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[Paranormal_Research] AIDS 'Made In America' - Journal of Degenerative Diseases

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Either all, or nearly all, of the AIDS virus, on this planet,

can be traced back to the United Nations administered Small Pox vaccine.

If you make a graph of the number of cases of aids per year,

that graph does not regress back gradually to one case.

It regresses back to thousands of infections,

starting at the time of the United Nations administered Small Pox vaccine,

in Africa.


It is also significant that The United Nations had published a plan to reduce the world's population.


The origin of The AIDS virus, also appears to be a United Nations

supervised facility, at the army's biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland.



Biowarfare is ALWAYS supervised by the United Nations;

by way of a treaty (United Nations Convention).


There are two such labs in the world:

Fort Detrick, Maryland and Sverdlosk, Russia.

Both are staffed by the same people,

and both are supervised by the United Nations.


AIDS was not originally transferred to man via a monkey in AfricaThat was the original theory, which has been discredited.The DNA CODON SEQUENCE of the "AIDS like" virus in the green monkey is not similar to The DNA CODON SEQUENCE of "AIDS" virus in humans. The DNA CODON SEQUENCE "AIDS" virus in humans is 50% similar to sheep Visna, and 50% similar to Bovine Leukemia.This indicates that the most probable origin of AIDS was a recombinant synthesis between to sheep Visna and Bovine Leukemia. This part could have been done by accident. It would only involve mixing sheep Visna infected plasma with Bovine Leukemia infected plasma. Of course this is ALSO an interspecies cross up.HERE IS THE PROBLEM;Recombinant synthesis usually produces nothing else except "incompetents"(Virus that cannot live, cannot reproduce, or cannot live anywhere ELSE except where they were formed)The

next step could not have been an accident. It is called REPLICATE PASSAGE.This involves gradually changing the medium of an "incompetent"; which cannot live anywhere ELSE except where they were formed.In this way the virus in adapted to live in a new species.Thus an incompetent virus that originated from interspecies cross up involving sheep and cows, can be made capable of living in Humans.http://www.konformist.com/1999/aids/manmade.txt<!--StartFragment-->William Campbell Douglas, M.D., National Health Federation's 1985 Doctor ofthe Year, published AIDS:The End of Civilization, 1989, detailing thedevelopment of HIV by scientists working at the army's biowarfare lab atFort Detrick, Maryland.John Seale, M.D. concludes AIDS was man-made in "Origins of the

AIDSViruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2: Fact or Fiction?" (The British Journal of theRoyal Society of Medicine 81:617-619, 1988) .Lieutenant Colonel Thomas E. Bearden (U.S. Army, retired) published AIDSBiological Warfare in 1988 which maintains that HIV was developed inAmerican biowarfare labs. Bearden holds a Master of Science degree innuclear engineering and a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics, andheads an aerospace firm in Georgia.Dr. Leonard Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, a Harvard graduate, published EmergingViruses: AIDS & Ebola -- Nature, Accident or Genocide in 1996. OutpostSBook Review calls it: "The most massive, well-documented assembly ofevidence ever published in support of the idea that the AIDS virus couldhave been manufactured as a biological weapon... If you scoff at the notion,you won't be so cocky once you see how much evidence exists."Washington State Supreme Court Justice William

Goodloe (retired) wrote aletter in 1990 supporting published articles by award-winning journalist,Peter MacKenzie: "I have heard and seen reports of the possible artificialorigin of the AIDS virus, but until this report have not seen suchcompelling evidence of its truth. Mr. MacKenzie has assembled a remarkabledocumentation of heretofore unpublished data, and an immediate governmentalinvestigation at the highest level should be commenced."Samuel Evans, Chairman of the National Council of Public Auditors, sent thefollowing letter to every member of Congress in 1989:"I address this letter to you requesting a Congressional investigation intothe 'allegations' that our government is financing research and developmentthrough genetic heredity engineering to multiply certain viruses to killspecific racial groups...The multitude of allegations, statements, newsarticles and personal testimony

demands prompt clarification. For instance,it is alleged: 1. That Col. David L. Huxsoll, commander of the U.S. Army ResearchInstitute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md., has received $60million for research in biological ethnic weapons. 2. That it might be possible to wage ethnic warfare by developingsubstances that affect one race more than another. According to Newsweekmagazine, Jan. 16, 1989, an example would include 'Valley fever, which ismuch more likely to kill blacks than whites.' Another substance, developedat a southern California university, is believed to kill only people withmelanin in their skin. 3. That it is a coincidence that Fort Detrick, which is where Col.Huxsoll's biological research is being conducted, is also the site of AIDSresearch.... These allegations go to the very root of our constitutional form ofgovernment

and basic world human rights, and must be responded to by electedgovernmental officials on all levels. Nothing less than a Congressionalhearing and investigation that may lead to a full world conference in theUnited Nations is needed to clarify and defuse the alleged mentally derangedplan of world depopulation by ethnic weapons." (Published in the ExecutiveIntelligence Review, 3/17/89)The Report of the President's Chemical Warfare Commission admits, "Therapid advances of genetic technology -- in which the US for now isfortunately the leader -- offer the predictable likelihood of new agentsbeing developed for which no vaccines or counteragents are known oravailable." (Govt. Printing Office, 1985)Erwin Chargaff, Professor Emeritus of Columbia University and recipient ofthe National Medal of Science for his work with DNA, warned of suchresearch: "I should say that the spreading of experimental cancer

may beconfidently expected." (New York Times Magazine, 8/22/76)The Foundation for Economic Trends, in a 1987 lawsuit, forced theDepartment of Defense to divulge its operation of 127 chemical andbiological warfare research sites in the U.S., including universities andcorporations, as reported by Science Magazine (2/27/87).http://www.oakvillegreen.com/food_safety.htmAids and Green MonkeysIn his earth-shaking book, "AIDS: The End of Civilization", Dr. William Campbell Douglass asked, "Do you really think some green monkey all of a sudden bit some guy in the ass and presto, AIDS all over the world?"Dr. Douglass was examining the hype that the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta have been peddling to the public about the AIDS virus, HIV. Douglas's book tells the "whole" story of the

development of HIV at the Ft. Detrick(Maryland) military installation. His story is well documented and confirms the theme of the futuristic movie "Outbreak".The Strecker memorandum - aids is man made




http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2005/09/24/aids_made_in_america_journal_of_degenerative_diseases.htm AIDS 'Made In America' - Journal of Degenerative DiseasesAIDS is a US government operation directed towards population control,which springs from secret research into disease causing agentsconducted in government biowar laboratories. That is the view ofDonald W. Scott, M.A., M.Sc. of the Common Cause Medical ResearchFoundation, a group in Canada which publishes the Journal ofDegenerative Diseases. In a special edition made available fordownload here by Progressive Convergence, http://www.progressiveconvergence.com/Aids-made-in-America-Jourv5n3.pdfthe 36-page journal attempts to make a murky chapter in recent medical history more clearly understandable - up to a point. Scott has delved deeply into the paper trail left by what seems to be a government funded effort to develop disabling diseases and to find ways to transmit these to a targetpopulation, time coincident with the appearance of "AIDS" on the worldscene.We learn about Thomas Merigan, who wrote in 1971 about "Viralinfections in man associated with acquired immunological deficiencystates", about Robert Huebner's research for the US Navy intospontaneously degenerating adenoid tissue aggravating respiratorydisease in submarine crew, as well as Bjorn Sigurdsson's Rockefellersponsored research into brucella bacteria causing visna (danish forwasting) sheep disease. Hilary Koprowski developed and tested a

poliovaccine and "lost his records". Belgian and Portuguese research thatcompleted what US scientists were finding and a small pox eradicationcampaign that may have been the vehicle for a disease causing agent toget to Africa. Henry Kissinger figures prominently and Robert Gallo isof course a king pin, linking the Nixon "war on cancer" researchprogram with the eventual appearance of AIDS.I cannot possibly do the work of Scott justice just naming a few ofthe highlights. His account makes very interesting reading and itappears that a book is in preparation that will lay our the story inall its gory detail.That there was indeed a US Special Virus program is confirmed by BoydGraves, who has been researching the matter independently. Histimeline of the development of a disabling disease agent that he saysbecame AIDS is available here, http://www.boydgraves.com/timeline/while his flow chart http://www.boydgraves.com/flowchart/download.htmland other publications can be had for a fee.- - -What really causes Aids?Whether AIDS is indeed caused by a virus coming out of a governmentprogram, that is, whether the program was successful and is now infull swing, or whether it is - as Jonathan Campbell says - the resultof an accidentally "escaped" bioweaponized swine fever virus isimmaterial for now. It might be neither of these two. I still havesome doubts, not about the existence of the program, but about themechanism that makes people ill. I have challenged Graves saying thatyes, there may have been a government effort to develop such a virus,but what about the abundant data

that shows- HIV was never properly isolated- HIV is not present in sufficient numbers in the blood of'infected' victims to explain the damage done- there is no proper test to unequivocally prove infection with HIV- AZT and other anti-retroviral drugs are highly toxic killing thepatient rather than the virus- those of the 'infected' that keep away from drugs and strengthentheir own immune system by proper nutrition and other naturalintervention seem to survive and indeed rarely if ever progress tothose 'opportunistic' diseases that make up AIDS.All those things would seem to indicate that quite possibly, HIV mayhave nothing to do with what's called the clinical picture of AIDS andthat most of the damage could actually be done by the cure that is soardently advocated by one and all - that cure which is not a cure atall, but it is the only accepted way of medical intervention. PeterBarry Chowka put

this quite succinctly in a recent article, when he said:http://members.aol.com/pbchowka/live8hiv-aids070105.html"Incredibly, the conventional war on AIDS, like no other issue inhistory, has succeeded in uniting left and right, liberals andconservatives, and evangelicals and nonbelievers in a lock-step marchtoward institutionalizing the pharmaceutical drug treatment paradigmworldwide right down to every last person on earth. If this soundslike an exaggeration, consider the fact that the expressed objectiveof policymaking HIV/AIDS control proponents is to test everyone on theplanet for HIV and treat everyone who tests HIV positive withantiretroviral drugs, even infants who test HIV negative if theirmothers test positive. It is an absolute act of modern heresy andguaranteed career suicide

for anyone in any position of power andauthority to challenge the dominant HIV/AIDS mega-spin including thebelief in the monolithic HIV/AIDS-test-and-treat-with-drug strategythat is now completely operant at every level of public policy aroundthe world."Genocide or accident?Are we looking at viral genocide? a viral accident? pharmaceuticalgenocide? medical incompetence? population reduction in action? Wejust can't know with certainty with the data available to us so far.So by all means therefore, let researchers dig into the murky historyof what seems to have been a government program with destructive intent.One useful thing to do would be to find out whether there is any truthto the viral causation of Aids and what particle may be the culprit.Is it the mycoplasma, the visna virus, is it the Gallo/Montagnier HIV,or a combination? More importantly, what is the mechanism by whichthat viral agent or that particular

combination causes thedestruction. In that sense, it would be immensely useful to know whatwent on behind closed doors in the US biolabs for at least a decadeand a half before the sudden emergence of AIDS.But in the meantime, are we to let thousands upon thousands die fromno treatment or wrong treatment? I don't think so. We shouldconcentrate on cures that work without causing further degradation ofthe patient's immune system. Whether it be selenium and othernutrients as advocated by Harold Foster,http://www.hdfoster.com/a silver colloid patented inthe US as a possible cure for AIDS and advocated by Graves, amultivitamin, http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2004/07/01/harvard_research_in_tanzania_confirms_multivitamin_slows_aids_progression.htmor simply bettering the standard of living and the dietof people in Africa and indeed around the world, it does not matter.Let's just get going with something we know works, and let's notpoison the patient in the meantime, please.But resolve it we must, the riddle of AIDS, if only to prevent thenext hyped up epidemic.http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2005/03/02/bird_flu_sars_biowarfare_or_a_pandemic_of_propaganda.htmHere again the link to the special issue:http://www.progressiveconvergence.com/Aids-made-in-America-Jourv5n3.pdfAIDS Made in America - Journal of Degenerative DiseasesThe recent release by Progressive Convergence:http://www.progressiveconvergence.com/press-AIDS-made-in-America.htmProgressive Convergence release - Whistleblowing: AIDS, Made in Americaand Harold Foster's book suggesting a nutritional protocol for AIDSpatients:What really causes AIDS - Harold Fosterhttp://www.hdfoster.com/index.html#PublicationsAs I mentioned Jonathan Campbell's hypothesis of AIDS causation, herea discussion of it from a recent

email:Accidental release of swine fever virus? - Jonathan CampbellI came at the AIDS puzzle from a completely different angle. When Ifirst started doing research on AIDS, I was fascinated and horrifiedwith the fact that it seemed to appear first on Haiti and then spreadto San Francisco and New York. A doctor treating two of the first AIDSpatients - two Haitian immigrants in Boston - Dr. Joseph Viera,suggested that the disease had been carried to SF and NYC by gay mentraveling to Haiti, since it was a popular vacation spot. He had noidea why it was in Haiti in the first place. Then when I was in NYCfor a protest demonstration in the early 80s I found a flyer thatclaimed that African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) had been cultured inHaiti in the late 60s and early 70s for use in biological war againstCuba. ASFV kills pigs by wrecking their immune systems. This wassubstantiated by an article several years later, citing that the

UShad sent the National Guard to Haiti to exterminate the native wildpig population of Haiti because it was infested with ASFV. There wereother articles as well: research by Drs. Jane Teas and John Beldekasthat they had discovered ASFV infection in men who had AIDS, clustersof AIDS and ASFV in Belle Glade, Florida where Haitian immigrants hadsmuggled pigs from the island, and prevalence of ASFV in Zaire amongpigs where the epidemic of AIDS seemed to be centered at the time inAfrica.There was a missing link, however. Where on earth did Gallo's newretrovirus, HIV, come from, and why did it seem to be prevalent amongmen who had AIDS? It seemed to be similar to a retrovirus prevalent ingreen monkeys. Then I read that there had been a big controversy aboutthe use of chimpanzees in research, as they were an endangeredspecies. Green monkeys, which were plentiful and not facingextinction, became the choice for animal

experiments and, as it turnedout, green monkey kidney became the popular growth medium for virusresearch. BINGO. The green monkey retrovirus was obviously used as theculture medium for the CIA's ASFV biowarfare agent, adding greenmonkey retrovirus into the mix. This mixture was undoubtedly tried outon wild Haitian pigs to see if it worked, and one or more of themprobably escaped. Or the CIA released them purposely to see what wouldhappen, since Haiti was considered expendable.The rest is history. Either through ingestion or blood ritual, Haitianpeople became the first victims (in the Western Hemisphere, that is).I stated above many of the other connections as well, supporting thishistorical origin. Gallo's new virus, HIV, possibly a mutant of thegreen monkey retrovirus, was found to be prevalent in AIDS patientsand declared to be the cause of AIDS, but prevalence does not meanvirulence or causation. The emerging AIDS

establishment at the CDC,led by Gallo, had to come up with weird explanations of how a weak,lame retrovirus could possible cause disease years later. In 1986,faced with the possibility that researchers were going to develop analternative origin model, Gallo and his following met at Cold SpringHarbor and *declared* that no funding was to be given to anyoneworking on a non-HIV causation of AIDS, and these alternativeresearchers were essentially drummed out. AZT, a failed cancer drug,was tested in a fraudulent manner in Boston, and wild claims of itsefficacy provided the backdrop for the declaration that it was thefirst-line defense against HIV, now very firmly entrenched as the"cause" of AIDS.If what I have stated above is true, what we have is thepossibility that AIDS is the unintended result of biological warfare.The vast majority of alternative AIDS researchers such as Duesberg -those who understand that HIV cannot be

the cause of AIDS - believethat AIDS does not have a special viral cause at all. Their claim -and they have lots of good evidence - is that in the US it is causedby toxic trauma and/or malnutrition, and that in developing countriesit is just a convenient label given to people who are dying of mundanecauses - malnutrition, typhoid, TB, - all of the ordinary, knowndiseases of poverty.







The Virus Cancer Program 1964-1980


The Birthplace Of AIDS And The Kaposi's Sarcoma Epidemic'Two new viral epidemics erupting exclusively in homosexuals is an unprecedented event in medical science. Such a bizarre and unlikely scenario strongly suggests to me that that the two epidemics of HIV and KS are more likely to have occurred due to the deliberate or accidental "introduction" of new viruses into gay men"-and not from two viruses suddenly appearing "out of Africa."'


The Virus Cancer Program1964-1980The Birthplace Of AIDS And The Kaposi's Sarcoma Epidemic

By Alan Cantwell, MD


© 2005 9-27-5












The epidemic of HIV/AIDS and the epidemic of "gay cancer"

Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is widely known as the "gay cancer" that often accompanied AIDS when the first cases broke out in gay men in Manhattan in 1979. In 1994 a new "human herpes-8" virus was discovered that is now widely accepted as the cause of all forms of KS. However, it is extremely important to note that the new KS herpes virus (KSHV) is separate and distinct from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).



Therefore, it is now important to recognize that two new viruses were "introduced" into gays that produced not only the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, but also the new epidemic of KS ("gay cancer").




Two new viral epidemics erupting exclusively in homosexuals is an unprecedented event in medical science. Such a bizarre and unlikely scenario strongly suggests to me that that the two epidemics of HIV and KS are more likely to have occurred due to the deliberate or accidental "introduction" of new viruses into gay men"-and not from two viruses suddenly appearing "out of Africa."




The widely-held theory is that HIV originated in African primates in the African bush. Somehow the monkey or chimpanzee virus "jumped species" into black Africans to initiate the epidemic which has now killed 20 million people and infected 40 million more. How this sexually-transmitted virus came from black Africa to initially infect only young white gay men in Manhattan has never been explained satisfactorily. Furthermore, the epidemic in America erupted in the late 1970s, at a time when AIDS in Africa was unknown. The AIDS epidemic in Africa appeared in the autumn of 1982, at the earliest.




The man-made origin of HIV/AIDS



The man-made theory of AIDS is generally dismissed as "conspiracy theory." Nevertheless, AIDS researchers and writers like myself, Dr. Leonard G Horowitz, Dr. Robert Strecker, Professor Robert Lee, and others have proposed for two decades that HIV was seeded into gay men when they volunteered for the experimental hepatitis B vaccine experiment which took place in Manhattan, beginning in November 1978. Additional similar hepatitis B experiments using gay men as guinea pigs continued in other American cities until 1981 -the year the AIDS epidemic became official. Some of the cities included Los Angeles and San Francisco which, along with New York City, became the three big epicenters of the epidemic.




My two books on the man-made origin of this disease: AIDS and the Doctors of Death [1988] , and Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot [1993], provide documented evidence to support this theory. A Google internet search using the key words -man-made origin of AIDS-has 246,000 citations to various websites that explore this issue in detail. Despite all this, the man-made theory remains totally ignored by the scientific establishment and the major media.




The origin of the new Kaposi's Sarcoma virus



Like HIV, the new KS herpes virus-8 discovered in 1994 is considered to be yet another primate virus out of Africa with a suspected primate "viral ancestor" hiding in the African jungle. We are expected to believe that two primate viruses (a retrovirus and a herpes virus) jumped species in Africa at the same time -and ended up exclusively in the blood of white gay American men to produce a new immunodeficiency disease in 1979, now called AIDS. This proposed scenario suggests to me that such an unlikely African event has the markings of a scientific fairy tale, and I remain stupefied that such nonsense can pass for "science" in the twenty-first century.




The origin of Kaposi's Sarcoma



KS has a long history dating back to 1872 in Vienna, Austria, when dermatologist Moriz Kaposi described five patients with red-purple skin tumors. Before the AIDS outbreak, KS was a very rare disease affecting mainly elderly Jewish and Italian men. It was never considered a contagious or sexually-transmitted disease.




In the 1960s, it was discovered that KS was a common skin cancer tumor in blacks in Central Africa, but the disease was never associated with the severe immunodeficiency characteristic of AIDS, nor was there any evidence that KS in Africa was sexually transmissible. KS was rarely, if ever, seen in African-Americans. As a dermatologist for over 30 years I never saw a KS case in a female; and KS in young men of any race or sexual persuasion was as rare as hen's teeth before the "introduction" of HIV.




KS is a medical enigma. How did a previously rare disease like KS in America become a transmissible disease primarily affecting gay men? How did this herpes KS virus escape detection during the first 15 years of the AIDS epidemic? Why did the KS virus and HIV suddenly appear together in young gay men in 1979?



Further complicating this picture is the discovery of small bacterial forms known as "mycoplasma", and the even more recent discovery of extremely tiny virus-like forms of bacteria called "nanobacteria", as well as my published reports of "cancer bacteria" as important etiologic agents in AIDS and KS. (For details, Google: "alan cantwell" + cancer bacteria.) All these newer bacterial agents are generally ignored by AIDS researchers, who focus exclusively on viruses.




I believe some of the answers to questions surrounding the origin of HIV/AIDS can be found in the annual "Progress Reports" reports of the Virus Cancer Program and the Program's relationship to animal cancer research, genetic engineering of viruses, cancer vaccine research, and to covert biological warfare research. These hard-to-find annual Reports were published by the National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Bethesda, Maryland.

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The Virus Cancer Program (1968-1980)


The Virus Cancer Program had it roots in 1964 when Congress provided funds to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for intensive research into the possible role of viruses in leukemia. In 1968 the Program, then titled the Special Virus-Cancer Program, was enlarged to encompass all types of cancer. On July 1, 1973 the Special Virus Cancer Program was renamed The Virus-Cancer Program (VCP) "to integrate the Program's research activities into the framework of the new National Cancer Plan."




The Program combined the talents of many of the nation's finest virologists, biochemists, immunologists, molecular biologists, epidemiologists, and physicians, in an attempt to uncover the viral cause of cancer. Two classes of cancer-causing viruses were studied extensively: the RNA-type tumor "retroviruses" (like HIV) and the DNA herpes-type viruses (like the KS virus).




The main goals were to collect various forms of cancer tissue and test them in animals; to identify animal and human cancer-causing viruses; to grow large amounts of "candidate human viruses" for testing purposes; and to develop vaccines against these cancer viruses. In essence, the scientists wanted to learn how to use viruses to make cancer - and to force "normal" cells to become cancerous by subjecting to viruses.




I have studied the annual Virus Cancer Reports (VCP) covering the years 1971-1974 and 1976-1978. Each report is 300-400 pages, and the cumulative volumes refer to thousands of animal cancer virus and genetic engineering experiments.




Biological warfare research, monkey research, and the VCP

The annual VCP Reports must be studied with an awareness that the Program became wedded to secret military biological warfare research in the early 1970s.




On October 18, 1971, as part of Richard Nixon's War on Cancer, the army's biowarfare research laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, was permanently joined with the National Cancer Institute; and was re-titled . the Frederick Cancer Research Center. Litton Bionetics was named as the military's prime contractor.




The primary task of the new Center was "the large scale production of oncogenic (cancer-causing) viruses and suspected oncogenic viruses to meet research needs on a continuing basis." Special attention was given to primate viruses (the alleged African source of HIV and the new KS virus)- and to the successful propagation of significant amounts of "human candidate viruses." Candidate viruses were defined as animal or human viruses that might cause human cancers. Later, the objective was to determine if such viruses could induce (either alone or with other co-carcinogens) human cancers (1977;58). Biowarfare scientists also had a keen interest in the role of human and non-human primate viruses as "helper viruses" in the production of cancer (1978;54).





A steady supply of research animals (monkeys, chimpanzees, mice, cats, etc. ) was necessary; and multiple breeding colonies were established for the VCP. For example, a total of 2,274 primates from Africa and Asia were shipped to Litton for military use in 1971.


Forcing cancer viruses into primates and other animals More- http://rense.com/general67/viru.htm 121 <121 wrote:

http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2005/09/24/aids_made_in_america_journal_of_degenerative_diseases.htm AIDS 'Made In America' - Journal of Degenerative DiseasesAIDS is a US government operation directed towards population control,which springs from secret research into disease causing agentsconducted in government biowar laboratories. That is the view ofDonald W. Scott, M.A., M.Sc. of the Common Cause Medical ResearchFoundation, a group in Canada which publishes the Journal ofDegenerative Diseases. In a special edition made available fordownload here by Progressive Convergence, http://www.progressiveconvergence.com/Aids-made-in-America-Jourv5n3.pdfthe 36-page journal attempts to make a murky chapter in recent medical history more clearly understandable - up to a point. Scott has delved deeply into the paper trail left by what seems to be a government funded effort to develop disabling diseases and to find ways to transmit these to a targetpopulation, time coincident with the appearance of "AIDS" on the worldscene.We learn about Thomas Merigan, who wrote in 1971 about "Viralinfections in man associated with acquired immunological deficiencystates", about Robert Huebner's research for the US Navy intospontaneously degenerating adenoid tissue aggravating respiratorydisease in submarine crew, as well as Bjorn Sigurdsson's Rockefellersponsored research into brucella bacteria causing visna (danish forwasting) sheep disease. Hilary

Koprowski developed and tested a poliovaccine and "lost his records". Belgian and Portuguese research thatcompleted what US scientists were finding and a small pox eradicationcampaign that may have been the vehicle for a disease causing agent toget to Africa. Henry Kissinger figures prominently and Robert Gallo isof course a king pin, linking the Nixon "war on cancer" researchprogram with the eventual appearance of AIDS.I cannot possibly do the work of Scott justice just naming a few ofthe highlights. His account makes very interesting reading and itappears that a book is in preparation that will lay our the story inall its gory detail.That there was indeed a US Special Virus program is confirmed by BoydGraves, who has been researching the matter independently. Histimeline of the development of a disabling disease agent that he saysbecame AIDS is available here, http://www.boydgraves.com/timeline/while his flow chart http://www.boydgraves.com/flowchart/download.htmland other publications can be had for a fee.- - -What really causes Aids?Whether AIDS is indeed caused by a virus coming out of a governmentprogram, that is, whether the program was successful and is now infull swing, or whether it is - as Jonathan Campbell says - the resultof an accidentally "escaped" bioweaponized swine fever virus isimmaterial for now. It might be neither of these two. I still havesome doubts, not about the existence of the program, but about themechanism that makes people ill. I have challenged Graves saying thatyes, there may have been a government effort to develop such a virus,but what about the abundant data that shows- HIV was never properly isolated- HIV is not

present in sufficient numbers in the blood of'infected' victims to explain the damage done- there is no proper test to unequivocally prove infection with HIV- AZT and other anti-retroviral drugs are highly toxic killing thepatient rather than the virus- those of the 'infected' that keep away from drugs and strengthentheir own immune system by proper nutrition and other naturalintervention seem to survive and indeed rarely if ever progress tothose 'opportunistic' diseases that make up AIDS.All those things would seem to indicate that quite possibly, HIV mayhave nothing to do with what's called the clinical picture of AIDS andthat most of the damage could actually be done by the cure that is soardently advocated by one and all - that cure which is not a cure atall, but it is the only accepted way of medical intervention. PeterBarry Chowka put this quite succinctly in a recent article, when he said:http://members.aol.com/pbchowka/live8hiv-aids070105.html"Incredibly, the conventional war on AIDS, like no other issue inhistory, has succeeded in uniting left and right, liberals andconservatives, and evangelicals and nonbelievers in a lock-step marchtoward institutionalizing the pharmaceutical drug treatment paradigmworldwide right down to every last person on earth. If this soundslike an exaggeration, consider the fact that the expressed objectiveof policymaking HIV/AIDS control proponents is to test everyone on theplanet for HIV and treat everyone who tests HIV positive withantiretroviral drugs, even infants who test HIV negative if theirmothers test positive. It is an absolute act of modern heresy andguaranteed career suicide for anyone in any position of power andauthority to challenge the dominant HIV/AIDS mega-spin including thebelief in the monolithic

HIV/AIDS-test-and-treat-with-drug strategythat is now completely operant at every level of public policy aroundthe world."Genocide or accident?Are we looking at viral genocide? a viral accident? pharmaceuticalgenocide? medical incompetence? population reduction in action? Wejust can't know with certainty with the data available to us so far.So by all means therefore, let researchers dig into the murky historyof what seems to have been a government program with destructive intent.One useful thing to do would be to find out whether there is any truthto the viral causation of Aids and what particle may be the culprit.Is it the mycoplasma, the visna virus, is it the Gallo/Montagnier HIV,or a combination? More importantly, what is the mechanism by whichthat viral agent or that particular combination causes thedestruction. In that sense, it would be immensely useful to know whatwent on behind closed doors in the US

biolabs for at least a decadeand a half before the sudden emergence of AIDS.But in the meantime, are we to let thousands upon thousands die fromno treatment or wrong treatment? I don't think so. We shouldconcentrate on cures that work without causing further degradation ofthe patient's immune system. Whether it be selenium and othernutrients as advocated by Harold Foster,http://www.hdfoster.com/a silver colloid patented inthe US as a possible cure for AIDS and advocated by Graves, amultivitamin, http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2004/07/01/harvard_research_in_tanzania_confirms_multivitamin_slows_aids_progression.htmor simply bettering the standard of living and the dietof people in Africa and indeed around the world, it does not matter.Let's

just get going with something we know works, and let's notpoison the patient in the meantime, please.But resolve it we must, the riddle of AIDS, if only to prevent thenext hyped up epidemic.http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2005/03/02/bird_flu_sars_biowarfare_or_a_pandemic_of_propaganda.htmHere again the link to the special issue:http://www.progressiveconvergence.com/Aids-made-in-America-Jourv5n3.pdfAIDS Made in America - Journal of Degenerative DiseasesThe recent release by Progressive Convergence:http://www.progressiveconvergence.com/press-AIDS-made-in-America.htmProgressive Convergence release - Whistleblowing: AIDS, Made in

Americaand Harold Foster's book suggesting a nutritional protocol for AIDSpatients:What really causes AIDS - Harold Fosterhttp://www.hdfoster.com/index.html#PublicationsAs I mentioned Jonathan Campbell's hypothesis of AIDS causation, herea discussion of it from a recent email:Accidental release of swine fever virus? - Jonathan CampbellI came at the AIDS puzzle from a completely different angle. When Ifirst started doing research on AIDS, I was fascinated and horrifiedwith the fact that it seemed to appear first on Haiti and then spreadto San Francisco and New York. A doctor treating two of the first AIDSpatients - two Haitian immigrants in Boston - Dr. Joseph Viera,suggested that the disease had been carried to SF and NYC by gay mentraveling to Haiti, since it was a popular vacation spot. He had noidea why it was in Haiti in the first place.

Then when I was in NYCfor a protest demonstration in the early 80s I found a flyer thatclaimed that African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) had been cultured inHaiti in the late 60s and early 70s for use in biological war againstCuba. ASFV kills pigs by wrecking their immune systems. This wassubstantiated by an article several years later, citing that the UShad sent the National Guard to Haiti to exterminate the native wildpig population of Haiti because it was infested with ASFV. There wereother articles as well: research by Drs. Jane Teas and John Beldekasthat they had discovered ASFV infection in men who had AIDS, clustersof AIDS and ASFV in Belle Glade, Florida where Haitian immigrants hadsmuggled pigs from the island, and prevalence of ASFV in Zaire amongpigs where the epidemic of AIDS seemed to be centered at the time inAfrica.There was a missing link, however. Where on earth did Gallo's newretrovirus, HIV, come from,

and why did it seem to be prevalent amongmen who had AIDS? It seemed to be similar to a retrovirus prevalent ingreen monkeys. Then I read that there had been a big controversy aboutthe use of chimpanzees in research, as they were an endangeredspecies. Green monkeys, which were plentiful and not facingextinction, became the choice for animal experiments and, as it turnedout, green monkey kidney became the popular growth medium for virusresearch. BINGO. The green monkey retrovirus was obviously used as theculture medium for the CIA's ASFV biowarfare agent, adding greenmonkey retrovirus into the mix. This mixture was undoubtedly tried outon wild Haitian pigs to see if it worked, and one or more of themprobably escaped. Or the CIA released them purposely to see what wouldhappen, since Haiti was considered expendable.The rest is history. Either through ingestion or blood ritual, Haitianpeople became the first victims (in the

Western Hemisphere, that is).I stated above many of the other connections as well, supporting thishistorical origin. Gallo's new virus, HIV, possibly a mutant of thegreen monkey retrovirus, was found to be prevalent in AIDS patientsand declared to be the cause of AIDS, but prevalence does not meanvirulence or causation. The emerging AIDS establishment at the CDC,led by Gallo, had to come up with weird explanations of how a weak,lame retrovirus could possible cause disease years later. In 1986,faced with the possibility that researchers were going to develop analternative origin model, Gallo and his following met at Cold SpringHarbor and *declared* that no funding was to be given to anyoneworking on a non-HIV causation of AIDS, and these alternativeresearchers were essentially drummed out. AZT, a failed cancer drug,was tested in a fraudulent manner in Boston, and wild claims of itsefficacy provided the backdrop for the

declaration that it was thefirst-line defense against HIV, now very firmly entrenched as the"cause" of AIDS.If what I have stated above is true, what we have is thepossibility that AIDS is the unintended result of biological warfare.The vast majority of alternative AIDS researchers such as Duesberg -those who understand that HIV cannot be the cause of AIDS - believethat AIDS does not have a special viral cause at all. Their claim -and they have lots of good evidence - is that in the US it is causedby toxic trauma and/or malnutrition, and that in developing countriesit is just a convenient label given to people who are dying of mundanecauses - malnutrition, typhoid, TB, - all of the ordinary, knowndiseases of poverty.

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