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Shark Cartilage for Arthritis

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Shark Cartilage for Arthritis


" Allergic and allergy-like sensitivities are very important factors in a large

percentage of arthritis cases, " states Marshall Mandell, M.D., Medical Director

of the New England Foundation for Allergic and Environmental Diseases.


" Allergies may or may not cause arthritis, but they definitely play a major role

in a majority of cases because they often aggravate and perpetuate the



When the substances to which the arthritic patients are sensitive are

eliminated, avoided, or contacted less frequently, the arthritis is relieved or

eliminated. "






The link between arthritis and allergic reactions to different environmental

chemicals and foods was first pointed out by Theron G. Randolph, M.D., of

Batavia, Illinois, the founder of environmental medicine. Dr. Randolph tested

over one thousand arthritis patients with commonly eaten foods and chemical

substances ranging from natural gas, auto exhaust, paints, perfume, and hair

spray to insecticides, tobacco, and smoke to find out which of these substances

caused their symptoms.


The connection between arthritis and allergies was found to be quite



In his own tests of over six thousand patients, Dr. Mandell found foods,

chemicals, grasses, pollen, molds, and other airborne substances caused allergic

reactions in the joints of nearly 85 percent of the arthritics he tested.


Numerous other studies have shown various foods and food additives, as well as

foreign invaders like protozoa, bacteria, yeast, and fungus, can also trigger or

aggravate arthritic symptoms.


A typical procedure for identifying possible allergens begins by isolating the

patient in an allergy-free environment.


After fasting and taking in nothing but untreated and uncontaminated spring

water for five days, the patient eats one food at a time to see if an allergic

reaction occurs.

After identification of allergens has been determined, the patient returns to

normal life, with the knowledge of which foods and elements to avoid altogether

or to take or use very sparingly.




I. William Lane, Ph. D., an independent consultant specializing in marine

resources, reports that shark cartilage in capsule form is now being used

successfully to combat the pain of arthritis.


Shark cartilage contains large amounts of mucopolysaccharides (carbohydrates

that form chemical bonds with water) which stimulate the immune system.


This reduces the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Since cartilage is living

tissue, oral dosages are believed to actually help repair damaged human

cartilage, according to Dr. Lane.40


Additional research shows the angiogenesis-inhibiting properties of shark

cartilage work synergistically with the mucopolysaccharides to stop new blood

vessel invasion of cartilage.


This eliminates degradation of functioning cartilage. Clinical trials and

practical application have shown that shark cartilage orally administered before

meals is effective in reducing the pain score for many arthritic patients.

Eighty percent of osteoarthritis patients at Comprehensive Medical Clinic in

Southern California responded well. The percentage of response for rheumatoid

arthritis patients studied in other research was 50 to 60 percent.


Patients completing the various studies showed a decrease in pain by 5 to 6

points on a scale of 10, with 10 being unbearable pain. Some, who had suffered

pain performing physical activities before using shark cartilage, no longer

experienced such pain after just three weeks of treatment.


Arthritic patients should not expect instant results from taking cartilage

extracts, however. Since human cartilage does not have a blood supply, it is

difficult to get new building materials into the joint areas. Also, during the

healing process, joints continue to be subjected to activity and stress-bearing.

Therefore, the benefits of cartilage supplementation tend to be gradual.



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JoAnn Guest












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