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Alternative Treatments for Diabetes & Dangers of Aspartame

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Alternative Treatments for Diabetes


The FDA - Who Do They Really Protect?

by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

Anti-Constitutional Activities and Abuse of Police Power by the U.S.

Food and Drug Administration and other Federal Agencies





Momordica charantia


Bitter melon, Momordica charantia, has been used in the Orient as a

traditional medicine for diabetes, gastrointestinal therapy, cancer

and viral infections.


In Myanmar (Burma), China and India, it is highly prized for its

anti-diabetic activity.


Myanmar traditional physicians prescribe bitter melon to diabetic



Doctors in India are so confident of bitter melon's positive effect

on diabetes,

they dispense bitter melon in some of the most modern hospitals.


According to James Duke of U.S Department of Agriculture, bitter

melon has attained favor in China as a monoherbal medicine for

diabetes mellitus.



Bitter melon has twice the potassium of bananas, and it has been

shown to increase the number of " beta " cells, those which produce

insulin, in the pancreas.


Common names and their associated cultures are: Bitterweed --

Southeastern US; Serasee -- Carribean islands; Bitter melon --

Oriental immigrants to the US; Carillon -- Latin America; Mexicane --


Cajun " traeteur " of Louisiana, USA; Kho Qua -- Vietnam; K'u Kua --

China; ampalayo -- Phillipines; Kukakaya -- India.


Also: Balsam Pear, Boston Apple, Bitter Gourd, Bitter Cucumber,

Concombre Amer.



Bitter melon is available through most Filipino and/or Asian grocery

stores, and some farmers markets.

Because the plant is seasonal and is difficult to grow in the

winter, it is sometimes sold frozen. The

appropriate method of administering bitter melon is to make the

extract from the fruit, vines, and leaves of the plant and either

drink it as a juice, tea or administer it as a retention enema.


Some say that drinking the juice or tea will result in the breakdown


the active components by stomach acids, therefore a retention enema

would be a more efficient route.


Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) available in tincture or capsule


Momordica charantia (Bitter melon): Therapeutic Actions, Clinical

Indications, and more


Diabetic and Other Metabolic Neuropathies Abstracts




Momordica charantia fruit is traditionally used as a vegetable and

is known to have hypoglycemic effect in human and experimental



Blood glucose concentrations were significantly reduced in

M charantia treated diabetic animals when compared with untreated

diabetic rats (p< 0.05.


Caution: Serasee is believed to work in a

holistic manner. It is believed to work best if your food and water

are clean and natural, and your heart and mind are pure. If you eat

foods with a lot of chemicals it won't work so well.


If you are full of toxins, use sparingly at first, as purification

reactions may be strong


Mormodica works from the subtlest levels to adjust you toward

health, and works best with your total cooperation in the way of

diet, attitude, etc.


Natural Treatments for Diabetes





Glucose-lowering drugs usually succeed in lowering blood sugar


but may increase the *death* rate from heart attacks.


These drugs also are associated with weight gain, elevated

cholesterol and triglyceride levels, nausea, diarrhea, constipation,

stomach pain,

drowsiness, and headache.


Learn how you can improve a diabetic condition with natural


fulvic acids, B12 vitamin, bitter melon, and gamma linolenic acid

(GLA) found in borage oil, and herbal remedies.




June 30, 2002 Los Angeles Times Sunday Report Hidden Risks, Lethal

Truths - Warner-Lambert won approval for Rezulin after masking the

number of liver injuries in clinical studies.


WASHINGTON -- Newly obtained internal documents show that Warner-

Lambert Co. executives who promoted the diabetes pill Rezulin masked

early indications of the drug's danger to the liver from federal

regulators and later delayed sharing information about its lethal

toxicity with family



The newly acquired materials show that company management

rebuffed employees who questioned liver-injury totals from clinical

studies that excluded 38% of the cases.


At the time, Warner-Lambert was assuring doctors nationwide that the

drug was as safe as a placebo, the harmless pill used as a control

in medical testing. The story of the Food and Drug Administration's

handling of Rezulin is well known. After the agency gave the

drug " fast-track " approval in

early 1997, scores of liver-related deaths were linked to the pill.


Rezulin was withdrawn from the U.S. market in March 2000. By then,

it had generated $2.1 billion in sales for Warner-Lambert. (You can

read the full story Hidden Risks, Lethal Truths at the LA Times'

website, but you will be required to register - it's free)


" The medical establishment works closely with the drug

multinationals whose main objective is profits, and whose worst

nightmare would be an epidemic of good health. Lots of drugs MUST be


In order to achieve this, anything goes: lies, fraud, and kickbacks.


Doctors are the principal salespeople of the drug companies. They

are rewarded with research grants, gifts, and lavish perks.


The principal buyers are the public - from infants to the elderly -

who MUST be thoroughly medicated and vaccinated...at any cost!


Why do the authorities forbid alternative medicine?


Because they are serving the industry, and the industry cannot make

money with herbs, vitamins, and homeopathy.



They cannot patent natural remedies. That is why they push



They control medicine, and that is why they are able to tell medical

schools what they can and cannot teach. "


Guylaine Lanctot, M.D


" Bart Classen, a Maryland physician, published data showing that

diabetes rates rose significantly in New Zealand following a massive

hepatitis B vaccine campaign in young children, and that diabetes

rates also went up sharply in Finland after three new childhood

vaccines were introduced. " Nicholas Regush




Vaccines Proven To Be Largest Cause of Insulin Dependent Diabetes in



Results of GLA (gamma linolenic acid) as found in flax oil and

evening primrose oil supplementation in diabetics truly astounding

Stein et al, in their research at the Department of Internal

Medicine, Center for Diabetes Research at the University of Texas

Southwestern Medical Center Dallas Texas have conclusively

demonstrated the vital importance of oils that contain the essential

Omega three fatty acids.


These Omega three's as well as an important Omega six are the EFA's

LNA and LA. When we lack them in our diet, we suffer degenerative



Research shows the role certain beneficial fatty acids may play in

preventing or improving cardiovascular complications attributed to

diabetes. " Perhaps of equal or greater importance is the role


beneficial fatty acids may play in preventing or improving

cardiovascular complications attributed to diabetes.


Buried in the annals of medicine are extremely optimistic studies

attesting to these facts.


This information has not been widely publicized in the

past because fatty acids are naturally occurring nutrients and can

not be patented by pharmaceutical companies and sold at exorbitant




One such fatty acid, gamma linolenic acid (GLA), is found in

nature's most concentrated form as Borage seed oil (24% GLA). The

results of GLA supplementation in diabetics are truly astounding, as

outlined below.


Diabetic neuropathy (a painful nerve disorder resulting from reduced

blood flow and subsequent oxygen depravation of the limbs or organs)

was reversed in studies conducted by seven medical centers.


In a separate, but similar study, 12 patients afflicted with

diabetic neuropathy were given 360 mg of GLA daily (the equivalent

of two, 1000 mg. Borage oil capsules), while 10 others were given a

placebo (inactive substance). After 6 months the GLA group showed

statistically significant improvement as compared to the placebo



In addition, GLA supplementation has been reported to normalize the

faulty fatty acid metabolism attributed to diabetes by

bypassing the enzyme system responsible for this disorder


By doing so the body's response to inflammation, pain and swelling


stabilized. Arterial muscle tone, responsible for blood pressure and

optimal circulation, is also regulated by this system. Animal


conducted with GLA have revealed the normalization of intercellular

sorbitol levels.


Another study of Type 1 diabetics cited favorable

changes in HDL ( " good " cholesterol) and blood platelet adhesiveness


In summary, diabetics have been found to possess faulty fatty acid

metabolism which may contribute to the cardiovascular complications

associated with the disease.


Scientific research has established the reduction of certain harmful

fats, with the addition of beneficial fatty acids, may offer a

significantbreakthrough in combating diabetic cardiovascular

complications with the potential of significantly lowering health

care costs. "


The study concluded that all diabetics should be considered for a

dietary protocol of GLA.


Other conditions shown to benefit include high blood pressure, high

cholesterol, skin conditions, arthritis, allergies, weight loss,

improved behavior of hyperactive children and increased strength of

hair and nails.



" The degenerative disease epidemic that wracks the nation came

coincidentally with the introduction of engineered fats and oils.


It is the type of fats and oils that we consume that is directly

correlated to the rise of epidemic degenerative disease; it is not

the amount of fats and oils that we eat that causes the problem.


It is by chronically consuming the fats and oils that cause


disease that we impair our ability to consume healthy fats and oils.


We also impair our ability to consume carbohydrates and thus become

Diabetic and Obese " Thomas Smith, author of Insulin: Our Silent

Killer Learn more about the health benefits of GLA, flaxseed oil and

borage oil




Insulin Resistant Diabetes, Hyperinsulinemia,


Insulin Resistant Diabetes or Hyperinsulinemia is known to the

medical community by the symptoms that it produces. Some of these

symptoms are:

Atherosclerosis, Vascular disease, Diabetes type 2,

Impotence, Kidney Failure, Heart Failure, Liver Damage, Stroke,

Obesity, Neuropathy, Retinopathy and Gangrene to name but a few.

Hyperinsulinemia is also thought to be implicated in several forms

of Cancer and in the epidemic of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder (ADHD) raging through our schools today; although with

these latter two diseases, the evidence while quite compelling is

not yet completely conclusive.




The good news is that although this disease accounts for almost half

of the annual death toll from all causes, it is, in most cases,


permanently, quickly, economically, completely and often

easily and by " natural " means.



That means little or no " reliance " upon synthetic designer drugs and

no ineffective medical treatments for symptoms while causal agents

remain untreated.


It is now possible to look forward to something other than a rapid

decline to invalid status and an early painful death.


To cure Hyperinsulinemia, Type II Diabetes, Syndrome X and many


consequential diseases that stem from poisonous fats and oils, it is

important to realize that the


chronic ingestion of Refined and Hydrogenated fats and oils is

implicated as a " causal " agent in these diseases.


Margarine, artificial shortenings, refined oils and all Hydrogenated

edible products are long term " toxic " to the human metabolism.


An important consideration about these edible oils is a widespread

fraudulent advertising technique that enables the oils manufacturer

to sell known toxic oils to the unsuspecting public

without breaking the law.


Many refined vegetable oils are advertised as monounsaturated or as

polyunsaturated in order to confuse the purchaser. I also

know that the complete removal of these toxic fats and oils and the

consumption of therapeutic quantities of the EFA's rapidly leads to

reversal of Type II Diabetes.




Defeat Diabetes Without Drugs

by Dr. Julian Whitaker


Let's not sugarcoat it: Glucose-lowering drugs can do more harm than

good. The natural therapies used at the Whitaker Wellness Institute

for diabetes help keep blood sugar levels in check without the side

effects of drugs.


These drugs usually succeed in lowering blood sugar

levels, but may increase the *death* rate from heart attacks.


These drugs also are associated with weight gain, elevated

cholesterol and triglyceride levels, nausea, diarrhea, constipation,

stomach pain,

drowsiness, and headache. click here to learn more about Dr.

Whitaker's natural therapies for diabetes.


Diabetes General Description

Diabetes is a condition related to the pancreatic release of Insulin

into the blood stream. Insulin controls the amount of glucose/sugar

in the blood and the rate at which glucose is metabolized. The cells

of the body need glucose to produce energy.


Individuals with diabetes

do not produce the insulin necessary to properly metabolize the

sugars that they eat, causing hyperglycemia, abnormally high blood

sugar levels.

Prolonged Hyperglycemia leads to damaged blood vessels,

which may cause eye disease, heart disease, nerve damage/neuropathy

in internal organs and extremities, kidney disease/nephropathy, and

foot ulcers.


Natural Treatments for Diabetes by Kathi Head


This book discusses which herbs and minerals help control blood


and reduces your need for insulin, which vitamins help prevent heart

and kidney complications, and more. Gives information needed to make

decisions about health needs.


The Natural Pharmacist:


Natural Treatments for Diabetes includes up-to-date information on

diabetes and chromium, lipoic acid, evening primrose oil, fenugreek,

Gymnema sylvestre, magnesium, Momordica charantia, Coccinia indica,

Pterocarpus marssupium, niacinamide, bilberry treatments.







According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects

of aspartame (Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names,

NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure.), the following

chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting of



Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic

fatigue syndrome, parkinson's disease, alzheimer's, mental

retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.

Sugar Free Products Alert!


" I have observed severe intellectual deterioration associated with

the use of aspartame products

(NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Canderal/Benevia, etc.) It was usually

manifest as great difficulty in reading and writing, obvious


with memory and grossly impaired orientation to time, place and

person. "


H. J. Roberts, M.D.

" Aspartame has a profound effect on mood and cognition....depressed

mood, anxiety, dizziness, panic attacks, nausea, irritability,

impairment of memory and concentration. " Ralph Walton, M.D.

(Learn about the Legal class action against aspartame. ) more


Satisfying, Natural Healthy Alternative to Sugar


Stevia - Naturally Sweet and Healthy. Change Your Life!

Native to Paraguay, Stevia is a herb which has a delicious and

refreshing taste that can be 30 times sweeter than sugar.


Stevia is

extremely nutritious containing such vitamins as Magnesium, Niacin,

Potassium, Vitamin C, and more and is used throughout the world as a

no-calorie sweetener and in the U.S. as a dietary supplement.



is a safe, all-natural alternative to artificial sweeteners and

refined sugar in the diet. It has been used for centuries and

consumed safely in massive quantities world-wide for the past 20



The Japanese use it in sugar-free versions of Wrigley's gums

and diet Coke.


Recently there have been studies linking stevia

extract with normalization of blood sugar and insulin in diabetics.

In China stevia and stevioside is used in herbal medicines and



In China, Korea and Japan Stevia extract Stevioside is

used as a table top sweetener because it has 0 calories, 0

carbohydrates, 0 fat and is many times sweeter than sugar.


Stevia has

no fat, no carbohydrates, making it perfect for diabetics, low-carb

diets, and people with candida. It has undergone dozens of tests

world-wide and was found to be free of toxins.


Stevia products


Baking with Stevia


Fifty-two tested recipes using the white powder Stevia extract.

Contains a full range of dessert and beverage recipes including

muffins, quick breads, bars, toppings, sauces and more. The book

also contains a glossary, baking tips section, substitution chart,

directions for making Stevia extract, and a resources section.


Human clinical studies show Fulvic acids offer significant help with

Diabetes mellitus


Diabetes mellitus stems from dietary deficiency of protective humic

substances, especially fulvic acids.


Scientists found that fulvic acids show significant success in

preventing and combating free radical damage to pancratic islet B

cells, which is the widely accepted cause for diabetes mellitus.


What they discovered was that the Fulvic acid preparation


increases superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity.


Their clinical studies show that fulvic acids diminish the

development and progression of

diabetes, and assisted in the treatment. With fulvic acid, diabetes

patients became more energetic and the tingling, painful feeling and

numbness experienced in the nerve endings disappeared or were



For centuries people living in isolated villages in the Himalayas

and adjoining regions have used preparations made from a

rare fulvic acid containing humic substance known as Shilajit, to

prevent and combat problems with diabetes.


Diabetes is quite uncommon in the isolated mountain villages, yet a

brisk trade in these rare

fulvic acid containing preparations has expanded in recent years to

the traditional doctors in surrounding regions. more



Made from Shilajit (mineral pitch) plus 17 bitter tonic, diuretic,

alterative, stimulant and rejuvenative ayurveda herbs in a dry

powdered form.


Controlling Diabetes Naturally With (Healing With

) by Lynn M. Kuchinski


Due to the over-eating of sugars, simple carbohydrates, fats, and

oils coupled with too much stress and too little exercise, millions

of Westerners are afflicted with diabetes. Sufferers of this disease

not only experience the discomforts of fatigue, extreme thirst,

extreme hunger and food cravings, polyuria, mood swings,

irritability, restless leg syndrome, and heart palpitations, they


also prone to developing blindness, high blood pressure, heart

disease, and non-healing ulcersa dn sores which can lead to



The bad news is that, because of changes in diet and

lifestyle, the cases of diabetes in developing countries are on the

rise. The good news is that traditional Chinese medicine has many

effective therapies for combating this potentially life-threatening



These include Chinese dietary therapy, acupucnture,

moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese self-massage, and a

host of other simple, low or no-cost therapies which have been time-

testd in Asia over 2,000 years. If you or anyone you know suffers

from either hypoglycemia or diabetes, you need the information in

this book.


JoAnn Guest




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