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hide the symptoms with drugs, or heal with what your body is built on!

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By Sherry A. Rogers. M.D, from her book " Tired or

Toxic " . Please share and spread the word....


Hippocrates Institute - iceburg lettuce lacks

nutrients, put Kale and Dandelion in with your Romaine

lettuce, along with Sunflower sprouts an apple,

carrot, etc....everyday...


The following is from Sherry A. Rogers book, Tired or



They can measure exhaled breath analysis biotoxins.

(Me: think of how much money CSI workers get for

figuring out the toxins and environmental situations

of dead people, yet living people have to pay) ???

That's just so backwards!


(Doctors know shit about nutrients, just ask em what

Eclampsia means)...

It's a potentially fatal attack of severe Magnesium

deficiency in the last weeks of pregnancy. If the

patient lives, it can result in a stroke, coma, and

loss or the fetus death of the mother.


Your pulse often goes up 10 points a minute if you eat

a food your sensitive to. Copercicus met with extreme

hostility when he suggested that the earth was not the

center of the universe. Harvey, as brilliant as he

was was BLASTED and desintegrated for suggesting that

blood flows througth the body in vessels.


When someone says, Well what can people do next time

say, well if people couldn't change anything we'd all

think the world is still flat!!


Get rid of dead wood and sail on. Life is too

precious. Useless diagnosises get the physician off

the hook.


Semmelweiss, who CHANGED the face of medicine by

merely suggesting that invisible germs were carried on

hands, and if physicians would wash their hands after

doing autosopies before running down the hall to

deliver babies, perhaps 9 out of 10 women wouldn't die

of childbirth - was in those days ostracized and

kicked out of the medical society and dies of suicide,

penniless. (page 69)


Anyone who is not up on a subject is usually down on



Medicine delegates the brain symptoms (exhustion,

spacey, ADD) to the psychiatrists, intead of looking

at and solving the real problems. (Me: Yet the gov't

has more than enough money to control the people

warped by lack of good nutrition for police



The rat has 6 times the level of some detox enzymes as

compared to man, one reason why they thrive in dirt!!

Just think about all those experiments done on the

rats, and what the FDA agrees with!!..... OH BOY!!!!


People don't believe processed foods and GM foods

aren't good, ask them if they've ever read about

Aspartame! Remember the story of Asbestos,


Agent Orange, Chernobyl, Bhopol....America is still



Scientists are overwhelmed by the amount of chemicals

that they're finding in humans. " Shows you just how

educated they are "


As much as 80% of nutrients can be lost from processed



Normal aging is to die in your sleep in your 90s with

no symptoms and no medications. There is no such

thing as a mysterious disease with no known cause!

(clap clap clap clap clap)


Did you ever wonder how they get a bunch of rats with

cancer of the prostate to study the effects of drugs?

They can dose them with cadmium, and a good level of

Zinc displaces cadmium! The half life of cadmium (the

time it takes the body to rid of half it's cadmium) is

10-30 years.


Pesticides have been proven to cause every form of

learning disability and brain retardation known.

Dyslexia is a Zinc deficiency.


Drug companies rule medical education the the practice

of medicine.


Parkinsons disease is reversible, as neurologist Dr.

David Perlmutter has shown at Brainrecovery.com.

Folks with most diseases, including Parkinsons, have a

deficinecy of glutathione.


When researchers need 500 rats with Parkinson's for

pharmaceutical drug experiments they only need to give

the rats one dose of an organic pesticide to get rats

with full-blown Parkinson's Diesease.


Even met a neurologist who checks for pesticide levels

and detoxification capabilites? Or who checks Al

levels in Alzheimers, or cyanide levels in MS, or fuel

haxane levels in auto-immune or memory less cases?


Lipoic Acid, is the King of AntiOxidants. Lipioc Acid

even rescues folks from dath after accidentally eating

poisonous mushrooms. Many physicians are unaware of

this, and each year whole families needlessly die!

If you can only afford one anti-oxident, make it

Lipoic acid. In combination with Silymarin and

Selenium, it has spared people from having to receive

a liver transplant from hepatitis.


Ester-C (the vitamin C) is great three times a day or



Lets reward society with tax deductions for the

purchase of vitamins, herbs, organic foods, holistic

health treatments, and fitness classes.


(For the Canadians): The OHIP Structure is centered

on disease mgmt, not healthcare! Think of all the

volunteers who could receive tax credits or money

towards university for helping out in nursing homes.

Gee, what a solution!!!




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