Guest guest Posted March 30, 2005 Report Share Posted March 30, 2005 The Rest of this series can be found at Thought_Creates- Also check the files areas for other great books. Walt - Walt Thought_Creates Wednesday, March 30, 2005 11:01 AM [Thought_Creates] Astral Projection, Connecting to yours guides, and more. Chapt # 1 CHAPTER 1BackgroundI was born in Minneapolis Minnesota and spent the first 24 years of my lifethere. My childhood was normal except for a few unusual experiences thatwill be described later.Before I started Kindergarten, met a boy named Brian, who was about threeyears older, and we became friends. Brian was a good friend, but he had abad habit of lying. Brian felt that lying made him seem more knowledgeableand important than other kids, and he loved to be in that position of power.At that young age, I was naive and always asking questions, but I had noconcept of dishonesty. Hanging around Brian, it didn't take me long to findout what a lie was. Before long, I didn't trust anything that Brian said tome. Still, Brian was my only friend and there were no other kids my age inthe area. Instead of abandoning our friendship, I took it as a challenge. Istill valued his friendship, but I had to learn to separate the fact fromthe fiction. I was forced to use logic to tell when he was lying and when hewas telling the truth. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. But Igot better at it by verifying some of the facts with grownups I knew I couldtrust.Before too long, my parents intervened and told me I couldn't see Brianagain because he was a "bad influence." They were right. But Brian'sfriendship taught me some valuable lessons when I was at an impressionableage. First, I learned that you can't believe everything you hear or read. Igained a real appreciation for the "truth" and I learned to questioneverything. Second, I learned how to use reason, deduction and logic. Mylove of the truth turned into a love for scientific knowledge, an insatiablecuriosity, and a thirst for knowledge and exploration.When I entered grade school, I made my first important discovery: The schoollibrary. Most of the kids would run to the fiction section to grab the storybooks. I would run to the shelf marked "SCIENCE" and I'd read text books. Iwould read any book as long as it was scientific: dinosaurs, biology,lasers, botany, archaeology, astronomy and anything else that crossed mycurious mind in a particular week. Even before I could read I would learn bylooking at the pictures.My mom used to take me to the public library and let me wander around whileshe picked out books. Of course, I'd go straight for the science books theretoo. But in the public library, children's books were mostly story books. SoI would wander around the adult section and look for science books. Iremember one day when I stumbled into the anatomy section of the adultbooks. I wonder what my parents would have said if they found out I knew allabout sex and the reproductive system at the age of six! I remember arguingwith other six-year-olds about where babies came from. They insisted onstorks and cabbage-patches, and I just couldn't talk any sense into them.I got a reputation for being a "know it all" or a "brain." I didn't care forthat status at all, because people couldn't relate to a "brain" and everyoneresents a "know-it-all." I did my best to fight against my reputation, andstuck to a small group of friends.In high school I became interested in the field of computers and mycuriosity led me to study computers in my spare time. I took severalcomputer short-courses offered by the University of Minnesota. After I hadtaken every short-course the University had to offer, I spent my free timereading computer manuals and writing computer games. My face became wellknown in the University computer labs. I often chuckled when people twice myage would ask me for help on their programming class assignments.After high school, I entered the University of Minnesota majoring in thefield of Computer Science. During that time I started having Out-of-BodyExperiences (OBEs), and it changed the course of my life. Perhaps it canchange your life too!--EXERCISE 1AffirmationsThis "exercise" section, which appears at the end of each chapter, isdesigned to present exercises and pointers to readers who are interested inlearning to have out-of-body experiences. The exercises will be simple inthe early chapters and get more complicated in later chapters.This particular exercise is an affirmation. An affirmation is like a NewYear's resolution; something you say to yourself to strengthen your abilityto do something. It's not enough just to say the affirmation, you shouldthink about it first, then say it slowly to yourself a few times. Each timeyou say an affirmation, you should try to put emotion behind your words andactually believe what you are saying.Affirmations work for many reasons. First, it's a way to clearly communicatewith your subconscious, and we all know how powerful the subconscious isfrom hypnosis studies.Second, many people in metaphysics believe in a higher consciousness,sometimes called your "Higher Self," or "Oversoul," which is even morepowerful than your subconscious. Affirmations also allow you to communicateyour intentions to your Oversoul which can help you reach your goals.Third, many people in metaphysics believe that your beliefs directly affectyour experience. Affirmations make it easier to change your belief-system,and make positive changes in your life.The most effective affirmations are the kind you make for yourself. Theyshould be short, succinct and stated in a positive way. For example, use "Iwant" messages instead of "I don't want" messages. State the changes youwant in your life and what you are willing to do to make it real. For thisexercise, you should do affirmations based on your want to have OBEs. Youcan either create your own affirmation or use the one given below: I want to have out-of-body experiences. I want to leave my body. I knowthat the Universe will respond to my needs and wants quickly, efficientlyand joyously. In return, I will practice OBE exercises, cooperate with theUniverse, follow my impulses, act on my intuitions, share my knowledge,spread my love and cooperate with my own Higher Self. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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