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Are You Being Targeted For Euthanasia?

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Mary Therese Helmueller, R.N

Are You Being Targeted For Euthanasia?

Thu Mar 31, 2005 02:28



Are You Being Targeted For Euthanasia?



By Mary Therese Helmueller, R.N.


In 1984, while working as charge nurse in the intensive care unit, a

20-year-old man asked me, " Can you give my mother enough morphine to let her

sleep away? " I was horrified. " I can not kill your mother, " I responded.

That was only the beginning. Recently, an 80-year-old was admitted to the

emergency room and the physician said, " LET'S DEHYDRATE HER " ; one more

patient was sentenced to die in hospice with NO TERMINAL DIAGNOSIS and once

again, THE LIVING WILL determined the death of a 70-year-old man regardless

of how he pleaded to live. I can no longer remain silent.


Your life may be in danger if you are admitted to a hospital, especially

if you are over 65 or have a chronic illness or a disability. The elderly

are frequently dying three days after being admitted to the hospital. Some

attribute it to " old age syndrome " while others admit that overdosing is all

too common. Euthanasia is not legal but it is being practiced. Last year the

New England Journal of Medicine reported that 1 in 5 critical care nurses

admit to having hastened the death of the terminally ill! I believe the

percentage is much higher. I have worked with nurses who even admit to

overdosing their parents. No one knows the exact euthanasia rate in the

United States, however Dr. Dolan from the University of Minnesota states

that 40 percent of all reported deaths is probably a conservative

estimation. If this is true then the United States is executing euthanasia

at a higher percentage rate than the Netherlands where it is also illegal

but widely practiced.


Did you know that many doctors and nurses whom we trust are speaking

openly about their desire to practice euthanasia? In fact they are even

speaking about ending their OWN lives when they reach the age of 65 or

BEFORE if diagnosed with an illness. Some even admit to stealing the drugs

for their own lethal injection. Think about it. These are the same people

who will determine the value of YOUR life. If they do not value their own,

how can you expect them to value yours?


I am a registered nurse in the St. Paul/ Minneapolis area with 15 years

experience in emergency and critical care. My knowledge of euthanasia not

only comes from my experience working in the critical care units throughout

the Twin Cities, but also comes from a personal tragedy and loss in 1995.

This is my true story. My hope is that you will educate others and protect

yourselves and loved ones.


On Monday, February 20th, my grandmother was admitted to a local Catholic

hospital with a fracture above the left knee. She was alert and orientated

upon admission but became unresponsive after 48 hours and was transferred to

hospice on the fourth day and died upon arrival.


I was in Mexico City conducting a pilgrimage and unable to be at her side

so there were many questions upon my return. The doctors could not tell me

the cause of her death so I began to search for the answers and was

fortunate to obtain the hospital chart. It then became very clear that my

grandmother had been targeted for euthanasia!


Carefully tracing the events it was evident that my grandmother became

lethargic and unresponsive after each pain medication. She would awaken

between times saying, " I don't want to die, I want to live to see Johnny

ordained " : " I want to see Greta walk. " Johnny was her grandson studying in

Rome to be a priest and Greta was her new great-grandchild. Even though

over-sedation is one of the most common problems with the elderly she was

immediately diagnosed as having a stroke. When she became comatose a

completely hopeless picture of recovery was portrayed by the nurses and

doctors who reported that she had a stroke, was having seizures, going in

and out of a coma, and was in renal failure.


The truth however can be found in the hospital chart which indicates that

everything was normal! The CAT scan was negative for stroke or obstruction,

the EEG states " no seizure activity " and all blood work was normal

indicating that she was not in renal failure! How were we to know that the

coma was drug induced and that all the tests were normal? Why would they



Looking over the chart it is clear that obtaining a " no code " status was

the next essential step in executing her death. This is an order denying

medical intervention in emergency situations. The " no code " was aggressively

sought by the medical profession from the moment of her admission but was

not granted by my family until it appeared that she was dying and there was

no hope. Minutes after obtaining the " no code " a lethal dose of Dilantin (an

anti-seizure medication) was administered intravenously over an 18-hour

period. It put her into a deeper coma, slowing the respiratory rate and

compromising the cardiovascular system leading to severe hemodynamic

instability. The following day she was transferred to hospice and died upon

arrival. The death certificate reads " Death by natural causes. "


My grandmother had no terminal diagnosis but the hospice admitting record

indicates two doctors signed their name stating that she was terminally ill

and would die within six months. How was this determined? The first doctor,

who was the director of hospice, never came to evaluate her or even read the

chart. More interesting is the fact that the second doctor was on vacation

and returned three days after her death! Obviously these signatures were not

obtained before or even upon her admission to hospice. How can this be

professionally, morally or even legally acceptable? Can anyone therefore be

admitted to hospice to die? It certainly seems possible especially if

sedated or unresponsive. In fact, this hospice has recently been under

investigation for accepting hundreds of patients who had no terminal



It Could Happen To You


How can this happen? A serious problem lies in the definition and

interpretation of " terminal illness " which permits the inclusion of chronic

illnesses and disabilities. Terminal illness is defined as " an incurable or

irreversible illness which produces death within six months. " The fact is

that many chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure are

incurable and irreversible and without medical treatment such as insulin and

other medications these illnesses would also produce death within six

months. Therefore, those with chronic illnesses or disabilities can be

conveniently denied medical treatment and even food and water to make them

terminal. Typically it is the elderly who arrive in the hospital that are at

the greatest risk. But it could be ANYONE! Especially those whose life and

suffering is viewed as useless and burdensome.


Difficult to believe? Well it was for our prolife lawyer until his

mother-in-law was admitted to a hospital several months later for a stroke.

She became " unresponsive " and " comatose " a few days after her admission. The

neurologist wrote an order to transfer her to hospice refusing an I.V. and

tube feeding staring " this is the most compassionate treatment. " Remembering

my story, our lawyer requested the removal of all narcotics and demanded an

I.V. and tube feeding. This infuriated the neurologist. He began to accuse

the family of being uncompassionate and inhumane. To prove his point he

began a neurological assessment on the patient. Just then she opened her

eyes and pulling the physician's necktie, forced his face to hers and said

very clearly " Give me some water! " It was obvious that she was awake, alert

and orientated. He angrily cancelled the transfer to hospice and ordered a

tube feeding and intravenous. Several weeks later she was discharged and was

exercising on the treadmill! She escaped the death sentence. Unfortunately

many others like my grandmother have not. A stroke does not make you

terminal but not receiving food and water does!


A clear understanding and definition of euthanasia is essential for a

correct and moral judgment. Unfortunately the meaning is being altered by

those who hold society's values and by those who seek financial gain.

According to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and reaffirmed

by Pope John Paul II in his encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae euthanasia is

defined as " an action or omission which of itself and by intention causes

death, with the purpose of eliminating all suffering. "


The killing in hospitals today is commonly referred to as " the exit

treatment " and disguised by the word " compassion. " Many doctors and nurses

honestly believe that this is the most compassionate treatment for the

elderly, the chronic and terminally ill, especially those whose suffering is

seen as hopeless, inconvenient and a waste of time or money. Those who hold

this twisted and corrupted idea of compassion actually believe they are

doing good because suffering has no value and materialism is their god. For

instance, how often have we heard that Medicare and Medicaid are " running

out? " " So why not relieve pain and lighten the financial burden of our

families and society? "


As a result, many patients are intentionally oversedated and forced to die

from dehydration, starvation or over medication. " Death by natural causes "

will be officially documented on the death certificate. Did you know that

this is the exact same proclamation on the death certificate of St.

Maximillian Kolbe? Everyone knows however that he died from a lethal

injection in Auschwitz concentration camp after many days of dehydration and



Pope John Paul II states clearly in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae: " Here

we are faced with one of the more alarming symptoms of the 'Culture of

Death' which is advancing above all in prosperous societies, marked by an

attitude of excessive preoccupation with efficiency and which sees the

growing number of elderly and disabled as intolerable and too burdensome. "


Many souls are being denied the opportunity to reconcile with God and

family members because their death has been hastened or deliberately taken.

This is a grave and moral injustice. Pope Pius XII in his Address to an

International Group of Physicians on February 24, 1957 stated, " It is not

right to deprive the dying person of consciousness without a serious

reason. " Pope John Paul II confirmed this in Evangelium Vitae saying, " as

they approach death people ought to be able to satisfy their moral and

family duties, and above all they ought to be able to prepare in a fully

conscious way for their definitive meeting with God. "


Recently the Carmelite Sisters shared this tragic story of a friend whose

husband was euthanized. Her husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer but

was not expected to die for several months to a year. He had been away from

the Catholic Church and the sacraments. He also was estranged from his

children. One day he complained of pain that was not relieved by medication.

The wife spoke to the nurse who then called the doctor. When the doctor

arrived he gave an injection through the intravenous line. The husband took

three breaths and died! The wife screamed, " I did not ask you to kill my

husband! " " We needed time to reconcile our marriage and family. " She

continued to cry, " He needed time to reconcile with God and the Church! "


It is evident that euthanasia is being even more cleverly planned and

executed. A very holy priest from St. Paul was called to the hospital by a

nurse to administer the last sacraments to a hospice patient. When the

priest arrived he was surprised to find the patient sitting up in the chair!

He visited with the patient approximately a half hour then heard his

confession and administered the last sacraments. Just before he left the

room the patient jumped up in bed and the nurse administered an injection.

Perplexed and concerned, the good priest called the hospital upon returning

to the rectory. The patient had already expired!


There is a good and legitimate purpose for hospice units, but how can it

ever be morally acceptable to transfer patients to a unit to die when they

have NO TERMINAL ILLNESS? How can sedating a patient and refusing a tube

feeding and intravenous be considered compassionate? Dehydration and

starvation is not a painless death! Has this become the Auschwitz of today?

A convenient and economically efficient place to dump the unwanted,

imperfect, and burdensome of our society?


Would a " living will " prevent these tragic events? The living will makes

you a clear and easy target to be euthanized. A " living will " has nothing to

do with living. It is your death warrant. It actually gives permission to

facilitate your death by denying medical treatment. Did you know that it was

originally developed by Luis Kutner in 1967 for the Euthanasia Society of

America? It is the most cost effective tool for hospitals, insurance

companies. Medicare and Medicaid. Therefore, since 1990 it has been

deceptively packaged and promoted as a patient's right known as " the Patient

Self-determination Act. " If cutting care for those patients who ask for it

wasn't so successful in saving money and controlling the budget, why then

did it originate in the Senate Finance Committee and why was it supported by

the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health? These are finance

committees whose only interest is controlling the budget! It is obvious that

the living will is all about saving money, not your life!


Many people fear the loss of control that comes with illness and

hospitalization. Tragically, they are deceived in thinking that the " living

will " protects them and restores this control in their lives. Nothing could

be further from the truth. No one knows the exact condition in which they

will be admitted to the hospital. The " living will " is written in very broad

terms leaving it open to the interpretation of medical professionals and

others who stand to benefit from your demise. Remember your best interests

or your interpretation may not be theirs! Can you imagine writing general

instructions or signing a legal contract for the care of your Mercedes Benz

several years before any problem occurs? " Please do not give oil or gas " ;

" If in three days it can not be fixed stop everything and trash the car. "

How absurd and ridiculous! It takes time to diagnose and treat even car

problems! If we would not foolishly demand this for a car then how can we

demand it for a human life which has an eternal value?


Recently, a 70-year-old was admitted through the emergency room in

respiratory distress. He was placed on a ventilator and transported to the

intensive care unit. He was awake, alert and orientated anxiously writing

notes: " I don't want to die " : " I changed my mind " : and " Please don't take me

off the machine. " He was very persistent and urgent with his pleading. I

soon understood why! His family and physicians were meeting to discuss a

serious problem. He had signed a " living will " declaring that he did not

want " any extraordinary measures. " He was now viewed as " incapable " of

making any decisions and they wanted to follow his wishes as stated in the

legal document! Very convenient for those who do not want their inheritance

spent on hospital costs and for those who do not want to be bothered with a

" useless burden " to our society!


Today hospitals and health care facilities are required to ask patients if

they have a living will or lose government funding! The question is proposed

in such a way to create pressure on patients so that they think it is

something good, desirable and necessary. " Do you know that you have a right

in the state of Minnesota to possess a living will? " Please remember that

the living will targets you for euthanasia by denying you medical treatment.

Living wills kill: they do not protect you. Instead, I urge you to obtain a

copy of " The Protective Medical Decisions Document " (PMDD) from the

International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, www.internationaltaskforce.org

P.O. Box 756, Steubenville, Ohio 43952. Ph: 740-282-3810. Sign it and keep

it among your records. Please get rid of your living will!


Can you or a loved one be targeted for euthanasia without a living will?

The course of events and treatment in my grandmother's short hospitaliza




a.. Is The Protective Medical Decision/ Better Then Power of Att -Rita

Hurst, Thu Mar 31 04:19

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