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Homeopathic help for Diabetic Neuropathy

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Hello I am a 41 year old man with very Painful Diabetic Neuropathy I

noticed we have some homeopaths who post here. Any suggestions as to a

homeopathic method of treatment. I used a software online and it

suggested after analyzing my symptoms lycopodim clavatum (maybe not

spelled correctly). Thanks in advance.


Kind Regards,

Johnny Sanders

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Dear Johnny ,


If you could mail me your symptoms ,I can suggest something effective for

Diabetic Neuropathy.Lycopodium is effective ,but it is a slow acting remedy

and it needs some time before the effects are visible.Maybe you will need to

take a short acting remedy to give an immediate releif.







On 12/22/06, Johnny Sanders <johnnysanders wrote:


> Hello I am a 41 year old man with very Painful Diabetic Neuropathy I

> noticed we have some homeopaths who post here. Any suggestions as to a

> homeopathic method of treatment. I used a software online and it

> suggested after analyzing my symptoms lycopodim clavatum (maybe not

> spelled correctly). Thanks in advance.


> Kind Regards,

> Johnny Sanders







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This is not a homeopathic remedy, but it works.

Take Alpha Lipoic Acid. It prevents & will even

help reverse diabetic neuropathy.

Take at least 600 mg a day.

If you are dibetic, you might even take another

300 mg. I get 300mg capsules at www.Swansonvitamins.com

for a good price.


B vitamins should also help. I think B6 is the specific

one you need but they work together. Fish Oil will also

help circulation in your legs.



, " Johnny Sanders "

<johnnysanders wrote:


> Hello I am a 41 year old man with very Painful Diabetic Neuropathy I

> noticed we have some homeopaths who post here. Any suggestions as to a

> homeopathic method of treatment. I used a software online and it

> suggested after analyzing my symptoms lycopodim clavatum (maybe not

> spelled correctly). Thanks in advance.


> Kind Regards,

> Johnny Sanders


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Here is some more info on Alpha Lipoic acid. According to this

diabetics need to take 800 mg a day for neuropathy.






, " okedoke89 " <okejee wrote:


> This is not a homeopathic remedy, but it works.

> Take Alpha Lipoic Acid. It prevents & will even

> help reverse diabetic neuropathy.

> Take at least 600 mg a day.

> If you are dibetic, you might even take another

> 300 mg. I get 300mg capsules at www.Swansonvitamins.com

> for a good price.

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Dear Johnny,


For your problem take Natrum Mur - 200C three drops daily in the morning in

empty stomach. Dont take any kind of sour as it will antidote the medicine.

After one month let me know with regard to your diabetis, nerval

condition, stomach, sleep, mental tension and general vigour. This single

medicine will answer your problem.


Dr. Subrata Das

Homoeo Consultant and Practitioner

Dunoon Compound, Kench's Trace

Shillong - 793 004 IINDIA


> " Pramod Mennen " <drpramodmennen



>Re: Homeopathic help for Diabetic Neuropathy

>Sat, 23 Dec 2006 22:08:04 +0400


>Dear Johnny ,


>If you could mail me your symptoms ,I can suggest something effective for

>Diabetic Neuropathy.Lycopodium is effective ,but it is a slow acting remedy

>and it needs some time before the effects are visible.Maybe you will need


>take a short acting remedy to give an immediate releif.







>On 12/22/06, Johnny Sanders <johnnysanders wrote:

> >

> > Hello I am a 41 year old man with very Painful Diabetic Neuropathy I

> > noticed we have some homeopaths who post here. Any suggestions as to a

> > homeopathic method of treatment. I used a software online and it

> > suggested after analyzing my symptoms lycopodim clavatum (maybe not

> > spelled correctly). Thanks in advance.

> >

> > Kind Regards,

> > Johnny Sanders

> >

> >

> >




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  • 6 years later...

Usually neuropathy and nervous system problems are not curable. But homeopathy and a healthy lifestyle are preventing the diabetic neuropathy and other nerve problems.

Please note most of the health problems are preventable with healthy lifestyle, regular proper scheduled diet chart and regular medical checkup.

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