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Reverse Bone Loss: Beneficial Nutrients

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Prevent and Reverse Bone Loss: Beneficial Nutrients



Depending upon the situation,at certain times in your life your

body will more than likely need some extra support in a particular

area of bone density,

that's because your body is in a constant state of either building

bone, repairing bone or forming and strengthening new bone.


Building strong bones requires:

alfalfa, green barley grass, dandelion root, rose hips, yucca and

red raspberry.


Formation of bones: to maintain bone density-- horsetail, oat

straw, flaxseed and vitamin C daily, preferably with bioflavonoids.


Vitamin D-- is required to help your body absorb calcium,

Boron and zinc are required to help enhance the effectiveness of

vitamin D.


If you take in too much calcium,you will find that your body doesn't

use vitamin D correctly.


Often pharmaceutical drugs will result in loss of bone. Surgery and

illness can be a factor in bone loss. If you suffer from an illness

that requires your body to be in a constant state of healing your

body will rob calcium from the bones to provide healing to injured


The body will always work to maintain healing of an organ, even if

it means sacrificing calcium from your bones.


Just because you are taking a calcium supplement or eating calcium

rich foods does not guarantee your body is absorbing and using

calcium correctly.


There are some things that prevent proper assimilation of calcium:

fluoride,carbonated beverages,heavy metals, coffee, excessive salt

and sugar contribute to bone loss as well.


It is important to eat Certified Organic foods without additives,

pesticides, rBGH or gmo's. So eat organic foods, fresh whole and

uncooked when possible, and be sure that meat is organic and not

filled with hormones for quick growth.







Speaking of boron, dandelion greens, supplements and shoots run a

close second to cabbage, with 125 ppm.

Dandelion also has more than 20,000 ppm of calcium, meaning

that just ten grams (just under seven tablespoons) of dried


shoots could provide more than 1 mg of born and 200 mgs of calcium.


Dandelion is also a fair source of silicon, which some studies


also helps strengthen bone.




As one reputed vegetable source of vitamin D, avocados can help the

body turn calcium into bone.


I suggest mashing an avocado into organic yogurt so you get your

calcium and some vitamin D at

the same time. Avocadoes are also rich in heart healthy vitamin E.


(Glycine max) and other beans)

Vegetarian and Japanese women have a lower incidence of osteoporosis

and fractures than Western women who eat traditional high protein

diets. The reason, according to James Anderson, M.D. of the

University of Kentucky College of medicine in Lexington, appears to

be that Western meat-eaters excrete more calcium in their urine.


Beans are a good source of protein, but they cause less calcium loss


the urine than meat. In addition, soybeans and other beans contain

genistein, a plant estrogen (phytoestrogen) that acts like the


sex hormone in the body. I'd be willing to bet that a diet rich in

beans would strengthen bone and

prevent heart disease as well as or equally as well as, estrogen






French research suggests that " silicon " helps prevent osteoporosis

and can be used to treat bone fractures. Horsetail is among the

richest plant sources of this mineral, in the form of the compound

monosilicic acid, which the body can readily use.


Aging and low estrogen levels decrease the body's ability to absorb

" silicon " . Some people recommend up to nine 350 mg capsules daily.


If you use horsetail tea, add a teaspoon of pure natural

'cane'(sucanat or turbinado) sugar to the water along with the dried

herb. The unrefined sugar will pull more silicon out of the plant.

Bring it to a boil, then let it simmer for about three hours. Strain


the leaves, then let the tea cool before drinking.




I have nothing against calcium supplements but I firmly believe that

everyone should get as much calcium as possible from their foods.

It's not only possible to do this, it's better for your bones,

because the

mineral strength of bone depends on more than calcium. For calcium


actually strengthen bones, it must be combined with other

nutrients as well.


Phosphorus is important, but you also need magnesium, boron, zinc,

vitamin D and vitamin A.


You can get all of these nutrients in supplements, however I prefer

to get them the way Nature intended— all packaged together in foods!


Nutrition experts suggest that people at risk for osteoporosis limit

their protein intake to no more than one gram of protein per

kilogram of body weight, which translates into around two to three

ounces of protein—on the order of one Amish chicken breast or one

Laura's Lean beefburger (hormone and antibiotic-free-—daily for the

average woman.




Most Americans eat considerably more protein, running a risk

of calcium loss even if they consume a lot of the mineral.


Magnesium is extremely important for bone health, equally, if not


important than calcium! Sixty percent of our body's magnesium stores

are contained in our BONES, particularly in the trabecular bone of


wrists, thighs, and vertebrae.


It has been shown that women suffering from osteoporosis have lower

levels of magnesium in their trabecular bone than healthy women.


This is not surprising because magnesium is vital in metabolizing

calcium and vitamin C and helps to convert Vitamin D to the active


necessary to ensure efficient calcium 'absorption'.


Magnesium also activates the enzyme 'alkaline phosphatase'. This


helps to form calcium 'crystals' in the bone and is often used as an

indicator as to whether new bone is being formed.


A study by Biolab in London compared different groups of women, some

with osteoporosis, some postmenopausal but with no osteoporosis, and

some women on HRT.

They found that NONE of the women in any group had low levels of

calcium. BUT the women with osteoporosis had low levels of other


the 'enzyme' alkaline 'phosphatase', indicating poor bone renewal.


A normal level of this' 'enzyme' is DEPENDENT on having enough

magnesium in the body! Magnesium also PREVENTS the buildup of

unwanted calcium

DEPOSITS elsewhere in the body (i.e. joints,arteries etc).

We need twice as much magnesium as calcium if the biochemistry of

bone formation is to run smoothly.

Most of us, in fact, are magnesium deficient rather than calcium

deficient. Good sources of dietary magnesium are dark green


apples, seeds, nuts, and figs.


The importance of magnesium in the bone-building process has been


In one research project Two groups of women were monitored. One


took HRT plus magnesium. The other took HRT alone.

After nine months, the bone mineral density of the women taking

magnesium had increased by 11 percent. The women taking only HRT

showed NO INCREASE in bone density.

After two years the magnesium takers were still improving their bone



Taken from

" Natural Choices for Menopause "

By Marilyn Glenville Ph.D.



Vitamin D is essential for the intestinal absorption of many


but particularly calcium and magnesium


Vitamin D-- deficiency is associated with defective calcification of

the bones and pathogenic calcification of the arteries.

Synthetic vitamin D added to milk has the same effect

as vitamin D deficiency —

it causes abnormal calcification of the soft tissues, particularly

the blood vessels,

--contributing to arterial plaque resulting in arterial thrombosis.



Vitamin D is derived mainly from fish oil and sunshine. You need at

least 20 minutes of sun daily in order for your body to make

sufficient quantities of vitamin D. Minimum exposure does not

increase your skin cancer risks.


Fish Oil is the oil extracted from the flesh of cold water fish.


Good Examples of cold water fish are alaskan salmon, mackerel, tuna

in water, sardines in water, herrings and anchovies.


Fish oil is a rich source of the omega-3 essential fatty

acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid

(DHA). Both EPA and DHA are normal constituents of body tissue.


It is essential that EPA and DHA supplements include vitamin E to

prevent rancidity, and that supplements be taken with additional

vitamin E supplements to prevent oxidation in the body.


In fact, some of the conflicting results of studies using fish oil


be due to the fact that in some cases, the supplements did not


any vitamin E to protect them. Study results have been superior when

EPA has been consumed with a vitamin E supplement.


Per capsule, fish oil supplements generally contain between 180 and


mgs of EPA plus 120 to 300 mgs of DHA.


Fish Oil should not be confused with cod liver oil which is the oil

extracted from the 'liver' of the fish.


Although cod liver oil contains EPA and DHA, large doses should be

avoided,, because the oil contains large amounts of vitamins A and


which, if ingested in very high amounts,may be toxic.



Quality Norwegian Fish Oils are obtained from the Spectrum Naturals






Boron Rich Foods




Plums [dried prunes]




Dandelion [leaves]



Celery and [roots]


Broccoli [leaves]



Sour Cherries

Red currants

Cauliflower [florets]



Black currants

Celery [seeds]

Brussels sprouts [leaves]


Rutabaga [leaves]

American persimmons




Alfalfa sprouts

Black beans [fruits and seeds]



Rutabaga [roots]


Peas [seeds]

Broccoli [stems]

Brussels sprouts [stems]

Chinese cabbage

Turnip [roots]

Chicory [roots]

Bell peppers

Organic Soybeans




Wheat [seeds




Red raspberries

Sesame seeds



Fruits, vegetables, tubers and legumes have a higher concentration

of boron than grains. Boron rich foods will decrease the amount of

calcium *excreted* by 40%.





SInce the body can only operate within a very narrow PH range

balance between acidity and alkalinity, to neutralize the resulting

acidity the body is required to mobilize Calcium from the bones.

Once this is accomplished, the Calcium is lost in the urine, never

to be returned to the bones!!


Replace dairy milk with organic non-gmo SOY or RICE milk in cooking

and on cereal.

Eat lots of green vegetables, beans, broccoli, sesame seeds,

oats, fruits, and Tofu for strong bones.


There is three times as much Calcium in one serving of Spinach or

Kale as there is in one glass of milk!


JoAnn Guest




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