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Why Distrilled Water?

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by Dr. John R. Christopher


" All the drugs in the Pharmacopoeia cannot do as much for the life forces in

your body as you can do for yourself with the simplest and greatest of all

nature's remedies-water. " This statement was made by Frederick M. Rositer M.D.


The principle of using water in healing and renewing the body has been well

known from early history. It has been used and recommended by doctors from the

times before Hippocrates and ever since. John Wesley, the famous evangelist and

founder of the Methodist Church, wrote a book early in the 18th Century,

treating among other things, the virtues of water as a healing remedy. Prusnitz,

Father Knupp, Dr. Winternitz, Dr. Kellogg and many many more intellectuals

advised the use of water in healings. Today we have many advocates of water

therapy such as Alen E. Banik, O.D.; Paul C. Bragg, N.D.; N.W. Walker, Doctor of

Science; Yogi Ramacharaka, etc. etc.


For the internal use of the body-the most perfectly designed form of animation

on this earth--we should use only the purest liquid we can find. Pure fruit and

vegetable juices, as a liquid food, is a pure liquid and very beneficial. We

need now to think of a non-nutritional liquid for cleansing the circulatory

system of the body, and that liquid is pure water.


I like the way Dr. N.W. Walker explains water and the use of minerals in the

body. In his book " Water Can Undermine Your Health " (Norwalk Press, Publishers,

Phoenix, Arizona, 1974), he quotes, " What happens to the minerals in the water? "


Once the liquid, whatever it happens to be, reaches the liver it is completely

divested and cleared of everything whatever that was a component part of the

liquid, except only the hydrogen and oxygen which, together, form the water



Water containing nothing but hydrogen and oxygen is pure water, and this is the

only kind of water which the blood and lymph can use in their work. Both the

blood and the lymph require pure water to assist them in their functions.


Distilled water is the purest water you can have. Whatever mineral and chemical

elements were present in the water when it first reaches the liver, are

segregated by the anatomizing processes in the liver and either passed on into

the blood stream or are filed away as reserve material. The liver has no

selective ability to determine whether the item which comes to it is " alive " or

inactive, whether it is constructive or detrimental.


Natural water, by which we will classify all waters that come from springs,

wells, rivers and lakes, and from the faucet, is replete with mineral elements

which it has collected from being in contact with earth, soil and rocks. Dust

thou art, to dust shalt thou return, was not spoken of the soul.


All the minerals in the human body--and the body is composed of minerals--are

the same as the minerals of which the earth is composed. Man's body was created

from the dust of the Earth. But there is a vast difference between the minerals

in the human body and those in the earth, not in kind or quality, but in the

vitality of those which compose the human anatomy, vitality or life--which is

lacking in the earth minerals.


The tiny microscopic cells of the body are each a collection of mineral atoms,

of live, vital atoms. The kind, quality and variety of the mineral elements vary

with each group of cells, in accordance with the functions and activities called

for in the cell's allotted tasks.


Your cells need food they can swallow--without choking to death!


These cells must be furnished the mineral nourishment they need, in order to

accomplish their work. Minerals which a cell or a group of cells cannot use,

will only interfere with the cells' function. Minerals which are larger than in

colloidal particles would, figuratively speaking, choke the cells to death!


The minerals in Natural Waters are gross and lifeless, a kind and quality which

are incompatible with the cells' needs. The cells therefore reject them. In due

course this rejection leaves a surprising accumulation of discarded minerals

which is nothing more or less than debris.


Distilled water leaches out only unusable lime, etc.


Distilled water has something inherent in it in the nature of a magnet, so to

speak, whereby it can pick up these rejected and discarded minerals and, with

the assistance of the blood and the lymph, transport them to the kidneys for

elimination from the system. This cleaning-up function is not constant.


It is this kind of mineral elimination that is erroneously referred to as

leaching. The expression that distilled water leaches minerals from the body is

entirely inaccurate. It does not leach out body minerals, it collects and

removes minerals which have been rejected by the cells of the body and are

therefore nothing more nor less than debris, obstructing the normal functions of

the system.


As a matter of fact, try drinking nothing but distilled water for two or three

weeks. Have a urinalysis made before you start and see if you will not be

astonished at the mineral sediments in the urine after a mere three weeks! There

is no substitute for experience.


The accumulation of minerals in the body, from drinking natural waters, and the

elimination of rejected minerals as a result of drinking distilled water is

conclusive evidence of the use and value of distilled water for drinking and for

food preparation purposes.


What Minerals Does The Body Need?


It is not intended that we should furnish the body with the minerals it must

have for regeneration and replenishment, by means of the natural waters. The

minerals which the cells of the body will use for constructive purposes must

come from the raw food we eat. The only live food, food replete with enzymes,

which is intended for the nourishment of man is obtained from fresh raw

vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts and seeds.


We have just received information from a man who practices what he preaches. Dr.

N.W. Walker is now well over the hundred and ten year mark, still writing and

tilling his own garden.


I have met Paul C. Bragg and want to say that here was another great man

(although now deceased) that did a lot for mankind, in teaching the use of

distilled water for better health. As a teenager, Paul Bragg had tuberculosis

and his doctors had told him there was no cure, that he was " not going to make

it. "


The little Swiss nurse was angry with the doctors and after they left she told

him he could be cured in Switzerland. She took him back to Dr. August Rollier,

and there in Switzerland he had a " rebirth " with just natural healing methods,

no drugs of any kind-just distilled water, good nutrition, sunshine and fresh

air (deep breathing) and exercise.


He became well and, as he put it, " strong as a young stallion. " He studied two

years in Switzerland and then he moved to London to study and prepare for his

life's work. His landlord and his wife were very sick, so he started them on the

use of distilled water and other simple aids, i.e., pure foods, etc., and

performed a miraculous healing. At first these two had great difficulty in

climbing the stairs but after a " cleaning out " could climb up and down the

stairs within three weeks, something his landlord had not done in seven years.


From one of Paul Bragg's books " The Shocking Truth about Water " (Burbank, CA

91303, Health Science, 1970), I would like to pass on to you the following:


Take my own life, for instance. I was born on a farm in Virginia, along the

Potomac River. We got our drinking water from a well-crystalline, fresh,

sparkling water. But it was very hard water, containing in solution-calcium

carbonate and other inorganic minerals from limestone.


When we boiled this water, incrustations of these inorganic minerals formed in

large slabs inside the kettles, and in time produced holes in the bottoms.

Kettle after kettle had to be thrown away and replaced by another, with the same

thing happening to the new one in time.


The hard water made dish washing, laundering and cleaning difficult. The soaps

used for these purposes simply would not make suds.


But the greatest damage done by this hard water was to the humans who drank it.


My grandfather was a man in his mid-sixties. He was a big, strong six-footer,

about 200 pounds of solid muscle. He was an expert horseman, a finished hunter

and a hardworking farmer.


I can remember when he had his first stroke. There was a large family of Braggs,

and we were all seated at the dinner table. Suddenly there was a crash of

dishes, and my grandfather slumped over the table. When the country doctor

arrived, he stated sadly that grandfather had lost all control of his left side

due to brain damage.


From now on this poor old man needed constant attention. With a completely

paralyzed left side, he could not walk without the aid of someone to steady him.

He had absolutely no control of his eliminative system. This, helpless, sick man

went into rages of anger. There was great difficulty getting food into his body

because he had lost the ability to chew it. Only very soft bland food could be

fed him.


This fine man we knew and loved was, as far as real living was concerned, dead.

You have no idea what a great burden he was on my parents and family. The poor,

helpless man dragged on this way for three years and then the second and final

stroke came and he was actually dead.


His body went to the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, where the doctors who

performed the autopsy stated that his arteries were like stone. My grandfather

was born and reared on that farm and drank that hard water all his life.


It was many years before my questions were answered. In the meantime, I

witnessed what the hard water was doing to my family and our relatives and



Here we were living on a big, fine farm, with an abundance of foods of all

kinds. We had a good, comfortable home. It was a beautiful farm on a majestic

river. But there was suffering among the adults. These pains were bulked into

one word, and that was " misery. " Each day I would hear my mother ask different

people, " How is your misery today? " And the sufferer would give a doleful answer

to my mother's questions.


Allen E. Banik, O.D., with Carlson Wade in the book " Your Water and Your Health "

(Keats Publishing Co., Connecticut 06840, 1974) gives us a listing of the ten

basic kinds of water;


Hard Water. This is saturated with calcium, iron, magnesium, and many other

inorganic minerals. All water in lakes, rivers, on the ground, in deep wells, is

classified as hard water. (Many city systems take water from rivers or lakes, or

reservoirs supplied with mountain water; they erroneously call their supplies

" soft water " but it is soft only in comparison with water which is harder.)


Boiled Water. Boiling helps remove some of the germs, but concentrates the

inorganic minerals. Other germs are carried into a fertile element for rapid and

lusty propagation of germs and viruses already in the body.


Raw Water. This has not been boiled. Raw water may be hard (as calcium hardened

water) or soft as rain water. It contains millions of germs and viruses. In

every densely inhabited drop. Some of these viruses and bacteria may adversely

affect the thyroid gland, the liver and other vital body organs.


Rain Water. This has been condensed from the clouds. The first drop is distilled

water. But when it falls as rain, it picks up germs, dust, smoke, minerals,

strontium 90, lead and many other atmospheric chemicals. By the time rain water

reaches the earth it is so saturated with dust and pollutants it may be

yellowish in color. Water is supposed to act as an atmosphere purifier. If we

had no air pollution, we would have far less pollution in our drinking water.


Snow Water. This is frozen rain. Freezing does not eliminate any germs. All

snowflakes have hardened mineral deposits. Melt the cleanest snow and you will

find it saturated with dirt, inorganic minerals, germs and viruses.


Filtered Water. This water has passed through a fine strainer, called a filter.

Some calcium and other solid substances are kept in the filter; there is no

filter made which can prevent germs from passing through its fine meshes. Each

pore of the finest filter is large enough for a million viruses to seep through

in a few moments. A home filter usually only picks up suspended solids and is

effective for the time, maybe only for hours, until it is filled up. Then it is

ineffective even for removing suspended solids, and at the same time becomes a

breeding ground for bacteria.


Soft Water. This water is soft in comparison with water which is harder. It may

contain many trace minerals and chemicals, viruses and bacteria. It is not to be

confused with " softened water. " Soft water may be classified as water which is

harder than distilled water.


Reverse Osmosis. This is a system of water purification which allows

pre-filtered water to be forced through a semi-permeable membrane to separate

impurities from our drinking water. However, this membrane allows only certain

molecules to pass through providing the water pressure is exactly constant. The

matter of water pressure is a problem still to be solved. Furthermore, the

membrane also allows some iron and nitrate molecules to pass through. Another

problem to be solved.


But it now seems promising that we can look forward to tremendous strides in

this system of water purification. Gulf Oil, Culligan and Eastman Kodak are

sponsoring vast research in this area. High purity water between 90 and 97

percent of the dissolved mineral (and organic solutions), and over 99 percent of

the suspended and colloidal particles are rejected by, the special membrane

which has been developed for this process by these companies in their research.

The product water, from this new research, is ultra-clear, low in dissolved

solids, practically free from hardness components and essentially sterile as

produced. This makes a close second to distilled water.


De-ionized Water. A process of exchanging " hard " ions for " soft. " The total ions

are still present. The end result is the same. But the water has the appearance

of being distilled. (Nature recognizes transformation but not extinction!) Since

water leaving the sodium-cation exchanger has little hardness, it contains

sodium salts.


Distilled Water. This is water that has first been turned into steam so that all

of its impurities are left behind. Then through condensation, it is turned back

into pure water. It is the only pure water. The only water free from all

contamination. Distilled water may well be considered the only pure water on



Writing in Food, Yearbook of the U.S., Department of Agriculture, 1959, Dr. Oaf

Michelsen of the National Institute of Health, tells us:


Next to oxygen, water is the most important factor for survival of man and

animals. A person can do without food for five weeks or more, but without water

he can survive for only a few days. The longer an individual goes without water,

the greater the number and severity of symptoms he shows.


Weakness, lassitude, thirst and dryness of the mouth are the first signs of

dehydration. Loss of weight and mental confusion set in later. The individual

becomes uncooperative and sullen. The cheeks become pale and the lips are dry

and bluish. The skin loses its elasticity. The eyeballs have a sunken

appearance. The volume of urine decreases, and its specific gravity rises. At

the end, the respiration ceases, even though the pulse and general circulation

may be well maintained. The volume of blood is maintained at the expense of the

water within the body cells. The central nervous system undergoes the same

dehydration as the cells in the remainder of the body and is the first area to

show functional changes.


How Water Acts as the " Lubrication " of Your Body


Rose's Foundation of Nutrition (5th Edition, pps. 118-120) explains that water

is an essential constituent of living protoplasm. No cell functions when it is

absolutely dry, and most cells must be constantly bathed in fluid in order to do

their work.


Furthermore, human cells depend on having their food transported to them over a

fluid route--the blood--a demand which alone requires about 10 pounds of water

to be in circulation constantly. Waste-bearing water (urine) is necessary to

flush away the end products of metabolism. And without water to moisten the

surface of the lungs there can be no intake of oxygen or expulsion of carbon



Dr. W. B. Cannon, the famous physiologist, author of " Wisdom of the Body, "

explains it in a nutshell:


Water is the vehicle for food materials absorbed from the digestive canal; it is

the medium in which chemical changes take place that underlie most of our

obvious activities; it is essential in the regulation of body temperature and it

plays an important part in mechanical services such as lubrication of joint



In addition to this, water aids in the digestive process, in the waste

elimination in the circulation, temperature regulation and to protect your body

as a lubricant against friction, etc.


Water is so valuable to the entire system of the human body that it is wise to

use only the Best. Use pure steam distilled water for health and well being.


I personally did not know anything about distilled water until just a few years

ago. My knowledge of it came in a rather odd way. I had been sitting in a

wheelchair (and occasionally up on crutches) for approximately nine months-with

both arthritis and also from an accident I had been in a few years before when I

had received a concussion on my skull. Build-up of a calcification condition

from the former fractured area had put pressure on the brain area causing a

paralyzed condition on the right side of my body. I had lost my health-food

store (the original " The Herb Shop " ) in Orem, Utah, and was broke, so a friend

offered me free rent to open another one in Salt Lake City.


Here was a ridiculous situations " health " doctor opening a health-food store in

a wheel chair. The business started to grow slowly and one day as I sat there, a

young fellow came in to do business with me and as he left he dropped a copy of

" The Choice Is Clear " , by Dr. Banik, saying, " I'll bet this will help you! " As I

read the booklet through, I was completely sold on distilled water, so called up

a company and had some delivered to me. I started using it faithfully and was

out of the wheelchair in a very short time. Over the years I had helped patients

leave their wheelchairs and had used the same procedure on myself that had cured

them. It worked for them but not for me, until I combined my procedure with

" pure " water.


In order to keep up my rigid schedule of traveling to well over a hundred cities

a year, and to various countries, I see to it that I have steam distilled water

available wherever I go. For this I am indeed grateful, to be able to travel

continually without the use of a wheelchair, crutches, or canes.


Some of us have to learn the hard way-I hope you are much brighter than I was,

to suffer as long as I did before seeing the light.



Used by permission. Dr. Christopher Newsletter: Volume 1 Number 10


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The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and should not

be used to diagnose and treat diseases. If you have a serious health problem, we

recommend that you consult a competent health practitioner.


After each product is a list of what it has been used to aid. We are not

claiming that the product will cure any of these diseases or that we created

them to cure these disorders. We are merely reporting that people have used the

product to aid these conditions.


Finally, we wish to caution you that the information on this web site is for

educational purposes only. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner

before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or

life-threatening illnesses.




JoAnn Guest











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" Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future "





We have made every effort to ensure that the information included in these pages

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