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As with all postings in newsgroups etc,, you must seperate the good stuff from

the misinformation.


I do not edit every article to make it conform to my beliefs. You must learn

what is right for you and learn how to seperate out whatever good you can from

an article. There is a lot of good information in this article but I don't agree

with a lot of it. Don't bother to ask me which is which.


For most questions, if you need to ask someone, what you really need is to

educate yourself. We have almost 18,000 articles/messages posted in our

archives. There are probably hundreds of articles on most common areas that most

questions fall into.


We have assembled a links library that if you will use, you will wind up with a

good understanding. We have downloadable files on different areas. We have an

online community message board and a web based newsletter page and still most

who come here want to be spoonfed every bit of information they want or need,

when what they really need is education.


Obviously good complex carbohydrates are good for you, but you would not know it

reading this article. Simple, complex carbohydrates is an area that you will

need to understand.


I believe that whole natural foods are good for you and processed,

industrialized foods are generally bad for you. I think that fruits are great as

long as they are eaten as whole fruit, etc.


Common sense is needed in most cases. If it is close to the natural state and

you desire it it is probably good for you individually. If it is processed and

made from food parts, it probably is desirable to you because of added sugars

and flavors etc and not good for you nutritionally.


Think in terms of what your grandparents ate and how they processed and made the

food into dishes. And yes, it is more work, but worth it.








Scientific Proof Carbohydrates Cause Disease



By Kent Rieske

Carbohydrates cause nearly all age-related diseases. Age-related diseases are

thought of as unavoidable. Many people consider it normal to get one or more of

these diseases as they age. They rationalize that they are simply unlucky or

that others have " better genes, " neither of which is true. Their health problems

are most likely caused by their belief in the many popular myths and distortions

about nutrition. Most likely they got hooked by the low-fat, high-carbohydrate

diet craze and are now suffering as a result.


The most common excuse used instead of identifying the real culprit,

carbohydrates, is heredity. People flippantly say, " It runs in my family, " or

" My mother also had diabetes, " or " My father also had high blood pressure and

heart disease. " Age-related diseases could best be described as " Excessive

Carbohydrate Consumption Syndrome. "


The scientific evidence is clear. Carbohydrates are a sinister, sly food

category that has been getting away with murder. Carbohydrates have powerful

allies. They grow, manufacture and market thousands of different carbohydrate

products made from fruit, grains and starchy-vegetables. The supermarket floor

space allotted to these manufactured carbohydrate foods is about 80 percent of

the store, and yet the scientific minimum requirement for carbohydrates in the

diet is ZERO.


Carbohydrates are not an essential element for health. In fact, optimal health

lies in keeping the amount of carbohydrates in the diet to a minimum. The

supermarket departments that contain the healthy essential proteins and

essential fats are the fresh meats, fresh fish and seafood, dairy and

non-starchy vegetables. Everything else in the store is very high in

carbohydrates, which turn to glucose, hype the metabolism and trigger the

release of disease-causing hormones like insulin, cortisol and adrenaline.


A low metabolism is ideal for long life and good health. A high metabolism

excites hormones in the body that eventually cause age-related diseases. A low

metabolism is analogous to diesel engines that are known for longevity and high

mileage without a breakdown. Diesel fuel is an oil that the engine uses for

energy similar to fats in the diet. A high metabolism is analogous to a

nitro-methane drag racer that gives a tremendous burst of energy but explodes

after a few races. The nitro-methane fuel is fast burning similarly to sugar in

the diet.


The pathogenic effects of carbohydrates are slow but sure. The " 20-year rule "

was coined to describe the length of time between the start of the

high-carbohydrate diet and the onset of disease. The number of diseases,

severity and time to develop are directly related to the percentage of

carbohydrates in the diet. In the advanced stage many diseases are prevalent in

the sufferer before death occurs.


Carbohydrates displace essential protein and essential fats in the diet to cause

a double health reversal. The carbohydrates themselves cause disease, and the

deficiency of protein and fats contribute or cause other diseases.


The consumption of carbohydrates generally begins showing the disease effects in

either one of two directions.


Body fat accumulation leads to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer,

gallbladder disease, degenerative bone diseases and many others.

Damage to the intestinal tract leads to leaky gut syndrome, inflammatory

bowel diseases and a medical textbook listing of autoimmune diseases. These

illnesses generally make the sufferer underweight and deficient in vitamins and

minerals caused by poor digestion.


The primary high-carbohydrate foods to avoid are sugars, honey, flour, grains,

legumes, fruit, milk and starchy-vegetables.


Whole grains cause disease in both humans and animals. Whole grain breads and

bagels are not the healthy food as people are lead to believe. All grains have a

very high level of omega-6 fatty acids, which are pro-inflammatory. Grains are a

poor source of protein. Grains are the most allergenic of all foods. Multiple

sclerosis, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are rare in populations where no grain

products are consumed such as the Paleolithic (hunter-gatherer) diet.


The Awful Truth About Eating Grains


Grain fed to feedlot steers makes them fat and causes intestinal diseases. The

feedlot diet given to steers is almost identical to the USDA Food Guide Pyramid.

Both diets are very high in grains. The feedlot operator is deliberately making

the steers fat. Fatty beef is given higher grading, receives the best price and

has the best flavor. The time in the feedlot is short and the steer is sent to

slaughter prior to developing any serious health problem. People get fat and

develop disease for the very same reasons. Grains are worse for humans because

we are omnivores. Steers are herbivores, but the grains still make them fat and

give them diseases.


Primitive cultures that primarily ate meat from the hunt lived in relative good

health. Those people who switched to a grain-based diet obtained from the

cultivation of grains suffered poor health, diseases and a smaller stature.


Fruit is Not as Healthy as Many Claim


Fruit is not the healthy food many claim. Fruit is mostly fructose sugar with

some vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Those vitamins and nutrients are

easily obtained from meat and non-starchy vegetables without the fructose. The

body processes fructose from fruit in the same way as it processes fructose from

soft drinks. There is no difference. Fructose is fructose no matter what the

source. Fructose causes insulin resistance as proven in scientific tests.

Fructose is highly addictive and most people simply refuse to give up fruit no

matter how sick they become. This is identical to lung cancer patients who

continue to smoke cigarettes. See links below for more information:


Fructose, weight gain, and the insulin resistance syndrome.

Tissue-specific impairment of insulin signaling in fructose-fed rats.


Carbohydrates Trigger Disease-Causing Hormones


The hormones involved in the carbohydrate disease loop are not the sex hormones

but rather metabolism hormones. The process starts when carbohydrates are eaten

in the form of sugars such as sucrose, fructose, lactose and others. Simple

carbohydrates are molecules made by chains of glucose that are short. Longer

glucose chains form carbohydrates that are classified as complex. The body

breaks the chains apart until individual molecules of glucose are released into

the blood stream. Then the problems start. The body is very sensitive to the

amount of glucose in the blood, commonly called blood sugar. A small part of the

brain called the midbrain that is about 1 inch (25 mm) long and red blood cells

require glucose as they lack mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell) and cannot

use fatty acids for fuel.


The lack of glucose (hypoglycemia) as energy for the brain can cause symptoms

ranging from headache, mild confusion and abnormal behavior, to loss of

consciousness, seizure, coma and death. The body can maintain an ideal level of

glucose by creating it in the liver from amino acids derived from protein and/or

from triglyceride fatty acids in a process called gluconeogenesis. The

low-carbohydrate diet results in a perfectly controlled and stable blood glucose

level in this way. On the other hand, the high-carbohydrate diet results in the

body's constant attempt to prevent blood glucose swings both to the low-side

(hypoglycemia) or the high-side (hyperglycemia). This control is regulated by

the hormone insulin to reduce the glucose level and the hormone adrenaline to

act as an emergency method of raising the glucose level.


Hypoglycemia is the train whistle signaling the diabetes train is coming down

the track. The diabetes engine is powered by carbohydrates and gaining speed.

Nibbling complex carbohydrates throughout the day to control the blood sugar

swings will do nothing more than slow the train a year or two. The diabetes

train can be stopped dead on the tracks only by avoiding all carbohydrates. The

condition of uncontrolled blood sugar swings is called diabetes mellitus, or

type 2 diabetes, and has become epidemic in all English-speaking countries. It

will soon become a catastrophe. (Experts: World Facing Diabetes Catastrophe.)


Younger people appear to handle carbohydrates without a problem because the

cells of the younger body readily accept the glucose with a small insulin

response and turn the glucose into energy. However, the cells get resistant to

this constant bombardment of glucose, and increasing levels of insulin are

necessary to maintain a normal blood glucose level. As the cells become

resistant, the insulin assists in the conversion of the extra glucose into

triglycerides, which raise the triglyceride level in the blood and are deposited

as body fat. Carbohydrates cause obesity, not fat. The high carbohydrate diet is

a natural killer for many reasons.


Insulin is a Disease-Causing Hormone


Insulin is a hormone made by the beta cells in the islets of langerhans in the

pancreas. Body cells require insulin in order to use blood glucose.


A high level of blood insulin causes many unhealthy body reactions, which

eventually lead to diseases of all types. Glucose from the excessive consumption

of carbohydrates is turned to body fat by the high insulin level and is also

deposited in the arteries and organs causing arterial diseases, heart disease,

strokes, blood clots and other diseases. High blood glucose signals increasing

insulin production until the pancreas becomes fatigued after many years, making

the disease seem age-related. Glucose rises uncontrollably when insulin

production drops. The result causes diseases of the eyes, kidneys, blood vessels

and nerves.


Carbohydrates drive insulin production that causes cardiovascular heart disease

(CHD). Many heart attack patients first learn they are diabetic in the hospital

emergency room, but they may not be told about the close relationship between

their two conditions. Blood insulin reaches high levels and remains high as one

progresses from hypoglycemia to Type II diabetes where insulin production

collapses. Insulin is a very strong anabolic hormone. It pushes blood glucose

into cells. It turns blood glucose into triglycerides and stores them as body

fat. This sudden appearance of heart disease has been described by the author as

the " Instant Atherosclerosis Cycle " (IAC).


Insulin also pushes small dense LDL molecules into the artery wall to start the

atherosclerosis process. Animal research with insulin has proven many years ago

that the artery will plug with atherosclerosis just downstream from the point of



Carbohydrates cause the LDL molecules to be the unhealthy small, dense variety.

The high-fat, low-carbohydrates diet causes the LDL molecules to the safe large

fluffy light density variety. Higher LDL blood levels on the low-carbohydrate

diet do not present the same CHD risk as do LDL levels on the USDA Food Guide

Pyramid diet of 60 percent carbohydrates.


High-Insulin (Hyperinsulinemia) Increases Cancer Risks


High-Carbohydrate Diet Implicated in Pancreatic Cancer

Low-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Diets Contribute to Hyperinsulinemia and


Diet and Colorectal Cancer: The Possible Role of Insulin Resistance

Fasting Insulin and Outcome of Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Diet, Lifestyle, and Colorectal Cancer: Is Hyperinsulinemia the Missing Link?


Carbohydrates drive blood insulin production that causes cancer. There are

strong associations between a high-carbohydrate diet and many diseases that

present a secondary cancer risk. Cancer risks are greatly increased with

diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease and many other unhealthy conditions caused

by the high-blood glucose and high-blood insulin levels.


High-Insulin (Hyperinsulinemia) Increases Cardiovascular Disease Risks


Insulin Resistance is an Important Determinant of Left Ventricular Mass in

the Obese

Insulin Resistance Syndrome Predicts the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease and


Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Risk: Plasma Insulin Level Is a More

Sensitive Marker Than Hypertension or Abnormal Glucose Tolerance

Hyperinsulinemia as an Independent Risk Factor for Ischemic Heart Disease


The only way to prevent diseases caused by insulin spikes and plunges is to eat

a low-carbohydrate diet. Many primitive societies have lived with very few

carbohydrates in the diet and have proven diabetes and all the diseases of

consequence do not exist. A great example is the Eskimos of the far north prior

to the introduction of white-man food.


The bad effects of insulin do not end here. High insulin spikes signal the body

to release cortisol and adrenaline hormones, which also contribute to disease.


Cortisol is a Disease-Causing Hormone


Cortisol is the major stress hormone of the natural glucocorticoid family, which

regulates metabolism and provides resistance to stress. Glucocorticoids are made

in the outside portion (the cortex) of the adrenal gland and are chemically

classified as steroids. Glucocorticoids increase the rate at which proteins are

catabolized (broken down) and amino acids are removed from cells, primarily

muscle fiber, and transported to the liver.


Glucocorticoids cause amino acids to be synthesized into new proteins, such as

enzymes. They also raise blood pressure by constricting vessels, which is a

benefit in case of injury. They are also anti-inflammatory. All of this is well

and good in a healthy individual with normal glucose and insulin levels.

Unfortunately, high cortisol levels cause many unhealthy reactions.


Understanding Adrenal Function


" An excessive ratio of carbohydrates to protein results in excess secretion of

insulin, which often leads to intervals of hypoglycemia. The body, in an attempt

to normalize blood sugar, initiates a counter-regulatory process during which

the adrenals are stimulated to secrete increased levels of cortisol and

adrenalin. It follows that an excessive intake of carbohydrates often leads to

excessive secretion of cortisol. "


Excess cortisol:


Diminishes cellular utilization of glucose

Increases blood sugar levels

Decreases protein synthesis

Increases protein breakdown that can lead to muscle wasting

Causes demineralization of bone that can lead to osteoporosis

Interferes with skin regeneration and healing

Causes shrinking of lymphatic tissue

Diminishes lymphocyte numbers and functions

Lessens SIgA (secretory antibody productions). This immune system suppression

may lead to increased susceptibility to allergies, infections, and degenerative



High-cortisol levels caused by excessive carbohydrate consumption and

high-insulin levels cause the body to extract high-tensile strength collagen

protein fibers from bones, remove the mineral matrix by demineralization and

weaken connective tissue at the joints. The protein loss is accelerated by a

low-protein diet, and the bone minerals are lost in the urine. One is literally

peeing his/her bones away. The result is a rapid and shocking diagnosis of

osteoporosis and degenerative disk disease where the spine can lose as much as

one inch (25 mm) in height in as little as one year. Bones fracture more easily,

and the dreaded hip fracture is much more likely to occur.


Women are told to drink lots of milk and eat plenty of yogurt to get additional

calcium with the promise it will prevent bone loss, but the advice is based on

faulty logic. The additional lactose in the milk and yogurt plus the additional

sugar and fruit added to yogurt only serve to increase the dietary carbohydrate

load. The net result is harmful to the bones as many are discovering.


All of this can be prevented by eating a high-protein, high-fat,

low-carbohydrate diet.


Adrenaline is a Disease-Causing Hormone


Adrenaline (epinephrine) is the " fight-or-flight " stress hormone. Epinephrine is

a neurotransmitter secreted by the adrenal gland that is associated with

sympathetic nervous system activity. It prolongs and intensifies the following

effects of the sympathetic nervous system.


Causes the pupils of the eyes to dilate

Increases the heart rate, force of contraction, and blood pressure

Constricts the blood vessels of nonessential organs such as the skin

Dilates blood vessels to increase blood flow to organs involved in exercise

or fighting off danger, skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle, liver, and adipose


Increases the rate and depth of breathing and dilates the bronchioles to

allow faster movement of air in and out of the lungs

Raises blood sugar as the liver glycogen is converted to glucose

Slows down or even stops processes that are not essential for meeting the

stress situation, such as muscular movements of the gastrointestinal tract and

digestive secretions


All of these effects are great if one is being chased by a lion or attacked by

an intruder into the home. However, these effects are unhealthy to a person

sitting in an office, watching a football game or simply going about his

everyday life.


The last item on the above list is very disruptive to the intestinal tract and

leads to intestinal diseases. People are advised to eat more high-fiber whole

grains and high-fiber fruit to overcome the constipation resulting from this

slow down of the intestinal system, but this advice is backward. These are very

high-carbohydrate foods, which cause a surge in insulin and adrenaline that shut

down the digestive processes. (Bowel Diseases and Candida--News You Can Use.)


High-insulin and hypoglycemia (low-blood sugar) cause adrenaline to increase

when no fight-or-flight stress situation exists and thereby causes unhealthy

body changes. The helpful body responses to adrenaline become a health hazard

when adrenaline is elevated over a period of time. The long-term elevation of

adrenaline is very unhealthy and leads to many diseases.


These changes include effects to the cardiovascular system that increase the

risk of coronary heart disease. The low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet as

recommended by the USDA Food Guide Pyramid is disease causing because it

promotes hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia and

hyperadrenalemia. Prolonged elevated adrenaline has the following effects on the

cardiovascular system:


Increases in the production of blood cholesterol, especially the undesirable


Decreases the body's ability to remove cholesterol

Increases the blood's tendency to clot

Increases the deposits of plaque on the walls of the arteries


Adrenaline addiction is very common. Type-A personalities become addicted to

their excessive activity by the stimulation and arousal of adrenaline. People

who are constantly angry, fearful, guilty, or worrisome arouse their adrenaline

hormone even though they may sit around doing nothing else. People who are

excessive in their participation in jogging, exercise, bodybuilding, aerobics,

sports, skiing, mountain climbing, car racing or flying aerobic airplanes become

addicted because of the adrenaline rush from their activity. They describe the

" rush " they get from their activity and feel depressed when they can't

participate for some unexpected reason.


James F. Fixx was addicted to running and wrote the famous jogger's book, The

Complete Book of Running. He was a marathon runner and vegetarian on a diet of

high-carbohydrates and low-protein. These were a perfect setup to arouse and

maintain a high level of adrenaline. He died on his daily run of a massive heart

attack proving to the world that exercise does NOT prevent coronary heart

disease. Fixx admitted in his book that his own research showed the athletes

from his university alumni had a shorter life span than the " couch potato "

students. This difference may have been caused by the difference in adrenaline

between the two groups. Hypoglycemia and stress are a deadly combination.



Dr. Mercola's Comment:

This article came from Kent Rieske of Bible Life Ministries, which has many

valuable nutrition articles that I encourage you to look through. As they say,

poor health and disease can be caused by believing the worldly myths,

distortions and lies about nutrition, which have deceived most people.


I’d like to add that, although limiting or eliminating grains and sugars will

indeed greatly benefit most people, there is no one “right” diet for everyone.

Some people will actually benefit from a high-carbohydrate diet, but the key is

that the carbohydrates come primarily from vegetables, NOT sugar and grains.


So how do you know which diet is best for you? You need to determine your

metabolic type as described in detail in my newest book: " Dr. Mercola's Total

Health Cookbook & Program.”


This book--the culmination of my last 20 years of work--is designed around

metabolic typing, and will give you everything you need to know to optimize your

health. Plus, it will provide you with the ability to assess your general

metabolic type and give you a full plan to start eating the right macronutrient

(proteins, fats and carbs) ratio for your type. It will also teach you how to

“listen to your body,” that is, it will teach you how to subtly adjust and

fine-tune your macronutrient ratios so that you feel your best.


Related Articles:


Low Grain and Carbohydrate Diets Treat Hypoglycemia, Heart Disease, Diabetes

Cancer and Nearly ALL Chronic Illness


Bread Bashing at All-Time High


Cave Men Diets Offer Insights to Today's Health Problems


Dangerous Grains


Reduce Grains and Sugar to Lose Weight and Improve Health


More Evidence That Sugar Increases Cancer






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