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Thu, 13 Nov 2003 01:05:14 -0500

HSI - Jenny Thompson

The Art of Subtraction


The Art of Subtraction


Health Sciences Institute e-Alert


November 13, 2003




Dear Reader,


It's fluoride time again.


The fluoridation of public water is a controversy I return

to every few months, just to keep it on the burner, so to

speak. This is an important health issue that affects

virtually everyone who lives in or near any large population

center in the U.S. And it's a subject that always prompts a

surprised response from those who haven't yet heard that

fluoride contains dangerous toxins, even though it's added

to the water supplies in thousands of communities.


Fortunately there are ways to avoid fluoride intake. And

believe it or not, avoiding fluoride just might make your

teeth healthier.


But is there a way to remove fluoride buildup from your

body? Good question. But difficult to answer.



Binding molecule



I recently received this e-mail from an HSI member named



" Fluoride is a toxin which accumulates in the bones and

glands over a lifetime. It makes bones brittle, and has been

linked to the plague of hip-fractures which effectively end

the lives of 350,000 elderly Americans each year.


" I've been taking good care of myself for decades, but I

drank tap water when I was a young man. There's bound to be

fluoride in my bones, unless the clean living of the

last 26 years has removed it. That's what I want to know:

are there foods or supplements

which effectively remove fluoride from bones and glands? "


Unfortunately, the answer to Owen's question appears to

be, " No. " So far, anyway.


I asked HSI Panelist Allan Spreen, M.D., about the

possibility of chelating fluoride accumulation from the

body, and he pointed out that fluoride has an unusually

strong binding molecule. This is part of the reason why many

water filters are ineffective in extracting fluoride. Dr.

Spreen says, " It's well known that fluoride is difficult to

remove from water with conventional water filters. Much of

the chlorine can be removed using a good carbon filter, but

fluoride will not come with it. "


I wish I had better news for Owen and all the rest of us who

gulped unfiltered tap water for many years. Dr. Spreen told

me he'll continue to review his research sources to try and

find a natural way to chelate fluoride. In the meantime,

this gives us an even greater incentive to avoid further

fluoride intake.



Cumberland Blues



In a Daily Dose e-letter titled " Fighting Back Against

Fluoride " (10/31/03), William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.,

featured the small town of Cumberland, Maryland, where the

citizens adopted a charter provision in the 1960s to reject

fluoridation of their water. But in 2000, a city referendum

overruled the provision. Now that the tap water of

Cumberland is fluoridated, many residents continue to fight

the reversal of their charter provision in court.


In Dr. Douglass' typical, straightforward style, he gets to

the heart of the fluoride debate with this barb: " But even

if fluoride in the drinking water meant an absolute

guarantee of never having to go the dentist again, EVER, you

shouldn't consume it. Why? Because cavities can't kill you,

but fluoride can. "


Here's a quick rundown of a few of fluoride's potential



* A number of studies have linked fluoride to as many as

10,000 cancer deaths each year, with a high incidence of

bone cancer among men exposed to fluoride


* In animal trials, fluoride has been shown to enhance the

brain's absorption of aluminum (the toxin shown to

contribute to Alzheimer's disease)


* Several osteoporosis studies have associated hip fractures

with fluoride intake


And add to all of this the irony that when too much fluoride

is consumed, teeth can become discolored and crumble. And

how can you tell when you're getting too much? You can't! As

Dr. Spreen stated in a previous fluoride e-Alert, " Whether

you are pro or con in the fluoride controversy, there is one

simple problem that nobody can dispute: You can't control

the dose. "



Land of the free



Usually when the government interferes with our healthcare

choices, it's done by forbidding or restricting access. With

fluoride it's the opposite; your freedom of choice is

compromised when your local government puts a chemical in

your water " for your own good. " So every time you drink from

a faucet, you're being medicated without your consent. Or -

in the case of the citizens of Cumberland, MD - against your

expressed wishes.


Want to hear some truly radical thinking? Many countries

throughout the world have rejected water fluoridation

programs based on the idea that health treatments should be

a personal choice, not mandated by the government.


Meanwhile, tooth decay trends tracked by the World Health

Organization from 1970 to the present show that the

incidence of decayed, missing, or filled teeth has been

steadily in decline with each passing year in the U.S.,

France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Denmark,

Norway, The Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Austria, Belgium,

Portugal, Iceland, and Greece. Better oral hygiene and

improved dentistry are the most likely reasons for this

upswing in dental health. But it certainly can't be

attributed to the fluoride. Because out of all of those

countries, only one adds fluoride to the public water

supply: the United States.



Water, water everywhere...



There are basically two ways to avoid the fluoride that

comes out of your tap: You can drink bottled water, or find

a reliable water filter that actually removes fluoride. But

that's easier said than done. To read more details about

filters and bottled water, see the e-Alerts " Bad to the

Bone " (4/29/03), and " Don't Fill 'er Up " (2/13/03); both

available on our web site at www.hsibalitmore.com.


Dr. Douglass has been one of the most outspoken voices in

the fight against fluoride for decades. Recently, he

consulted with a company to create a water filter

specifically built to remove fluoride from your drinking

water. For more information on the filter Dr. Douglass

helped design, follow the link below.




When your local government offers a one-size-fits-

all " medication " for the general public, just say NO.




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... and another thing


We've got a real soap opera going here. And it's getting



In several recent e-Alerts (see " Crashing the Market "

10/20/03) I told you about the launch of Crestor, the new

cholesterol-lowering statin drug, manufactured by

AstraZeneca (AZ). The execs at AZ have devoted millions to

the worldwide promotion of Crestor, hoping to carve out a

large slice of the statin market dominated by Lipitor, which

generated $8 billion for Pfizer last year.


When you've got a market where a single brand can gross $8

billion in a year, it's not surprising to see a dog-eat-dog

atmosphere emerge. To say the least.


Two weeks ago, the prestigious British medical journal The

Lancet featured an editorial that roundly criticized AZ for

rushing Crestor to market when the drug's safety is still

very much in question (according to Lancet editor Richard Horton).


AstraZeneca CEO Tom McKillop fired back with a blistering

letter (published in the following issue of The Lancet) that

defended Crestor's safety record in clinical trials, and

called Horton's comments a " flawed and incorrect editorial. "


Showing restraint, McKillop didn't mention that The Lancet

might be considered something less than an impartial

observer of the Crestor/Lipitor competition. Just two weeks

before the Crestor-bashing editorial appeared, Pfizer

sponsored an entire issue of The Lancet.


And can you guess what appeared on both the front AND back

covers of that issue? Two ads for Lipitor.


The questions about Crestor's safety are not new and have

created headaches for AZ for more than a year now. But the

widely-reported " Statin War " (as The Lancet referred to it)

is giving Crestor more free publicity than AZ execs ever

dreamed of.


And in the midst of this most recent skirmish, we've also

had an insightful glimpse into the relationship between

powerful drug companies and high-profile medical journals.


As a friend of mine used to say: " Stand back and let the big

dogs eat. "


To Your Good Health, and... Go Ravens!


Jenny Thompson

Health Sciences Institute




" Fighting Back Against Fluoride " William Campbell Douglass

II, M.D., Daily Dose, 10/31/03, realhealthnews.com

" How does the government help big industry get rid of

millions of tons of toxic waste? Easy. They add it to your

drinking water! " William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.,


" Tooth Decay Trends: Fluoridated Vs. Unfluoridated

Countries " Fluoride Action Network, fluoridealert.org

" The Statin Wars: Why AstraZeneca Must Retreat " Editorial,

The Lancet, v. 362, no. 9393, 10/25/03, thelancet.com

" The Statin Wars " Correspondence, The Lancet, v. 362, no.

9394, 11/1/03, thelancet.com

" AstraZeneca Slammed over Crestor " Reuters, 10/23/03,


" Lancet Hit in Drugs Row " Paul Durman, The Times of London,

10/26/03, timesonline.com


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