

> Read Dr. Shoemaker's book " Desperation Medicine. " Although IBS is


> thought of as an intestinal problem, people with IBS very

frequently have

> symptoms that overlap with other neurotoxic related illnesses like


> Chemical Sensitivities, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia,

and other

> illnesses. And eating grains and fruit don't do much to treat those

> illnesses, because they can't bind with the toxins and eliminate

them, and

> they don't kill the pathogens that produce the neurotoxins. In my

case, I'm

> still working on trying to eliminate Lyme. But at the least, I've

managed to

> eliminate IBS symptoms. And on a low carbohydrate diet, I might



> Linda Jones

> lindaj@h...

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