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History & Science behind Coffee Enemas-Ralph Moss Ph.D

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Post subject: History & Science Behind Coffee Enemas



Excerpted from Ralph Moss' Healing newsletter, 1986:


Coffee enemas were an established part of medical practice when Dr. Max Gerson

introduced them into cancer therapy in the 1930s. Basing himself on German

laboratory work, Gerson believed that caffeine could stimulate the liver and

gall bladder to discharge bile. He felt this process could contribute to the

health of the cancer patient.


Although the coffee enema has been heaped with scorn, there has been some

independent scientific work that gives credence to this concept. In 1981, for

instance, Dr. Lee Wattenberg and his colleagues were able to show that

substances found in coffee—kahweol and cafestol palmitate—promote the activity

of a key enzyme system, glutathione S-transferase, above the norm. This system

detoxifies a vast array of electrophiles from the bloodstream and, according to

Gar Hildenbrand of the Gerson Institute, " must be regarded as an important

mechanism for carcinogen detoxification. " This enzyme group is responsible for

neutralizing free radicals, harmful chemicals now commonly implicated in the

initiation of cancer. In mice, for example, these systems are enhanced 600

percent in the liver and 700 percent in the bowel when coffee beans are added to

the mice's diet.


Dr. Peter Lechner, who is investigating the Gerson method at the

Landeskrankenhaus of Graz, Austria, has reported that " coffee enemas have a

definite effect on the colon which can be observed with an endoscope. " F.W. Cope

(1977) has postulated the existence of a " tissue damage syndrome. " When cells

are challenged by poison, oxygen deprivation, malnutrition or a physical trauma

they lose potassium, take on sodium and chloride, and swell up with excess



Another scientist (Ling) has suggested that water in a normal cell is contained

in an " ice-like " structure. Being alive requires not just the right chemicals

but the right chemical structure. Cells normally have a preference for potassium

over sodium but when a cell is damaged it begins to prefer sodium. This craving

results in a damaged ability of cells to repair themselves and to utilize

energy. Further, damaged cells produce toxins; around tumors are zones of

" wounded " but still non-malignant tissue, swollen with salt and water.


Gerson believed it axiomatic that cancer could not exist in normal metabolism.

He pointed to the fact that scientists often had to damage an animal's thyroid

and adrenals just to get a transplanted tumor to " take. " He directed his efforts

toward creating normal metabolism in the tissue surrounding a tumor.


It is the liver and small bowel which neutralize the most common tissue toxins:

polyamines, ammonia, toxic-bound nitrogen, and electrophiles. These

detoxification systems are probably enhanced by the coffee enema. Physiological

Chemistry and Physics has stated that " caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile

ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the

liver and dialysis of toxic products across the colonic wall. "


In addition, theophylline and theobromine (two other chemicals in coffee) dilate

blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut; the palmitates enhance the

enzyme system responsible for the removal of toxic free radicals from the serum;

and the fluid of the enema then stimulates the visceral nervous system to

promote peristalsis and the transit of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum and

out the rectum.


Since the enema is generally held for 15 minutes, and all the blood in the body

passes through the liver every three minutes, " these enemas represent a form of

dialysis of blood across the gut wall " (Healing Newsletter, #13, May-June,







JoAnn Guest












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" Although the coffee enema has been heaped with scorn, there has been

some independent scientific work that gives credence to this concept. "


JoAnn, as I mentioned in a previous reply, the coffee enema was so

mainstream at one time that it was listed as a treatment for various

dis-eases in the doctors's bible, " The Merck Manual. "



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