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Tuskegee: Vitamin D Newsletter

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This " Tuskegee Experiment, " is a fascinating one. But, unfortunately, is

deficient in one all too usual respect. It doesn't make anything clear

regarding dose. We learn that 400 units vit. D is far too small a dose, and

that pregnant, black women should use something in the range of 4000 units. Any

rough recommendations for the rest of us?


By the way, what is " ng/ml " comparable to, in " i.u. " terms? I'll go in search

of the answer to this question as soon as I quit this post.









Sunday, July 17, 2005 1:31 AM

Tuskegee: Vitamin D Newsletter



" Vitamin D Council " <thevitamindcouncil


Sat, 16 Jul 2005 11:13:44 -0700




The Tuskegee Experiment

Vitamin D Newsletter



Almost 50% of young black women had levels < 15 ng/ml. (Remember that most

vitamin D experts recommend levels above 40 ng/ml). Most frightening

of all, 12 percent of young black women had levels < 10 ng/ml

(compared to ½ of 1 percent of white women). Levels that low approach

those seen in mother rats that give birth to brain damaged babies.


How much do pregnant black

women need? A lot more than whites, say Hollis and Wagner. These

experts find the government's recommendation of 400 units a day for

pregnant black women is essentially meaningless; such amounts do not

raise blood levels in pregnant women. In other words, the

government's current recommendations for pregnant black women are

roughly equivalent to doing nothing. Pregnant women of all races

should keep 25(OH) vitamin D levels around 40 ng/ml throughout

pregnancy. Hollis and Wagner find it takes up to 4,000 units a day,

ten times the government's recommendation.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 May;79(5):717-26

Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Dec;80(6 Suppl):1752S-8S


(portions removed)



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. MedicalConspiracies@googlegro " Vitamin D Council "




The Tuskegee Experiment

Vitamin D Newsletter



This is a periodic newsletter from the Vitamin D Council. This

newsletter is not copyrighted. Please feel free to reproduce it or

post it on internet sites.


Birth defects


Nothing frightens an expectant mother like the fear her baby will be

deformed. Even worse, is the fear that a pill she took, or didn't

take, caused a birth defect. The government requires drug companies

give large doses of drugs to pregnant rats and then carefully examine

the baby rats for evidence of birth defects. Drugs that cause birth

defects in rats are either banned or controlled. The U.S. government

doesn't wait to see if the drug causes human birth defects, they rely

on animal studies.


The lack of essential nutrients, such as folic acid, also causes birth

defects. Scientists first discovered this in the 1960's, again by

studying rats. In 1992, the government finally took steps to prevent

it by recommending supplementary folic acid for pregnant women. In

1996, the government ordered food manufacturers to fortify cereal

grains with folic acid. Severe brain damage due to folic acid

deficiencies fell significantly.

Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2004 Nov;70(11):844-5


Vitamin D deficiency and brain damage

Australian researchers, led by Professor John McGrath and Dr. Darryl

Eyles, recently discovered that severe maternal vitamin D deficiency

permanently damages the brains of baby rats. Giving extra vitamin D

to the newborn rats will not reverse the damage. Noting that vitamin

D deficiency is common in young women, the authors speculated that

" optimizing vitamin D levels in pregnant women and neonates may reduce

the incidence of certain neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. "


Brain Res Bull. 2005 Mar 15;65(2):141-8


After Australian scientists found birth defects in the baby rats,

Professor Axel Becker and his German colleagues confirmed that even

transient vitamin D deficiency leads to subtle changes in rat

behavior. Slightly enlarged ventricles, cortical aberrancies, and

reduced nerve growth factors (compounds essential for the billions of

connections in mammalian brains) were only some of the birth defects.

Such deformities, were they to occur in the more complex human brain,

should have significant and lifelong consequences on learning, memory

and IQ. The Australian scientists concluded, " Given the fact that

vitamin D deficiency is more common than previously thought, the

public health implications for the developing foetus cannot be ignored. "

Behav Brain Res. 2005 Jun 20;161(2):306-12

Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 2004 Oct 15;153(1):61-8

Behav Brain Res. 2004 Oct 5;154(2):549-55


Does maternal vitamin D deficiency cause learning disabilities?

To date, no human studies exist to corroborate these animal studies.

Or, do they? If vitamin D deficiency causes brain damage, then we can

make certain predictions based on things we know about vitamin D.

First, we know that at temperate latitudes, maternal vitamin D levels

are lowest in the winter and early spring when the lack of sun means

the skin makes little or no vitamin D. Second, we know vitamin D

levels are lower among blacks than whites because melanin pigment in

skin acts as an effective sunscreen for casual sun-exposure.


If maternal vitamin D deficiency causes fetal brain damage, more

brain-damaged children will be born in the summer. (This will be true

at temperate latitudes, but not in the tropics where the sun makes

vitamin D year-round). Brains of summer-born children are making

neuronal connections at the fastest rate during the winter and early

spring when their mother's vitamin D levels are lowest. If vitamin D

deficiency damaged human brains, then summer-born children should be

retained more often, do worse in school, and display more learning



At latitude 42 degrees, Boston, Massachusetts has a marked seasonal

variation in 25(OH) vitamin D levels. Dr. Nathlie Badian of Harvard

found that boys born in July and August were seven times more likely

to have learning disabilities than those born in the cooler months.

In her study, the summer students were not the youngest - the fall

students were the youngest -and yet the fall-born students had much

less disability than the summer-born children.

J Learn Disabil. 1984 Mar;17(3):129-36


Northeastern Georgia also has significant seasonal variations in

25(OH) vitamin D levels. Dr. Roy Martin of the University of Georgia

recently reviewed the literature and conducted his own study as well.

He found, " children born from June through August were more

frequently retained, performed lower on standardized tests, and were

more frequently diagnosed with specific learning disabilities. "

Martin added, " The overall effect on the children born June through

August was enormous. "

J Learn Disabil. 2004 Jul-Aug;37(4):307-17


In tropical Hawaii, which should have much less seasonal variation in

25(OH) vitamin D levels, Dr. Grace Diamond found, as expected, that

the youngest students had higher rates of disabilities. However,

unlike Georgia or Boston, she found no evidence of excessive learning

disabilities in summer-born Hawaiian children. Such latitudinal

variation in the incidence of learning disabilities in summer born

children suggests maternal vitamin D deficiency may cause learning


J Learn Disabil. 1983 Mar;16(3):161-4


Dyslexia, poor school attendance, low Apgar scores, and low birth weight

Some studies show summer born children are also more likely to suffer

from dyslexia and poor school attendance. Dr. Richard Livingston, of

the University of Arkansas Medical School, found, " the risk of

dyslexia among children born in May, June, or July is more than double

that for those born in other months. " Pregnant women exposed to the

lowest temperatures in the second trimester (and thus the least

vitamin D) have infants with lower birth weights.

J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1993 May;32(3):612-6

Br J Educ Psychol. 1992 Nov;62 ( Pt 3):391-6

Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2004 Dec;44(6):553-7


A particular type of schizophrenia, called deficit schizophrenia, has

consistently been found to be more common in summer-born patients.

Patients with deficit schizophrenia have a poor prognosis and display

more evidence of brain damage than other patients with schizophrenia


J Nerv Ment Dis. 2001 Sep;189(9):608-12

Am J Psychiatry. 1998 Sep;155(9):1221-6

Am J Psychiatry. 2002 Aug;159(8):1382-7


African Americans are at much higher risk

If maternal vitamin D deficiency causes brain damage, then blacks will

be more affected than whites. Vitamin D deficiency discriminates

based on race. The darker a mother's skin, the lower her 25(OH)

vitamin D level, and the less vitamin D is available to help her baby

develop. Numerous studies document that black mothers are more likely

to give birth to infants who weigh less and die shortly after birth.

Black babies also have lower Apgar scores and black children have

higher rates of mild mental retardation.

Biol Res Nurs. 2005 Jul;7(1):55-66

Pediatrics.2003 Jan;111(1):e61-6

Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 1999 Apr;13(2):205-17

Pediatrics.1998 Jan;101(1 Pt 1):77-81

Am J Public Health. 1995 Mar;85(3):324-8


This newsletter will not delve into the hundreds of other studies

showing dramatic academic differences between black and white

children, or the charges of racism that inexorably follow any such

discussion. Obviously, any suggestions that black babies are more

likely to be born brain damaged have profound political implications.

Remember. We are not talking about genetics. We are talking about a

modifiable risk factor, a natural, safe, supplement costing pennies a

day: simply treating pregnant women who are vitamin D deficient.


Severe vitamin D deficiency twenty times more common in young black women

In 2002, U.S. government scientists at the Centers for Disease Control

reported that severe vitamin D deficiency is 24 times more common

among young African American women than young white women. Dr. Shanna

Nesby-O'Dell and her colleagues at the CDC found that blood levels

were much lower in young black women than young white women. Almost

50% of young black women had levels < 15 ng/ml. (Remember that most

vitamin D experts recommend levels above 40 ng/ml). Most frightening

of all, 12 percent of young black women had levels < 10 ng/ml

(compared to ½ of 1 percent of white women). Levels that low approach

those seen in mother rats that give birth to brain damaged babies. It

may be that white children have a huge developmental advantage over

black children, an advantage that begins at conception.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2002 Jul;76(1):187-92


We do not know if maternal vitamin D deficiency damages human brains

like it does rat brains. We do know young children with the least

supplemental vitamin D are at a five-fold higher risk for developing

type 1 diabetes later in life. Male children with the least

supplemental vitamin D also suffer a similar risk for developing

schizophrenia later in life. Now it appears possible that children

with the lowest amount of vitamin D during critical fetal development

suffer irreversible brain damage.

Lancet.2001 Nov 3;358(9292):1500-3

Schizophr Res. 2004 Apr 1;67(2-3):237-45


How much vitamin D do women need to prevent vitamin D deficiency

during pregnancy? About ten times more than the government

recommends, according to Professors Bruce Hollis and Carol Wagner of

the Medical University of South Carolina. How much do pregnant black

women need? A lot more than whites, say Hollis and Wagner. These

experts find the government's recommendation of 400 units a day for

pregnant black women is essentially meaningless; such amounts do not

raise blood levels in pregnant women. In other words, the

government's current recommendations for pregnant black women are

roughly equivalent to doing nothing. Pregnant women of all races

should keep 25(OH) vitamin D levels around 40 ng/ml throughout

pregnancy. Hollis and Wagner find it takes up to 4,000 units a day,

ten times the government's recommendation.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 May;79(5):717-26

Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Dec;80(6 Suppl):1752S-8S


Government inaction: incompetence or indifference

For forty years, from 1932 to 1972, the U.S. government experimented

on 399 black men in Tuskegee, Alabama. The government knew - from

studying experimental rabbits - that syphilis can progress and cause

terrible damage, including permanent brain damage. However, the

government didn't exactly know how syphilis affected African

Americans. The prevalent theory in 1932 was that blacks would suffer

less brain damage than whites. Government doctors said they wanted

more data. So they withheld treatment, even after penicillin was

discovered and found to be effective. The government doctors simply

followed the men, carefully studying them to find out if syphilis

damaged black brains as much as it did rabbit brains.

Remembering Tuskegee

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment


This newsletter is not contending that the U.S. government is

repeating the abominable experiments of Tuskegee. There is a great

difference between using blacks as guinea pigs and doing nothing.

Today, the government is simply doing nothing. They will tell you

they need more studies about maternal vitamin D deficiency, and we do.

There is not question that more research is needed. The question is:

what should we do in the meantime?


If we do nothing, we are in effect continuing this Kafkaesque natural

experiment on pregnant black women and the brains of their unborn

children. The choice is either doing nothing while we conduct more

studies, or treating vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy while we

conduct more studies. The risk of doing nothing is great (as with

syphilis) while the risk of treating vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy

is minimal (much safer than penicillin).


Seventy years ago, the government had reason to think penicillin would

help syphilis because studies on experimental rabbits demonstrated its

effectiveness. More recently, the government started supplementing

young women with folate to prevent brain-damaged babies after animal

studies and clinical trials demonstrated its effectiveness. Now the

government knows animal studies show severe maternal vitamin D

deficiency causes fetal brain damage. The government also knows 12

percent of young black women in the United States are severely vitamin

D deficient, compared to only one-half of 1 percent of young white women.


If rat studies showed a drug damages brains like maternal vitamin D

deficiency damages brains, the government would immediately ban the

drug. The Australian scientists plead with the government, saying

their research " cannot be ignored. " Perhaps the Australians don't

know how the U.S. government ignored the suffering of black men is

Tuskegee Alabama. Will the government again do nothing but wait to

see if African Americans suffer? Will the U.S. government simply call

for more studies as we all wait to see if maternal vitamin D

deficiency damages black brains like it does rat brains?


John Cannell, MD

9100 San Gregorio Road

Atascadero, CA 93422

The Vitamin D Council


This is a periodic newsletter from the Vitamin D Council. If you

don't want to get it, hit reply and let us know. This newsletter is

not copyrighted. Please feel free to reproduce it or post it on

internet sites.

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