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PART FOUR: Chernobyl and BSE?

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By RFD Columnist, Mark Purdey


High Barn Farm, Elworthy, Taunton, TA43PX, UK.

Tel; 00 44 1984 656832.




Chernobyl and BSE?

But what about the more aggressive, new strain of TSE – the massive epidemic of

BSE / vCJD that suddenly blighted the UK’s young cattle and human population

post in November 1986? Did this big time epidemic result from an overexposure to

the artificial sources of the eco-prerequisites that we are talking about here?


In this respect, it seems likely that the UK’s BSE and vCJD epidemics were

caused by the simultaneous exposure of cattle, cats, humans and zoo animals to a

toxic combination of factors - the widely used copper-chelating organo

dithiophosphate (OP) insecticides (35) and the fall out of radioactive metals

from the Chernobyl eruption (20).


During the 1980s, British cattle herds and humans were exposed to exclusively

high doses of these insecticides for warble fly and head lice control

respectively (42), whereupon the prion proteins of the OP treated animals were

starved of their copper co partners (35). This rendered the prion protein

vulnerable to binding up with certain rogue replacement metals, such as the

radioactive strontium 90, which were rained down at high concentrations onto the

soils of NW Europe after the Chernobyl accident (20) – the precise region that

later became the world’s most intensive hotspot of BSE .


Political Perspectives.


The developed nations are only too keen to brandish the rogue states as

irresponsible for their clandestine development of nuclear and chemical weapons.

But they are not so keen to open the secret pages of their toxic history books

when it comes to answering their own public’s demands for data that may help

them understand the true causes of their ill health.


A substantial number of helpless human and animal populations were deliberately

subjected to high doses of radioactivity without their knowledge or consent. The

all too powerful politicians and scientific institutions who enacted these

atrocities have made damn certain that they can never be brought to account.


The only difference between the positions of the developed vis-a-vis the

undeveloped nations regarding their handling of weapons of mass destruction, is

that the less sophisticated rogue states have not yet developed a sufficiently

watertight infrastructure of secrecy and mass media spin to keep their various

acts of human and ecological barbarism under wraps. On the other hand, the

developed nations have successfully suppressed their shameful track record; and

in so doing they have committed further crime against humanity by deliberately

duping their populations with disinformation – a bibliography of bogus science

that has successfully misappropriated the cause of so many pollutant-induced

modern day ailments onto an assortment of genetic weaknesses, viruses, naturally

occurring toxins, or – as in the case of BSE - the sheep scrapie agent.


It seems that governments and corporations are deliberately conjuring up and

capitalising upon this phenomena of ‘natural’ scapegoats’ for their own

self-protection. It guarantees them a foolproof exemption from the flood of

compensation claims that could pop up if the catalogue of ill health effects

resulting from their bygone atomic antics and compulsory pesticide policies were

ever allowed to see the light of day.


If the western governments had permitted the toxic secrets of their atomic

backwaters to permeate the public domain, then we might be a lot further forward

in understanding the true causes of these neurodegenerative conditions today. If

you can understand the cause of a disease, then you are better equipped to work

out the best means of curing, controlling or preventing that disease - a cache

of knowledge that would prove extremely beneficial in the current world where

neurodegenerative disorders are beginning to reach epidemic proportions.






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