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What was causing my up swing ?

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Hello, I have had Multiple Sclerosis for over 20 years. Recently I was taking

some nutritional products by both Life Force and Integris (risotriene) that had

me on a tremendance upswing. My question for the board is was it both that were

helping or just one ? Both are great company's and have PHD's, MD's, ND's to

proof it. Does anyone have any comments ?

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, ras4me@j... wrote:


> Hello, I have had Multiple Sclerosis for over 20 years. Recently

I was taking some nutritional products by both Life Force and

Integris (risotriene) that had me on a tremendance upswing. My

question for the board is was it both that were helping or just

one ? Both are great company's and have PHD's, MD's, ND's to proof

it. Does anyone have any comments ?



Good Evening,

Multiple sclerosis is a baffling, heartbreaking chronic illness of

the nervous system.

In MS, the protective myelin sheath that covers the major nerves

breaks down, causing minute electrical malfunctions within the



Scientists are not sure what causes MS, but there are two major

theories: MS often appears in clusters, leading some experts to

theorize that a virus or viruslike microorganism is the culprit.


Others believe that MS is an autoimmune disease. In this view, the

immune system mistakes the myelin sheath for a threatening invader

and attacks it.


A third theory has also been proposed, but it has received scant

attention from conventional medicine.


It links MS to a high-fat diet.

Its originator, Roy L. Swank, M.D., Ph.D., professor emeritus of

neurology at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland and

author of The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book,

claims impressive results in treating MS with a low-fat elimination


Most dietary approaches to MS stress the importance of decreasing

the amount of saturated fat in the diet--

the kind of fat found in meat and dairy products.

In addition, I'd also suggest some herbs.


Dr. Swank's Low-Fat Diet-

In the late 1940s, Roy L. Swank, M.D., Ph.D., professor emeritus of

neurology at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland and

author of

The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book, who is now almost 90, first became

interested in multiple sclerosis (MS).


At that time, scientists were puzzled by the observation that the

disease becomes more prevalent as one moves away from the equator.


Rates in the United States, Canada, England, Scandinavia, Germany

and Switzerland were higher than rates in Mexico and southern


A half-century ago, MS statistics were sketchy in most countries

except Norway,

which had instituted one of the first comprehensive disease-

reporting systems.


Dr. Swank looked at MS there, expecting to find more cases in the

northern part of the country than in the south.


Instead he found a completely different pattern. The MS rate was low

along the entire north-south Norwegian coast, but considerably

higher inland.

What could account for the difference?


Using Norwegian diet surveys, Dr. Swank determined that the farm-

based inland population ate a diet that was considerably higher in

saturated fat (meats and dairy products)


than the fishing-based coastal population.


Intrigued, he reinterpreted the strange geographic distribution of


All of the northern countries with high MS rates also consumed more

saturated fats than the southern countries with low MS rates.


To test his theory, beginning in 1950--decades before dietary fat

was linked to cancer, heart disease and other ills--

Dr. Swank recruited 150 people with MS, placed them on a diet

low in saturated fats and compared the course of their disease to

that of a similar group who ate an unrestricted diet.


After 20 years, those on the Swank diet experienced substantially

fewer MS flare-ups,

fewer deaths and less disability.


(Their blood cholesterol levels also fell to an average of less than

150, substantially reducing their risk of heart disease.) The

details of Dr. Swank's diet are available in his book.


There are many stories of the neurological deterioration of MS

substantially slowing, and sometimes stopping, on the Swank diet,

but it remains very controversial.


The MS organizations do not endorse it.

I think it's probably worth trying. Even if the Swank diet doesn't

help your MS, it would certainly help prevent cancer and heart

disease because it is low in fat and high in fiber.


Black currant (Ribes nigrum).-


Black currant oil contains a compound known as gamma-linolenic acid

(GLA) that is thought to be useful in treating MS. Herb advocate

Andrew Weil, M.D., professor at the University of Arizona College of

Medicine in Tucson and author of Natural Health, Natural Medicine,

strongly endorses GLA

as an effective anti-inflammatory for treating autoimmune disorders.


He recommends taking 500 milligrams of black currant oil twice a

day and says improvement can be expected after eight weeks.


GLA can also be found in borage and evening primrose oil (EPO),

but black currant oil may be cheaper.

(I'm partial to EPO myself.)


Black Currant

Black currant seeds contain the same anti-inflammatory substance

that's found in evening primrose oil.


Blueberry (Vaccinium, various species).


These berries contain compounds known as oligomeric procyanidins


The biochemistry of OPCs is complicated, but there's good evidence

to show that they help prevent the breakdown of certain tissues,

such as the myelin sheaths that surround the nerve fibers.


OPCs also have anti-inflammatory activity that might help relieve MS

symptoms. This sounds like a good reason to eat more blueberries.


Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis).


Like black currant oil, EPO is rich in GLA. British herbalist David

Hoffmann, author of The Herbal Handbook, says that EPO

is " recommended in all cases " of MS.


Pineapple (Ananas comosus).


Pineapple contains enzymes, pancreatin and bromelain, that break up

protein molecules.


Besides being anti-inflammatories, these enzymes have been shown to

help reduce the level of circulating immune complexes (CICs).


High levels of CICs occur in a number of autoimmune diseases,

including MS.

These immune complexes activate the immune system to attack the

body, ultimately leading to tissue damage.


Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)

and other foods containing magnesium.


In a letter to the British medical journal Lancet some years ago, a

British biochemist with MS said that supplemental magnesium by

itself worked better for him than all other supplemental vitamins

and minerals.

He took 375 milligrams a day. (The Daily Value is 400 milligrams.)

This is just one man's story--an anecdote--even though it comes from

a biochemist and was printed in a respected journal. Still, from my

point of view, it means that purslane and other sources of magnesium

are worth trying. I know I would try them if I had MS.


If you'd like your magnesium from an herbal source, purslane is the

herb richest in this mineral, at nearly 2 percent on a dry-weight

basis, followed by poppy seeds, cowpeas and spinach.

I steam purslane like spinach and eat it raw in salads.


A heaping serving of steamed greens provides as much magnesium as

the biochemist took. So would eight ounces of fresh greens.


stinging nettle (Urtica dioica).

Among the beneficial compounds is histamine.


As you can see, MS although a complex disease, is linked to improper

diet and insufficient nutrients.

God Bless,


JoAnn Guest




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Which 'Life force' product did you use? Was it body balance

ionic food source?


Here is a web page for you from the MS Society of Canada,

this is a critical read for you if you wish to further



Couple this with 2 other totally natural protocols

and maybe you can reverse MS even further.

Hint = Budwig is one.


, ras4me@j... wrote:


> Hello, I have had Multiple Sclerosis for over 20 years. Recently I

was taking some nutritional products by both Life Force and Integris

(risotriene) that had me on a tremendance upswing. My question for

the board is was it both that were helping or just one ? Both are

great company's and have PHD's, MD's, ND's to proof it. Does anyone

have any comments ?

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