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Needless Surgery

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Needless Surgery


The human body is a hermetically sealed unit that was never meant to be pierced

or cut open. It is capable of maintaining, healing, and even regenerating itself

(given the proper fuel, of course.) On rare occasions surgery may be necessary,

but most routine operations today can and should be avoided.


The history of surgery reaches far back into the dimly lit caves of antiquity.

Many primitive cultures performed a surgical procedure known as " trepining " .

During this operation the skull was drilled into to release evil spirits (and,

most likely, also the pressure causing intense headache). We find, in the

archaeological record, many instances of freshly drilled trepining holes which

may have been the cause of death in the patient. Other skull specimens display

two or even three holes in which the bone is not as sharp as the freshly drilled

holes, indicating that the patient survived and the old wounds healed over. The

procedure was usually performed with sharpened stone knives or drills.


The operations were executed by the high priest, shaman, medicine man or witch

doctor who had more power than the chief of the tribe because he had a " direct

hotline " to God or the gods. It appears that the doctors and surgeons share that

same position today. They are the ones who have the power of life and death,

and, as many people are not in touch with the workings of their own bodies, they

give themselves over to the doctors and surgeons. It is because of the people's

faith in them that the doctors and surgeons have a great responsibility to their

patients to heal and care for them. There is no place for ignorance, even though

degrees may be passed on to the medical student from his school. Outmoded forms

of treatment, including unnecessary surgery, must be questioned, if not by the

doctors then by the patients themselves. We are exposed to a lot of literature

and information that can enable us to make our own decisions. There are many

books in the public libraries which explain

surgery in easy terms and even discuss whether surgery is always the answer.

Many are written by M.D.'s and even wise surgeons who see a lot of mistakes in

their own field.


We know that, in some cases, surgery is necessary to save a life. It is not our

position to condemn the surgical profession. We are only suggesting that you be

sure that there is no other alternative. There are extreme cases of people who

have checked themselves into the hospitals as many as 20 times to " go under the

knife. " There are others who seem to enjoy a hospital stay as a rest from

duties. There are others who are simply ignorant sheep going to the slaughter.

Education is the key.


Dr. S. Mendelsohn, M.D., calls himself a medical heretic. He is the chairman of

the Medical Licensing Committee for the State of Illinois and Associate

Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health in the School of Medicine

of the University of Illinois. In his book, Confessions of a Medical Heretic

(Chicago: Warner Books, 1979) Mendelsohn illustrates the dangers and frequency

of unnecessary operations. He calls the operations " ritual mutilations. " There

are actually over three million unnecessary operations performed each year

according to the independent Health Research Groups. A congressional

subcommittee says that the conservative figure is 2.4 million, costing four

billion dollars and 72,000 lives. This is 5% of the quarter million deaths

following or during surgery each year. Dr. Mendelsohn himself feels that

" somewhere around ninety percent of surgery is a waste of time, energy, money,

and life. " We agree.


Let's go through some of the categories of useless operations and talk about how

we might prevent them.





One of the most popular operations for children is the tonsillectomy. It has

been performed for over 2,000 years, and according to Dr. Mendelsohn, it's worth

has never been proven although about one million are done each year. Mendelsohn

was called on the carpet by his chairman at one time for decreasing the number

of unnecessary tonsillectomies among the children in his pediatric ward. The

surgical teaching program for the interns had been disturbed. Imagine, using

children to " practice " surgery!


The tonsils are the tail end of the lymphatic system. They swell up with pus and

infection when the body is overloaded with toxic material. When the system is

overloaded with waste that an inactive lymphatic system cannot eliminate, the

tonsils become enlarged and sore. They are a safety valve of the body - a

warning system, if you wish. They should never be removed from the body. The

lymphatic system can be cleared through exercise. The lymph system has no pump

such as the bloodstream has the heart. Exercise can activate the lymph system to

carry waste products from the cells. The Glandular Formula can be taken

internally as a tea or capsules and externally as a fomentation around the neck

covering the affected glands. Of course the tonsils will diminish in size and

infectious content with adherence to the correct principles of nutrition

contained in the mucusless diet.


I was born with a set of tonsils which, when infected, swelled almost up to the

size of golf balls. My parents, following the advice of the standard medical

opinion makers of the day ushered me off to the local hospital in Salt Lake City

and paid to have my tonsils removed. As most of you know, the Good Lord left the

plans and specifications for the regeneration of the human body. So, my tonsils,

being faithful creations grew in again. I was very sickly as a child and

tonsillitis set in regularly. My folks again took me in for procedural surgery.

After the third set of tonsils grew in my parents (rather than becoming

tonsil-poor) decided to let me live with the usual winter infections in the

throat. To this day I have been remembered as one of the only kids on my block

who grew in three sets of tonsils.


The surgeon looks upon the tonsils as the seat of bacterial infection and states

that he can stop bacterial infiltration into the rest of the body by removing

the tonsils. Actually, this procedure does nothing but make it possible for

infection to settle in other lymph nodes. Clean up the whole system and you can

avoid cutting out the affected part.





In a publication called A Syllabus for the Surgeon's Secretary by Jeannette A.

Szulec and Z. Szulec, M.D., the appendix is described as, " a worm-like

projection of the cecum. It is a blind sac subject to inflammation, abscess,

gangrene, perforation, and tumors. " Although this statement is true, note the

orientation of the authors. We see the appendix as a wonderful creation that

disinfects and lubricates the bowel. Once removed, these two functions can no

longer be performed within the bowel naturally. Our suggestion is to clean the

bowel and keep it open and clean, thus preventing the need for an appendicitis

attack and the resulting appendectomy. Science has come up with the foolhardy

notion that the appendix is some sort of vestigial organ like the small toe

which is quickly fading out of the general picture of the human body. Certainly

people can and do survive after the appendix has been removed, but not as a

totally intact unit as they once were. Mendelsohn wryly suggests that

some doctors think of the appendix as some of God's leftover physiological



The symptoms of appendicitis are an inflamed, painful condition of the appendix

and the surrounding portion of the bowels. Other symptoms are nausea, pain and

distress around the navel, constipation, quick pulse, and perhaps a rise in

temperature to 100° or 102° F. There may be tenderness to the right of the navel

and below, which is increased by pressure or movement. The patient frequently

flexes the right knee to ease the pain.


It may be caused by a faulty digestion, intestinal catarrh, fecal concretions

and, in comparatively rare cases, by foreign particles being lodged in the

appendix. This is the explanation given by Otto Mausert, N.D., Herbs (Elaine M.

Muhr, 375 Carolyn Drive, Eugene, Oregon 97402). Dr. Kloss states:


Constipation is one of the causes of appendicitis to an extent, and of course,

wrong diet, which diet would include the use of devitamized foods such as white

flour products, cane sugar, and cane sugar products (all refined sugars), greasy

and fried foods, tea, coffee, chocolate, and wrong combinations of foods. These

must be strictly avoided in appendicitis, as must alcoholic drinks, tobacco, and

all stimulating food and drink.


Dr. Kloss recommends:


Cleanse the colon thoroughly with an enema, preferably herb, take as much water

as possible, as hot as possible. The treatment is of great value and will often

relieve the pain immediately. If using an herb enema, use either spearmint,

catnip, white oak bark, bayberry or wild alum root. When herbs are not

available, use plain water. If the pain continues after the colon has been

cleansed, then use a very warm enema of catnip alone. Then apply hot and cold

fomentations to the region of the appendix and the full length of the spine.

This will aid in the cleansing process and relieve pain. At night prepare a

poultice as follows: Combine a tablespoon of granulated or powdered lobelia with

a large handful of granulated or crushed mullein leaves, and sprinkle with

ginger. Mix the herbs into a paste by adding powdered slippery elm or corn meal.

Apply the poultice as warm as the patient can stand, leave on cool, then repeat.

When suffering an attack of appendicitis, go on a liquid diet,

drinking alkaline broths, fruit juices, and drink several glasses of slippery

elm (or comfrey) every day.


After an individual is over an attack (which is the effect), go immediately onto

the mucusless diet as suggested by Dr. Christopher in the Three Day Cleansing

Program and Mucusless Diet.


Appendectomies are the third most popular operation in this country today. (The

first are tonsillectomies and D & C's). Surveys indicate that in some hospitals

the removal rate for normal appendices is as high as 80%. Diagnosis of inflamed

appendix is very difficult because the appendix is located in many different

positions within the abdomens of different people. A lot of abdominal pain is

often diagnosed wrongly as appendicitis. Some states automatically remove the

appendix (by law) whenever exploratory surgery is done. Far more appendix

surgery is performed upon women than men. During 1975, 784,000 appendectomies

were done and 3000 patients out of that figure died. Although most of those

operations were done to prevent the appendix from rupturing, one in four

appendices taken out were perfectly healthy. Patients who have the appendix

removed are twice as likely to get cancer of the bowel later, according to one

researcher. Mendelsohn compares preventive appendectomy to chopping

down the prettiest elm tree in the yard before it gets Dutch Elm disease, IF it

does. Just in case it does. This principle is often seen when doctors remove a

woman's appendix while doing some unrelated surgery such as the hysterectomy.





One of the earliest surgeries performed in history was the circumcision. It is

done on males (in our society usually on babies a few hours or days old when

blood loss can be dangerous) and consists of removal of the foreskin of the

penis. In the Jewish rite, the operation is done on the eighth day of life and

according to strict laws. The baby is given some ritual wine as an anesthetic.

When modern surgeons do the operation, no anesthetic is administered. Perhaps

they imagine that the baby cannot feel anything at that age, or that they won't

remember the agony because it was done so long ago. Well, when you hear that

baby scream bloody murder you know he feels it. Mendelsohn feels that there is

no need for circumcision outside of a religious framework. Modern hospitals

perform their ritual circumcisions in the name of cleanliness and hygiene. What

can be dirty about a newborn baby? The parents of an infant boy can keep the

child's penis clean by pushing the foreskin back and

eventually the skin will stretch back far enough to expose the head. A small

boy can be taught to cleanse himself while in the bath.


In some primitive tribes, circumcision is not done until the man reaches an age

where he will be a warrior. Often this means that he will not be included in the

traditional role as a reproductive being, but will spend his days going to war

for the tribe. He often does not marry. This is clearly a case of ritual



I have seen parents opt for the circumcision operation for their child just

because THEY think that the child will feel weird in gym class because his penis

will not be regulation like his classmates. Or choosing circumcision because the

nurse or the doctor has told them that it's better for cleanliness. The only way

to avoid these bizarre opinions is to educate yourself so that you can make your

own intelligent decisions rather than idiotic incisions.



Gall Bladder Surgery


Dr. Sigfried J. Kra and Dr. Robert S. Boltax refer to the gall bladder as " the

gold bladder " in their recent book, Is Surgery Necessary? because over one

billion dollars a year is spent on gall bladder surgery.


The gall bladder stores bile produced by the liver. This bile, consisting of

concentrated, recycled body toxins is a digestive aid for fats and a natural

laxative. When the bile becomes too concentrated, gall stones may form and

obstruct the bile flow. The flow may also be blocked by catarrhal slime. This

phenomenon is prevalent among people who eat meals high in cholesterol. The

symptoms of gall bladder disease are annoying and painful. There is gas,

bloating, indigestion, pain under the rib cage on the right side, and perhaps

even nausea and vomiting. Fried, greasy foods seem to aggravate the condition.

Doctors cannot guarantee that a gall bladder removal will eliminate the gas and

bloating present in gall bladder disease. When the gall bladder is removed, the

bile has no storage reservoir, but drips directly into the duodenum, the opening

into the small intestine which follows the stomach. This may lead to an

irritated if not ulcerated condition.


Excesses in eating and drinking should be avoided. If gallstones are present and

the ducts are blocked, bile may be forced back into the liver and enter into the

bloodstream. The skin may take on a jaundiced color. Ultimately, the bile is

excreted through the urinary tract. The urine is often dark red or amber color

and is very concentrated. Clay color stools are another symptom. During a time

of a gall bladder inflammation, heavy eating should not be done. Fruit and

vegetable juices are recommended along with the Liver & Gall Bladder Formula.

The bowels should be kept open and unconstipated through the use of the lower

bowel formula. The herbs that compose the liver-gallbladder formula are:

barberry, wild yam, cramp bark, fennel seed, ginger, catnip and peppermint.

Olive oil (2 tablespoons, 3 times a day) should be taken to lubricate the bile

ducts. Our hydrangea root formula, made with 1 quart of apple juice and one

ounce of hydrangea root soaked together for three days in a cool

place and taken in two ounce doses during the three day cleanse, is capable of

dissolving stones anywhere in the body. Light, more frequent meals are preferred

over large heavy ones.


The Book, Syllabus for the Surgeon's Secretary, states that, " the bile duct and

the hepatic ducts are essential to life; the gallbladder is not since it only

serves the purpose of storage for bile. " As we stated before, surgery is

sometimes necessary, but it is a means to an end, not an end in itself. We

should not define our body organs as necessary and unnecessary as if the Creator

intended them to be thrown away on the non-functional spare parts pile.





Ever since the time of Hippocrates (5th Century, B.C.) hemorrhoids have been a

painful problem to mankind. Hippocrates suggests cauterizing them with a hot

iron. Today's methods are just as primitive. The hemorrhoids are cut out.

Hemorrhoids result from straining while having a bowel movement. The blood

vessels in the rectal and anal area become engorged, often with toxic blood.

There is often little circulation to the area. With today's calcium-leaching

foods and habits, the blood vessels have not the strength to hold up under the

strain. The hemorrhoidectomy is extremely painful once the anesthesia wears off.

The hemorrhoids often occur again and another operation is performed. After the

third operation there is usually so much scar tissue present that there is

hardly a place left to cut into.


In the case of hemorrhoids we suggest the following: Number ONE: eliminate

constipation. Use the Lower Bowel formula along with the mucusless diet and

drink plenty of water. Cayenne pepper may also be taken internally to increase

the calcium content of the body and build up the blood vessels. As a local

treatment, an oak bark suppository (made with powdered oak bark and pure

vegetable glycerine) may be inserted into the rectum preceded by a button of

peeled garlic. Olive oil may be used to lubricate the area. The oak bark,

besides feeding the blood vessels in the area with calcium, acts as an

astringent to tighten up loose tissues. If possible, the hemorrhoids should be

kept up into the rectum and very little gravitational pressure should be exerted

on the area. We have found that over the years a sitz bath (the hips and

buttocks in hot water) brings relief and circulation to the area. We have had

patients that have had to wear harnesses to keep the hemorrhoids up into place.

With a

few weeks on the program they were able to be free of these bothersome

hemorrhoids without surgery.


Pregnant women are also prone to hemorrhoids if they do not follow a good

dietary program. Free bowel movements are a must. Hemorrhoids will not form if

women will use plenty of organic calcium foods and do not have to strain when

eliminating from the bowel.


Hemorrhoids are simply varicose veins in the rectal area. Many books explaining

that surgery is not necessary do not go into the herbal treatments but state

that they can be controlled by diet and fluid intake. We are fortunate in

knowing that you do not have to " live with " the pain, itching, and bleeding of

hemorrhoids, even if it is not a major problem.



Atrocities Performed Upon Women in the Name of Science


There is an ever increasing number of hysterectomies performed in the United

States daily. It is almost standard procedure that a woman undergo the surgical

removal of her uterus and ovaries when she reaches menopause. The hysterectomy

was originally performed upon women to cure them of hysteria. So the word for

the operation was not uterectomy or ovariectomy, but hysterectomy. Truly a male

chauvinist term.


The reasons for hysterectomy vary. Some women develop a prolapsed condition of

the abdominal organs and pressure is put on other organs. This occurs when

vaginal muscle tone is lost from heavy manual labor or long and hard

childbirths. Other women develop painful or profuse menstruation. Some women

suffer from cancer of the uterus, cervix, etc. Others develop fibroid tumors,

severe anemia from bleeding of the uterus, adenomyosis, which is that the lining

of the uterine cavity has penetrated the wall of the uterus. The latter is a

disease developed by women who have often had several childbirths by Caesarian

section. Endometriosis is a similar disorder in which the lining of the uterine

cavity, the endometrium, is found in other places beside the uterine cavity. The

disease can infiltrate the ovaries and nearby organs as well. Surgeons can

eradicate the disease by removal of the uterus, or the uterus and ovaries.

Hormone therapy is also available, but the side effects may be

uncomfortable. There is also the possibility of removal of most of the

endometrium in order to give the woman a few more years of childbearing. The

disease quite frequently reoccurs. Pelvic inflammatory disease, sometimes caused

by venereal disease, is surgically " cured " by the removal of the uterus, tubes,

and ovaries. If a woman has ovarian cysts necessitating the removal of the

ovaries, the uterus is also removed because, according to surgeons, the uterus

is now a " functionless " organ. Hernias of the bladder and the rectum into the

vaginal canal is also reason to perform a hysterectomy. (In all of the above

cases, the uterus has been neglected and suffers from malnutrition.)


Dr. Bieler, in his book, Food is Your Best Medicine, suggests that one of the

causes of cancer of the uterus results from eating the wrong types of foods. An

overabundance of animal protein in the diet is difficult for the body to handle

(as is an overabundance of starches) and the putrefied wastes are eliminated

monthly through the uterus. This is akin to using the uterus as a garbage

filter. After about 25 years, the uterus simply has been disintegrated beyond

repair. As if the above operations and reasons for their performance don't sound

horrible enough, some women choose to have their organs removed as a measure of

sterility or as a future precaution against uterine cancer.


One in every two women will have a hysterectomy by the time they are 65. Most

women are easily talked into these operations by the doctor as a salesperson.

Why bother with having more children? Why bother with menstruation problems?

Mendelsohn cites examples of hysterectomies performed on poor patients in

charity hospitals. While the woman is in labor, a doctor will say, " You really

don't want any more children, do you? " And convince her to undergo a



A great contributor to female reproductive disorders is the indiscriminate use

of inorganic estrogen. There are warnings printed in the drug company

advertisements about the possibilities of developing endometrial cancer from

their ingestion. This is the popular " Pill " that women have been using for

decades to prevent pregnancy.


There is neither time nor space here to discuss all the heartbreaking stories of

the gullible women who have ruined their lives by trusting an ignorant or

diabolical surgeon without even obtaining the proverbial second opinion. Let us

recommend several of our natural herbal aids in this space.


First of all, many diseases, including female reproductive organ disorders

originate because the bowel and the blood stream are filthy. The first task is

to clean those up and keep them clean. The Lower Bowel Formula and the Blood

Stream Formula can accomplish this. The diet must adhere as closely as possible

to the mucusless diet, and plenty of distilled water should be used. Fresh air,

rest, exercise, and sunshine, along with a healthy mental attitude are

necessary. The Female Reproductive Formula consisting of golden seal root,

blessed thistle, cayenne, cramp bark, false unicorn root, ginger, red raspberry

leaves, squaw vine, and uva ursi is recommended (at least 2 capsules morning and

evening or three times a day --- as a tea if you prefer). Red raspberry leaf tea

has always helped strengthen the reproductive system. The next formula (and it

can be taken together with the female formula) is the hormone and estrogen

formula Hormonal Changease containing black cohosh, sarsaparilla,

ginseng, licorice, false unicorn, blessed thistle, and squaw vine. This herbal

formula will supply the necessary hormones and estrogens missing in today's

processed foods. These two formulas will rebuild the uterus, the ovaries and the

fallopian tubes. For strengthening the organs which have been prolapsed, the

slant board routine can be used along with the Slant Board Combination of herbs.

(Yellow Dock Combination)


The Vaginal Bolus routine will draw out toxic waste material from the female

reproductive area. Many women have gotten rid of cancers, cysts, and tumors in

addition to infections and the like through the use of this suppository routine.

Just recently, we have heard of two cases of cervical cancer (previously

diagnosed) that were completely healed within several weeks. Not a trace of the

cancerous material was left upon a follow-up examination. These were two women

who didn't want to change their diets, but tried the herbs alone.


We urge women to at least give the alternatives a try instead of succumbing to

the scalpel.





The most disgusting fact concerning mastectomy is that many times cancer of the

breast in women is misdiagnosed, leaving a patient without a breast or breasts

needlessly. The eagerness with which surgeons are willing to remove the breast

simply because of a lump discovered has reached epidemic proportions. Many women

have found that there was another alternative to the radical mastectomy after

the operation was performed upon them. During the last decade mastectomies

increased by 50%. Two wives of prominently political men, one, the First Lady,

in fact, had their breast removed. They valiantly lived with their sacrifice. It

seemed that after they were tops in the news, many women followed suit. We

actually heard of a program where women could have their breasts removed before

they even developed any sort of disease in them. This is one of the most

sadistic and masochistic programs we have ever heard of.


Many modern medical practices have added to the development of cancer of the

breast. The Pill, a contraceptive and inorganic estrogen is one. DES, used to

dry up milk in nursing mothers, or as a " morning after " pill is another.

Unnecessary X-rays is another contributing factor.


When there is any problem with the breast, and this should be noticed early, we

use the fomentation of 3 parts mullein and one part lobelia (Glandular System

Formula) or Glandular Formula Massage Oil over the affected area. It may be

taken internally as well. Many Indian tribes have used a fomentation of poke

root externally to draw out the cancer. As with all cancers, they begin in the

blood stream and radiate out to other parts of the body where they are

manifested. The Blood Stream Formula can be used to purify the bloodstream, the

nutrient transport system of the body. Cysts and tumors will not grow in an

atmosphere where there is enough potassium. Elderberry tincture can be taken for

potassium increase along with foods that are high in potassium.





There are three really unnecessary and dangerous procedures executed in

childbirth at the operating room. One is the forceps delivery of the baby, the

next, the episiotomy, and the third the famous Caesarian section. All three

reflect the lack of patience on the part of the medical staff for a simple and

natural procedure such as childbirth. We have looked into the irises of some

people who are now 35 or 40, and see that the medulla (involving motor nerve

function) has been damaged long ago because of a forceps delivery. The baby's

head is a delicate thing and can easily be damaged by the use of this steel

instrument. Of course, the Ear & Nerve Formula can be used to help these people

with damage to the brain area, as can the BF & C fomentations, but mothers, why

subject your baby to such torture?


The episiotomy is an incision made in the perineum so that the mother will not

tear and the baby can come out more easily. This operation is standard on 85% of

the first time mothers in this country. The reasons given by the surgeons are

obsolete. Recent research shows that the perineum does not heal any better than

a normal tear. With patience during a birth and proper coaching the mother will

not tear. Many of the midwives we know use olive oil or wheat germ oil

throughout pregnancy to give the perineum some elasticity. It can also be

massaged into the perineum during the birth.


This operation requires a local anesthetic. A slipup could send the needle into

the baby's brain. The incision is often a site where infection can set in. The

episiotomy takes longer to repair than a small natural tear. Some of the

midwives use comfrey poultices or fomentations to decrease the healing time

should a tear occur.


Julius Caesar's mother had died during the course of childbirth. The standard

Roman practice was to leave the infant in the mother and the infant would die

also. Some quick thinker decided to cut open the mother to see if the infant had

a chance to live. This was the origin of the Caesarian section. It was

originally performed on mothers who had died during delivery. Nowadays it is

quickly becoming standard medical practice. Why? For one, it is quicker for the

doctor to open up the woman and take the baby rather than waiting for the labor

to run its course. Secondly, a Caesarian operation brings in more money. There

are many poor excuses that a doctor will make up in order to justify a Caesarian

delivery. Not progressing in labor is one of the most ridiculous. Once a woman

has had a Caesarian section, her obstetrician will not usually permit her to

have a normal vaginal delivery.


A Caesarian section should only be performed if the life of the mother or the

child is truly at stake. It is a serious operation involving great risks to the

mother and the baby. There are many books available on natural childbirth and

pre-natal care. If a mother must have a hospital birth, we suggest that she find

a doctor who is not accustomed to performing Caesarian sections on most of his




Coronary Surgery


There are many men and women who have gone into the hospital for the coronary

bypass operation. While in some cases this operation has prolonged the lives of

some men, in others it has done nothing. Where the heart is concerned, we

recommend the Hawthorn Berry Syrup no matter what the ailment. This is a food

that will strengthen and rebuild the heart. Coronary disease is a result of our

poor living habits. Again, these must be changed in order to preserve our



Studies have shown that the coronary bypass operation had not reduced the heart

attack rate significantly. The only thing that will help is to reduce the intake

of saturated fats so that they cannot clog the arteries. Cayenne pepper will

also help strengthen the arteries. Moderate exercise and reduction of stress

will also help the heart. The coronary bypass is one of those operations that

has unfortunately faddishly reached great popularity and seems to by losing



We feel that we, as a progressive nation, wait too long before we investigate

the simple principles that were put forth by such great men as Samuel Thomson,

Jethro Kloss, and Dr. Shook. These men worked with nature to simplify our lives

and put us on the road to health.



Cancer Surgery


Just a word about cancer. It is a systematic disease. It depends on filth in the

bowel and the blood stream. Our understanding of cancer is different from that

of the surgeon's. We see the body being able to " clean up its act " and stop

recycling the same old toxins around and around in the body. All channels of

elimination (including the skin) must be functioning. The food intake must be



Even though a person is operated upon for a cancerous tumor, there is no

guarantee that the cancer will not return simply because the cause was not



" Cancer " is a frightening word. The one we use is " cell deterioration. " This

explains the process in the body more clearly than the word, " cancer. "


Sometimes, during an operation for a tumor, blood spills over into the rest of

the body. This blood contains some of the tumor cells. The doctors sometimes

say, " Oh, the body will take care of those. " Mendelsohn suggests that surgery

would be unnecessary if the body could take care of the cells by itself.


The medical alternative to cancer surgery, chemotherapy, presents side effects

that sound like horrors out of an old Frankenstein movie.


Our program, " The Incurables, " is a safe, nontoxic method to restore health and

strength. It is not as easy as surgery, however, it involves retraining the

little tyrants known as the tastebuds.


Remember the old Biblical statement from the Old Testament, " If the eye offends

you, pluck it out! " This phrase seems to be the general rule in most allopathic

treatment from tumors to tonsils. We now view the old medical practice of

bloodletting (to let out the bad blood) to be primitive. How much more primitive

it is to exclude an entire organ from the body as punishment for its diseased

condition. An automobile will not function without a carburetor. A faulty

carburetor can be replaced, rebuilt, or cleaned out and the car will run again.

The design of the auto makes it necessary for each part of the engine to be

integral. Parts cannot expect to be ripped out of the system and still have good

driving possibilities. Every human organ is functional and contributes to the

smooth operation of the entire organism. It's erroneous to think that removal of

an organ is standard procedure. Surgery is no replacement for cleansing and

rebuilding the body. We need to work with Nature instead of

trying to second guess it.


We have unfortunately found that one of the most lucrative operations for some

surgeons is the " wadectomy. " This is an intricate operation where the wallet is

extracted and the contents removed. If we had been true to the principles of

living intended for us by the Creator, the last surgical operation would have

been the one performed in the Garden of Eden by God on Adam's rib.




Giustini, F. G., M.D. and F. J. Keefer, M.D.


1979 Understanding Hysterectomy. A Woman's Guide. New York: Walker and Company.




Sigfried J., M.D. and Robert Boltax, M.D.


1981 Is Surgery Necessary? New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.


Mendelsohn, Robert S., M.D.


1979 Confessions of A Medical Heretic. New York: Warner Books.


1981 Male Practice. How Doctors Manipulate Women. Chicago: Contemporary Books.


Montagna, F. Joseph.


1979 P.D.R. (People's Desk Reference.) Lake Oswego, Oregon: Quest For Truth



Szulec, Jeannette A., B.S., R.R.A. and Z. Szulec, M.D.


1965 and 1970 A Syllabus for the Surgeon's Secretary, and Michigan: Medical Arts

Publishing Company.


Williams, Lawrence P., M.D.


1971 How To Avoid Unnecessary Surgery. Los Angeles: Nash Publishing Company.


Used by permission: Dr Christopher's Newsletters, Volume 4 Number 2


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The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and should not

be used to diagnose and treat diseases. If you have a serious health problem, we

recommend that you consult a competent health practitioner.


After each product is a list of what it has been used to aid. We are not

claiming that the product will cure any of these diseases or that we created

them to cure these disorders. We are merely reporting that people have used the

product to aid these conditions.


Finally, we wish to caution you that the information on this web site is for

educational purposes only. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner

before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or

life-threatening illnesses.




JoAnn Guest











The complete " Whole Body " Health line consists of the " AIM GARDEN TRIO "

Ask About Health Professional Support Series: AIM Barleygreen


" Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future "





We have made every effort to ensure that the information included in these pages

is accurate. However, we make no guarantees nor can we assume any responsibility

for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or

process discussed.








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