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Peacefulmind.com Wellness Newsletter

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Peacefulmind.com Wellness Newsletter


In this issue:


*Making Gifts and Gift Baskets

*Essential Oils for Christmas

*Healing with the Seasons: Winter Health!

*Winter Scents: Seasonal Essential Oils

*Winter Herbs: What's In Your Medicine Chest?

*Mounting Stress: Are You Ready for the Holidays?

*Finding Peace In A Chaotic World

*Mindful Meditation

*Birthstone of the Month: Tranquil Turquoise

*Your Belief System in Healing and Health

*Light Therapies: Color and Your Health!

*Transitions: A Transformational Guide to Creating Good Health

*Facial Rejuvenation and Acupuncture

*Affiliate News and Store Owners


*Featured Products include:

-The Full Spectrum Emitter



-The Elements Gift Baskets



-Crystal Pendulums



-Essential Oil Baskets



-Sinus Hotstone



-Chakra Necklace



Products and Services including The Full Spectrum Diet, Acupuncture,

The Detox System, Reiki Energy Grids, Aromatherapy Remedy Blends,

Bath and Body, Chinese Remedies, Massage Care Products...







*Making Gifts and Gift Baskets!

Gift baskets are special baskets for special people when they are

made with someone in mind. A gift basket works well all year long....





*Essential Oils for Christmas!

If the aroma of pine is what brings back memories like going out and

cutting your own tree, we have a top list of memory-joggers that you

are going to love! With nature's essential oils, the aroma of

Christmas need not be forgotten...





*Healing With The Seasons: Winter Health!

The Winter Solstice is the time to reflect on the power of our

spiritual beliefs and the belief in the power of ourselves! As we

look forward to the beginning of a New Year, we look at ways to

resolve issues and create resolutions that will manifest change for

the better, in ourselves...





*Winter Scents: Seasonal Essential Oils

Aromatherapy brings us the aromatic energy of living plants in the

form of essential oils. These fragrances are a natural antidote to

the emotionally debilitating effects of winter. Aromatherapy is

supportive in the winter season of quiet regeneration. Winter

essential oils cleanse and freshen air in homes closed tight against

the cold weather. ...





*Winter Herbs: What's In Your Medicine Chest?

What gives you strength? What is your motivation? What drives you to

be who you wish to be? Get empowered, stay on track, find your true






*Mounting Stress: Are You Ready for the Holidays?

The push is on. Stress from work, stress from family, stress about

our health. Prepare yourself by finding peace with the storm...






*Finding Peace In A Chaotic World

Peace is a great gift! Peace is something that we are constantly

seeking. Its idealism runs parallel to seeking the ultimate truth!





*Mindful Meditation!

Mindfulness is the act of being fully aware of what happens in each

moment. In this meditation, you remain alert, allowing thoughts to

rise to the surface, being aware of them without judging them or

interpreting their contents...






*Birthstone of the Month: Tranquil Turquoise

Discover the power you share with nature's most stunning gemstones.

Learn why this stone is centered around YOUR birth! By tuning into

the power of crystals we are able to see our truths and become more

aware. What better way to achieve our ultimate goal!





*Your Belief System in Healing and Health

Our Belief System can be one of our most powerful assets or our worst

enemy. Our belief system essentially makes up who we are. Our belief

system is made up of a set of core values, which we tend to base

everything we do, say, or believe in...






*Light Therapies: Color and Your Health!

Color Healing, Light Therapy and Chromotherapy are all terms used

interchangeably with Color Therapy, which is a set of principles used

to create harmonious color and color combinations for healing. This

form of energy medicine is based on the belief that the human body is

composed of energy fields...





*Transitions: A Transformational Guide to Creating Good Health

This is a manual you can use, whether you are healthy or ill or

somewhere in between and you want to rebalance your mind, body and

spirit to become the whole person you can be! This workbook gives you

a plan to take care of yourself. It can be used over and over to find

balance and keep yourself as healthy as possible. It gives

you " tools " to use when and where you need them...





*Facial Rejuvenation and Acupuncture

Good skin care, a clean diet, and moderation in lifestyle are all

important elements in prolonging the look and feel of our overall

health and in particular, our skin. The AcuFacial Lift is a series of

treatments that can improve circulation, increase collagen and



If you live in the metropolitan area of New York City, New Jersey or

Connecticut, you have the opportunity to see Andrew in his Wellness

Center on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Andrew specializes in

Endocrinolgy, Gyneocology and Pain Management.





*Affiliate News

Thank you to all our affiliates and businesses who have honored us by

selling our products. We offer a Drop Ship program for your website.

Those offline who have a store, spa, gym or gift shop that sell our

products, be apart of our FEATURED BUSINESS and get a highlight done

about your business.


We want to welcome Robin Eddins and her store Soulfull Journey into

the Peacefulmind.com family! When in Kearney, Nebraska, please be

sure and visit this wonderful store at 6750 W. Pershing, Homosassa,

FL 34448. You can find Peacefulmind.com products there! Tell Robin,

we sent you!


If you want to sell our products and not carry inventory, sign up for

our drop ship program. It's free and a great way to sell products!

To learn more, go to:





*World Wide Web Health Community

Andrew's health community, Alternative Answers, with over

6,300 member, is your place and your community on alternative

health! If you would like to join this free community and be able to

talk with like minded people, as well as alternative health authors,

doctors, herbalists and other experts, feel free to join up here:





For Stone and Crystal lovers, consider Andrew's other community:






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