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This is a perspective from Herbal Healer in Arkansas. Things don't look good anytime soon.----Original Message Follows----"HHA Members" <updateHERBAL HEALER UPDATE - URGENTThu, 1 Sep 2005 12:43:00 -0700HURRICANE KATRINAThere are no words adequately to express my sadness andheartfelt sorrow at the tragic events that have happenedand continue to unfold for the people of Louisiana.It is a hard decision to write this alert as I do not wantanyone to think that I am trying to capitalize onhardships, however, the basis of Herbal Healer is peopletaking responsibility and looking after themselves. Partof this, is trying to accurately evaluate what is going onand facing the reality of it, and planning accordingly foryou and your families welfare.It is becoming apparent that the gas situation in theUnited States may be seriously affected. We are not surehow that is going to affect Herbal Healer at this time.As you know all businesses in the United States depend ontrucks and planes for shipment deliveries. Some of theheadlines we are seeing at this time are:Local Trucking Companies Facing Gas ShortagePrices aren't the only concern when it comes to gasoline,supply is quickly becoming an issue. Sunshine TruckingCompany in Bowling Green says its drivers are now limitedto only $50 worth of gas at most major truck stops, whichis slowing down their deliveries and costing thousands aday in lost business.http://www.wbko.com/news/headlines/1713661.htmlAt Least Ten U.S. Airports Face Closure Due to Jet Fuel Shortages...http://www.usatoday.com/money/biztravel/2005-08-31-katrina-jetfuel-usat_x.htmGas Prices Surge To Record HighsBesides gasoline...US heating oil prices also pushed to a new record high,with September Nymex heating oil futures trading at $2.0749a gallon from the previous record of $2.06 set on Tuesday.US natural gas prices moved higher, with October Nymex henryhub up 3.6 per cent to $12.08 per million British thermalunits from $11.659 on Tuesday. Coffee prices are expectedto rise amid fears that 8 per cent of global coffee supplycould be disrupted. In London, the November robusta coffeecontract hit $1,005 per tonne before settling 2.4 per centup at $975 per tonne. Traders also remained concerned aboutdisruption to US soft commodity production by Katrina.http://news.ft.com/cms/s/765c4bae-1a0b-11da-b279-00000e2511c8.htmlMountain View - Arkansas - We have several stations out ofgas here. Locally here, Texaco reported that they sent atruck to Little Rock and could only get diesel, no gasoline.You can check gas prices in your areahttp://www.YOURSTATEgasprices.comJust saw this - TECHRANI OIL 245 Decatur Road, Decatur,GA as of 9:50 PM EST. $7.00 a gallon.The reason I am bringing this to your attention is that weare not sure how this is going to affect us here. It iswithin the realm of possibilities at this time thatshipping in the US may be disrupted. So with that said,please make sure you get your natural medicine supplies now.Especially your Colloidal Silver, 4-Herb Tea, and othernatural supplements for the winter months ahead. Also I amrecommending that you also make sure you have extra foodand all necessary living supplies on hand. It is time tobecome more self sufficient, no matter where you arelocated in the United States.Also recommending you review the FLU & COLD Season pagefor items you may need.http://www.herbalhealer.com/fluseason.htmlCOLLOIDAL SILVER SALE UNTIL OCT. 3rd.All sizes of Colloidal Silver are on sale. Note: In thewinter this product freezes and breaks, because it is awater base, so it requires special shipping charges,special pick-up arrangements are needed and it will be offsale and you will pay a lot more!* HHA COLLOIDAL SILVER 500 ppm - 2 oz. dropper ($21.95) ~> $18.00!* COLLOIDAL SILVER 500 ppm - 4 oz. refill ($32.95) ~> $28.00!* COLLOIDAL SILVER 500 ppm - 8 oz. refill ($59.95) ~> $50.00!* COLLOIDAL SILVER 500 ppm - 32 oz. ($199.95) ~> $150.00!* COLLOIDAL SILVER 500 ppm - 128 oz. 1 GALLON (Reg. $600.00) ~> $525.00!Note: Gallon is shipped in plastic and for long termstorage should be transferredto amber glass bottles with tight lid.You will need 4 -32 oz. amber bottles.Will store for many years.OTHER SUMMER SPECIALS ENDING OCT. 3http://www.herbalhealer.com/postcards.html* NEW - HHA ESTER C Capsules - 500 mg. 90's(Reg. $14.95) ~> $10.00!http://www.herbalhealer.com/vitaminc.html* DR. CHI'S - Asparagus, Vein lite, Chi Energy & LiverChi - Pg. 50 (Reg. $32.00) ~> $25.00!http://www.herbalhealer.com/drchi.html* INTESTINAL FREEDOM - 120 caps - Parasites page 21 ($22.95) ~> $19.00!* HHA WORMWOOD PLUS - Was Anti-parasite Tinc. Pg. 21 ($13.95) ~>$10.00!* HOMEOPATHIC PARASITE DETOX - 2 oz. (Reg. $17.00) ~>$14.00!http://www.herbalhealer.com/parasites.html* HHA COLON ENHANCER - 250 caps Pg. 70 (Reg. $21.95) ~> $18.00!* HHA CAL/MAG/VIT D LIQUID - 12 oz. bottle (Reg. $15.00) ~> $11.00!* HHA CMO - 180's - Arthritis - Give this a try for 30 days! Pg. 42(Reg. $59.95) ~> $45.00!* GRAPEFRUIT SEED LIQUID - 1 oz. (Reg. $14.95) ~> $10.00!http://www.herbalhealer.com/grapefruitseed.htmlNEW PRODUCTSBite Blocker - All Natural Insect Repellanthttp://www.herbalhealer.com/biteblocker.htmlEnvironmentally Friendly SOY CANDLEShttp://www.herbalhealer.com/candles.htmlHHA MEMBER TESTIMONIALSWe have some new testimonials that are fantastic.http://www.herbalhealer.com/atestimonial.shtmlON-LINE NEWSLETTER ARCHIVESThere are a great many articles and lots of goodinformation contained in our archived newsletterson-line. You can also sign up to receive them inyour e-mail for free.http://www.herbalhealer.com/news-archive.htmlFREE MEMBER SIGN UPS ON-LINETell all your friends that may be interested inreceiving a membership. This is a $20.00 value andis FREE right now. Please, only sign up once. Ifyou are a member, please don't use the new sign uparea. If you get our snail mail newsletters andpostcards you are already a member.http://www.herbalhealer.com/mbrrgs.htmlNote: On-line newsletters are not the same as thesnail-mail news. Snail mail newsletters are paidsubscription and/or mailed free to our currentsupporting members. The on-line newsletters arefree for anyone.Heartfelt Prayers for Louisiana and the entireUnited States as we face the uncertain futureahead.Love Marijah McCainWorld Class NaturopathHERBAL HEALER ACADEMYSince 1988'Healing the World with Nature,One Person and One Pet at a Time!'-------Please DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE. If you need to contact Herbal Healer, use the form at http://www.herbalhealer.com/inquiries.html
























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