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Chapter twenty three: The Illuminati and Dangerous

ineffective immunizations


I will at first summarize this necessarily long and

very informational chapter: (It is as such, because we

Americans have been brainwashed with lots of

falsities, urging immunizations upon us!): Vaccines

produce only defective antibodies because the vaccine

makers are inflicting upon us only “substitute” or

“denatured” antigens, which do not in any way

duplicate any part whatsoever of the actual disease

fighting processes. Mimicry by substitute antigens at

this point is damaging of immunity rather than helping

it along, as we have been made to believe about

immunizations, which at best are only deleterious



Our body uses “suppressor” lymphocytes to protect us

from the infection fighting immune processes spreading

their effects to adjacent tissues, which are often

being destroyed or degraded, and thereby denatured,

and moreover by being combined in intimate association

with or “conjugated” with the pathogens and their

toxins which are attacking us. Our own tissues then,

would otherwise thereby elicit auto immune destruction

of themselves. Thus, the phony antigens are

“bracketed” by suppressor lymphocytes just as the real

disease organisms would also be, in order to keep the

immune processes from “spreading” their effect to our

own bodies, which thus become intimately related and

conjugated antigens, and which would also thus elicit

autoimmune attacks against our own tissues when our

immune responses are fighting diseases in which our

own tissues are being attacked by disease causing

organisms and the toxins which they elaborate.


Simply stated: These organisms and antigens would

otherwise then functionally be combined, antigen wise,

with our own tissues resulting in autoimmune reaction

damage to our own tissues. This is because our own

tissues were “denatured” by this combining and by the

actions of the disease producing pathogens, their

toxic products and their antigens, along with the

other additional toxins always administered in

vaccines. Our own tissues are thereby denatured,

resulting in autoimmunity because of our own immune

reaction to our own, now “denatured,” tissues.


This close association is unavoidable because our own

tissues are always intimately involved with the

pathogens to which our immunity is responding. Our

tissues are also being degraded and thus denatured by

the pathologic processes, materials, and organisms.

Our own tissues therefore, would otherwise be highly

likely to always become “immune targets” thereby,

except for antigenic protection by the “T suppressor

lymphocytes,” which closely “bracket” the offending

antigens to prevent autoimmune destruction of our own

associated and conjugated tissues. This would

naturally occur if the immunity response itself were

allowed to “spread itself” to all the new and altered

similar or related antigens which are always elicited

during the infection and the processes of fighting it.



These phony vaccine antigens have to be closely

“antigen entwined” by the T suppressor lymphocytes of

the immune system to help prevent us from developing

autoimmunity. Thereby, the actual disease toxins and

organisms, which are immunologically highly similar to

the vaccine antigens, but which remain also quite

distinct from the vaccine antigens are then, are by

this suppressor effect intimately surrounding the

phony antigens protected by the suppressor lymphocytes

elaborated to defend the body itself from developing

autoimmune processes and damages. This is just how the

suppressors work to protect us from autoimmunity. We

have been significantly misled to believe that these

phony antigens instead, actually do activate the

immune system against the disease organisms and the

toxins they elaborate, when they in fact only serve as

“false targets” to protect the actual pathogens, by

diverting our immune processes.


We do indeed have but very strictly limited immune

capacity. (In order to protect us from autoimmunity!)

What the vaccines’ denatured antigens then indeed do

is to both waste and misdirect the body’s immune

capacities, and actually suppress immune function

against the actual pathogens being supposedly

immunized against by inducing immune “brackets” of

suppressor lymphocytes antigen entwined around the

phony antigens. These are elaborated to protect us

against autoimmune disease and are indeed very closely

entwined around those vaccine antigens, because the

body has to treat to the phony antigens as if they

were really the pathogens. Our immune response itself

thereby is then made to protect the real pathogens

with these suppressor lymphocyte brackets. When our

bodies encounter the true pathogens, because of their

similarity to the phony antigens with which we have

been immunized, the brackets of t suppressor

lymphocytes end up protecting the actual pathogens,

and make developing the disease itself far more



To protect us from autoimmunity the immune system

inherently has but limited capacity. To misdirect and

waste our immune potential is a dangerous and serious

mistake! Moreover, other toxic substances are included

in significant and damaging amounts in all vaccines.

Children receiving the presently prescribed set of

routine vaccinations have already taken, by injection,

over 80 times the maximum amount of mercury they can

tolerate without serious brain damage! Having

defective anti bodies, is far worse for our immune

responses than having no such prior preformed

“psuedoantibodies” (False Antibodies), when

encountering the actual disease organism or its

elaborated toxins. Simply stated! Denatured antigens,

viruses, and the toxins given with them, naturally

defeat our immune responses, elicit autoimmunity, and

often themselves cause epidemics of the disease being

vaccinated against.


Those scientists studying carcinogenesis, (the

development of malignancy) have found that during each

and every day of our lives, our bodies generate about

80 to 100 new malignancy cells during our usual

processes of cell regeneration and restoration.

However, only when those newly formed malignant cells

escape our very close immune surveillance to go on and

reproduce into malignant tumors, do they actually then

become cancers. This illustrates just how quickly our

immune system reacts to our own newly modified tissues

to destroy them. It also illustrates just what a

healthy process this destruction of our own -newly

modified tissue- antigens really is! It should be no

surprise then that vaccines lead to autoimmunity and

enhanced carcinogenesis, along with suppression of the

immune responses against disease.


Antibodies are but a small part of the hyper efficient

immune response which we get from fighting the disease

itself. This fight experience itself, can in this day

and age now be made to be far more in our favor by

medicinal herbs which are BRMs. (Biological response

modifiers) which function much like real true

antibodies to activate and focus our immune system

into an immediate defense posture against an invading

organism. Echinacea and Astragalus are but a couple of

the many medicinal herbs which are highly effective in

helping our immune system to immediately raise a

vigorous defense against invading organisms. Other

agents, which are highly effective and readily

available, are nutritionals, naturopathic and

homeopathic remedies, medicines and medical care, and

other hygienic measures. All of which, we have now

accumulated vast amounts of experience and knowledge

about, making the use of vaccines in every case never

effective from a “damage versus benefit” perspective.


More over, as in the case of the usual childhood

diseases, having fought the organism once, grants us

highly effective lifelong immunity which the mother

then can always, ever after, pass on to her baby and

nursing infant as passive immunity. Vaccines totally

lack this perspective and capacity.


From an immunity standpoint the vaccinations always

severely damage and misdirect “cellular immunity”

which is the most extensive and by far the most

important part of the immune process. All of these

factors leave the vaccinated person far worse off

immunity wise, than if they were never vaccinated

against the disease, and also damage their brains,

bodies, and health in many other ways. Cellular

immunity is an extensive process, with many highly

specific factors built into it to make it function

immediately, safely, and effectively. (See later under

Gonorrhea) Having said all this in introduction, let

us now proceed with the chapter as I initially wrote



Suppose you were forced to go into the boxing ring

with a champion slugger with your hands tied behind

your back, and they are then allowed to pummel you

with brass knuckles. Taking any of the presently

mandated immunizations, or allowing anyone to force

them upon anyone else, and also failing to immediately

start a highly publicized political movement to clean

up our “internal environment,” which is being pummeled

with horribly toxic food and water chemicals,

dangerous pharmaceuticals, and damaging ineffective

vaccines, is just indeed every bit that foolish and

abusive. All this is presently being done in direct

violation of our constitutional rights to personal

freedom of choice, based on informed consent. We are

at present being fatally pummeled by the New World



And that in direct violation of any concept of

Democracy, which would directly focus on improving the

well-being of its citizenry: The wording “hands tied

behind the back” is only all too appropriate because

vaccinations are literally forced upon us. We are not

allowed to even defend our children by our refusing to

have heinous vaccines injected into our infants in the

very first day of their life! Food is laced with MSG,

which people do not want, so it is given to them

without its presence, as such, even being noted on the

label. (Aspartame is a far more potent excitotoxin,

and contains several other very potent poisonings

built into its molecule.)


Our drinking water is laced with fluoride in violation

of the well known science knowledge that fluoride

damages teeth and bones and causes brain lesions, and

has caused even greater loss of teeth through causing

an immense epidemic of periodontal disease which is

engulfing all who use fluoride toothpaste or are

provided fluoride dosed drinking water. You government

is working to kill you and to permanently brain damage

you, and to brain wash you in the process. If you take

your child to the emergency room, and they find your

children’s vaccinations are not up to date, they will

seize your children from you, and vaccinate them

against your will before returning them to you! This

has already happened to many parents, wise and

knowledgeable enough to avoid vaccine damages for

their babies and children!


All such is occurring only because the entire thrust

of the New World Order Illuminati is to eliminate 95%

of us. (According to well informed sources, and, which

all the information I can find about toxic food

additives and vaccines indeed substantiates.) Man’s

inhumanity to man is Satan’s highest delight! The

Illuminati Satanists have a Satanically inspired a

vision of a world preserved for themselves, returned

to a kind of “Nature Park” status, with only

themselves and a few other selected humans chosen to

remain to serve their personal needs. The reason I

choose to mention this is because only this knowledge

can explain all the first degree murdering implemented

upon us under pretext of feeding us, treating us, and

protecting us, which I have found to be going on

throughout our nutritional, hygienic, warfare, and

medical care systems. Those who are supposed to be

favoring and serving us on a grand scale are

demonstrably now very openly seeking only “their share

of the contract on humanity.” When it comes to

immunity, anti body is secondarily protective, but it

serves as only kind of a “messenger service” to help

direct the cellular immunity in really doing the

fighting for us, and when misdirected by vaccines,

only crumples our immune system to ineffectiveness,

and often severely damages us in the process.


All of our present vaccines only create in us

imperfect harmful antibodies, and demonstrably lessen

the cellular immunity very markedly in the process:

Which is why in every experience, the vaccines only

markedly worsen the incidence of disease in epidemics

of disease, amongst those vaccinated against the

epidemic. Cellular immunity must retain intact and

vigorous for the immune system to at all even function

effectively. Some well known examples of how

ineffective imperfect antibodies are: Lyme disease and



Lyme disease has already been discussed as a naturally

occurring example of how modified antigens produce


destructive autoimmune disease, instead of immunity.

Likewise: Getting and fighting gonorrhea confers no

immunity at all, because the organism has highly

variable surface antigens, so any antibodies a person

can make by fighting the disease cannot perfectly

match the disease organism itself, should he again

encounter it, so his immune system is slightly

mismatched, resulting in no ability to fight off the

gonorrhea organism and instead, even greater

susceptibility and a tendency towards autoimmune

disease as a result of the encounter. This is just

exactly the result obtained from any vaccines, because

they generate only imperfect ineffective anti bodies,

and suppress cellular immunity in the process.


A very important part of cellar immunity is the

production of “T suppressor lymphocytes,” which help

to prevent autoimmune reactions from developing as the

consequence of the immune responses spreading to

similar tissues in the human body, by keeping the

immune response strictly limited to that very specific

antigen, in order to help prevent autoimmune response

against human tissues, while keeping it effective

against malignancies. The induction of production of

these T suppressor lymphocytes by the vaccine

antigens, leads to greatly decreased response to

similar antigens, in order to protect the body from

having autoimmunity race through it like wild fire, as

the result of exposure to an organism which infects or

effects the cells or tissues. Since the pseudo antigen

from the vaccine is “bracketed” by suppressor

lymphocytes it should come as no surprise that when

the somewhat similar, actual disease organism is

encountered, those who are vaccinated, supposedly

“against it,” will be far more likely to develop the

disease than the unvaccinated public.



In spite of hundreds of years of vaccination

experience verifying this same epidemic enhancing

result, the public is still brainwashed into believing

in Vaccination: As effective! The “insiders” know

better. All of the immunization practices followed in

the US today are scientifically unsound, and

exceedingly perilous and damaging. The medical status

of US Gulf War One Vets is exemplary. They were given

numerous not yet perfected vaccinations, and over half

are already dead or already on medical disability.


Donald Rumsfeld, the most visible spoiler in all of

this attack upon our well-being, is being lionized

almost daily by the major Media, which is

preprogrammed to both further, and to continue this

extensive pervasive work of human degradation. If our

minds, wills, and bodies are to have any chance to

properly function, we must urgently reverse all of the

fascism, which has now replaced Democracy in the US,

or The Zionist New World Order will have their way

with us, and all that we are, and all which we have.

(And through us, the rest of the world.) I speak just

as I have written the rest of this book: After thirty

five plus years of intense conflict: Being pummeled by

them, simply because I speak the truth loaded with

facts, and that only with humanitarian aims in mind.

Those aims Indeed: Of preserving our very health,

minds, constitutional rights, and civil liberties.


Immunization practices, as followed in the US today,

are overwhelmingly scientifically unsound,

ineffective, damaging, and exceedingly perilous. They

are pursued with reckless disregard of our inherent

civil liberties, and those constitutionally granted

privileges inherently due our citizenry, in spite of

ample evidence that they are far more damaging than

beneficial. This makes some of the present programs

criminal in intent, and as well, in the application

thereof. There are several important factors in this.

Careful, impartial, and even pointedly questioning

study of each and every immunization practice, and all

information of every type surrounding it, urgently

needs to be done before adopting any immunization

routines, or even continuing with any of those now

routinely used, much less mandating them and then

forcing them upon hapless helpless babies!


Hib (Hemophilus influenza type B), for example,

continues to be mandatorily immunized against, because

Hib is associated with meningitis at an early age.

Only problem is: When the Hib immunization program was

widely performed on infants in Minnesota, it was found

that the Hib meningitis rate went up instead of down!

The Propaganda Media (Newspapers and TV) blamed this

on those who did not get vaccinated. (In defiance of

even common sense! If immunization were even effective

at all, it would still lower the overall rate of

occurrence, by preventing it in those who were

immunized by that massive vaccination program!) When

the Minnesota State epidemiologist examined the

records, (Which are always tainted to in every

possible way to favor, and to protect immunization!),

they found that immunization against Hib INCREASED

the incidence of meningitis incidence five fold, in

those so immunized, instead of protecting against it!



Those poor victimized children! Each and every one of

them are all presently experiencing those horrible

personal losses experienced from that vaccination

causing their meningitis, which it was supposed to

protect them from! AND: They all will have to live

with those disabilities for the rest of their lives!

Absolutely nothing is to be gained from anyone being

panicked, or forced into ill advisedly rushing into

any immunization routine! Forced immunization over or

against personal or parental approval is never

justifiable as a beneficial program under any

conceivable circumstance. And, once an enlightened

over view of the programs in question is achieved:

There is revealed: No health or public health

justification, whatsoever! (Forget about the concept

of “herd immunity!”)


My son developed childhood diabetes as the direct

result of an early mumps vaccination, which I, as a

new young doctor, in my ill found enthusiasm for “all

things new and beneficial” in medicine, urged upon

him. Epidemiologic studies now clearly demonstrate

that childhood vaccinations cause epidemics of

childhood diabetes, and yet the “forced immunization”

programs continue as before, in spite of the fact we

are involved in a massive epidemic of diabetes

directly caused by them! (I was at the time actually

brainwashed in favor of vaccine programs, as are all

doctors and nurses.)


My sister in law died as a result of generalized

vaccinia infection resulting from a small pox

vaccination. Such horrible personal losses are the

legacy of the vaccine industry from its very inception

to this present moment! Even slight modification of

the antigenic character of human tissues by vaccine

organisms and their accompanying toxins leads to

autoimmune diseases like diabetes, multiple sclerosis,

rheumatoid arthritis, and Lupus. The information made

public via the Media just does not adequately warn of

vaccination disasters, and to the contrary the Media

always uses scare tactics to frighten the

reader/viewer into having vaccination made mandatory

for all. In frontier days, our mothers, grandmothers,

and great grandmothers, were at least “tuned into the

grapevine,” and thus were far better off

informationally, than are we today, with our Media

blaring pro-vaccine propaganda at us!


We very truthfully live in the age of propaganda,

rather than a truly informational age! Very few of

such vaccine caused losses are ever reported, and the

rules for reporting of damages from vaccinations make

it virtually impossible to even begin to attribute

these widespread damages to the vaccines they

originated from! We lived in a far better age before

our present New World Order mass mind control

programs: via vaccines, chemicals like Aspartame,

alloxan, and fluoride, and before the Mass Media, and

electronic entertainment became an integral part of

modern life. My mother grew up and then became a

mother in the semi rural Willamette Valley in the

early days of the last century.


In those days, lacking electronic diversions, people

liked to talk to and about their neighbors, observed

facts, and happenings in their communities. By

watching what went on around her in the valley, my

mother as an independent observer had decided that

immunizations were unproductive and dangerous. Today,

we are lied to on TV and in the newspapers, to give

the false impressions the N.W.O. wants you to have. As

an example: In 1982, Maryland State Health officials

publicly, throughout the Media, blamed a pertussis

(Whooping Cough) epidemic on the unvaccinated, in a TV

warning program entitled: “D.P.T.—Vaccine Roulette!”

When all 41 cases in the epidemic were investigated,

however, every one of them already had a full set of

DPT vaccinations! Not one single case in that

“epidemic” happened amongst the unvaccinated, only

reflecting the damage which vaccination does to our

inherent immunity and disease resistance and however,

making the stated headlines even overwhelmingly more



Several points: Which follow, are relevant in

consideration of the appropriateness of each and every

vaccination procedure, and the population it is to

potentially be, even voluntarily, applied to(if at

all, or if ever), and along with what is the truly

most appropriate age and form for its administration.


FIRST: Most currently followed immunization practices

openly and blatantly defy, and disobey the well known

scientific knowledge of the capabilities of the immune

system in so far as to derive any possible real

benefit from vaccination. ALSO: Vaccinations as well,

may often indeed cause severe harm and health problems

in the human organism. The hepatitis B vaccine, for

example, is famous for and scientifically well

recognized for its many damages, and lack of timely

effectiveness, but is presently being forced upon ALL

helpless, hapless newborns, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE KNOWN



The immune system is so specific in its actions that

it can recognize any, even minute changes in the very

molecular structure of any organism, or product

thereof, being immunized against. Even if the atoms

of an antigen are arranged in approximately or exactly

the same order: If even the electron pattern around a

couple of atoms and the orbits of electrons around any

two atoms are altered, the immune system can recognize

this alteration and can thereby be induced to cause

severe untoward reactions in the immunized person

there from. Vaccines are all universally prepared by

significantly changing the organisms and their

antigens, which at best only confuses the immune

system, and directly suppresses the immune response to

the real disease causing organism itself.


The alteration of bonding patterns in bleached white

flour mentioned in the last chapter, can serve as an

example of autoimmunity arising from even minor

changes in natural protein structure. Millions of

people between 1950 and 1970 were injected with simian

virus: SV-40 from contaminated monkey kidney tissue

contained within the injected polio vaccine: Myself

included (over my objection.) My nurse friends thought

they would truly be severely neglecting my welfare, if

they did not “Shoot me.” So over and against my

mother’s wise judgment, I at age 17 let them shoot me

with the Salk vaccine. It is impossible to remove

animal viruses from vaccine cultures! These are cancer

causing viruses! Once injected with them, it is then

impossible to remove them from your body and they

always leave your body, ever afterwards, with

immensely increased tendency towards autoimmune

diseases! With which, I am presently grievously



Moreover, those polio vaccines were and are known to

be highly dangerous and ineffective! Six progressive

New England States for example, showed striking

increases in their polio rates one year after the Salk

Vaccine was released. Massachusetts’s astounding

increase was 642% (even as sub optimally acknowledged

and counted), when fully vaccinated. (It was actually

ten times yet higher, because they changed the

definitions of the term “Polio” to eliminate from

record the immense epidemic of polio which resulted

from the vaccinations!) This is exemplary of the

dangers from, and the ineffectiveness of vaccines! In

1959 77.5% of Massachusetts paralytic polio cases had

already had a full 3 injection series of the Salk

vaccine! Jonas Salk later testified before a Senate

committee that almost all polio outbreaks since 1961

were caused by the oral polio vaccine.


Between 1973 and 1983 the Salk vaccine was continuing

to cause paralytic polio in several countries, at a

time when there were NO naturally occurring epidemics

of “wild” polio virus anywhere in the world! In 1985

the CDC reported that 87% of the cases of polio in the

US in that time frame, were caused by the vaccine, and

ALL those not from the vaccine, were imported cases

which entered the country as already infected

immigrants. Most of those polio infected immigrants

indeed had already previously had a full series of

polio immunizations, as required by US immigration

laws, so should not have even been counted, nor

reported as “unvaccinated”!


In spite of only an actual “One in forty” reporting

rate of vaccine complications, over a hundred vaccine

related deaths are annually reported to the FDA’s

“VAERS,” Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System.

Careful study has shown that on an average, forty more

ill effects from vaccines are occurring for every one

which is actually reported. The vaccine deaths in the

US therefore truly run in the thousands annually. That

would fit with common sense, since every physician,

like myself, most probably knows of some vaccine

deaths, whether reported or not. There are 11,000

serious, severely bad reactions to vaccines reported

to VAERS each year, which in reality probably truly

equals a half million individuals immediately known

and recognized by those around them to have actually

been damaged by vaccines each year. Those vaccine

damages persist throughout the rest your life,



I interned at a regional polio center, Hinsdale

Hospital, in a suburb of Chicago. By 1967 we had two

floors completely empty: They had until just recently,

previously been full of polio patients on iron lungs!

We were totally unawares of these facts demonstrating

that the polio vaccines were completely ineffective,

and dangerous besides, and actually producing the post

vaccination epidemic, so we thought our two empty

floors were the direct result of the polio vaccines

beneficial effects! (Even though the epidemic itself

indeed occurred just after pan-vaccination was

completed!)Not only did polio cases increase after

mandatory vaccinations: 50% from 1957 to 1958, and 80%

from 1958 to 1959, but that increase was noted even

after the statistics were manipulated by the Public

Health Service to try and give just the opposite



90% of polio cases had by then been eliminated from

statistics by health authorities REDEFINING the

disease, so most polio infections were no longer

called “polio.” So the real increase in the polio

epidemic from immunization probably exceeded

Massachusetts 642% observed increase in their polio

epidemic following their first year of full

vaccination, in spite of 90% of those polio infections

being statistically disallowed. In following years,

the decrease in polio came only as a result of better

hygiene and acceptable nutritional practices, which

avoided intake of contaminated food and drinks, as

well as avoiding direct contact with polio infected

agents and people, but which could not thereby, avoid

the new epidemic of vaccine caused polio.


Moreover, the regional definitions were changed to

hide the increasing polio epidemic resulting from the

vaccines at that time. For a county to report a polio

epidemic, they now had to have 35 instead of only 20

cases. (And that, even under the new highly

restrictive diagnostic criteria!) The new diagnostic

criteria eliminated most: (90%) polio infections from

being “countable” as such. The length of paralysis

from polio virus, for the polio to be “counted” was

increased from 24 hours to over 60 days!


After the Salk vaccine introduction, the medical

profession was deliberately infested by the notion

that polio could not now be called “polio,” so it was

to be called “aseptic meningitis” and “viral

meningitis” to please the statisticians, when

previously it had always been forthrightly called

“polio”! All this illustrates how the public is

systematically lied to by the Government and Major

Media on vaccination effects. Yes, the polio disease

itself was defeated world wide, but not by vaccines

which only spreads their own horrible epidemics of

polio and viral contagion, but rather indeed by

epidemiology, simple community and personal hygiene,

and acceptable nutritional practices!


Second: Many of the chemical, molecular and

immunologic properties of the organisms or antigens

which are being immunized against are altered, often

making them dangerous in other ways: This, right along

with the highly dangerous added toxins also injected,

and most often used to preserve and alter and augment

the effects the pathogens being immunized against:

Which always changes both their immune generating

effects, and also makes them immunologically both

dangerous or ineffective: As well as leaving behind

the organisms and antigens themselves: chemically, and

pathologically dangerous to the body: As well as most

highly likely, making that given immunization

ineffective, or capable instead, of aggravating the

incidence of the disease: When it comes to any notion

of actually even preventing the disease or epidemic,

or of so called “herd immunity.”


This is an inherent problem, since all agents

available for immunization would otherwise be

inherently way far too dangerous to even attempt to

use. The present haphazard vaccination of our troops

with unproven unsafe vaccines is out and out criminal,

leaving many of them forever of broken health. Over

half of Gulf War One veterans are already dead or

presently on medical disability! Even non-tumor

viruses, such as Small Pox vaccine and Polio Virus 2,

have been known for over forty years to be

carcinogens. This means that these commonly used

immunization viruses can act as catalysts to promote

malignancy when combined with the toxins included in

vaccines, or with environmental poisonings, all of

which our government is simply unwilling to control,

and even fosters them upon us: As in the Aspartame and

fluoride circumstances! Vaccination makes

environmental and ingested carcinogens effective at

far lower doses, directly contributing to our present

cancer epidemic.


Immunizations deliver into us DNA from bacterial

antigens, killed viruses, and attenuated live viruses,

which contaminates the human genome. Once viral DNA

has become intracellular, it is thereafter reproduced

with every cellular reproduction in our bodies. The

use of “attenuated viruses” means that they do not out

and out produce that given disease, (Supposedly) as

they then inhabit the human body. In fact: Those

viruses, as such are often rather not then recognized

and eliminated from the body as disease producing

agents but rather, are reproduced right along with the

bodies own DNA as the cells forever after reproduce



Several problems with this: The antibodies, when

produced, are against attenuated viruses. They are not

antibodies against the disease causing forms of those

similar viruses. Nor is the immune system, likewise,

stimulated into producing true immunity thereby, which

is a far more complex process than merely producing

some kind of an antibody which might possibly react in

some not yet determined way with the actual disease

organism. Cellular immunity is indeed actually

suppressed by vaccination. Hypogammaglobulinemic

children who produce but little antibody, do indeed

very successfully fight off infections, (Only

occasionally are their first couple years made a

little better with the help of a little gamma

globulin.) and they also develop highly effective

immunity from the processes of fighting off the actual

disease organisms, just like everyone else, in the

absence of antibodies.


Third: Many dangerous toxins are always used in

preparing the immunizations, and most often are

contained in them in highly toxic amounts. Examples

are methyl mercury, which is known to have caused the

present immense epidemic of autism experienced from

pertussis immunizations. When parents of newly

autistic children following pertussis immunization

advised the government of the observed onset of Autism

from pertussis vaccination, they were ignored until an

unignorable uproar was raised. This must be our aim,

in order to indeed gain vaccine freedom, liberation,

and reform. The Government just simply does not care,

unless forced to do so! All this is also forced upon

us by the “beaurocracy assumption:” That all of

government, pharmacy, and medical practice are above

question, just because they all may be proceeding

according to the provisions of the law, and under

regulation by beaurocracy. We all know this to be a

ludicrous assumption, but continue to allow our

infants children, and babies to be devastated by just

such vaccine nonsense.


Formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, Aluminum, mercury and

methyl mercury, and other heavy metal poisons are

amongst the well known culprits. The present autism

epidemic is well documented as having arisen from such

toxins in immunizations given to infants and toddlers,

but the government pretty much simply ignores such

facts and proceeds on its blundering, interest

conflicted, and heinously damaging way.


All vaccines, including all those presently in use,

must be subjected to long term epidemiological study,

before any more are administered! It is now an

admitted fact that polio vaccinations have caused all

polio in the US since 1980, and the predominance of

cases of paralytic polio since 1972. With pertussis

alone, the number of reported vaccine-related deaths

far exceeds the reported disease deaths every year,

even though the vaccine deaths are underreported by a

ten to forty fold margin according to a New York

study, and FDA figures, which evaluated the

underreporting of vaccine related incidents. Simply

put: The Pertussis Vaccine is a hundred times more

deadly than the disease pertussis, which the vaccine

does not even at all prevent. I was a pertussis

victim, long before the days of antibiotics, and have

nothing except an exceptionally strong set of lungs to

show for it!


SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the diagnosis

given when the specific diagnosis of the disease

causing an infant to suddenly die is unknown. In the

US 5,000-10,000 infant deaths annually are annually

noted to be of this nature. Peak incidences occur

immediately following vaccinations, and continue for

three weeks after vaccinations are given. 3000

children die within just the first 4 days of

vaccination in the US every year. Coroners, however,

are legally forced to refuse to check the vaccination

status of SIDS victims, yet are free to call the death

“Shaken Baby Syndrome,” etc: Falsely imprisoning the

grieving parents, as a cover up for vaccine damages!

(How Ridiculous!) Any studies which claim to dispute

such findings are, when examined by investigators,

found to have deliberately ignored the facts, which

are always found to be the same in every instance

studied: The vaccinations are indeed what caused the

deaths! When Japan, in the mid 70s, raised their

minimum immunization age from 2 months to 2 years,

their SIDS rate plummeted. The US “very considerately”

starts the highly dangerous and damaging vaccinations

upon our hapless helpless babies the very day of



The insurance companies have made actuary studies of

vaccine damages, and steadfastly refuse to write

policies of any kind insuring against vaccine damages.

Vaccinations have been found to be far too dangerous

to even insure! One insurance study showed 1/175 which

received DPTs (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus toxoid)

were harmed thereby. An attorney study showed that

1/300 DPT shot recipients convulsed as a result of the

shot. England, Wales, and West Germany saw their

pertussis death rates PLUMMET, when they allowed DPT

immunization to also plummet, by making them no longer



In spite of all of this kind of highly relevant and

critically substantial information condemning

vaccination, the US still has mandatory vaccination

laws: Long after most western civilized countries have

long since abandoned them. Democracy anybody?

Smallpox, polio, measles and mumps outbreaks have all

occurred among school aged children in fully

vaccinated populations! “Non Democracy” European

countries, who refused to vaccinate for small pox and

polio, saw those same epidemics end right along with

the “Democracy” countries, which forced vaccination

upon their citizenry for those same diseases. While

the US thereby saw an immediate “vaccine related

epidemic,” the communist nations very wisely, simply

missed out on such.


This international experience demonstrates far better

than any contrived study, that the natural disease

cycle of the epidemics, improved living conditions,

improved sanitation, hygiene, and improved diet

brought about the end of those epidemics. These

communist countries were appropriately skeptical of

our scientifically unsound immunization programs, and

so missed the initial epidemic increases of those

diseases brought on over here in the US by the

vaccination programs, while they saw the same

resolution of the epidemics as soon as we did: Even

though they did not make as quick recovery

economically after World War Two, nor progress at all

as well hygienically. They also avoided the extensive

and severe damages which the vaccinations have

inflicted upon our populace! We “Democracies” on the

other hand, saw our collective IQs drop 10% as a

result of those unwise and forced immunizations!


Fourth: Even when toxic reactions to immunizations of

various kinds are noted in the adult, these same

immunizations are often given at the same dosage to

new borns, toddlers, and children. This represents, in

infants, of at least a twenty to thirty times over

dosage of agents already known to be excessively

dangerous, and damaging. The pertussis vaccine

sometimes causes neurotoxin reactions in adults, and

is also used in lab animals to intentionally produce

encephalitis damages in order to create animal study

models. Shouldn’t infants, whose central nervous

system is not even yet myelinated, (structural

support, connections, and insulation not yet even

formed), and which has a lot of growth and development

yet to do in every sense of the word, be expected to

develop pervasive neurological developmental disorders

like Autism, and drop of IQ, when exposed to a thirty

times higher dosage of the pertussis and other vaccine

manufacturing toxins, which even many adults cannot

well tolerate?!


Much less then: These toxins wouldn’t even be

acceptable in a completely adjusted dose, with the

highly sensitive development of the nervous system

still in progress, without indeed anticipating severe

untoward results. There is no known safe dosage of

formaldehyde for injection. When researching Aspartame

toxicity, I found the government already knew that

injecting even a billionth of a gram of formaldehyde

into an adult can cause a severely bad reaction. When

Reagan, Rumsfeld, and Dr Arthur Hull Hayes approved

thousands of times more in every drink of Aspartame

laced soft drinks, via conjugated methanol, its worst

form when ingested, it was mass murder! How can they

then inject proportionately thousands of times more

into infants?!


Fifth: Giving immunizations to newborns and toddlers

is probably almost never justified in terms of any

conceivable risk versus benefit ratio. One highly

remarkably dangerous and indefensible program is

giving the very highly dangerous and damaging

Hepatitis B immunization to newborns. The Hep B

immunization is effective only for six years at a

maximum, and no one could be anticipated to contact

hepatitis B between birth and six years of age,

because it is usually a sexually transmitted, and drug

trade infected needle transmitted disease. If the

birth mother were a drug abusing prostitute, it might

even make sense to immunize against hepatitis B,

because her breast milk could carry Hep B. However it

would still be far less traumatic and risky to the

infant to merely feed with formula until it was seen

whether the infant was already infected with Hep B,

and as well if the mother was known to be Hep B

infected, before even considering immunization,

instead of sentencing ALL our infants to the highly

damaging and perilous Hepatitis B immunization!


Closely and carefully examining the scenario of Hep B

vaccination in the new born could lead to developing

effective appropriate protocols, which would eliminate

more than over 99.99% of these highly perilous and

damaging vaccinations, which are at present

universally being forced upon helpless infants by

hospitals, even over their parent’s objections! Such

common sense protocols would completely eliminate all

Hep B vaccinations amongst all infants born to parents

of sensible lifestyle. All of which, are all presently

being victimized by these heinous and totally

unnecessary Hep B vaccinations!


This only points to the power of political campaign

funding in the N.W.O. The politicians involved in

authorizing the implementation of horrendous programs

like this, just don’t care what the facts are: They

just know “who their moneyed friends are.”

Immunization clearly needs independent scientific

oversight, which should exist way above political

process: Democracy, anybody? (YES, I will propose a

method to realize this result!) If Hepatitis B vaccine

were ever even at all logical to use, it should never

be started any earlier than at age twelve or thirteen,

after which age the risk factor behaviors could

commonly begin, and when the supposed immunity there

from might even possibly still be effective in case of



The Human body, especially the nervous system and

immune systems, would be far more mature by

adolescence than those of a our hapless newborns, whom

nature intended to be protected by the antibodies from

its mother’s milk, after the ones in inherited in

utero wore off! Auto immune diseases are readily

produced in experimental animals by the same things

used to immunize human beings with. It is quite

demonstrably obvious that the same autoimmune

mechanisms are responsible for the same diseases in

humans. The present extent of such damage is immense,

and will only keep increasing very sharply, as more

and more vaccines continue to be added to the mandated

immunization schedule.


All this has been scientifically recognized as fact

since at least 1948! Clinical reports make it clear

that a pattern of autoimmunity and demyelization has

indeed occurred, amongst those receiving Hep B

immunizations. Those same patterns previously occurred

in patients with Hepatitis B infections, and

scientists warned in advance that injecting these same

antigens into humans would cause demyelinizing

diseases. The Hep B virus contains antigens which are

now also known to stimulate demyelinization in

experimental animals, and those same antigens are

knowingly included in the Hep B vaccinations, in site

of the fact they were already shown to experimentally

produce demyelinization disease in animals! Science

knowledge is never applied to vaccines in order to

protect the human recipients of said vaccines, or none

would ever be given!


Even when given to adults, the Hep B vaccine is

observed to produce neurological illnesses! Such known

ADULT illnesses include demyelinization neuropathy,

Bell’s Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome(A numb

paralysis), Lumbar radiculopathy, brachial plexus

radiculopathy, optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis,

uveitis(A form of blindness), and transverse myelitis

with paraplegic paralysis. There are, of course,

myriad other maladies initiated by Hep B vaccine in

addition to the neural damages there from.


Wouldn’t a more reasonable approach, rather than the

massively damaging universal infant immunization

programs, which are presently being forced upon

parents and infants alike; Be one of first seeing if

the vaccine is ever even indicated on a risk versus

benefit basis? Shockingly, this immense, devastating

N.W.O. program has been fascistly impressed upon all,

without even a single such study! (Any valid study

would merely condemn it!) Nor even so much as a wide

comprehensive scientific review examining all the

available information available was ever done! It

would be far more reasonable to see if, or when any

groups are actually candidates for this highly

dangerous and damaging vaccine of questionable

efficacy, and known perils and severe damages and then

,on a voluntary basis, to make it available to only

those who could possibly benefit there from, at the

most appropriate stage in their development at which

to actually do so! Democracy, anyone?!


The usual childhood diseases, which now have long ago

been immunized against, are mostly things of only

historical interest: But not because of the

vaccinations against them! Modern living conditions,

and treatments presently now available make them far

less than the occasional calamities they were in the

early frontier days of the past century, before

antibiotics and well heated homes, the soon to be

mentioned treatment choices, good hygiene, good

transportation, and all the rest which blesses our

present society came into general availability. All,

which the currently available immunizations for those

diseases do now, is to make the entire disease picture

far worse.


Measles is an example. It was a “usual childhood

disease,” for which most were never even seen by a

doctor. Children coming down with measles were merely

kept at home to nurse it, and to prevent widely

exposing others to it. Having the measles gave

lifelong immunity, which immunity the mother passed on

to her nursing child. The infant being also

transplacentally immune at birth and kept measles

immune thereafter by mother’s breast milk, which

spared the child throughout infancy and while still

being nursed. The natural occurrence of such “usual

childhood diseases” grant complete, permanent, and

lifelong immunity, while the dangerous and damaging

vaccines, at best, grant only very partial and

temporary immunity.(If any!)


The at best, only brief and partial immunity from

measles vaccination now presents us with a “resurgent

measles epidemic” amongst adolescents and adults who

have previously been supposedly fully immunized by

measles vaccination. The recommended measles booster

shots are STRIKINGLY ineffective, providing protection

for only six months at most. Females, who received

some types of measles immunizations, are noted by

epidemiologists to now have a significantly higher

overall mortality rate for the rest of their now

foreshortened lives: Apparently from notably

suppressed immune competence. Moreover, even amongst

school aged children, measles outbreaks in the already

immunized are being reported from all over the US.


The incidence of pneumonia and other severe

complications is far higher in all who develop measles

later in their life experience after immunization,

than amongst those who get it as a “usual childhood

disease.” Measles has now strikingly become a “disease

of immunized persons.” Such outbreaks now occur in

populations which are 100% measles vaccinated,

demonstrating once again that the whole notion of

”Herd Immunity” as a justification for mandatory

vaccination is both only fascist, and truly

unproductive NON SENSE: Because the cellular immunity,

which is the very essence of competent immune

response, is always lessened by immunization!


Sixth: The OVERALL PICTURE, including the

developmental, immunological, and physiological status

of the proposed recipient; as well as the prevention

of and treatability of the supposedly immunizable

diseases by less hazardous methods, now commonly

available, should best be taken into consideration.

Maximum priority needs be assigned to the

constitutional rights of choice for the individual or

parental choice, being given in any immunization,

which is otherwise supposed to be routinely



Because this PRESENTLY most often means the

vaccination is to be in some way forced upon the

individual: Come what may! And what becomes from all

this is many personal disasters and overall debility!

Many parents now have to live with children whose

lives have been forever severely blighted by the very

vaccines, which were given over those very same

parents’ objections. What part of Democratic due

process or constitutional right is this?!


Contrary to being only a healthy exercise for the

immune system, vaccination most often only cripples

the immune system’s ability to fight and prevent

disease, because the immune mechanisms: Although only

some are enlisted, ALL are misdirected to do things

which do not in any way benefit the body, and cellular

immunity is thereby markedly suppressed by



In 1962 I was working at the Walla Walla VA Hospital

caring for “Jimmy.” Jimmy had been a handsome,

strappingly fit, young air force pilot. Jimmy had

already had a neurotoxic reaction to a tetanus

vaccination. He strongly objected to taking the last

one in the series because of the partial temporary

paralysis which the previous one had already caused.

“Rules were Rules” and “like it or not” they gave

Jimmy his final shot in the series, which destroyed

his brain! So sad, because any modern soldier would

most certainly never have really needed that final

tetanus shot. They exchanged a one in a million chance

for any possible, but highly unlikely benefit, for the

sure destruction of Jimmy! That example is so like the

compulsory immunizations which presently are afflicted

upon our poor children and new borns, because the net

result is at present only severe damage to some, and

significant damage to all the rest, with no real

protection afforded them thereby, anyway, whatsoever.


Tetanus was the battlefield war wound plague of WWI,

wherein there were lots of draft animals around, and

their rotting carcasses and gore, as well their

abundant manure were left laying around the

battlefield: Because beasts of burden were then the

predominant movers in the battlefield situation. Jimmy

could have lived and been a fine Air force officer,

except for that anachronism which destroyed his life,

leaving only his body! An elderly Hawaiian friend told

me of her tetanus episode, which will serve to open up

a non-panicked, non hysterical discussion of the

disease itself: Tetanus!


She had failed to wear shoes as ordered by her

parents, so she experienced a deep penetrating wound

of her foot, which she could not even admit to for

fear of being punished for going barefoot. The foot

became severely infected and swollen, and she

developed early tetanus with tetanic muscle spasms

which led to her condition being discovered. This was

before the days of antibiotics, so the foot was

treated only with the means then available. The

infected foot was surgically opened and drained of

infection and washed out and then soaked with

antiseptics, and bandaged. All of which led to the

prompt resolution of her tetanus symptoms, even though

she had never even been vaccinated.


What this experience very well illustrates is that the

panicked emergency immunization and antiserum

treatment for preventing any and every possibility of

developing tetanus, with which every wound is now

attended to: Constitutes little more than dangerous,

profit driven medical hysteria. Wounds which are

cleansed and treated properly would never have any

danger of becoming infected by Clostridium Tetani any

way. Clostridium Tetani has not been even a common

wound pathogen since the battlefields of World War One

anyway, but the profitable medical hysteria persists,

enforced by the Medical and Nursing professions, who

are simply misdirected by the commercial interests who

benefit from all this hysterical nonsense.


I personally was never vaccinated, and habitually went

barefoot, experiencing many deep puncture wounds which

were never treated at all, as a child, plus many other

traumatic interruptions of my integument, with nothing

to show for it, except a vigorous healthy immune

system. If any evidence of any wound infection should

even presently occur, however, the patient could any

way then better be then properly treated for it

without any undue risk. Clostridium Tetani is highly

sensitive to many antibiotics which are far less

dangerous than emergency immunologic approaches to

prevent any and all possibility of ever developing C.

Tetani infection; plus those of treating the non

existent tetanus infection, before it is even shown

that any wound infection even had resulted, and those

of treating tetanus itself when no possibility of it

even exists! Such needless hysteria is seldom

beneficial to anyone except the tetanus immune

globulin and tetanus toxoid manufacturers. (Sure makes

the Nurses and Doctors feel good to know that they

have protected the patient with a “tetanus shot,”



Antibiotics like penicillin also deal effectively with

clostridium tetani infections! Many known tetanus

cases have recovered completely with nothing but

adequate wound antisepsis, even after the tetanic

process had begun in the infected individual, vividly

pointing out the fact that the scare stories about

tetanus were far worse than the actual disease risks

inherent in even a Clostridium Tetani infection

itself. But this fact is never considered.


(Doctors presently are trained into “tetanus

hysteria,” by referring to it as “lockjaw” from their

very first introduction to it during training!) Just

one, amongst many vivid examples of how and why

mandatory vaccination policies are far more

destructive than beneficial. A recent German study

found 22 different neurological deficits associated

with immunization programs, including epilepsy,

autism, and attention deficit. The scientific evidence

keeps piling up. The dangers of vaccinations had

already been clearly demonstrated over fifty years

ago, but the highly profitable hysteria just goes on

and on interminably, because the public has been lied

to, instead of being educated to these well

established and well-known truths.


In this modern day and age, we are brainwashed into

doing just what the N.W.O. wishes us to do. Before TV,

etc. many parents paid attention to what was actually

going on around them, including what actually happened

as the result of vaccinations. That is why my mother

counseled me to never have any. She was a highly

intelligent straight forward, plain facts type of

person who believed what actually happened in her

extended experience, rather than what the government

told her to convince her to the contrary of observed



My son and my sister in law both suffered the severe

ill results of my being brainwashed, (just as is every

doctor) who is made to believe in vaccinations as

being merely beneficial “tune ups” for the immune

system, when they are in reality: Just the opposite.

Vaccinations instead invite immune incompetence and

auto immunity, along with life long infections with

altered viruses, and foreign DNA, which continues to

mutate within the human body’s tissues with

unfavorable but unforcastable results over the

remainder of their life spans!


Both the Australian aborigine and Native American

populations showed early on that mandatory

immunization programs prescribed mindlessly by a

distant central government for their progeny became,

in fact genocide, as they lost half their babies as

the direct result of state enforced immunization

programs. The measles vaccine alone was found to kill

over half of aboriginal babies in some of the

communities it was administered into.


(Hidden from history: Which fails to record these

facts: Is the fact that in the American West on Indian

reservations, the vaccines were causing almost total

demise of the Native American children and infants

born there, when government regulations were followed.

The Medical Doctors themselves had to intervene by

failing to vaccinate, and then certifying that it had

been done, after they saw they were only committing

murder by vaccinating. Other wise we would presently

have few or almost no “Native Americans!”)


I came upon this “anecdotal” information tucked away

amongst some nutritional records long ago. History

itself is written only by the “empowered” who do not

want you to realize any of this! We now, ourselves

face a similar fate, if these vaccine issues are not

immediately confronted and corrected! “Anecdotal

information” is automatically disqualified by the

governmental power structure, because it crops up

without their approval, and thus is beyond their

control! Intelligent human beings however, soon learn

to gain from their experience of what is going on

around them!


In the 1800s, medicines and medical practice were so

crudely poisonous, and devastatingly destructive that

hospital admission was considered by most unbiased

observers to be little more than a preliminary to the

demise of the patient. Heavy metal poisons were the

most often administered medicines, (along with

strychnine and such) with the directly anticipated

results thereof: The patient died, or was devastated

by them! In this scenario, it should be no surprise

that a form of medicine arose, which used simple

harmless remedies, and from which the results which

were entirely far superior.


Homeopathic medical schools and hospitals flourished

widely, because their results were unequivocally far

superior to those results experienced from the rest of

medicine in that era. Homeopathy has unfortunately

come to be most remembered only from its very

practical approach to strychnine, etc, and to the

almost universal use of heavy metal poisons as

medications by medicine and the pharmaceutical

industry in general in that era. Thus they are most

remembered by the philosophy that: “The more dilute a

poisonous medicine is, the better will be its actions

upon the human body.” Homeopathy is now best defined

as: “Common sense treatment, so safe it can suitably

be used without prescription or any other imposed

supervision at home.”


Presently now coming forth from Romania, are the facts

which show that not only is the polio vaccine

presently causing an epidemic of polio there, but

traditional medical treatments are making the epidemic

far worse. It has been found, for example, that if a

person vaccinated for polio had a single shot of

antibiotic within the previous month; it caused

increase of his risk of getting polio from the vaccine

8 fold. 2-9 shots raised his risk of iatrogenic

polio27 fold, and 10 or more antibiotic injections

increased his risk of iatrogenic polio 182 fold!


What other factors need to be accounted for in

producing vaccine risks, may never be known, nor will

we ever be able to comprehend the scope of this type

of danger, unless and before government

epidemiologists, and independent researchers alike,

are directed to begin investigative research,

intensely searching for vaccine damages. They need to

immediately be instructed to perform such evaluations,

and be subsidized in the investigating and reporting

of such dangers in earnest: An INCOMPREHENSIBLE

NOTION, within our present Professions and Government.

(With their hands out!) Yes, the Reagan Presidency

was, with Rumsfeld’s systematic corruption of it

therewith, crucial in defuncting the FDA. His

government was known to all those who understood how

it really worked, as “The Administration with their

hands out.” Shall we return to real Democracy, while

there is still time to save what is left of our minds

and bodies?


With modern understandings of such poisonous heavy

metals, as only benefiting the body when ingested only

at most, as minute trace mineral amounts, or otherwise

being totally devastating to human well being, this

“Homeopathic” approach is now: Simply common sense! So

homeopathy began as a search for simple harmless

remedies, and today has developed homeopathic

approaches to everything you could possibly immunize

against. And: With immunization continuing to be as

ineffective, unbeneficial, damaging, and hazardous, as

were the very highly poisonous “medicines” of a

hundred and forty years ago: Hygiene, homeopathy, and

medicinal herbs both for prevention and for treatment

of communicable diseases, completely and by far

outrank in efficiency, immunization as presently

practiced: Or, even as now is being “forced upon us,”

in this N.W.O. brainwashed day and age.


There are homeopathic kits readily available, which

stress only the use of harmless common sense

approaches to disease prevention and treatment:

Thousands of medicinal herbal preparations, and

Naturopathic approaches as well!


Every proposed vaccine should have to compare its

results, both positive and negative with safe simple

approaches, like Homeopathy, medicinal herbals, and

common sense hygiene when each is incorporated into

the lifestyle of the person, their family, and their

community. Until proven the best through such open

ended study, vaccination should remain suspect as

compared to the other, far more benign and more highly

effective options. In the US cholera outbreak in 1849,

regular medical practice (also called Allopathic

medicine) saw a 48-60% documented death rate, while

homeopathic hospitals of that same era saw a clearly

documented death rate of only 3%.


Seventh: The specifics of the results, both good and

bad of immunizations, must be considered along with,

and directly compared along with the actual frequency

of complications arising from the proposed

immunization program. Sound and reputable standards

of accountability must be required for determining all

the consequences of a given immunization, and each

vaccination must be epidemiologically studied, by

legal requirement, as compared to the farcical

practice of only allowing reactions that occur within

a very short time, such as within 24 hours, to even

possibly even be made note of.


And also: The practice of arbitrarily ruling out even

those damages so noted, upon every farcical excuse to

protect the immunization industry from being

operatively held accountable, as is almost universally

practiced today: Must be banished: “If ever it

happened, it happened!” All of this protective

nonsense is epidemiologically: Simply unforgivable!

Nothing less than lifelong epidemiologic tracking

should be required to truly evaluate the hazards and

benefits from vaccines, and from every combination

thereof. Simply stated: “We want the truth, the whole

truth, and nothing but the truth.” Medical Doctors,

and Nurses on the other hand, presently are

intensively trained (actually brainwashed!) to

sincerely believe whatever propaganda the interest

conflicted Government, under the influence of fascist

pharmaceutical companies, wishes them to believe!


And not only should such study be done, but in this

age of immense computer capabilities, such

epidemiology is easily feasible, and it would take

comparatively only a little money: Money more than

well spent, to do so. To the contrary! At this very

moment, vaccine manufacturers have been given ABSOLUTE

GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY for damages which their vaccines

are causing, and which people are now most often

forced into being shot with. Given the corporate, and

political corruption of this present day and age, this

is little more than a death sentence for our

citizenry! AND: “We, the tax payer” are, once again,

the ones expected to foot the bill and pay the



Almost a billion dollars in damages are already

annually disbursed from the fund to reimburse those

damaged by vaccines, and contrary to the public

interest, those cases are being kept from public

scrutiny by a federal “GAG ORDER.” This Federal gag

order is absolutely immoral!!! What is only

appropriate is complete openness! I firmly believe

any manufacturer releasing a vaccine for human use

should know it is so safe they would gladly repay

anyone damaged by it, and most certainly should always

be required to do so!


The public should also be highly advised of any

damages which vaccines are observed to be causing. Any

sense of democracy and responsibility demands at least

that! SHOCKINGLY: Over 250 NEW VACCINES are presently

under development! Over FIFTY are in their final

stages of testing! Do you want these forcibly

unleashed upon you and yours? I CERTAINLY DO NOT! Do

you want future generations to have their genes

devastated, by both chemicals like Aspartame and the

introduction of far more poisonings from vaccinations,

and foreign DNA, and live viruses being put into their

genome? I unconditionally do not! Indeed the human

body and brain cannot even survive it without immense



Study after study and scientific report after

scientific report have clearly identified that the

risk from vaccinations go up dramatically as the

number of vaccines used by each individual increases,

and particularly so, with the immune systems of babies

and small children! Your public health nurse or

pediatrician will readily advise you to only very

cautiously and on a careful, conservative schedule

introduce new foods beyond breast milk to your baby,

while from the very first, watching each addition for

any adverse reaction for a few days before adding the



On the other hand: They, on the very first day of its

life, are giving the baby injections directly into its

defenseless body of overdose amounts of immune

toxins, viruses, and neural toxins, and these are also

composed of many other kinds of toxic, disease

causing, and foreign components! Does this practice

make any sense at all? Especially not, since at birth

there exists a state of “TOLERANCE” whereby any

foreign antigens injected can be at first, merely

ignored by the immune system, and no beneficial immune

reaction to them is even possible, anyway!


Many foreign governments have already said: NO WAY!

And have experienced only the best of results from

sharply curtailing all immunization practices upon

infants and children! Vaccines, such as pertussis

vaccine are used to produce autoimmune disease in

laboratory animals. Intentional EAE (experimental

allergic ENCEPHALITIS) is commonly produced in

laboratory animals with pertussis and other vaccines

for laboratory study purposes. When babies who are

injected with gross overdoses of these same vaccines

from their most tender moments develop the same

problems of EAE, the parents and other caregivers are

then blamed for shaking the baby and causing the

vaccine generated damages!


Post vaccine encephalomyelitis has been recognized

from the very beginning, being well known since the

days of Pasteur, even from vaccines grown on duck

eggs, and other benign media. From that day to the

present, scientific articles keep pouring forth

telling of, and warning of such disasters, but are

fascistly ignored by our governmental power

structures, which then go ahead and vaccinate, with

devastating results in the population and grave and

permanent personal losses inflicted upon to the

individuals so afflicted.


Systemic Lupus Erythematosis is one of the very widely

recognized side effects of receiving a number of

vaccinations. A good paper on this was published by

Ayvasian and Badger in 1948. They described three

nurses who were vaccinated to death, over a period

time with several vaccinations, each finally dying of

Lupus! (There were very far fewer vaccines available

then than now!)There ever since, have come forth a

steady stream of scientists and scientific articles

which graphically portray both the damages

experienced, and the risks entertained by continuing

any such foolishness. Yet the many and now more

numerous, and more thoroughly condemned vaccines, are

still being imposed upon the thereby CONDEMNED



Eighth: Under all circumstances: Those parents and

individuals wishing to see immunizations with held, or

any given immunization(s) withheld, must be permitted

to do so, without pressure or penalty of any kind. AND

without having to make any further arrangements in

order to do so, AND without anyone else’s approval!

Such avoidance of bodily assault needs simply to be

once again recognized as our inalienable right! In the

name of science, all both immunized and non-immunized

alike, need to be considered a lifelong study, along

with all immunization records kept, for possible study

of both the complete hazard picture from any

immunizations, or any combinations thereof, and any

possible benefit picture produced there from. In many

cases the information of those who do not receive

immunizations doing far better, in epidemics of the

diseases from which the immunized are supposedly

protected against, is already well established and

available, but unusually well hidden from public



It is certainly more than well worth the small

governmental effort it would require to keep complete

detailed computer records of all people’s immunization

history, and make the actuarial results of all

occurrences anonymously available to any interested

reviewers for incidental, epidemiological, and

statistical analysis on a lifelong basis. In other

words, anyone could, for reasons of their own

choosing, access those immunization and disease

occurrence records, with only patient privacy being

protected. Given the immense capabilities of today’s

computer technology, this would make far more helpful

and valid information available than the many far more

expensive and meritless government sponsored programs

currently do. If vaccines have anything to offer, and

nothing to hide, let them come out in to the light of

scientific and public scrutiny, and be examined by all

who care to do so, without any interference from

anyone! All the rest is just “Scare Tactics” used by

fascist governments from time immemorial to get their



Already published, are dozens of well written books by

doctors, independent investigators, and researchers;

and as well, hundreds of medical studies which reveal

the flaws in immunization practice and theory, as well

as their failures and adverse effects, including

dozens of chronic neurological and autoimmune

conditions. Yet medicine in general, and almost to

mental exclusivity, remains willfully ignorant of all

of this! There should instead be a legal mandate for

all practitioners to wisely and fully understand the

immunization problem for just exactly what it is, and

to be held strictly, and personally responsible for

each and every problem from any vaccines which they

administer or authorize. History, as we should expect,

truthfully records no vaccine successes. Those claimed

as such: i.e. Polio, are mere falsifications wherein

the powerful, not the truthful write the history



Instead, the entire vaccine history is an over a

hundreds years long and extensive one, of failure

after failure, each accompanied by many severe

personal damages to those made subject to vaccination!

One of many thousands of well known examples is the

Japanese experience with small pox vaccine. Being

under the emperor’s command, it was possible to

vaccinate everyone. This was done starting in 1872,

and there were increasing smallpox deaths every

ensuing year as a result. By 1892 all had been

vaccinated: And it then culminated in thirty thousand

small pox deaths that year alone, as the direct result



The Philippines in this last century saw a similar

experience with quadrupling of the smallpox death rate

as a result of an extensive vaccination program

involving 24.5 million people. The Sultanate of Oman

recently saw a widespread polio outbreak six months

after completing universal polio vaccination. The

increased death rate of females given measles vaccines

is currently also well known! Along with that fact,

measles epidemics now exist within immunized

populations, amongst those fully immunized against

measles. Measles has now become a “disease of the

immunized” with far worse results therein from

measles, than were its results in those having it

before immunization against it ever came about!


Ninth: Farcical programs like the flu vaccination

programs need to be openly and knowledgeably

discussed. The actual results are what really count!

In the case of the flu vaccines: Three of the strains

judged most likely to come to the US from abroad are

usually selected as the basis for developing the

coming year’s vaccine supply. Due to the very

unpredictability of flu migration patterns, and the

multitude of flu strains arising, and the occurrence

of mutations within the predicted strains before they

reach any given individual, and that of many other

viruses causing the “Flu” as well: The flu vaccines

yield only about a 5% rate of any even possible actual

effectiveness for those receiving them.


I have been running like a fox before the hounds ever

since very publicly speaking out against Aspartame.

The Satanists exert their maximum efforts towards

killing me and disrupting my life, wherever I end up.

Since the Lord will thus far not let them have my

life, it eventuates that I have experienced a lot of

“interruptions and socio economic disruptions.” When I

was driving cab in Denver, we cab drivers were sitting

ducks for the”Flu!” Our customers came off the

airliners to our cabs in Denver from all over the

world. They might get on plane form anywhere in the

world: Sydney, Bangkok, London, Moscow, Helsinki,

Buenos Aires, Iceland, Montreal, Hanoi, Hong Kong,

Taiwan, etc., etc.


Thirty hours or more later, they were climbing into

our Cabs coughing their newly acquired virus into our

ambient air, infecting us with it. The drivers were

almost constantly sick with the “bugs” from all over

the world! The flu shots, of course, were worthless as

protection. When I shared my information about

Astragalus being an herb highly effective to abort the

flu, we could for the first time enjoy excellent

health! The cabbies thought I was the most brilliant

doctor they had ever met! My political enemies thought

to belittle me by naming me “the doctor who showers in

rest areas.” Hope that makes them feel real good about

their becoming Satan’s pimps!


This serves as an illustration of just why the

influenza vaccines would have very little chance of

ever even being developed for even an appropriate

strain of virus in today’s world! The old drug

salesman’s pitch of “Well it will lessen its severity

in those anyway experiencing the flu” is complete non

sense. It may well engender hypersensitivity and

worsen response to the actual flu germ, and can

sometimes yield horrendous results from the vaccine

itself, as well as increasing the possibility of

actually coming down with a given flu strain when it

arrives. You may remember the swine flu vaccine, which

caused a high incidence of severe nervous system

damage: Guillain-Barre paralysis, as I remember.

Moreover, the vaccine itself almost always gives the

person receiving it, at least a mild case of the flu!


At best you are taking a severe risk for a very slight

chance of any gain, and even that in the face of

significant morbidity in almost every case. Losingly

trading up two for one at best! Anyone care to make an

informed consent form about that one? True “Informed

consent” is indeed the safest way to deal with any

vaccination program, because it makes the known facts

both relevant and readily available to those whose

bodies are to be afflicted with the vaccine! Who could

ask for anything less than that? Unless everyone

choosing to be vaccinated knows the pertinent facts,

those same facts become useless and irrelevant!


Tenth: The corruption of our government itself in

every way, especially since Reagan and Rumsfeld took

office under the Bush Dynasty, is of course negatively

impacting the vaccine industry in many ways! The

Reaganomics principal of “All money is good money, and

that used to buy politicians is even better money!”

Has led to many vaccines being unwisely, sloppily, and

inappropriately produced, and then forced upon the

hapless public! What better way to make politically

grafted money than to develop a vaccine, and then

successfully pundit the politicians (Or is that called

“Lobbying,” or even worse!) to make it mandatory for

all newborns or any given category of public to be

involuntarily subjected to it!


The Reaganomics principal of “Jobs exported are far

better than jobs retained here in America.” has led to

the foreign and utterly uncontrolled production of

vaccines for mandated use here in America. Dangerous

vaccines, both in terms of unwise and unhygienic

production, and even greater toxic contamination are

the direct result of this unconscionable practice. At

a minimum, all vaccine manufacture for domestic use

should be tightly controlled right here in America!

The influence of Satanists and Satanic programs bent

on human degradation like the “paperclip” food

additive programs, and the damaging and improper

unproductive immunization programs has led to a 10%

drop of the average American high school graduates’

IQ. Yes! The US military now has trouble finding

American young people with enough remaining

intelligence to train to man its high tech weaponry!


You can now almost always count on such destructive

influences in the New World Order working their

degradation of humanity to the maximum possible extent

through vaccines, as well as food additives and the

other unhygienic programs currently being pushed: Such

as using highly radioactive waste uranium from nuclear

fuel processing for “Bullets.” Anyone wishing to

believe: “Oh our government would never do anything

like that,” had best face up to the fact that the

Bushes already have! As I understand the reports of

experts, The Bushes have already dumped the radiation

equivalent of over 400 Nagasaki atomic bombs, as I

remember, upon the Middle East, in the form of their

“spent uranium munitions,” which is really truly

indeed very high level nuclear waste, with billions of

years of humanity devastating lifespan, BEFORE THOSE



Talk about Democracy: What sane or responsible person

would ever approve of such insane inhumane war fares?

The “Normalcy” of all such heinous malfeasance is now

imposed upon us by the Media and Professions, as being

supposedly “professional, beneficial, and hygienic.”

How highly criminal all of this has become, is

reflected by the fact that even a radiation

specialist, recently sent over briefly to supervise

the cleaning up of the tanks which “spent uranium”

was used against, was “fried” by radiation from this

spent uranium ammunition, and has now come back from

the middle east broken hearted because his own health

has been forever devastated, even by his very careful

and very brief exposure to the nuclear devastation the

US is so willfully dumping upon the Middle East: All

this, in spite of his own personal great expertise at

radioactive waste disposal techniques!


Eleventh: Each and Every discoverable and known

damaging agent in vaccines such as poisonous

chemicals, viral products, or contamination with

cancer causing retro virus, or any virus for that

matter, and the like, must be VERY PUBLICLY made

known, and solved before any vaccine is used under

non-emergency circumstances, and there are very truly,

NO really emergency reasons for immunizing anyone! For

thirty years now, science knowledge has included the

fact that introducing biological substances into the

circulation may well change the human genetic

structure, leading to autoimmune reactions, and other

diseases, and as well, malignancies. The DNA shed by

the organisms in the vaccines is taken up and

incorporated by the human cells, and is thereafter

replicated by them during cell division.


This phenomenon has been dubbed: “transcession.” These

organisms and their DNA are spread via the blood

stream, and affects sites of the body distant from the

vaccination. RNA viruses with reverse transcriptase

actually form strands of DNA, which is easily

integrated within the genetic material of the host

cells. The viruses then are called “proviruses” which

can then remain latent within host cells for many

generations, and very long periods of time. Examples

are influenza, measles, mumps, and polio vaccine

viruses. Epidemiological studies in Germany, the likes

of which are urgently needed in the US, demonstrate

Multiple sclerosis to be provoked by small pox,

typhoid, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, diphtheria, and

rabies vaccines. The post polio syndrome, which came

about as the direct result of Aspartame exposure in

1984, is a well known example of when damaging viruses

are reawakened by chemicals to later cause damage.


Twelfth: The complete wholistic knowledge of herbal,

naturopathic, and all possible medicinal, hygienic,

and other effective approaches to a given illness and

exposure situation must be intelligently and

comprehensively weighed, and then completely exposed

for public scrutiny, inspection, and teaching

thereabouts, before any routine immunization program

is best ever undertaken. Yes, “informed consent”

dictates that all of this information must be clearly,

legibly and intelligently be given in printed form

well in advance of any intended vaccinations.

(Remember, there are truly very few if any

“Vaccination Emergencies”!)


Only this will allow “Informed Consent.” Who wouldn’t

rather choose the best and least onerous option; if it

is made available, and then be given the knowledge to

do so? I, for example, have for over thirty years

advised my patients to not get flu vaccines because of

the known risks and very little benefit there from. I

instead advise the use of the herb, Astragalus, which

I have observed in the ambulatory public to have about

a 95% success rate versus the about 5% success rate of

the flu vaccine in the same ambulatory public group.

My patients, and those I so advise, believe me to be a

“brilliant doctor” when they enjoy good health, while

the others, though vaccinated, are miserable and

disabled with the flu and by the vaccine itself, too!

And then the others, who are then being treated along

classic pharmacy lines, are exposed to antibiotic

after antibiotic, which only makes them far worse,

while my “herbal patients” usually are greatly

improved from the first dose of Astragalus; And almost

routinely: Completely well within 24 hours.


Thirteenth: The present knowledge and the full vaccine

perspective based on the actual experience of those

using the vaccines and all the science information

surrounding every vaccine, should be fully conveyed to

those considering any vaccination by a vaccine science

knowledgeable COMMITTEE of conservatively minded

souls, whose sole responsibility is to just that! The

present governmental policy of allowing the

proliferation vaccinations at will, as it is randomly

made to do so, by lobbyists who represent grossly

conflicted interests, and then forcing them upon the

unsuspecting public with their expectations of great

benefit: Ending indeed only in degradation of our

health and well being as the net result, must be

replaced with extreme Governmental Conservatism

towards any and all vaccinations, and with complete

respect for the constitutional rights of all those

wishing to have vaccination withheld. These first two

considerations would eliminate at least 90% of

vaccinations presently given, with immense public

benefit! (Oh! But: What a loss of vaccine business

profits! And! What a gain of vigorous, healthy



Such conservatism realistically considers vaccination

programs to be extremely hazardous until proven

otherwise, (As our real population, or “actuarial”

experience presently already strongly emphasizes!) and

needing to be severely curtailed, even amongst the

willing, to permit only those vaccines extremely

needful, (In the most limited perspective of

necessity,) and moreover, truly beneficial from a

damage and risk Vs. proven benefit stand point.


Would any sane person want anything else? Since the

FDA has become “The nest of every foul and unclean

bird.” (To quote the Bible) We need an empowered, and

well paid ad hoc advisory board committee comprised of

only those from amongst the most knowledgeable and

skeptical, to make “intelligent” all vaccination

programs, by advising the public first, and government

only collaterally of the true facts, and risks of

every vaccine, or contemplated vaccination: Thus

leaving all vaccine decision making where it most

necessarily belongs. In the hands of those most

affected: Those considering using the vaccines upon

themselves or their offspring!


Said Advisory Committee needs to have full access to

all vaccine development and production programs, with

the only limit to their activities being that they

cannot needlessly betray proprietary interests to the

competition, but they must still be free, in every

case, to keep the public fully and appropriately

advised of vaccine damage and risk, comparing those

with specifics about degree of protection, and

alternatives as their top and first priority. A

prerequisite for such a position, of necessity is that

they must be drawn from amongst those who have

voluntarily been actively striving to stop the, at

best profit driven, and hysterical vaccine madness

which is presently dominating the US Government. Which

policy is ruining our lives, and the lives of

generations to come. I would be most happy to nominate

individuals of appropriate knowledge and character for

the “Public Vaccine Advisory Board Committee.”


I have throughout this chapter drawn very heavily upon

my long experience with and intense personal study of

vaccine related information. You could easily verify

all this material for yourself using the internet and

related sources, including many books and a myriad of

articles describing vaccine ineffectiveness and

vaccine related problems. A good place to start would

be an article by scientist, Alan Phillips:

(aphillip) The material he presents

therein is well documented as being drawn from the

best in the field. I would highly recommend you get

his well documented article: “DISPELLING VACCINATION

MYTHS” as a suitable starting point for verifying what

is stated here. I have in addition have looked up many

other sources on the net and in books to round out

many of topics herein. www.vaclib.org has his and many

other sources listed and made available with which to

truly educate yourself.


In closing let me quote a courageous parent: When

asked if the child was " up to date " on her

immunizations”, the Mom told the truth, and said “She

did not inoculate her children with disease, and did

not give consent for injection of the child with

tetanus toxin, formaldehyde, ethyl mercury, dry

" natural " latex rubber, aluminum potassium sulfate,

ammonium sulfate and unspecified antigens from culture

medium on which the Clostridium tetani are grown.”

(She, lacking a medical and chemistry education

grossly understated her point, along with the

descriptions of the other toxins also included in

“tetanus toxoid.”) MEDICAL DOCTORS, many of whom

should have sufficient knowledge and intelligence to

understand all this, have simply been systematically

brainwashed throughout their training and careers to

believe the vaccine falsities dumped upon them.




James D. Bowen MD




Chapter Twenty Two

The Illuminati and Deadly Diabetes


The available basic science knowledge about diabetes

is seldom applied in current medical practice. This

alone turns diabetes into a whole body calamity for

most. A whole array of inappropriate medications and

usages thereof and frivolous, unwise and destructive

dietary and personal hygiene accommodations are

heinously unleashed upon the world’s diabetics with

profound losses to those who adopt such in the belief

that they are actually beneficial, even necessary for

them. The true facts, and rational treatment of

diabetes are forgotten along the way! I provide herein

proven perspectives, of which most doctors however,

and medicine in general, are most often ignorant of!

This type of information is usually ignored and oft,

soon forgotten.


This is in no way idle speculation: For twenty five

years, my patients who “treated” their diabetes as I

recommended, lived healthy unencumbered lives, while

for a control group, existed those diabetics who were

treated according to the mainstream of American

Medical practice. They were losing their eyes, their

blood vessels, their mentality, their kidneys and

their extremities as well as their well-being; While

those who accepted my “unorthodox” recommendations

just skated along through life, but little impaired by

their diabetic condition. (Right along with those

diabetics who learned they had not to trust their

doctors as all knowing, and figured out these same

common sense things for themselves!) “Treated” as was

used herein, acknowledges that each diabetic must

become their own doctor, and had best find a doctor,

or care provider who will work with them, in order

that they can maximize the benefits from their own

care. Every case of diabetes is different, but I will

give you herein the common factors you need to

maximize your health, and prevent or lessen your



This intense medical malpractice towards diabetics is

based mostly upon treating lab tests, not patients,

which is always invariably fraught with devastation of

the diabetic! Yet! It is the very thing, which is

being done most to diabetics today! If having normal

blood sugars was truly the essence of the proper

management of diabetes; that result would be easily

achievable with a single herb! The unripe fruit of the

Caribbean Jackfruit will lower blood sugars to any

desired level, and keep them there by blocking release

of glucose from the liver! However: If it is taken in

doses sufficient to produce profound hypoglycemia, it

can kill thereby, and would only gravely damage the

health of any diabetic who chose to manage their blood

sugars with it. Most of the medicines and dietary

practices in vogue today for diabetic management

merely imitate its actions, only perhaps a little less



If you are a diabetic: Let's use you for an example:

The insulin level, as measured, includes that which is

inactivated by autoimmune antibodies. Looked at from

this perspective: Diabetes is an autoimmune disease;

with its auto immunity aimed at the pancreas ands its

product: Insulin. (And usually: Many other body parts

as well!) This all leads to the obvious, well known,

pancreatic beta cell destruction with deficiency of

insulin effect. However, as in almost every case of

diabetes, the pancreas is often putting out more

insulin than usually required because, the insulin is

tied up with anti insulin antibodies, and therefore is

unable to do its work at the cell wall: of stimulating

the transport of glucose into the cell. These anti

insulin anti bodies simply prevent the insulin from

doing its required job of moving glucose into the cell

across the cell wall, by immunologically binding to

the insulin, so it is not left free to bind to its

receptor sites on the cell.


The end result is that the cell, and indeed the entire

body thereby, is starving for glucose or any other

source of carbohydrate metabolism in the citric acid

cycle, or Krebs cycle, which in the mitochondria burns

carbohydrates to form ATP, the energy source which is

safe for the rest of the cell to use outside the



You are drowning in high blood sugar, which your cells

and mitochondria cannot use! If any mitochondrial

enzymatic activity of burning carbohydrates leaks out

of the mitochondria, and the carbohydrate burning

takes place outside the mitochondria within the cell,

it chemically badly burns the cell, and the cell dies.

The net result of inadequate insulin effect, with

inadequate carbohydrates available to the mitochondria

within the cell, is a deficiency of ATP for the cell

to use as its energy substrate to support all of the

other cellular functions. Diabetes is also the result

of Mitochondrial DNA (MtDNA) abnormalities and

mitochondrial damage also: With both, the production

of too little ATP results. (And as well, the

production of lots of damaging super oxide free

radicals which go ahead and burn the cell.)


Many cases of diabetes are MtDNA (mitochondrial DNA)

diseases. The inefficient mitochondria generated by

the imperfect MtDNA results in, once again, the

production of too little ATP. ATP deficiency, once

again, likewise results in the body secondarily going

into the same neuroendocrine crisis which marks all

diabetic metabolisms. The neuroendocrine system

experiencing too little ATP, senses it as the result

of a hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) crisis. So a

sustained neuroendocrine “Low Sugar Crisis” response

ensues, with emergency breakdown of proteins to

sustain gluconeogenesis (more glucose production) then

occurring, which typifies all diabetic metabolisms.

This is an ineffective and non corrective process,

which produces far more blood sugar but no ATP

thereby, and which is sustained at great cost to the

well being of the entire body.


Because the neuroendocrine system needs more ATP on an

emergency basis, it tries to arrange for providing

more ATP by raising blood sugar levels on a “sustained

emergency” basis: Corticoid steroids, like cortisone,

are elaborated to break down body proteins into

glucose. Adrenal medullar anti shock hormones like

epinephrine and Nor Epinephrine are elaborated to do

the same: breaking down proteins, and glycogen to

provide more blood sugar. Glucagon is elaborated to

break down glycogen into more sugar, Somatostatin is

elaborated, and the production of somatotropin

eliminated, to raise blood sugar by breaking down

tissue proteins and blocking anabolic processes. All

of this successfully elevates the blood glucose level,

while providing no additional ATP, whatsoever!


As you can well sense, the only two things which will

resolve all these endocrine crises are to get more

carbohydrates into the cell, and to help the

mitochondria to metabolize those carbs into ATP, which

sequence of these two events are the only things which

will normalize the body, and preserve health.


When your insulin is bound up like this, insulin

resistant diabetes exists. Often a hefty dose of a

corticoid steroid, to depress the formation of anti

Insulin antibodies, will temporarily rectify insulin

resistance. Such therapy, is in itself too toxic, and

too much of a “catch twenty two” to use on a sustained

or regular basis, and has to be reserved for crisis

situations, or the temporary management of unusual

cases. Whenever a Chemical Hypersensitivity disease

crisis forces me to intervene with a one mg dose of

dexamethasone (A corticosteroid in massive dose) it

will sooner or later(within 36 hours) temporarily

normalize my diabetic metabolism by releasing my bound

up insulin into a free state, where it can do its

normal work of seeing glucose transported into the



Because the diabetic metabolism and body is in a state

of mitochondrial carbohydrate starvation, any thing

which worsens this starvation by blocking access to,

or transport of, or the utilization of carbohydrates

is at great expense to the well being of the

individual. Such approaches to diabetes may indeed

help normalize blood glucose levels, but this is only

a case of “treating the lab test, not the patient.”


At Loma Linda we were taught to never treat lab tests,

but always to holistically treat the patient. I also

had a diabetes researcher for my personal

preceptor/internal medicine professor in my junior

year. He opened new vistas to me, which many are never

even exposed to. However, I still left medical school

blinded by the usual practice limitations and methods.

Internship training rather than opening new horizons,

only confirmed me into the usual perspectives. Surgery

residency, where I was elected captain of the hyper

alimentation team because of my recognized abilities

in applied biochemistry, enabled me to learn more

about the details of human metabolic processes, while

under severe stress. This helped to broaden my mental

horizons. Diabetes indeed is, a form of extreme stress

of the carbohydrate metabolism.


Medical practice with patient experience therein, and

my excellent knowledge of applied Biochemistry,

allowed me to gradually widen my mental horizons. My

son’s Childhood diabetes, directly resulting from a

mumps vaccination, and my Aspartame generated

diabetes, necessitated widening of my mental horizons

even more, and my patients continued to benefit from

my expanding horizons. The applied biochemistry of

Aspartame, about which I had to make myself expert, in

order to mentally sustain my efforts to oppose

Aspartame, and my Aspartame education allies’ efforts

as well, helped to more fully open my eyes to the

therapeutic possibilities; Which were enlightened by

my newfound understandings of the pathologic

physiologies of Aspartame poisoning, which very

intimately overlap and interact with diabetes and the

problems there from in many, many ways! Advising the

use of Aspartame in the diabetic diet is heinous! And

for any other human use, as well! It causes the

complications and damages from diabetes to vastly

multiply: And causes immense progression of diabetes,

to worse and worse forms, and effects.


The present enormous epidemic of diabetes is the

direct result of Aspartame use. Interestingly enough,

my medical license was revoked on the grounds that the

Respective heads of the American psychiatric and

psychological associations, Benedict and Arnold, both

certified that “Conceiving of Aspartame as toxic was a

delusion so dangerous; that it totally disables a

doctor from the practice of medicine.” This leaves

their brotherhood, B’Nai Brith unveiled as the

Satanic: Zionistic Organization, destructive of

humanity, which it indeed is.


So yes, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance are

both reflections of inadequate insulin effect, and

inadequate mitochondrial ATP production, which are

damaging to your health for several identifiable

reasons: One is that the pancreas is chronically over

stimulated, leading to pancreatic dysfunction,

specifically with regards to realistically tapering

insulin production to meet the body’s actual needs,

because both the beneficial effect/result thereof, and

feed back are nearly non existent.


The autoimmunity involved, and concomitant over

stimulation can indeed become pancreatic

excitotoxicity: Leading to pancreatic destruction, and

even more dysfunction. The autoimmunity involved, the

blood sugar effects themselves, and the many other

endocrine abnormalities damage many different target

organ systems in diabetics. These same diabetic

damages are also engendered by the improper diet and

damaging medicines most often used upon diabetics.

Diabetic/dietetic foods are to be strictly avoided

because they are merely carbohydrate impoverished, and

sweetened with artificial sweeteners, which will also

damage the patient and worsen the diabetes.


Which brings us down to many practical aspects of

living a healthy life in spite of Diabetes: Yes, using

immune modulators like selenium and other herbal

immune modulators can help resolve a lot of the

metabolic problems. Because fat and carbohydrate

metabolism are intimately entwined, and proper

physiology thereof is exceedingly important, a

wholesome diet including one with a proper fat

balance, and avoiding toxic fats like trans fats(made

from polyunsaturated vegetable oils which are

hydrogenated into health destroying poisons, and are

then sold as hygienic.) is consummately important: As

are many other dietary recommendations, excepting the

oft recommended use of Gymnema Silvestre, which is a

mistake because it in fact is merely another

carbohydrate blocker. And as well, the other

misunderstandings I will attempt to clear up herein,

with this article as I continue.


As to using tolazamide in place of the many non

effective, or destructive pharmaceuticals commonly

used because they are recommended by drug companies

with excessive and unrealistic promises of theoretical

benefit, I believe you can now conceive that by its

mitochondrial action of producing more adequate output

of ATP, tolazamide becomes an essential, and is

outstanding at helping to normalize your metabolism,

and the disordered neuroendocrine physiology which so

typifies diabetes. I personally use tolazamide 500 mg

three times/day: (double the usual max recommended

blood sugar lowering dose, there is however, no

identifiable toxicity from such doses of tolazamide,

whatsoever, in a 270# man, like myself) My diabetes

has advanced way beyond where tolazamide would even

begin to lower my blood sugar sufficiently, but its

mitochondrial ATP augmentation make it an essential

for maintaining my good health.


In order to charge a certain amount per usual dose,

the pharmaceutical companies often ignore the needs of

larger people to use more of a given pharmaceutical,

and thus the recommended doses are just adequate for

an averaged sized “normal” person. One biochemical

“knowledge gem” born of having a diabetes researcher

as my personal professor of medicine in my junior year

at Loma Linda, was that I was made aware that the

sulfonylurea class of oral anti diabetic agents,

including tolazamide, was active in the mitochondria

as well as in helping to move glucose across the cell

wall into the cell. The newer more powerful, longer

acting agents, like glyburide and glipizide, seem to

totally lack this mitochondrial activation. This,

along with their prolonged action, makes them grossly

inferior to tolazamide in correcting diabetic

metabolism, and especially in preventing

“neuroendocrine shock.”


I find the intermediate length of action of tolazamide

to be perfect, because I can take it with my first

meal, and when the meal is worn off, the tolazamide is

still beneficial from a mitochondrial standpoint, but

it is not going to demand that I again eat, in order

to avoid initiating hypoglycemia, as do the glipizide

and glyburide. They are very troublesome, in that

respect. I can go as long as I choose to, as long as I

wish to without eating with no fear of causing a

hypoglycemic crisis, nor throwing my metabolism off

kilter in any way! I can then take tolazamide with my

next meal with good results. This creates a very non

rigid lifestyle for me, which other regimes do not

allow: On them, you must have your meals on schedule,

and match up meals to the exercise which will follow.


Pharmacy companies have, it seems ignored the

mitochondrial benefits of the sulfonylureas, when

creating the newer ones. Focusing alone, it seems, on

lowering the blood sugar. This focuses on the lab

report, not the patient, and ignores the most

significant beneficial result of tolazamide:

increasing mitochondrial efficiency! If they want to

do some really beneficial work, they should focus on

the mitochondrial benefits first, and the hypoglycemic

effect only after they have formulated agents which

will maximize the mitochondrial efficiency! The

present more recent additions to anti diabetic

pharmacy ARE DISASTERS! They make wild promises like;

“causing beta cell regeneration,” etc.; While

delivering instead, devastation! Rosiglitazone and its

analogues are examples: Instead of the regeneration as

promised, they cause autoimmune attack upon the entire

body: including the beta cells. Pharmaceutical

companies and salesmen should be prosecuted for the

lies they tell doctors!


While using Tolazamide, my blood sugars can sometimes

drop into the hypoglycemic ranges such as 45-50 with

no hypoglycemic symptoms, whatsoever, and no

elaboration of neuroendocrine crises, as above

mentioned, I do not recommend this hypoglycemia, nor

try to get blood sugars even nearly that low, because

diabetics are always better off with their blood

sugars maintained a little on the high side (110-120

mg/L or 6.1-6.6 mmol/L, multiply or divide by 18 as

appropriate) to both avoid hypoglycemia, and make

glucose freely available for transport across the cell

wall into the cell, to avoid any carbohydrate blocking

effect. None the less, my VA docs are amazed that I,

as a diabetic, have Hemoglobin A1c s like those of a

non diabetic! And I experience a lot more leeway with

diet and exercise schedules, etc. I am simply far more

like a normal person than I could ever be without the

tolazamide! I know of no other pharmacological agent

offering these benefits.


A couple of lucky breaks today! First our local health

food store here in Kailua Kona carries flax seed at

$1.75 per pound. I went to Salvation Army and got a

coffee grinder for only a buck. So I can use the

freshly ground flax seed sprinkled over, or mixed into

my food immediately after grinding, which is the best

way, since the Omega three fatty acids are unstable

and oft degraded by cooking or standing around. With

time, I hope to find a source for the golden flax seed

from the Dakotas, which I feature as being more

nutritious because less is wasted as merely hull. I

also picture the flax phytoestrogens, which only serve

to imbalance my hypothalamus, as being from the hull.

All nuts, by the way, are excellent sources of Omega

threes, especially walnuts. So the web page I am going

to refer you to at the end of this article, got me to

using about a half cup of walnuts per day.


One practical point I need to share with all my

readers at this point: when a hypoglycemic episode

occurs; you are not merely troubled by a low blood

sugar! With all the disordered neuroendocrine effects

I elaborated, you are starved for everything, not just

glucose. So, attempting to merely replace glucose by

ingesting glucose is a clumsy and inadequate response.

Sucrose, cane sugar or beet sugar, is exceedingly

better in every way!


I have found that a glass or more of milk along with a

whole wheat peanut butter and jam sandwich or even two

is better for all the following reasons: It supplies

sucrose, which is an ideal sugar for diabetics. It

supplies a more balanced diet with better nutrition to

immediately replace the depleted nutrition caused by

the “neuroendocrine stroke,” which hypoglycemia

causes. It also provides proteins to replace those

broken down in the attack, and it provides “rapid

reacting proteins” to more rapidly, and more

wholesomely restore the needed blood sugar and other

depleted nutrients.


You will almost immediately feel much better if you

can nutritionally correct the hypoglycemic situation,

than if you merely feed glucose, which is simply

inadequate at that point, to restore normal health.


One topic, which arises, is the use of “alternate

sugars” as carbohydrate sources. Xylitol is a winner

on every front! It does not convert to glucose, but is

directly metabolized in the mitochondria to form ATP,

independent of any need for insulin effect! It is anti

bacterial in several ways, both because most bacteria

cannot ferment it, and it prevents bacteria from

adhering to cell surfaces to infect those cells. It

has a positive effect on both tooth decay and

periodontal disease: HELPING PREVENT BOTH. It has a

positive effect on calcium balance, and generally

improves blood lipid profiles. That is quite a job



Moreover Xylitol has a long history of extensive human

use, being used in northern countries, during times of

sugar shortage, such as during World War Two, with

remarkable health benefits noted to have resulted from

its usage. In addition to preventing dental decay, it

prevents ear infections if used as a nasal spray or

chewing gum. Erythritol is one carbon atom shorter,

but is not as well absorbed, has a greater osmotic

diuretic effect and therefore impairs calcium

retention and probably should only be used if you

would benefit from a diuretic, and are supplementing

with both calcium and vitamin D. Erythritol is also

not tolerated as well at higher doses, because it

loosens the bowels!


Maltitol is inferior to Sucrose for the diabetic,

because sucrose provides an equal balance of glucose

and fructose, which the diabetic metabolism tolerates

very well. Maltitol breaks down into only glucose. ATP

production increases are made possible by the balanced

mix of fructose and glucose from Sucrose digestion,

even under the stressed carbohydrate metabolism

conditions in the diabetic. Yet Maltitol is being

marketed in some foods labeled as “diabetic:” Just

another example of why not to use products so labeled.

Many are far worse, containing artificial sweeteners

like Aspartame or Sucralose, etc.


Fructose is likewise very beneficial, but only within

the very limited perspective of being derived in a

balanced mix from sucrose. Fructose has the

theoretical benefit of being a carbohydrate, which in

the mitochondria is metabolized to ATP, and yet does

not need insulin or anything else to help it meet the

body’s need for carbohydrate metabolism to produce the

ATP, which diabetics so badly need to prevent them

going into the “neuroendocrine shock” condition. If

this were the entire picture of fructose metabolism it

would be just great, but it indeed is not the whole,

entire picture. For best effect fructose needs to be

utilized in a balanced mix with glucose, which is just

what you get from sucrose, the very sugar most doctors

tell you to starve yourself of. Sucrose, quite to the

contrary, is the ideal sugar for diabetics.


Fructose, consumed as an isolate (by itself), causes

many severe metabolic problems for the diabetic. First

it is rapidly metabolized in the liver and body fat

cells to form fat, which does no one any good, but

becomes merely, a fattening agent. In the liver,

fructose is rapidly also metabolized into

triglycerides, causing triglyceridemia, (high

triglycerides) which is a condition which encourages

the development of arteriosclerosis. Its metabolism

also produces significant elevations of uric acid in

the serum, which destroys the pancreas and joints, and

causes other damages throughout the body. High uric

acid levels are now considered part of the classic

“deadly quartet” of conditions which lead to high

cardiovascular risk.


Inulin (Not Insulin) is a polyfructose type of

“starch”, which has often been found to benefit

diabetics. (Thus the name inulin) Presently, the

classical medical teaching is that inulin is an

insoluble fiber, which passes through the digestive

tract unused. However this teaching ignores the fact

that it may break down into small amounts of fructose

in the highly acid stomach, or intestinal bacteria may

later break it down into useable molecules. It is

found in Jerusalem artichokes, chicory roots and other

“rooty” vegetables like carrots and beets, which are

also rich in several other very valuable alternative

sugars. I remember in 1955, when I was fifteen, my

high school agriculture teacher, Garfield Jorgenson at

Laurelwood Academy, was scoffing at the notion of

inulin being helpful for diabetics: “How could a

carbohydrate be of any benefit to diabetics. He

scoffed: “Diabetics already have too much sugar, and

need to deprive themselves of the entire carbohydrate

intake they possibly can anyway!” Such ignorance is

indeed; Almost prehistoric in origin!


Several southwestern and west coast Indian Nations,

used various specific types of prickly pear cactus to

“cure diabetes.” Their method of use was uniformly the

same. They would chop the pads into cubes, soak them

overnight in cold water, and drink the water extract

with good results. This would suggest that some form

of alternate sugar or soluble carbohydrate from the

pads was/were the curative ingredient(s), but it could

also be other alkaloids.

One of the great losses occurring from European

culture abruptly replacing Native American culture was

that we lost many, many very valuable herbal remedies.

Our government seems anxious to now keep them lost, in

order to promote the welfare of big money

pharmaceutical interests. This tyranny was so

blatantly and well demonstrated by the black, unmarked

helicopters spraying herbicide all over it, and

destroying my Native American friend’s hilltop herb

farm in the mountains of Georgia. Many people

diagnosed with the final stages of incurable cancer

are alive today because of the farm, which was

destroyed, demonstrating the government’s lack of

concern for humanity: Which same government, also

doses diabetics with Aspartame, etc.


Various medicinal herbs are recommended for diabetics.

Ones which block glucose release or production like

the Caribbean Jack Fruit are to be avoided, of course.

I hope to find opportunity to try those herbs for

myself, after I in each case learn what is known about

the mechanism of action thereof. Cinnamon, which many

diabetics report excellent results from, does not

benefit me in any way. Each case of Diabetes is indeed

a different disease, and what benefits one, may not

work at all for another. Each diabetic along with

their family must learn to be their own doctor unless,

of course, they are already addicted to Aspartame!

And, above all: Listen to their body: To see what

works, and what hurts!


Other alternate sugars or “sugar alcohols’ are being

commercially produced, but offer no advantage over

maltitose or any other disaccharide, because they all

end up at the same end point: As glucose in your

metabolism, although some are poorly adsorbed, making

them kind of a low calorie sweetener, which I fail to

see any advantage from except calorie control, since

the diabetic needs a well balanced diet, rich in



The best way I know of to try to fill in information

you may need or perhaps might be interested in, is for

me to go through my routines as a “compensated

diabetic” for you. I will, of course, ad lib as I

progress. Nothing herein is “finalized” I keep adding

or trying things as I find good reason to try them,

and usually delete those which I experience as not as

beneficial, when I add new ones. I would encourage

every diabetic to likewise keep a “Heads up” attitude

and try what seems advantageous, to see how it works

out for their own body.


At bedtime, I presently use thirty units of NPH

insulin. That bedtime dose previously was 110 units,

until I started using astaxanthin 4 caps per day, and

spirulina 6 tabs per day. Those two antioxidants just

plummeted my blood sugar, causing me to become

extremely hypoglycemic during the night because I

wasn’t expecting any direct effect on my blood sugars!

These two algae antioxidant sources are available very

inexpensively here on the “Big Island” of Hawaii,

because they are locally produced from the pure water

piped up from the ocean depths here.


I take my chromium polynicotinate in the morning with

the astaxanthin, because the spirulina, which I use in

the evening, is a chelating organism known to carry

heavy metals out of the body, which would waste the

chromium. The two local brands I use only cost about

1/4th as much as national brands from GNC. You might

check your local Costco and Wal Mart, to see if

BioAstin brand astaxanthin and Nutrex brand spirulina

aren’t cheaply available from the same chains in your

locality. I also use lispro ultra rapid acting

insulin, 10 units with each meal, or 5 units if I am

going to exercise after the meal. Ultra fast acting

insulin has worked out far better for me than using

regular insulin in the same manner. My other routines

will follow:


I use selenomethionine 200mcg/day, I would prefer Sea

Sel, kelp selenium, but can’t find it. I sometimes use

yeast selenium when I cannot get these preferred

forms. The list of “ingesteds” includes: slow release

pyridoxine (B6), 500 mg bid (twice daily), Inositol

hexaniacinate 500 twice daily. (Using rapidly absorbed

regular niacin is highly damaging, because it causes

intense super oxide free radical activity in the walls

of your blood vessels, always get the slow release


free radical and autoimmune damage to the blood vessel

walls. Continued: A cheap generic calcium, magnesium,

and zinc tablet bid. (Each provides: Calcium 1 Gram,

magnesium 400mg, Zinc 15 mg.)


Costco “Nature Made” Super B Complex, two bid, “One a

Day” men’s health formula vitamins with lycopene, two

bid, piroxicam (Feldene) 20 mg bid, Vitamin E 1000 u

once per day. (I do not tolerate more, it flares free

radical production in my body, I could not even use

400 u of the VA stuff, but seem to tolerate Wal Mart

better) Cont: Folic acid 800 mcg, three bid; (bid

means twice daily.)


B12 (Methcobalamin, avoid the toxic cyancobalamin if

possible. I use methcobalalmin 2000 mcg sublingual

giving myself a “B12 shot every day.), “Cholest Off”

plant sterols and stanols 400 mg bid (to help the ones

I get from my vegetarian diet to help keep cholesterol

levels down. I would use twice as much, or more, also

would use red rice yeast, and or the herbal one made

from sugar cane leaf: policosanol, if my cholesterol

were elevated) Cont: grape seed extract (for anti

oxidant pycnogenol) 150 mg bid. Other herbs include:

Rhodiola extract 500 mg daily (I use this each morning

to balance out my hypothalamic activity which is

damaged by age, Aspartame and diabetes. I do not

tolerate ginseng well; nor Siberian Ginseng;

eleuthera; nor Ashwahganda, but Rhodiola Rosea works

just fine to keep my energy levels up) I Use Muira

Puama three caps, occasionally as a sleeper. It

produces a pleasantly relaxed frame of mind for

sleeping or love making.


Note: Chromium Picolinate as prescribed by the

murderous FDA, who is also trying to do you in with

Aspartame, is a deadly neuroexcitotoxin. Do not use

it, or anything which contains it! Chromium at a dose

of 200-400mcg/day is very beneficial for diabetics. I

use niacin bound chromium, also chemically named

chromium polynicotinate, 200 mg bid. The other dietary

forms of chromium except those bound up with

excitotoxins like picolinic acid, glutamic acid,

aspartic acid, etc, are just fine too. Vanadium, at a

dose of 50 to 100 mcgs/day, is also beneficial for

diabetics. The health food stores sell 5-10 mg caps,

which is far too toxic a dose. Remember, all trace

minerals are also heavy metal poisons, so the correct

low dose is indeed: All you want!


I also use Ginkgo Biloba one cap bid. If well

tolerated it should be used by every diabetic. It is

famous for neural preservation, blocking blood vessel

inflammation, and is a very effective platelet anti

coagulant, protecting against arterial occlusions,

like aspirin does. I do not tolerate even baby aspirin

well, and if I take it in addition to all the herbs I

use, I hemorrhage profusely from even a little



Looking to the future: I am going to next add xylitol,

as a sweetener in place of maple syrup. I want to,

when I can, explore more about the use of other herbs,

especially the appropriate species of prickly pear



You need a nutritious diet rich in carbohydrates. All

the other beneficial nutritionals you can include, the

better, because they usually are each of some specific

metabolic benefit, and your metabolic processes are so

“shot” every little improvement you can make is very



I always use whole grain cereal and bread, whenever

possible. Several reasons: Everything else they do to

cereal grains or flour lessens and worsens it for you

in some way. All of the other substances in the grain

kernel are extremely beneficial for you and will

directly improve your health, even more so, if you

have diabetes. Avoid white flour. It is now dosed with

alloxan to bleach it. Alloxan is so great a producer

of free radicals that it is routinely used to make

rats diabetic for research purposes, because free

radicals from alloxan rapidly destroy the beta cells

in the rats’ pancreas!


In addition to an ounce of freshly ground flax seed, I

usually use a half a cup of walnuts per day.(More or

Less) I feel much better when I can totally avoid

anything and everything which has bleached white flour

in it! Especially hard for me: Because I love to drop

into Costco for a slice of cheese pizza. But I feel

much better, if I don’t! In addition to the milling

process removing many beneficial substances, the

bleaching process so completely denatures the flour

that even weevils can’t grow in it! This is probably

the only reason white four is routinely bleached: To

make it a weevil indigestible commodity. In addition

to the toxic effects of the bleach, the other real

problem from bleaching the flour is that the sulphur

containing amino acids therein are denatured by the

chemicals used to bleach it.


Sulphur is an amorphous element. It readily and

energetically reacts with metals and nonmetals alike,

and can avidly bond with many different electron

orbital configurations. These altered configurations

can include change in the orbit between couplets of

sulphur atoms, or change the orbits between sulphur

and any other element. The bleaches are powerful

chemicals and denature the sulphur amino acids in

bleached flour by making these variations in the

electrons orbiting the sulphur atoms in the sulphur

containing amino acids. This tends to make them highly

sensitizing and allergenic. A lot of what is

considered “GLUTEN ALLERGY” may be the result of

bleached, denatured gluten from bleached flour. You

certainly don’t need bleached flour flaring your

autoimmunity which is already a major causation of

your diabetes nor the alloxan, which causes diabetes

and many other health problems. Anti mitochondrial

antibody diseases are another new class of diseases

caused by Aspartame.


I must also mention oils: I am now using a cup of

coconut milk per day, in order to get the medium chain

saturated fats which it contains, which are beneficial

in every way. Use of coconut oil is even better. They

help produce HDL, and are also specifically beneficial

to the immune system and other body functions. They

are also antibiotic, anti fungal, anti viral and even

help AIDS patients. (See

http://www.aspartame.ca/indexoho.htm) Will be

interested in seeing what the properties of peanut oil

are, and will probably add it as varietal cooking oil.

It is noted to be more stable in frying than other

oils, in addition to its omega 3s.


If you get the impression diabetics, like myself need

to keep continually looking for ways to improve their

diet, and try out what they keep learning, that is

just exactly what I recommend. It gives us a greater

chance to find things which work the best for us, as

well as providing variety and balance in the diet. I

am also using a handful of hulless pumpkinseeds daily.

All this gives me lots of omega threes, and many other

beneficials for a man my age. I want to also check out

Colloidal Silver. I also use rice bran with good

effect, but not the overpriced and doctored Health

Food version. I don’t have my bag over here from the

mainland yet. I checked with the producers, and they

told me the forty pound bag ($25) you can get at the

feed stores for your horses is taken directly from the

same spout they fill the bags for the cereal companies

from. So there is no reason to pay high specialty food

prices for stabilized rice bran to enrich your diet

with. It is reported to be of great value for



As you can see, I of necessity view my metabolism as

fragile and already damaged, so I do everything I can

to help it survive, in spite of the diabetes, MtDNA

damage, and Chemical Hypersensitivity disease from

Aspartame poisoning.


You might want to consider avoiding all use of

glucosamine which is used to greatly help alleviate

arthritis greatly in some people. Glucosamine is an

anti metabolite of insulin function at the cell wall,

and blocks the badly needed transfer of glucose into

the cell.


Dr John Linnell. Ph.D. (E.E.), a good friend from

Canada, who helped me create this article, will now

provide information on how to access an outstanding

web page for helping diabetics deal with their

erroneous metabolisms:



Dr Jim Bowen



Thank you Doctor Bowen


The web site that Dr James Bowen is talking about is

http://www.healingmatters.com/ a fairly voluminous

site with a lot of useful and interesting information.

It deals with the underlying reason we get sick, our

Insulin levels get too high and everything from heart

attacks, kidney and liver failure, diabetes etc are

caused, directly or indirectly, by this. DO NOT

confuse your Insulin levels with blood sugar. The

medical/pharmaceutical industries are not the least

interested in getting you well, they want you to stay

sick while they rake in higher and higher obscene

profits by treating symptoms, not the root causes.

Treating a diabetic to control his blood sugars is

never going to cure diabetes, just prolong the agony

of added complications with more profit from other

useless drugs.


As of the time of writing this, so far as I can

ascertain the web site consists of at least twenty-two

long pages. At present there is no index so I have

gone through it and prepared at least a semblance of

an index which is hyper linked so that any of you

accessing this on line can just click and go, that is

unless the site owner, a Mr Thomas Smith

Valley changes any file names. I was

recently in touch with him as there are two sections

not completed, Neuropathy and Gangrene. He has assured

me that they will be updated shortly.


The author tries to sell you a 160 page Special Report

which I can not report on not having bought it, but

except for specific doses you may find what you need

within the pages of the site itself.


This is a fascinating study in itself and I must thank

Dr Bowen, an aspartame poisoning victim like myself,

for bringing it to my attention. Between us maybe we

can help a lot of others get well.


In passing, my own site, which deals mainly with the

curse of aspartame poisoning, is www.aspartame.ca .

Dr Bowen will have his site up and running shortly we



The index is appended below. Now go and get healthy



John Linnell. Ph.D.(E.E.)




E-mail: Valley

Phone: 970-669-9176


The following are the links to the pages of this site

which has no index.


1. Home Page

2. Hyperinsulinemia

3. Atherosclerosis

4. Vascular disease

5. Diabetes type 2

6. Impotence

7. Kidney Failure

8. Heart Failure

9. Liver Damage

10. Stroke

11. Obesity

12. Neuropathy

13. Retinopathy Under construction

14. Vascular

15. Gangrene Under construction.

16. History

17. More Sales bull for Special Report

18. Fats

19. obese

20. links



Coconut Oil, Flax seed oil, Hemp seed oil and several

others are good concentrated vegetable sources of Cis

w=3 oils. Coconut oil has many beneficial attributes

and is the best for cooking.

See http://www.aspartame.ca/indexoho.htm for more






Chapter Seven: Just why Aspartame is indeed Satan’s



A couple days after CBS aired its “non documentary” of

us scientists “speaking out against” Aspartame, while

I was driving up I-205, just past the North end of

Orchards Park, just after dark. We heard the double

report of the gun going off, and the slug hitting the

pickup. The slug hadn’t completely penetrated the

windshield in front of me, and left a full imprint of

the front of the slug in the windshield dead in front

of the center of my chest. Had the slug struck a

couple inches higher it would have killed me. As it

was, it had dug a deep long groove into the hood of my

’79 Chevy pickup, and had then belatedly ricocheted up

into the windshield, where it had left its imprint. It

was apparent that it was from a shotgun larger than

twelve gauge. I guessed a ten gauge. It was more than

apparent I had been followed, and the shooter alerted

by CB, or something as to my identity as I approached

his firing position. It was too dark for him to have

really identified me otherwise! Knowing all of this, I

drove on to Ridgefield, and dropped my wife at our

apartment. I then returned to scope out the situation.

I first re-drove the route, so I could identify the

exact location, and which houses the shot could have

possibly come from.


I spent a year with some of the hardest fighting

combat units in Vietnam, and that was a technique from

which we gained a lot of information: To immediately

scout out any location from which we had received

fire! I had once taken my medics, and an interpreter,

and returned to the site of an attempted capture and

“clarified the situation!” Gained a lot of information

that way! Walking down highway One at Chu Lai one

morning, an exceptionally attractive Vietnamese woman

had come out to me from a house, and attempted

everything she could, to try and get me to go into the

house with her. I went and got my medics and an

interpreter. When we approached the house, we first

set up a cross fire ambush of both the front and back

doors and exposing all four sides of the house, so no

one could leave the house alive without our

permission. Then one of my medics stepped in the front

door with the interpreter, their M16s drawn and ready

to fire if need be. What they found was a frightened

Vietnamese family, who told them what had happened:

North Vietnamese soldiers had come into their house,

and held them against the wall at gunpoint while they

sent the female agent out to bring me in! There was

the equivalent of a five million dollar reward offered

for my capture! (In today’s dollars in our present



From re-driving 205, I determined that only two houses

were even possibilities. I then drove the road which

was nearest the freeway going past that site, and

cased out those two houses which were facing the

freeway. One was an impossibility, because it had tall

deep blackberry bushes in a thick tangle, which would

have prevented anyone getting up near the Freeway

fence to make the shot. For those of you not from the

Pacific Northwest, the Himalayan blackberry is a

ferocious weed. It vigorously grows tall, thick, and

thorny in that climate, forming impassable tangles

which can even choke out a fifteen foot tall Douglas

fir tree, if it is growing on sloping ground. The next

morning I returned to the house which the shot did not

come from, and asked them if they had heard a gun

shot, or car backfire the previous evening? They

answered “OH yes!” They had heard a gunshot from the

house next door, shortly after dark the night before.

I then asked them about the house next door? They

related that it was owned by an elderly lady, who was

afraid of her son: The leader of a motor cycle outlaw

gang. He and his gang were using the house as a gang

center/ hangout.


I then went next door to have a visit. The motor cycle

gang was visibly afraid of me, even though I displayed

no weapon. (By their own code of conduct they expected

I had come back to blow them all away!) I asked where

their leader was, and they unanimously nodded towards

the garage. I went in to meet him. Turned out he had

been coming to my clinic as a patient the past couple

of weeks. He also was also quite visibly relieved that

I didn’t gun him down on the spot! So we had a little

visit, and I got him to admit that he was the shooter

and that it was a contract deal. He wouldn’t at that

moment specify who the contractor was, nor the type of

weapon, just that it was a “homemade cannon” I felt I

had my answer. It was probably indeed a ten gauge shot

gun, probably sawed off a little. He had been coming

to my clinic to case me out. While visiting after the

office visit in each case, he had tried to enlist me

in some of his drug and prostitution enterprises. I

was not at all interested. Could he have gotten me to

participate, that would have given him the opportunity

to get me away from witnesses, and kill me. I wanted

more information, so I arranged a “truce” (Knowing he

would kill me at the first opportunity!), and agreed

we would be friends. From that, I had several more

visits with him, visited his home, and with his wife,

and learned that he knew Donald Rummsfeld to be the

godfather who had arranged the contract, and that

Nutra Sweet was the reason for the hit. After that, I

had no more need of him: Have never seen him since.


In order to have survived financially at family

practice rates of practice remuneration in Ridgefield,

I would have needed to have been on the staff of the

local hospital, the Southwest Washington Regional

Medical Center in Vancouver. When I applied there, I

was told there would have to be a meeting between

myself and the executive committee (of physicians) in

order to arrange for me to have staff membership. Diet

Pepsi in 1984, had a yellow slash type banner on the

side of the can. When I entered the meeting room, that

entire committee of physicians were each holding a

Diet Pepsi can with the yellow slash banner turned

towards me. They told me: “There is nothing wrong with

Diet Pepsi, and until I learned that fact, there would

be no staff membership for me!” They were probably all

Masonics, B’Nai Brithians, or some other form of

Satanism. Satan sees to it that “his men and women”

are advanced to positions of authority from where, in

league with evil angels, they run the world, except as

God in his providence, on occasions, intervenes.

Anciently, the prophet Daniel was an example of God’s

intervention! And also, those doctors were probably

fully brainwashed. Daniel was a Babylonian prisoner of

war, and castrated as such! Because of his

faithfulness, God arranged circumstances so Daniel

became the prime minister of the two greatest nations

of the world in succession: (Babylon, and Medo-Persia)


Satan seldom alerts his followers about any of his

physically damaging agents, with which he afflicts

humanity. Had he done so with Aspartame, the word

would soon have gotten out, because they would have

clued in their loved ones, and out of a sense of

professional fraternity, at least some of their

patients: The word would then have quickly spread in

ever wider circles! Satan and his Angels tell their

human enlistees they love them, and wish to benefit

them in every way possible. All lies, he hates them

and intends to destroy them: Just like everyone else.

See: “He came to set the captives free.” By: Rebecca

Brown. (As I remember.)


I have had many friends, through the years, from

within the various branches of Satanism. As old

Satanists, they have all been bitter and disappointed

with the way Satan, his evil angels, and his

organizations have used and abused them! They realized

from bitter experience: The love promised by evil

angels, and their brotherhoods alike, never

materialized beyond perhaps a first intoxicating flush

of success. Beyond the first intoxication, they have

been used and abused, and left broken: Both physically

and economically. They were well hooked on the Satanic

lies though, and until the end, refused to relinquish

them: That Christ is not the Divine Son of the Creator

God, and our Savior. That Satan’s way is the best.

That God’s Ten Commandments are not to be followed,

and indeed are irrelevant to human experience. (Satan

teaches his followers that Humans are naturally

predators, and by becoming his cooperators they get to

become “Wolves” instead of “sheep;” And it is just

natural for a wolf to get a little wool stuck between

his teeth from time to time.) Etc., etc.


When my Bible teacher at Laurelwood Academy, Benny

Evans, taught us about the unforgivable sin, he only

read us the first time where it is recorded in the

Gospels! Christ warned his disciples of it: “Grieving

the Holy Spirit.” Benny was a little puzzled about the

meaning, though. Thought it must be repetitive

sinning, until sin no longer felt like sin anymore. He

obviously hadn’t read the second time in the Gospels

that Christ warned his disciples of “Grieving the Holy

Spirit” Perhaps it is in Luke, you can easily search

it out if you wish. Christ therein specifies: It is

trusting Satan and his Agencies for our Earthly

guidance, and eternal Salvation, instead of accepting

guidance from, and trusting the Holy Spirit.


Sadly, I have seen many a Masonic friend go their

grave, trusting their “brotherhood” for their

salvation. Masonics are taught that if they are loyal

to their Masonic oath, “They are assured of Heaven and

Eternity!” Their Masonic Oath often requires them to

turn their backs to the pleadings of the Holy Spirit

from their consciences, and go on helping their

Masonic bretheren feast on the bodies of “God’s

sheep,” so to speak, by taking advantage of them, and

hurting others in many ways, and offending God by

breaking his commandments. They are so brainwashed

they go to their graves believing they are “Earning

their salvation” in the very acts which keep them from

accepting salvation as a free gift from God. The

brainwashing steps which I previously outlined are

built into all Satanic fraternities, and enforced with

fear and peer pressure.


I would never even consider NOT doing what I can to

alert others of chemical hazards like Aspartame. It is

the very ministry which the Holy Spirit (God’s all

present being in and with us) has laid upon me as my

special ministry through the circumstances of: My

excellent understanding of applied biochemistry, my

personal experiences, and the experiences of others,

from which I thereby have learned, and the special

expertise I have developed in this, and related areas.

God in the flesh said: “In as much as you have done

it unto the least of these, my brethren: (speaking of

those most disadvantaged, and socially despised) Ye

have done it unto me! Everyone needs to be preserved

from the chemical hazards and false medical practices

prevalent in our society. They are presently indeed

working horrible and immense destruction upon humans

in our “democratic” society for the Present Darkness!

That will leave me always a political dissident on

these issues! A very important ministry indeed! Why do

I know, believe and feel this ministry was a God given

one? Let’s review, for example, the long disastrous

reach of Aspartame into the human body:


Aspartame is such a heinous poison that the FDA

stopped counting, after reporting 92 known diseases

caused by Aspartame. Not! That new accounts of human

degradations are not still pouring in to the FDA. They

are just no longer even being mentally acknowledged.

We are not talking about minor issues: Examples are

Diabetics being made horribly worse by diets

containing Aspartame which their doctors have

prescribed for them. Some of these victims even get

over their diabetes, once off of all Aspartame

products. Brain tumors, (The initial toxicity studies,

done at only 1/1000th of the legally prescribed dose,

showed Aspartame to be the number one brain carcinogen

known to man, and even at those very low doses!),

Neurodegenerative disease (Please see the recent

documentary by Sound Fury Productions in Tucson,

Arizona: Called “Sweet Misery”), every type of

autoimmune disease, and on and on:



Please see www.dorway.com and www.aspartame.ca for a

complete listing of what the FDA and CDC did

recognize, before it quit counting. My free

publications are posted on dorway, and scattered

around the internet on various sites. Dr Hyman

Roberts’ medical text: “Aspartame a Global Plague”

will give far more detail than what I will mention

here. Attorney Mark Gold was an FDA investigator, who

was fired for telling the truth about Aspartame. His

web page www.holisticmed.com is exhaustive on

Aspartame toxicity, and politics: Has it all!

www.mercola.com is also excellent on

Sucralose/Splenda’s many horrible toxicities, as

verified by Splenda’s totally rapacious toxicity



How can I know, believe and feel this is a God given

ministry laid upon me? Well let’s look at HOW this one

chemical: N-methyl, L-aspartyl, Phenylalanine causes

such immense human devastation! Let’s take a brief

look at what it is biochemically: The N-methyl corner

of this carefully crafted, three cornered poison is

methyl alcohol, or wood alcohol (methanol), well known

for over a century to cause dementia, insanity,

carcinogenesis, degenerative diseases, and autoimmune

disease of every body system, blindness, and death.

Methanol in the human is sequentially metabolized via

obligatory human metabolism into formaldehyde, formic

acid, and carbon monoxide.


All of these materials are human sensitization agents,

and CHz (Chemical hypersensitivity disease) plagues

Aspartame’s victims for the rest of their lifetimes,

even long after they have stopped ingesting Aspartame.

Any and ALL of their grievous health problems can

thereafter be caused to recur and even worsen by

numerous chemicals and solvents, as well as pollen

blooms, and fungal sporulations: Even in minute



Methanol is a recognized cause of many diseases

including blindness, pancreatitis, and demyelinization

type neurodegenerative diseases, etc. Exposure of

mothers to even minute trace amounts of methanol is

recognized as the cause of severe fetal malformations!

Surprisingly! Only about half of those doctors who

deliver babies in our country, advise pregnant women

with great urgency to never expose themselves to

Aspartame, because of its enormous damage to the

fetus. Equally surprisingly! About half of all doctors

giving prenatal care are still oblivious, and tell

their pregnant patients to use Aspartame freely, and

without worry!


Methanol has obligatory metabolism to formaldehyde

(embalming fluid). Formaldehyde is the strongest

organic base, and is a polymerizing agent. That is, it

turns proteins into chains of proteins by chemically

joining them together. This process is called

esterization. The proteins, when esterized with each

other, then are plastics. This is called

“polymerization.” This is why formaldehyde is so

effective to embalm the dead. It turns cadavers into

plastics, which have a very long “Shelf life.”

Formaldehyde is a very commonly used plasticizing

reagent, and a very powerful one. When Aspartame is

consumed by the living human, it is known to

plasticize even the very DNA, of which our genes are

composed. This is called: “Cross linking DNA,” for

which, formaldehyde is famous. Aspartate (aspartic

acid from Aspartame) synergizes the poisonings from

this toxic axis.


When the Aspartame molecule exists in its

diketopiperazine (DKP) form, it is from that DKP

configuration, an even more extremely strong

plasticizing agent. Diketopiperazines of many types

are the major powerful, far reaching substrates of the

plastics industry. It was the diketopiperazine form

of Aspartame, which was found to be the number one

brain tumor carcinogen known to man. Probably because

in that form, the molecule is adsorbed as the intact

molecule, and because that form is an even more

extremely potent polymerizer, which can reach farther,

and with greater energy than can formaldehyde to

esterise human protein substances into polymers, and

to cross link DNA.


All of this “denatures” human tissue, making it into

something very different, but in almost every way:

Just like human tissue! This is very confusing to

the immune system. (See “Aspartame Murders Infants”)

When the human immune system decides to attack and

destroy this denatured tissue, it is at the same time

attacking and destroying Human tissue. This is

“autoimmune disease.” Something we all do not want to

happen to our bodies. Atherosclerosis, Arthritis,

lupus, myocarditis, myocardial infarction,

neurodegenerative disease, infertility, allergies,

premature aging, and every sort of “connective tissue”

diseases, are the result of letting Aspartame do this

to our bodies.


I have seen patients in whom, only six weeks of using

Aspartame destroyed all their cartilage in their

bodies, leaving them horribly disabled and deformed.

I used Aspartame in the Lo Cal Kool Aid for six weeks,

and had horrible neurodegenerative disease, with a Lou

Gehrig’s picture. My cartilages were fracturing, and I

went from having a full head of dark brown hair, to in

just six weeks, to the appearance of having dyed my

hair dark brown, and now the gray roots were showing.

It completely grayed me in just six weeks: Because of

the immense Mt DNA, and mitochondrial damage from



This graying was also the result of formic acid

effect. Formaldehyde is quickly metabolized to formic

acid (fire ant poison). Formic acid (or formate)

immediately shatters your DNA molecules: Leaving your

DNA unable to do anything, so the cell dies, leaving

the formate free to diffuse on, from cell to cell, and

killing every cell, until it is too dilute to shatter.

This is why it is known as a “blister poison.” It

kills whole huge groups of cells, leaving only

blisters of dead tissue in each case! Even when too

dilute to kill the cell outright, it causes immense

genetic damage in the cell. This also happens in the

immune system: Leaving the immune system compromised

and de-focused.


This increases the tendency towards auto immunity,

right along with the damage to the rest of your

tissues, which are at the same time being denatured by

all of this toxic reactivity, leading to lack of

agreement and mutual recognition between the immune

system and your tissues! A single fire ant can with

its stings, kill a human being that weighs millions of

times more than itself. This points out how potent the

formate poisoning can be when accompanied by CHz:

Chemical Hypersensitivity disease. To recapitulate:

the formic acid stings from fire ants, even though

they weigh millions of times less than the human they

attack, almost always raises a blister, because that

sting has killed thousands of cells, and sometimes

kills the human being: Resulting from the CHz reaction

to the formic acid. This toxic axis in Aspartame is

synergized by the excitotoxin: Aspartic acid, or

aspartate, and the other still to be mentioned

Aspartame poisonings.


Formic acid is metabolized, (Oxidized) to carbon

dioxide, IF there is adequate folic acid (or folate)

available, on a molecule per molecule basis, to do so.

Metabolizing formate to carbon dioxide, consumes one

molecule of folate per every molecule of formate

eliminated. The use of Aspartame therefore leads to

the metabolic consumption of massive amounts of folic

acid (folate), creating a deficiency of this essential

vitamin. Inadequate folic acid leads to adult

diseases, and results in grievous fetal malformations.

When folate is not available, on a molecule per

molecule basis, formic acid is metabolized to carbon

monoxide, another serious poisoning.


L-aspartyl refers to the corner of the Aspartame

molecule named aspartic acid, or aspartate, the little

sister of glutamic acid or monosodium glutamate: MSG.

Like monosodium glutamate, aspartic acid is a neural

excitotoxin. Aspartate synergizes the other poisonous

moieties from Aspartame, as mentioned under each

poisoning. That is: Aspartic acid, or aspartate,

stimulates nerve cells to death. These neural excito

toxins (Chemically they are known as “dicarboxylic

amino acids.”) do not cross the blood brain barrier.

They are preferentially secreted into the CSF,

(cerebrospinal fluid) by the choroids plexus, a

vascular plexus in the anterior aspect of the

ventricles, (the cavities inside the brain), and pass

on out posterior, exiting over the back of the spinal

column, and brain stem from the end of the fourth



During this trip out, the CSF passes from the third

ventricle to the fourth ventricle through a narrow

tube known as the Sylvian Canal. This canal ends in

the roof of the fourth ventricle, so the CSF stream is

jetted across the fourth ventricle against the floor

of the fourth ventricle, just like water directed from

a fire hose will spray against a building. Only in the

case of the Aspartame victim, the stream of CSF is

carrying with it neural destruction from its load of

excito toxins.


The hypothalamus is located in floor of the fourth

ventricle. It is the coordinator of the master gland

of the neuroendocrine system, the pituitary gland. The

hypothalamus is heavily damaged by this stream of

excito toxins from Aspartame. The white matter

lining the ventricles, and the nuclei and tracts of

the brain stem and upper spinal cord are heavily

damaged by this excito toxin in the CSF as well. They

are by this secretory process, richly bathed in CSF to

nourish them: But in the case of Aspartame, it is

destroying them, along with their vital myelin sheaths

and nuclei. This Aspartame neuroendocrine damage in

the female is often accompanied by a rapid onset of

amenorrhea and infertility, soon after beginning the

consumption of Aspartame. Aspartame consumption

frequently results in premature menopause. Every step

in the reproductive cycle, starting with the gleam in

daddy’s eye, is destroyed by Aspartame toxicity.


You get about as much phenylalanine from a plate of

beans, as you get from a can of Aspartame pop.

Phenylalanine is the toxic one of the ten essential

amino acids. It also out competes the other amino

acids at enzyme sites in the body. All amino acid

biochemistry occurs at enzyme sites designed to do

just whatever that one specific process is with amino

acids, so this “flood” of phenylalanine

inhibits the other vital amino acid enzyme processes,

by out competing those other amino acids with the high

concentrations at which it is presented to those

enzymes from this over flooding by it. In simple

words: It blocks those vital enzyme processes.


A disease called phenylketonuria (PKU) exists when the

brain has insufficient enzymatic capacity to handle

phenylalanine via the usual enzymatic channels. The

phenylalanine is then metabolized via accessory enzyme

channels, producing neurotoxins that are destructive

of the brain tissue. You give a baby with PKU, a dish

of beans, which is rich in phenylalanine, and you will

have thereby accomplished so much brain destruction

that the baby will ever after be severely retarded.

You get about as much phenylalanine from a can of

Aspartame pop, as you do from a plate of beans. From

the plate of beans, however, you get it over about

twenty hours and in competition with about twenty

other amino acids Very important, because all amino

acids are competitive at their enzyme sites.


Remember: All amino acid biochemistry is competitive

at enzyme sites in the body. Phenylalanine is the

amino acid that out competes all the others at enzyme

sites! From the can of Aspartame pop, you get that

phenylalanine in about five minutes, in competition

with nothing: But, accompanied by the excitotoxin,

aspartic acid. The liver is immediately flooded by

this phenylalanine isolate. Amino acid isolates are

not like nutritional amino acids at all, because

nutritional amino acids are provided and metabolized

in harmony as a balanced mix, while amino acid

isolates on the other hand, drive specific and often

toxic processes in the body. Amino acid isolates are

at best pharmaceuticals, and at worst, horribly

damaging toxins.


Amino acid release from the liver is enzymatic, and

phenylalanine is the one which out competes all the

other amino acids at enzyme sites: So you get an

immediate flood of phenylalanine into the peripheral

blood from a can of Nutra Sweet pop. The blood brain

barrier is also enzyme linked so you immediately, in

like manner: Flood the brain itself with



There are three severe toxic effects from this flood

of phenylalanine into the brain:


First: You are creating selective malnutrition of the

brain, by holding up the balanced mixture of amino

acids that it nutritionally needs for proper growth,

repair, and function from being passed through the

blood brain barrier. The high dose of phenylalanine

simply out competes the normal, nutritious amino acid

mixtures, denying them passage into the brain.


Second: You are creating the PKU effect in your own

brain. You have created an excess of phenylalanine,

in excess of what your brain can handle via its normal

enzyme channels, so the excess phenylalanine is being

metabolized via accessory abnormal enzyme channels

into potent neurotoxins. In a child with a still

developing brain, this leads to structural and

pervasive brain damage. In the adult also, it leads to

brain dysfunction, and damage. This toxic damage is

synergized by the aspartate. The PKU model would

suggest this toxicity greatly adds to the lessening of

mental acuity from Aspartame consumption: Thus

Enhancing the brainwashing!


Third: We manufacture neurotransmitters in the brain.

The first step in this manufacture process is the

decarboxylation of an amino acid to its amine at the

decarboxylase enzyme sites. In simple words: You pull

a carbon dioxide molecule off the amino acid molecule.

This flood of the over competing phenylalanine blocks

the intended decarboxylation of other amino acids at

these sites, which deprives your brain of badly needed

neuro transmitters.


For Example: You do not decarboxylate tyrosine to

tyramine, which is the first step in forming dopamine,

which is the “rose colored glasses” for which

menopausal women are so famously lacking. So you are

deficient in dopamine. This produces depression, and

loss of the ability to feel good about anything, your

life, your job, your spouse, or just about anything!


Likewise: You do not decarboxylate tryptophane to

tryptamine, the first step in producing serotonin. So

you are deficient in Serotonin in some areas of the

brain, and different compensatory metabolic routes

lead to serotonin excess in others. Serotonin is the

leadership hormone. It gives you nervous energy, self

confidence, the ability to work under stress, and

enjoy working under stress. It also runs your

carbohydrate metabolism, and feeds back to your neuro

endocrine system. With these two neurotransmitters

down, along with the other Aspartame neuro toxicities,

you are a brain washed idiot! Too lost to even think

independently, or care about anything outside

yourself. I know! I was there!


The fourth well known toxicity of Aspartame is that it

is a potent heavy metal chelating agent. The FDA told

the manufacturers, thirty years ago, that this fact

alone would never allow Aspartame’s approval for human

beings, because it rapidly chelates the heavy metal

poisons from any metal or ceramic container it is

poured into, and carries those heavy metal poisons

right into the body. Because they are in chelated

form, those heavy metal poisons are highly absorbed

from the digestive tract. Aluminum is not even

adsorbed from the digestive tract, unless it is

chelated. My friends, who deliver pop and service pop

machines, tell me that sugar pop never eats its way

through the aluminum cans. It is always the Aspartame

pop that chelates its way through the aluminum can,

and makes a mess. Billions of cans of Aspartame pop,

rich in highly toxic chelated aluminum are being

consumed every year. Is it any wonder that we are

seeing an epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease? Heavy metal

poisonings synergise all the other Aspartame



Alzheimer’s dz, Arteriosclerosis, Aging, Brain Damage,

and many other degenerations of the human organism are

well known to be related to ingesting of toxic heavy

metals like aluminum, arsenic, barium, cadmium, lead,

mercury, thorium, thallium, etc. The list of heavy

metal poisons is long, it goes on and on, but the

results are always devastating. You assure yourself of

ALL these poisonings by consuming Aspartame. Heavy

metal poisonings, of course, are even more devastating

to fetuses, babies, and developing children.


We really, have just begun to look at the toxicity of

Aspartame. In the human digestion, the absorption of

the intact molecule, and its DKP, along with ten other

toxic known poisons: Break down, isomerisation, and

cyclisization products occurs. Many of these

poisonings are synergistic, meaning that they greatly

increase the damages to the human organism by helping

each other, and greatly multiplying the damage: Far

more than if they occurred alone: Which would still

yield enormous human destruction. All of these damage

the bone marrow, which produces the blood elements,

resulting in blood diseases like Lupus Erythematosis.

The blood also becomes loaded with toxic metabolites.

Methanol poisoning is famous as a cause of acidosis,

and acidemia.


Formate ties up the hemoglobin in the red cells, so it

cannot carry oxygen to the tissues: Just like carbon

monoxide, cyanide, and fluoride! This highly

aggravates the “sickle cell” effect from the

genetically abnormal hemoglobin in the disease known

as “Sickle Cell Anemia.” The abnormal hemoglobin tends

to form into crystals in conditions of low oxygen

tension or acidosis. The abnormal hemoglobin crystals

are elongated like slivers of broken glass. This

distorts the red cells into sickle shapes, and

eventually, especially with hypoxemia or acidosis,

ruptures the cells, letting the “broken glass” free in

affected joints. This causes immense damage to the

joint cartilages of those so afflicted! A recent

attempt was made over the internet by some Satanists

to float revenue sources to fund a project to market

Aspartame to sickle cell victims! (Aspartame ruptures

the sickle cells, thus lowering the count of them.) By

this same mechanism, it also creates Sickle Cell

Crises: the horrible destructive flares of joint

destruction, which can occur in the disease.

Apparently they hoped the brainwashing effects of

Aspartame would have allowed them to have destroyed

those poor people, while they were being brainwashed

by Aspartame: Rendered unable to comprehend the fact

Aspartame was devastating them! Which it indeed would



The damage to mitochondria, for example, is extreme.

You are now acquainted with the

methanol-formaldehyde-formic acid toxic axis, and are

cognizant of the extreme damage to tissue, and genes

which it causes. In human cells, this starts with the

metabolism of methanol to formaldehyde. This is the

only way methanol can be metabolized in the human

organism. Other animals, except primates, have other

ways of handling the methanol without toxicity, so the

extreme Aspartame toxicity experimentally found in

lower animals is far less than that which would occur

in humans. Phenylalanine toxicity likewise: Because

the phenylalanine is metabolized outside the brain in

lower animals, it doesn’t generate a neurotoxin

directly inside the brain. None the less, the amount

of these Aspartame poisons actually dosed in FDA

testing of animals is far lower than that which the

allowable limits for humans would require in testing

each given animal species, and the Aspartame still

produces striking ill effects in the animals tested,

even at far lower doses than specified by law: Clearly

predicting Aspartame’s extremely severe toxicity for

the human as indicated from those animal testings!


FDA regulations require the test animals to ingest far

greater doses: (One hundred times the greatest

possible human consumption) without any harm, before

Aspartame could ever be approved for ingestion by

humans. The laws protecting humans have never been

followed by The FDA, (Actually Reagan, Rumsfeld, and

Hayes!) in the Aspartame approval process! This is a

direct measure of how badly Satan hates humans, and

his extreme malice towards us! The test animals are in

fact devastated, at only three cans of pop per day:

About one tenth of one percent of the proper and

legally mandated dosage!!


The cellular metabolism of methanol to formaldehyde,

and on to formic acid occurs 25% percent in the

cytosol (cell body) of the cell and 75% in the

mitochondria of the cell. This represents a huge

increase in mitochondrial exposure to these toxins,

because the mitochondria would typically amount to no

more that 1% to 5% of the cellular volume, while

generating 75% of these DNA destroying toxins.

Moreover, the nuclear DNA is not directly exposed to

these metabolic processes, because the nucleus is

surrounded by a double walled protective covering,

separating it from the cytoplasm. The mitochondria are

the minute furnaces of the cell, which burn foods, and

provide the cell with energy, via substances like ATP,

which can be safely used by the rest of the cell. If

mitochondrial processes leak outside of the

mitochondria, it kills the cell just like a flame

would kill a living organism. If the mitochondrial

processes are impaired by toxins, like those from

Aspartame, it leads to the production of superoxide

free radicals which damage the cells, and the

mitochondria themselves: Rapidly aging the person.


Nuclear DNA is protected with a double walled sheath

around the nucleus, and few of these toxins are

usually allowed near it at any concentration like that

occurring in the mitochondria. The nuclear DNA has

enormously effective repair processes working upon it,

to maintain it in pristine condition. Mitochondrial

DNA, by way of comparison, has little by way of

protection. It is directly exposed to these

formaldehyde and formic acid destructions, and has but

little by way of repair mechanisms. The maximum repair

to mitochondrial DNA is merely the excision of damaged

segments. Any free radicals generated, because of the

inadequate genetic guidance occurring as a result of

this disordered and deficient MtDNA, further

degenerate the mitochondria, as well as aging the

organism. Anti Mitochondrial anti bodies are a new

phenomenon, only recognized since the exposure of the

human organism to Aspartame: Just one of the many

epidemic human autoimmune diseases from Aspartame.


Not surprising then, that we have an epidemic of Mt

DNA (Mitochondrial DNA) diseases, since the release of

Aspartame for human consumption. Some of these

epidemics are: Diabetes (Its incidence jumped 30% the

first six months after Aspartame was released for use

in soft drinks.) Graying (There were no hair dyes

designed for men when I went looking for them. I was a

leader of a great crowd of men that now use hair dyes,

and there are many brands now available: “Just for

men.”) Chronic Fatigue and Polymyalgia, (The Chronic

Fatigue/Polymyalgia study in Portland OR was defunded

in 1992, because it found nothing consistently

associated with Chronic Fatigue/Polymyalgia, except

Aspartame consumption.), and Anti Mitochondrial

Antibody Diseases. Pervasive developmental disorders

like autism and attention deficit are now epidemic,

and rampant!


Any one wanting a more exhaustive breakdown of these

mitochondrial diseases, which are now epidemic, can

use the internet to look up the extensive medical

analysis and description of theses “new diseases”

which have come upon us with the advent of Aspartame.

www.holisticmed .com, www.sweet poison.com, and

www.dorway.com are some of the many informational web

pages available. Many excellent books including those

by Dr Hyman Roberts, Dr Schull, and Dr Blalock are

available. I had Dr Schull, (At the time, Professor

Jan Smith, at North Texas University in Fort Worth),

arrange to measure the amount of chelated aluminum

carried out of the can into the human body. She was

fired on the spot, and the biochemistry professor who

had tenure, was ordered to scrap the procedure

immediately, and never set up that procedure again!

Gives you an idea of how pervasive, Satanic

influencers are, in their defense of Aspartame!


Any intelligent human being will know that a primary

concept of good hygiene is: “First do no harm.”

Jehovah God urges this upon us as a duty to Him: TO


commands us to love and care for every other human

being, just as we would our own bodies! Any question

why I consider this a God given ministry?

Chapter Seven: Just why Aspartame is indeed Satan’s



A couple days after CBS aired its “non documentary” of

us scientists “speaking out against” Aspartame, while

I was driving up I-205, just past the North end of

Orchards Park, just after dark. We heard the double

report of the gun going off, and the slug hitting the

pickup. The slug hadn’t completely penetrated the

windshield in front of me, and left a full imprint of

the front of the slug in the windshield dead in front

of the center of my chest. Had the slug struck a

couple inches higher it would have killed me. As it

was, it had dug a deep long groove into the hood of my

’79 Chevy pickup, and had then belatedly ricocheted up

into the windshield, where it had left its imprint. It

was apparent that it was from a shotgun larger than

twelve gauge. I guessed a ten gauge. It was more than

apparent I had been followed, and the shooter alerted

by CB, or something as to my identity as I approached

his firing position. It was too dark for him to have

really identified me otherwise! Knowing all of this, I

drove on to Ridgefield, and dropped my wife at our

apartment. I then returned to scope out the situation.

I first re-drove the route, so I could identify the

exact location, and which houses the shot could have

possibly come from.


I spent a year with some of the hardest fighting

combat units in Vietnam, and that was a technique from

which we gained a lot of information: To immediately

scout out any location from which we had received

fire! I had once taken my medics, and an interpreter,

and returned to the site of an attempted capture and

“clarified the situation!” Gained a lot of information

that way! Walking down highway One at Chu Lai one

morning, an exceptionally attractive Vietnamese woman

had come out to me from a house, and attempted

everything she could, to try and get me to go into the

house with her. I went and got my medics and an

interpreter. When we approached the house, we first

set up a cross fire ambush of both the front and back

doors and exposing all four sides of the house, so no

one could leave the house alive without our

permission. Then one of my medics stepped in the front

door with the interpreter, their M16s drawn and ready

to fire if need be. What they found was a frightened

Vietnamese family, who told them what had happened:

North Vietnamese soldiers had come into their house,

and held them against the wall at gunpoint while they

sent the female agent out to bring me in! There was

the equivalent of a five million dollar reward offered

for my capture! (In today’s dollars in our present



From re-driving 205, I determined that only two houses

were even possibilities. I then drove the road which

was nearest the freeway going past that site, and

cased out those two houses which were facing the

freeway. One was an impossibility, because it had tall

deep blackberry bushes in a thick tangle, which would

have prevented anyone getting up near the Freeway

fence to make the shot. For those of you not from the

Pacific Northwest, the Himalayan blackberry is a

ferocious weed. It vigorously grows tall, thick, and

thorny in that climate, forming impassable tangles

which can even choke out a fifteen foot tall Douglas

fir tree, if it is growing on sloping ground. The next

morning I returned to the house which the shot did not

come from, and asked them if they had heard a gun

shot, or car backfire the previous evening? They

answered “OH yes!” They had heard a gunshot from the

house next door, shortly after dark the night before.

I then asked them about the house next door? They

related that it was owned by an elderly lady, who was

afraid of her son: The leader of a motor cycle outlaw

gang. He and his gang were using the house as a gang

center/ hangout.


I then went next door to have a visit. The motor cycle

gang was visibly afraid of me, even though I displayed

no weapon. (By their own code of conduct they expected

I had come back to blow them all away!) I asked where

their leader was, and they unanimously nodded towards

the garage. I went in to meet him. Turned out he had

been coming to my clinic as a patient the past couple

of weeks. He also was also quite visibly relieved that

I didn’t gun him down on the spot! So we had a little

visit, and I got him to admit that he was the shooter

and that it was a contract deal. He wouldn’t at that

moment specify who the contractor was, nor the type of

weapon, just that it was a “homemade cannon” I felt I

had my answer. It was probably indeed a ten gauge shot

gun, probably sawed off a little. He had been coming

to my clinic to case me out. While visiting after the

office visit in each case, he had tried to enlist me

in some of his drug and prostitution enterprises. I

was not at all interested. Could he have gotten me to

participate, that would have given him the opportunity

to get me away from witnesses, and kill me. I wanted

more information, so I arranged a “truce” (Knowing he

would kill me at the first opportunity!), and agreed

we would be friends. From that, I had several more

visits with him, visited his home, and with his wife,

and learned that he knew Donald Rummsfeld to be the

godfather who had arranged the contract, and that

Nutra Sweet was the reason for the hit. After that, I

had no more need of him: Have never seen him since.


In order to have survived financially at family

practice rates of practice remuneration in Ridgefield,

I would have needed to have been on the staff of the

local hospital, the Southwest Washington Regional

Medical Center in Vancouver. When I applied there, I

was told there would have to be a meeting between

myself and the executive committee (of physicians) in

order to arrange for me to have staff membership. Diet

Pepsi in 1984, had a yellow slash type banner on the

side of the can. When I entered the meeting room, that

entire committee of physicians were each holding a

Diet Pepsi can with the yellow slash banner turned

towards me. They told me: “There is nothing wrong with

Diet Pepsi, and until I learned that fact, there would

be no staff membership for me!” They were probably all

Masonics, B’Nai Brithians, or some other form of

Satanism. Satan sees to it that “his men and women”

are advanced to positions of authority from where, in

league with evil angels, they run the world, except as

God in his providence, on occasions, intervenes.

Anciently, the prophet Daniel was an example of God’s

intervention! And also, those doctors were probably

fully brainwashed. Daniel was a Babylonian prisoner of

war, and castrated as such! Because of his

faithfulness, God arranged circumstances so Daniel

became the prime minister of the two greatest nations

of the world in succession: (Babylon, and Medo-Persia)


Satan seldom alerts his followers about any of his

physically damaging agents, with which he afflicts

humanity. Had he done so with Aspartame, the word

would soon have gotten out, because they would have

clued in their loved ones, and out of a sense of

professional fraternity, at least some of their

patients: The word would then have quickly spread in

ever wider circles! Satan and his Angels tell their

human enlistees they love them, and wish to benefit

them in every way possible. All lies, he hates them

and intends to destroy them: Just like everyone else.

See: “He came to set the captives free.” By: Rebecca

Brown. (As I remember.)


I have had many friends, through the years, from

within the various branches of Satanism. As old

Satanists, they have all been bitter and disappointed

with the way Satan, his evil angels, and his

organizations have used and abused them! They realized

from bitter experience: The love promised by evil

angels, and their brotherhoods alike, never

materialized beyond perhaps a first intoxicating flush

of success. Beyond the first intoxication, they have

been used and abused, and left broken: Both physically

and economically. They were well hooked on the Satanic

lies though, and until the end, refused to relinquish

them: That Christ is not the Divine Son of the Creator

God, and our Savior. That Satan’s way is the best.

That God’s Ten Commandments are not to be followed,

and indeed are irrelevant to human experience. (Satan

teaches his followers that Humans are naturally

predators, and by becoming his cooperators they get to

become “Wolves” instead of “sheep;” And it is just

natural for a wolf to get a little wool stuck between

his teeth from time to time.) Etc., etc.


When my Bible teacher at Laurelwood Academy, Benny

Evans, taught us about the unforgivable sin, he only

read us the first time where it is recorded in the

Gospels! Christ warned his disciples of it: “Grieving

the Holy Spirit.” Benny was a little puzzled about the

meaning, though. Thought it must be repetitive

sinning, until sin no longer felt like sin anymore. He

obviously hadn’t read the second time in the Gospels

that Christ warned his disciples of “Grieving the Holy

Spirit” Perhaps it is in Luke, you can easily search

it out if you wish. Christ therein specifies: It is

trusting Satan and his Agencies for our Earthly

guidance, and eternal Salvation, instead of accepting

guidance from, and trusting the Holy Spirit.


Sadly, I have seen many a Masonic friend go their

grave, trusting their “brotherhood” for their

salvation. Masonics are taught that if they are loyal

to their Masonic oath, “They are assured of Heaven and

Eternity!” Their Masonic Oath often requires them to

turn their backs to the pleadings of the Holy Spirit

from their consciences, and go on helping their

Masonic bretheren feast on the bodies of “God’s

sheep,” so to speak, by taking advantage of them, and

hurting others in many ways, and offending God by

breaking his commandments. They are so brainwashed

they go to their graves believing they are “Earning

their salvation” in the very acts which keep them from

accepting salvation as a free gift from God. The

brainwashing steps which I previously outlined are

built into all Satanic fraternities, and enforced with

fear and peer pressure.


I would never even consider NOT doing what I can to

alert others of chemical hazards like Aspartame. It is

the very ministry which the Holy Spirit (God’s all

present being in and with us) has laid upon me as my

special ministry through the circumstances of: My

excellent understanding of applied biochemistry, my

personal experiences, and the experiences of others,

from which I thereby have learned, and the special

expertise I have developed in this, and related areas.

God in the flesh said: “In as much as you have done

it unto the least of these, my brethren: (speaking of

those most disadvantaged, and socially despised) Ye

have done it unto me! Everyone needs to be preserved

from the chemical hazards and false medical practices

prevalent in our society. They are presently indeed

working horrible and immense destruction upon humans

in our “democratic” society for the Present Darkness!

That will leave me always a political dissident on

these issues! A very important ministry indeed! Why do

I know, believe and feel this ministry was a God given

one? Let’s review, for example, the long disastrous

reach of Aspartame into the human body:


Aspartame is such a heinous poison that the FDA

stopped counting, after reporting 92 known diseases

caused by Aspartame. Not! That new accounts of human

degradations are not still pouring in to the FDA. They

are just no longer even being mentally acknowledged.

We are not talking about minor issues: Examples are

Diabetics being made horribly worse by diets

containing Aspartame which their doctors have

prescribed for them. Some of these victims even get

over their diabetes, once off of all Aspartame

products. Brain tumors, (The initial toxicity studies,

done at only 1/1000th of the legally prescribed dose,

showed Aspartame to be the number one brain carcinogen

known to man, and even at those very low doses!),

Neurodegenerative disease (Please see the recent

documentary by Sound Fury Productions in Tucson,

Arizona: Called “Sweet Misery”), every type of

autoimmune disease, and on and on:



Please see www.dorway.com for a complete listing of

what the FDA and CDC did recognize, before it quit

counting. My free publications are posted on dorway,

and scattered around the internet on various sites. Dr

Hyman Roberts’ medical text: “Aspartame a Global

Plague” will give far more detail than what I will

mention here. Attorney Mark Gold was an FDA

investigator, who was fired for telling the truth

about Aspartame. His web page www.holisticmed.com is

exhaustive on Aspartame toxicity, and politics: Has it

all! www.mercola.com is also excellent on

Sucralose/Splenda’s many horrible toxicities, as

verified by Splenda’s totally rapacious toxicity



How can I know, believe and feel this is a God given

ministry laid upon me? Well let’s look at HOW this one

chemical: N-methyl, L-aspartyl, Phenylalanine causes

such immense human devastation! Let’s take a brief

look at what it is biochemically: The N-methyl corner

of this carefully crafted, three cornered poison is

methyl alcohol, or wood alcohol (methanol), well known

for over a century to cause dementia, insanity,

carcinogenesis, degenerative diseases, and autoimmune

disease of every body system, blindness, and death.

Methanol in the human is sequentially metabolized via

obligatory human metabolism into formaldehyde, formic

acid, and carbon monoxide.


All of these materials are human sensitization agents,

and CHz (Chemical hypersensitivity disease) plagues

Aspartame’s victims for the rest of their lifetimes,

even long after they have stopped ingesting Aspartame.

Any and ALL of their grievous health problems can

thereafter be caused to recur and even worsen by

numerous chemicals and solvents, as well as pollen

blooms, and fungal sporulations: Even in minute



Methanol is a recognized cause of many diseases

including blindness, pancreatitis, and demyelinization

type neurodegenerative diseases, etc. Exposure of

mothers to even minute trace amounts of methanol is

recognized as the cause of severe fetal malformations!

Surprisingly! Only about half of those doctors who

deliver babies in our country, advise pregnant women

with great urgency to never expose themselves to

Aspartame, because of its enormous damage to the

fetus. Equally surprisingly! About half of all doctors

giving prenatal care are still oblivious, and tell

their pregnant patients to use Aspartame freely, and

without worry!


Methanol has obligatory metabolism to formaldehyde

(embalming fluid). Formaldehyde is the strongest

organic base, and is a polymerizing agent. That is, it

turns proteins into chains of proteins by chemically

joining them together. This process is called

esterization. The proteins, when esterized with each

other, then are plastics. This is called

“polymerization.” This is why formaldehyde is so

effective to embalm the dead. It turns cadavers into

plastics, which have a very long “Shelf life.”

Formaldehyde is a very commonly used plasticizing

reagent, and a very powerful one. When Aspartame is

consumed by the living human, it is known to

plasticize even the very DNA, of which our genes are

composed. This is called: “Cross linking DNA,” for

which, formaldehyde is famous. Aspartate (aspartic

acid from Aspartame) synergizes the poisonings from

this toxic axis.


When the Aspartame molecule exists in its

diketopiperazine (DKP) form, it is from that DKP

configuration, an even more extremely strong

plasticizing agent. Diketopiperazines of many types

are the major powerful, far reaching substrates of the

plastics industry. It was the diketopiperazine form

of Aspartame, which was found to be the number one

brain tumor carcinogen known to man. Probably because

in that form, the molecule is adsorbed as the intact

molecule, and because that form is an even more

extremely potent polymerizer, which can reach farther,

and with greater energy than can formaldehyde to

esterise human protein substances into polymers, and

to cross link DNA.


All of this “denatures” human tissue, making it into

something very different, but in almost every way:

Just like human tissue! This is very confusing to

the immune system. (See “Aspartame Murders Infants”)

When the human immune system decides to attack and

destroy this denatured tissue, it is at the same time

attacking and destroying Human tissue. This is

“autoimmune disease.” Something we all do not want to

happen to our bodies. Atherosclerosis, Arthritis,

lupus, myocarditis, myocardial infarction,

neurodegenerative disease, infertility, allergies,

premature aging, and every sort of “connective tissue”

diseases, are the result of letting Aspartame do this

to our bodies.


I have seen patients in whom, only six weeks of using

Aspartame destroyed all their cartilage in their

bodies, leaving them horribly disabled and deformed.

I used Aspartame in the Lo Cal Kool Aid for six weeks,

and had horrible neurodegenerative disease, with a Lou

Gehrig’s picture. My cartilages were fracturing, and I

went from having a full head of dark brown hair, to in

just six weeks, to the appearance of having dyed my

hair dark brown, and now the gray roots were showing.

It completely grayed me in just six weeks: Because of

the immense Mt DNA, and mitochondrial damage from



This graying was also the result of formic acid

effect. Formaldehyde is quickly metabolized to formic

acid (fire ant poison). Formic acid (or formate)

immediately shatters your DNA molecules: Leaving your

DNA unable to do anything, so the cell dies, leaving

the formate free to diffuse on, from cell to cell, and

killing every cell, until it is too dilute to shatter.

This is why it is known as a “blister poison.” It

kills whole huge groups of cells, leaving only

blisters of dead tissue in each case! Even when too

dilute to kill the cell outright, it causes immense

genetic damage in the cell. This also happens in the

immune system: Leaving the immune system compromised

and de-focused.


This increases the tendency towards auto immunity,

right along with the damage to the rest of your

tissues, which are at the same time being denatured by

all of this toxic reactivity, leading to lack of

agreement and mutual recognition between the immune

system and your tissues! A single fire ant can with

its stings, kill a human being that weighs millions of

times more than itself. This points out how potent the

formate poisoning can be when accompanied by CHz:

Chemical Hypersensitivity disease. To recapitulate:

the formic acid stings from fire ants, even though

they weigh millions of times less than the human they

attack, almost always raises a blister, because that

sting has killed thousands of cells, and sometimes

kills the human being: Resulting from the CHz reaction

to the formic acid. This toxic axis in Aspartame is

synergized by the excitotoxin: Aspartic acid, or

aspartate, and the other still to be mentioned

Aspartame poisonings.


Formic acid is metabolized, (Oxidized) to carbon

dioxide, IF there is adequate folic acid (or folate)

available, on a molecule per molecule basis, to do so.

Metabolizing formate to carbon dioxide, consumes one

molecule of folate per every molecule of formate

eliminated. The use of Aspartame therefore leads to

the metabolic consumption of massive amounts of folic

acid (folate), creating a deficiency of this essential

vitamin. Inadequate folic acid leads to adult

diseases, and results in grievous fetal malformations.

When folate is not available, on a molecule per

molecule basis, formic acid is metabolized to carbon

monoxide, another serious poisoning.


L-aspartyl refers to the corner of the Aspartame

molecule named aspartic acid, or aspartate, the little

sister of glutamic acid or monosodium glutamate: MSG.

Like monosodium glutamate, aspartic acid is a neural

excitotoxin. Aspartate synergizes the other poisonous

moieties from Aspartame, as mentioned under each

poisoning. That is: Aspartic acid, or aspartate,

stimulates nerve cells to death. These neural excito

toxins (Chemically they are known as “dicarboxylic

amino acids.”) do not cross the blood brain barrier.

They are preferentially secreted into the CSF,

(cerebrospinal fluid) by the choroids plexus, a

vascular plexus in the anterior aspect of the

ventricles, (the cavities inside the brain), and pass

on out posterior, exiting over the back of the spinal

column, and brain stem from the end of the fourth



During this trip out, the CSF passes from the third

ventricle to the fourth ventricle through a narrow

tube known as the Sylvian Canal. This canal ends in

the roof of the fourth ventricle, so the CSF stream is

jetted across the fourth ventricle against the floor

of the fourth ventricle, just like water directed from

a fire hose will spray against a building. Only in the

case of the Aspartame victim, the stream of CSF is

carrying with it neural destruction from its load of

excito toxins.


The hypothalamus is located in floor of the fourth

ventricle. It is the coordinator of the master gland

of the neuroendocrine system, the pituitary gland. The

hypothalamus is heavily damaged by this stream of

excito toxins from Aspartame. The white matter

lining the ventricles, and the nuclei and tracts of

the brain stem and upper spinal cord are heavily

damaged by this excito toxin in the CSF as well. They

are by this secretory process, richly bathed in CSF to

nourish them: But in the case of Aspartame, it is

destroying them, along with their vital myelin sheaths

and nuclei. This Aspartame neuroendocrine damage in

the female is often accompanied by a rapid onset of

amenorrhea and infertility, soon after beginning the

consumption of Aspartame. Aspartame consumption

frequently results in premature menopause. Every step

in the reproductive cycle, starting with the gleam in

daddy’s eye, is destroyed by Aspartame toxicity.


You get about as much phenylalanine from a plate of

beans, as you get from a can of Aspartame pop.

Phenylalanine is the toxic one of the ten essential

amino acids. It also out competes the other amino

acids at enzyme sites in the body. All amino acid

biochemistry occurs at enzyme sites designed to do

just whatever that one specific process is with amino

acids, so this “flood” of phenylalanine

inhibits the other vital amino acid enzyme processes,

by out competing those other amino acids with the high

concentrations at which it is presented to those

enzymes from this over flooding by it. In simple

words: It blocks those vital enzyme processes.


A disease called phenylketonuria (PKU) exists when the

brain has insufficient enzymatic capacity to handle

phenylalanine via the usual enzymatic channels. The

phenylalanine is then metabolized via accessory enzyme

channels, producing neurotoxins that are destructive

of the brain tissue. You give a baby with PKU, a dish

of beans, which is rich in phenylalanine, and you will

have thereby accomplished so much brain destruction

that the baby will ever after be severely retarded.

You get about as much phenylalanine from a can of

Aspartame pop, as you do from a plate of beans. From

the plate of beans, however, you get it over about

twenty hours and in competition with about twenty

other amino acids Very important, because all amino

acids are competitive at their enzyme sites.


Remember: All amino acid biochemistry is competitive

at enzyme sites in the body. Phenylalanine is the

amino acid that out competes all the others at enzyme

sites! From the can of Aspartame pop, you get that

phenylalanine in about five minutes, in competition

with nothing: But, accompanied by the excitotoxin,

aspartic acid. The liver is immediately flooded by

this phenylalanine isolate. Amino acid isolates are

not like nutritional amino acids at all, because

nutritional amino acids are provided and metabolized

in harmony as a balanced mix, while amino acid

isolates on the other hand, drive specific and often

toxic processes in the body. Amino acid isolates are

at best pharmaceuticals, and at worst, horribly

damaging toxins.


Amino acid release from the liver is enzymatic, and

phenylalanine is the one which out competes all the

other amino acids at enzyme sites: So you get an

immediate flood of phenylalanine into the peripheral

blood from a can of Nutra Sweet pop. The blood brain

barrier is also enzyme linked so you immediately, in

like manner: Flood the brain itself with



There are three severe toxic effects from this flood

of phenylalanine into the brain:


First: You are creating selective malnutrition of the

brain, by holding up the balanced mixture of amino

acids that it nutritionally needs for proper growth,

repair, and function from being passed through the

blood brain barrier. The high dose of phenylalanine

simply out competes the normal, nutritious amino acid

mixtures, denying them passage into the brain.


Second: You are creating the PKU effect in your own

brain. You have created an excess of phenylalanine,

in excess of what your brain can handle via its normal

enzyme channels, so the excess phenylalanine is being

metabolized via accessory abnormal enzyme channels

into potent neurotoxins. In a child with a still

developing brain, this leads to structural and

pervasive brain damage. In the adult also, it leads to

brain dysfunction, and damage. This toxic damage is

synergized by the aspartate. The PKU model would

suggest this toxicity greatly adds to the lessening of

mental acuity from Aspartame consumption: Thus

Enhancing the brainwashing!


Third: We manufacture neurotransmitters in the brain.

The first step in this manufacture process is the

decarboxylation of an amino acid to its amine at the

decarboxylase enzyme sites. In simple words: You pull

a carbon dioxide molecule off the amino acid molecule.

This flood of the over competing phenylalanine blocks

the intended decarboxylation of other amino acids at

these sites, which deprives your brain of badly needed

neuro transmitters.


For Example: You do not decarboxylate tyrosine to

tyramine, which is the first step in forming dopamine,

which is the “rose colored glasses” for which

menopausal women are so famously lacking. So you are

deficient in dopamine. This produces depression, and

loss of the ability to feel good about anything, your

life, your job, your spouse, or just about anything!


Likewise: You do not decarboxylate tryptophane to

tryptamine, the first step in producing serotonin. So

you are deficient in Serotonin in some areas of the

brain, and different compensatory metabolic routes

lead to serotonin excess in others. Serotonin is the

leadership hormone. It gives you nervous energy, self

confidence, the ability to work under stress, and

enjoy working under stress. It also runs your

carbohydrate metabolism, and feeds back to your neuro

endocrine system. With these two neurotransmitters

down, along with the other Aspartame neuro toxicities,

you are a brain washed idiot! Too lost to even think

independently, or care about anything outside

yourself. I know! I was there!


The fourth well known toxicity of Aspartame is that it

is a potent heavy metal chelating agent. The FDA told

the manufacturers, thirty years ago, that this fact

alone would never allow Aspartame’s approval for human

beings, because it rapidly chelates the heavy metal

poisons from any metal or ceramic container it is

poured into, and carries those heavy metal poisons

right into the body. Because they are in chelated

form, those heavy metal poisons are highly absorbed

from the digestive tract. Aluminum is not even

adsorbed from the digestive tract, unless it is

chelated. My friends, who deliver pop and service pop

machines, tell me that sugar pop never eats its way

through the aluminum cans. It is always the Aspartame

pop that chelates its way through the aluminum can,

and makes a mess. Billions of cans of Aspartame pop,

rich in highly toxic chelated aluminum are being

consumed every year. Is it any wonder that we are

seeing an epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease? Heavy metal

poisonings synergise all the other Aspartame



Alzheimer’s dz, Arteriosclerosis, Aging, Brain Damage,

and many other degenerations of the human organism are

well known to be related to ingesting of toxic heavy

metals like aluminum, arsenic, barium, cadmium, lead,

mercury, thorium, thallium, etc. The list of heavy

metal poisons is long, it goes on and on, but the

results are always devastating. You assure yourself of

ALL these poisonings by consuming Aspartame. Heavy

metal poisonings, of course, are even more devastating

to fetuses, babies, and developing children.


We really, have just begun to look at the toxicity of

Aspartame. In the human digestion, the absorption of

the intact molecule, and its DKP, along with ten other

toxic known poisons: Break down, isomerisation, and

cyclisization products occurs. Many of these

poisonings are synergistic, meaning that they greatly

increase the damages to the human organism by helping

each other, and greatly multiplying the damage: Far

more than if they occurred alone: Which would still

yield enormous human destruction. All of these damage

the bone marrow, which produces the blood elements,

resulting in blood diseases like Lupus Erythematosis.

The blood also becomes loaded with toxic metabolites.

Methanol poisoning is famous as a cause of acidosis,

and acidemia.


Formate ties up the hemoglobin in the red cells, so it

cannot carry oxygen to the tissues: Just like carbon

monoxide, cyanide, and fluoride! This highly

aggravates the “sickle cell” effect from the

genetically abnormal hemoglobin in the disease known

as “Sickle Cell Anemia.” The abnormal hemoglobin tends

to form into crystals in conditions of low oxygen

tension or acidosis. The abnormal hemoglobin crystals

are elongated like slivers of broken glass. This

distorts the red cells into sickle shapes, and

eventually, especially with hypoxemia or acidosis,

ruptures the cells, letting the “broken glass” free in

affected joints. This causes immense damage to the

joint cartilages of those so afflicted! A recent

attempt was made over the internet by some Satanists

to float revenue sources to fund a project to market

Aspartame to sickle cell victims! (Aspartame ruptures

the sickle cells, thus lowering the count of them.) By

this same mechanism, it also creates Sickle Cell

Crises: the horrible destructive flares of joint

destruction, which can occur in the disease.

Apparently they hoped the brainwashing effects of

Aspartame would have allowed them to have destroyed

those poor people, while they were being brainwashed

by Aspartame: Rendered unable to comprehend the fact

Aspartame was devastating them! Which it indeed would



The damage to mitochondria, for example, is extreme.

You are now acquainted with the

methanol-formaldehyde-formic acid toxic axis, and are

cognizant of the extreme damage to tissue, and genes

which it causes. In human cells, this starts with the

metabolism of methanol to formaldehyde. This is the

only way methanol can be metabolized in the human

organism. Other animals, except primates, have other

ways of handling the methanol without toxicity, so the

extreme Aspartame toxicity experimentally found in

lower animals is far less than that which would occur

in humans. Phenylalanine toxicity likewise: Because

the phenylalanine is metabolized outside the brain in

lower animals, it doesn’t generate a neurotoxin

directly inside the brain. None the less, the amount

of these Aspartame poisons actually dosed in FDA

testing of animals is far lower than that which the

allowable limits for humans would require in testing

each given animal species, and the Aspartame still

produces striking ill effects in the animals tested,

even at far lower doses than specified by law: Clearly

predicting Aspartame’s extremely severe toxicity for

the human as indicated from those animal testings!


FDA regulations require the test animals to ingest far

greater doses: (One hundred times the greatest

possible human consumption) without any harm, before

Aspartame could ever be approved for ingestion by

humans. The laws protecting humans have never been

followed by The FDA, (Actually Reagan, Rumsfeld, and

Hayes!) in the Aspartame approval process! This is a

direct measure of how badly Satan hates humans, and

his extreme malice towards us! The test animals are in

fact devastated, at only three cans of pop per day:

About one tenth of one percent of the proper and

legally mandated dosage!!


The cellular metabolism of methanol to formaldehyde,

and on to formic acid occurs 25% percent in the

cytosol (cell body) of the cell and 75% in the

mitochondria of the cell. This represents a huge

increase in mitochondrial exposure to these toxins,

because the mitochondria would typically amount to no

more that 1% to 5% of the cellular volume, while

generating 75% of these DNA destroying toxins.

Moreover, the nuclear DNA is not directly exposed to

these metabolic processes, because the nucleus is

surrounded by a double walled protective covering,

separating it from the cytoplasm. The mitochondria are

the minute furnaces of the cell, which burn foods, and

provide the cell with energy, via substances like ATP,

which can be safely used by the rest of the cell. If

mitochondrial processes leak outside of the

mitochondria, it kills the cell just like a flame

would kill a living organism. If the mitochondrial

processes are impaired by toxins, like those from

Aspartame, it leads to the production of superoxide

free radicals which damage the cells, and the

mitochondria themselves: Rapidly aging the person.


Nuclear DNA is protected with a double walled sheath

around the nucleus, and few of these toxins are

usually allowed near it at any concentration like that

occurring in the mitochondria. The nuclear DNA has

enormously effective repair processes working upon it,

to maintain it in pristine condition. Mitochondrial

DNA, by way of comparison, has little by way of

protection. It is directly exposed to these

formaldehyde and formic acid destructions, and has but

little by way of repair mechanisms. The maximum repair

to mitochondrial DNA is merely the excision of damaged

segments. Any free radicals generated, because of the

inadequate genetic guidance occurring as a result of

this disordered and deficient MtDNA, further

degenerate the mitochondria, as well as aging the

organism. Anti Mitochondrial anti bodies are a new

phenomenon, only recognized since the exposure of the

human organism to Aspartame: Just one of the many

epidemic human autoimmune diseases from Aspartame.


Not surprising then, that we have an epidemic of Mt

DNA (Mitochondrial DNA) diseases, since the release of

Aspartame for human consumption. Some of these

epidemics are: Diabetes (Its incidence jumped 30% the

first six months after Aspartame was released for use

in soft drinks.) Graying (There were no hair dyes

designed for men when I went looking for them. I was a

leader of a great crowd of men that now use hair dyes,

and there are many brands now available: “Just for

men.”) Chronic Fatigue and Polymyalgia, (The Chronic

Fatigue/Polymyalgia study in Portland OR was defunded

in 1992, because it found nothing consistently

associated with Chronic Fatigue/Polymyalgia, except

Aspartame consumption.), and Anti Mitochondrial

Antibody Diseases. Pervasive developmental disorders

like autism and attention deficit are now epidemic,

and rampant!


Any one wanting a more exhaustive breakdown of these

mitochondrial diseases, which are now epidemic, can

use the internet to look up the extensive medical

analysis and description of theses “new diseases”

which have come upon us with the advent of Aspartame.

www.holisticmed .com, www.sweet poison.com, and

www.dorway.com are some of the many informational web

pages available. Many excellent books including those

by Dr Hyman Roberts, Dr Schull, and Dr Blalock are

available. I had Dr Schull, (At the time, Professor

Jan Smith, at North Texas University in Fort Worth),

arrange to measure the amount of chelated aluminum

carried out of the can into the human body. She was

fired on the spot, and the biochemistry professor who

had tenure, was ordered to scrap the procedure

immediately, and never set up that procedure again!

Gives you an idea of how pervasive, Satanic

influencers are, in their defense of Aspartame!


Any intelligent human being will know that a primary

concept of good hygiene is: “First do no harm.”

Jehovah God urges this upon us as a duty to Him: TO


commands us to love and care for every other human

being, just as we would our own bodies! Any question

why I consider this a God given ministry?







--- Misty <misty3 wrote:








> Posted By: monk <Send E-Mail>

> Monday, 18 April 2005, 9:18 a.m.


> You look Here in the USA...You look in Vietnam,

> Korea, etc. Now in

> Afganastan..and You see the Plagues..of Biblical

> Proportion Coming!!


> monk


> -


> April 18, 2005


> Massive Biological Attacks Begin Against Axis

> Forces in Afghanistan While

> Russian President Travels to Israel in Desperate

> Attempt to Stop Global War


> By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian

> Subscribers


> Russian Intelligence sources are reporting today

> the dreaded prospect that

> terrorists in Afghanistan have unleashed their long

> expected attack using

> biological weapons, and as we can read as reported

> South Asian News Service

> in their article titled " Mysterious Disease Kills

> More Than 6000 Animals in

> Afghanistan " , and which says;


> " A mystery disease has killed more than 6,000

> animals in Afghanistan's

> northeastern province of Badakhshan. Badakhshan lies

> near the border with

> China and Tajikistan and a majority of its residents

> rely on agriculture.


> So far in the past two weeks more than 6,000

> animals, largely goats, sheep

> and cows, have perished as a result of the outbreak.

> Although the

> authorities are waiting for test results, carried

> out by foreign aid

> workers, to find the cause of the epidemic. "


> Russian Intelligence sources also state that an

> American convoy rushing

> decontaminating agents to the stricken areas was

> attacked by these same

> terrorist forces, though now the Americans are

> denying this, and as we can

> see as reported by Switzerland's ISN News Service in

> their article titled

> " US oil tankers explode in Afghanistan " , and which

> says, " US military

> officials on Monday said the explosion of a convoy

> of five oil tankers

> carrying fuel for US forces in Afghanistan was an

> accident, contradicting

> previous reports that the convoy was attacked by

> Taliban fighters.


> On Sunday, news agencies reported that suspected

> Taliban members attack

> the oil tankers with a volley of rockets near the

> airport on the main

> highway connecting Kandahar with Chaman in southern

> Afghanistan.


> Supporters of the former Taliban authorities have

> said they carried out

> the attack. But on Monday, US military officials

> said the attack was an

> accident. US officials have recently claimed that

> Taliban forces were nearly

> destroyed. "



> http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index723.htm











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