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A new channeling and message from Michel (Archangel Michael) On Kabballah, Choices, Healing

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Hello All and dear friends. This is a new channeling by the classic mental trans-medium David Reid Lowell who has Michel, archangel Michael speak through him for nearly 30 years. DRL carries alot of light and works through spirit. I hope you share the information in this email, and send it on to those who you think would enjoy it. This has worked in many ways throughout my life. I have personally known Jane Roberts, and others, and this channel works in a VERY direct manner, the result can be really something. Thank you! Pro-Active Choice Greetings dear ones, We speak of emotions, and how they impact your beingness, also of how these reactions and sense memories impact in our life in many ways. They may impact in your choice of career, your relationships, and your social interactions. You may choose to work through past

scripting by rewriting your present scripting and designing a more directed and more focused outcome to these past histories. There is no freedom unless you have choice. Through free will and choice you have the power to claim your reality. You are proactive in your own dynamics. If you do not like something, change it. You do not have to be one thing, express one limited awareness, or stay as you are. If you do not like the 'feel' of your placement in your development, re-script your dynamics. Design a new you by drawing upon the universal knowledge within. Being at one with the knowing is being at one with the total history and essence of the universe. The energies (and people) that you interact with are often the energies (and people) that have been displaced from your own selves. In the beginning of all that was and all that is, is all. The energies of all that is all resonated at

the same point of origin, that being universal God-Head, or Divine Mind, or Universal Awareness. At this point the atoms and energies fragmented and manifested into many forms and experiences. All that is... is energy. When we create, live and choose, we are involved in the process of evolving and learning. What completes us and the energies we need to manifest our higher self is the process of reuniting these energies, thereby completing ourselves by reuniting ourselves with those energies we were split from. Once felt, there is a calm within, a place of peace and rightness. This has nothing to do with material being or material and physical attraction. It has to do with the completion of making ourselves vibrationally whole. These displaced energies vibrate at a frequency of familiarity and comfort. Even in recall there is 'comfort' in the discomfort of odd sensations as they may be experienced, as you interact with

others or every day events. The human side of our __expression and that human ability to choose dictates the history you bring into your present reality. Often our human trait is to hang onto sensations that there is familiarity in. We hang onto the intensity of the event and the drama of the interaction and experience. We seek validation for those events from something outside ourselves, or as a form of Divine interaction. When in fact they are isolated, random events and incidents attributed to that specific place and time in our lineal history. In expressing a new form of reality, the reality of ease and perfection of the knowing and unconditional love within, one often finds the unknown. Intensity is an easy form of 'medication' which locks you into a framework of reality. At this point you have stopped the process of choice, free will and growth. The sensation of familiarity is of learned recognition, of

mortal mind and limited. Once you step beyond this framework and express your 'choice' of reality, you recognize your self empowerment, claiming your here and now, to move and to grow, to sense calm, peace and focus. Often knowledge and education allude to the environment which shaped us, as it pertains to the behavior we manifest. The greater the wisdom or tool box, the greater the history and the greater the ability to move forward. Like the acorn which knows it will become an oak, we know we will evolve and manifest stronger, wiser and more focused aspects of our physical being. We are creatures of spirit locked into mortal human form, experiencing sensation and learning to evolve into a higher vibrational level and manifested state of awareness. The Bible as we know it came to us through a series of translations. The King James Version of The Holy Bible has its basis in a form of Hebrew.

The Hebrew alphabet has twenty two letters with twenty three actions of divinations of those letters. Each is believed to have certain qualities or vibrational levels. To further understand your connection to God it is helpful to look at some of the qualities in the letters of the words that record God's word. Remember words have power, and they help shape your reality and what you experience. Here are some links: http://www.davidreidlowell.org/workbook/32.html http://www.davidreidlowell.org http://www.davidreidlowell.com a wonderfully impressive website on channelings that are published and that are free. The knowledge within this site is massive and well worth the time and exploration. I used it to start my study groups! mediums_and_messages/ mediums_and_messages/ a great group for discussion, it is a tolerant group where people can share their life expereinces, and their own channelings, as well as have access to published channels and information. On basic Hebrew: http://www.davidreidlowell.org/workbook/33.html this is an introduction to Hebrew and the alphbeis and numeric system that is used in scripture, reiki, spell-crafting, healing.. and Kabballah. The Basics of the Aleph-Beis or Alphabet 1Aleph-AlefOneness-Master and omnipotence of God.2Beis-BetThis is the first (beginning) letter of Torah. Blessing and Creation.3Gimmel-GimelKindness, that which nourishes.4DaletRegards the relationship of one thing to another, of one to purpose.The dimensions of one's relationship to God and concern.5Hei-HehThe effortless creation of the universe, by the word of God (Hashem).Divinity with gentility and specificity.3 and 5 are

also prime numbers, the trinity and the hand of He That Is which effortlesslycreated All That Is.6VavSix denotes completion.Six dimensions of something, which is above, below, right and left, before and behind.It is the letter of completion and transformation.7ZayinThe seventh letter contains mathematical properties.These are the properties that are common to One (Aleph-Alef) and Seven (Zayin).Neither number can be expressed as the product of any two whole numbers other thanitself and one; neither is a prime factor of any other number between one and ten. This isthe letter of spirit, and sustenance of strength and triumph over struggle.1 and 7 signify importance, because 1 is for the first day and first One, He That Is.7 signifies the Six Days of Creation and One Day of Rest, The Seven Days of theCreation cycle.8Ches-ChetDivine grace and transformative energies.9Tes-TetObjective

goodness.God manifests himself as the Good One who does good.He rewards those who practice goodness and kindness.10Yud-YodThis tenth letter can not be divided into component parts.The 10 tests of Abraham, The 10 Plagues, The 10 Commandments.It is also the reference of the world to come.One of the important factors of this letter is that it resonates with humility.The individual must humble himself.It is the beginning of a letter (the dot) and the ending point of each letter.It bridges all and symbolizes metaphysical creation and totality.11Chof-Kaf'--'20This represents the three crowns.1-The crown of priesthood (religious study)...2-The crown of kingship (leadership)...3-The crown of Torah (the Living Word of God).Culminating in the fourth level of attainment...that of a good name, which is superior to all three.It takes all three to accomplish this highest of levels, the fourth level, that of a

good... see the link forthe rest, too much to post... http://www.davidreidlowell.org/workbook/33.html CREATIONISM and how it ties into Kabballah and Majik Day One 'And in the beginning heaven and earth were created.''And God said let there be light.' The light given off by the exchange of energy. The first day is the day of conception, the union of egg and sperm. It is a period of tremendous activity. When the sperm encounters the outer shield of the egg, it uses the enzymes in its head to

penetrate the egg's outer limits. In the head of each sperm there are enzymes that create a chemical attack or reaction on the outer shield of the egg. The egg is protected by a layer of protein chains with sugars extending off them. The sperm have receptors that move around the sugars. As it does, the tail of the sperm spins and moves rapidly while the enzymes from the pouch in its head clear a pathway for it. The receptors in the sperm bind with the proteins in the egg membrane; once two membranes are fused or penetrated they merge into one. Once these have fused together, the contents of the sperm empty into the interior of the egg. The sperm's nucleus is pulled toward the eggs and they fuse or merge. At this point chemically, life begins or rather the life-processes continue. Critical mass is being built through reactions, and life begins with a nudge. After this cells begin to gather and collect, expanding exponentially. Day Two 'Let there be firmament in the midst of the waters,and let it divide the waters from the waters.' And God's divine presence His realm was created, His habitat of perfection. And it was pronounced good. The beginning of the second week is when the embryo becomes separate and identifiable with limbs and organs taking shape. Cells that had gathered begin to solidify and organize into a structured form. Day Three 'Let the waters under the heaven be gathered unto one place,and let dry land appear.' The words 'be gathered together' are where boundaries begin to

form. Things begin to take shape and there is movement. During the fourth week the embryonic disc begins to fold itself by changing shape of the cells, making some multiply faster than others. This is when the structure of the embryo's body forms. During this part of the fourth week, the tubes of the heart fuse and start contracting, moving blood in one direction. Day Four 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the days from the night; andlet them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.' The days which make up a lifetime, the season of aging and growing in wisdom. During this time of the fourth week there are signs, spots appear, where the eyes and ears will form. The embryo is

identifiable and about the size of a pea. Divine processes measure creational time, so here four days are equal to that of about one month or four weeks. Day Five 'Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures,let fowl fly above the earth in open firmament.' Every living creature forms after its own kind. During the process of the second month the embryo becomes a fetus. After its own kind, it is now viably a developed miniature human baby. Also during the processes of the second month the fetus is about the size of a jelly bean, the arms and legs are longer, and there are bends in the arms (elbows) and legs (knees). By the end of this month there is a heartbeat. Internal organs are forming, the tail is almost

completely gone. During the third month the fetus floats in salty amniotic fluids of the uterus. The eyelids grow, the feet and hands are well developed and fingernails start to grow. During this month the significant change is that of gender identity. In the ninth week the testes in boys release male hormones, and the crease that had been the creased phallus bump disappears and the phallus remains. With girls it is between the ninth and twelfth week that the creased phallus bump modifies, the crease stays and the phallus retracts to become a clitoris. During the fifth month fine hairs cover the baby, the mother feels movement and the baby develops its own early immune system. From here on in, the baby grows in mass and weight. Day Six 'Land and animals, for

the earth brings forth.' This is a most important time to care for the baby, here the mind develops and so does thought. During the last trimester, the sixth to ninth month, nerve endings create a constant flow of brain waves. Electrochemical firings are occurring; the baby is beginning to process. The sixth month is alikened to the sixth day, 'And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He them, male and female created He them.' It is now known that the baby can survive for the first time out of the womb (with medical assistance and intervention). By the 26th week the baby has strong chances of surviving an early premature birth (and this alone may not be premature, but God's will). The baby's lungs have expanded and have created surfactant, the molecule that helps lungs expand and take in air. By the end

of the month the baby has brainwaves of a newborn, they resemble a newborn's brainwave pattern. By the seventh month the baby's lungs are capable of expanding and have a large enough surface area for letting oxygen pass into the blood. The baby can regulate its body temperature and it reacts to loud noises. The fine hair which covered its body now starts to disappear, and the baby starts to move upside down with its head moving into the pelvic region. By the eighth month the baby's central nervous system is more mature, and it can direct its own breathing, blink, contract muscles and relax. A layer of fat has been deposited under the skin, so the skin is healthy and pink. And in the ninth month the baby is delivered and the child is deposited upon the earth. The last trimester relates to the sixth day. During this 3 month period, life becomes formed and independent. The further into the ninth month, the more

successful the delivery. But here Day 6 is a period of 3 months. The processes of Creationism are the same, from nothingness to somethingness. All children are born with a soul or divine presence of God upon them. Too much to post.... The link is: http://www.davidreidlowell.org/workbook/34.html ALL things are connected through thought, belief and creation. There are NO imperfections. Blessings to you all.

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So michael the archangel is Jesus - right? Michael -

one like god - and angle meaning messeger. THE

messenger between man and god is Micheal? Yes or no?


--- Edward Francolini <edward_14850 wrote:


> Hello All and dear friends.


> This is a new channeling by the classic mental

> trans-medium David Reid Lowell who has Michel,

> archangel Michael speak through him for nearly 30

> years. DRL carries alot of light and works through

> spirit.


> I hope you share the information in this email,

> and send it on to those who you think would enjoy

> it. This has worked in many ways throughout my life.

> I have personally known Jane Roberts, and others,

> and this channel works in a VERY direct manner, the

> result can be really something.


> Thank you!


> Pro-Active Choice


> Greetings dear ones, We speak of emotions, and how

> they impact your beingness, also of how these

> reactions and sense memories impact in our life in

> many ways. They may impact in your choice of career,

> your relationships, and your social interactions.

> You may choose to work through past scripting by

> rewriting your present scripting and designing a

> more directed and more focused outcome to these past

> histories.


> There is no freedom unless you have choice.

> Through free will and choice you have the power to

> claim your reality. You are proactive in your own

> dynamics. If you do not like something, change it.

> You do not have to be one thing, express one limited

> awareness, or stay as you are. If you do not like

> the 'feel' of your placement in your development,

> re-script your dynamics. Design a new you by drawing

> upon the universal knowledge within.


> Being at one with the knowing is being at one with

> the total history and essence of the universe. The

> energies (and people) that you interact with are

> often the energies (and people) that have been

> displaced from your own selves.


> In the beginning of all that was and all that is,

> is all. The energies of all that is all resonated at

> the same point of origin, that being universal

> God-Head, or Divine Mind, or Universal Awareness. At

> this point the atoms and energies fragmented and

> manifested into many forms and experiences.


> All that is... is energy. When we create, live and

> choose, we are involved in the process of evolving

> and learning. What completes us and the energies we

> need to manifest our higher self is the process of

> reuniting these energies, thereby completing

> ourselves by reuniting ourselves with those energies

> we were split from. Once felt, there is a calm

> within, a place of peace and rightness. This has

> nothing to do with material being or material and

> physical attraction. It has to do with the

> completion of making ourselves vibrationally whole.


> These displaced energies vibrate at a frequency of

> familiarity and comfort. Even in recall there is

> 'comfort' in the discomfort of odd sensations as

> they may be experienced, as you interact with others

> or every day events. The human side of our

> __expression and that human ability to choose

> dictates the history you bring into your present

> reality. Often our human trait is to hang onto

> sensations that there is familiarity in. We hang

> onto the intensity of the event and the drama of the

> interaction and experience.


> We seek validation for those events from something

> outside ourselves, or as a form of Divine

> interaction. When in fact they are isolated, random

> events and incidents attributed to that specific

> place and time in our lineal history. In expressing

> a new form of reality, the reality of ease and

> perfection of the knowing and unconditional love

> within, one often finds the unknown.


> Intensity is an easy form of 'medication' which

> locks you into a framework of reality. At this point

> you have stopped the process of choice, free will

> and growth. The sensation of familiarity is of

> learned recognition, of mortal mind and limited.

> Once you step beyond this framework and express your

> 'choice' of reality, you recognize your self

> empowerment, claiming your here and now, to move and

> to grow, to sense calm, peace and focus.


> Often knowledge and education allude to the

> environment which shaped us, as it pertains to the

> behavior we manifest. The greater the wisdom or tool

> box, the greater the history and the greater the

> ability to move forward. Like the acorn which knows

> it will become an oak, we know we will evolve and

> manifest stronger, wiser and more focused aspects of

> our physical being. We are creatures of spirit

> locked into mortal human form, experiencing

> sensation and learning to evolve into a higher

> vibrational level and manifested state of awareness.


> The Bible as we know it came to us through a

> series of translations. The King James Version of

> The Holy Bible has its basis in a form of Hebrew.

> The Hebrew alphabet has twenty two letters with

> twenty three actions of divinations of those

> letters. Each is believed to have certain qualities

> or vibrational levels.


> To further understand your connection to God it is

> helpful to look at some of the qualities in the

> letters of the words that record God's word.

> Remember words have power, and they help shape your

> reality and what you experience.


> Here are some links:


> http://www.davidreidlowell.org/workbook/32.html


> http://www.davidreidlowell.org


> http://www.davidreidlowell.com a wonderfully

> impressive website on channelings that are published

> and that are free. The knowledge within this site is

> massive and well worth the time and exploration. I

> used it to start my study groups!



> mediums_and_messages/


> mediums_and_messages/

> a great group for discussion, it is a tolerant group

> where people can share their life expereinces, and

> their own channelings, as well as have access to

> published channels and information.


> On basic Hebrew:


> http://www.davidreidlowell.org/workbook/33.html

> this is an introduction to Hebrew and the alphbeis

> and numeric system that is used in scripture, reiki,

> spell-crafting, healing.. and Kabballah.


> The Basics of the Aleph-Beis or Alphabet




> 1

> Aleph-Alef

> Oneness-Master and omnipotence of God.


> 2

> Beis-Bet

> This is the first (beginning) letter of Torah.

> Blessing and Creation.


> 3

> Gimmel-Gimel

> Kindness, that which nourishes.


> 4

> Dalet

> Regards the relationship of one thing to another, of

> one to purpose.

> The dimensions of one's relationship to God and

> concern.


> 5

> Hei-Heh

> The effortless creation of the universe, by the word

> of God (Hashem).

> Divinity with gentility and specificity.

> 3 and 5 are also prime numbers, the trinity and the

> hand of He That Is which effortlessly

> created All That Is.


> 6

> Vav

> Six denotes completion.

> Six dimensions of something, which is above, below,

> right and left, before and behind.

> It is the letter of completion and transformation.


> 7

> Zayin

> The seventh letter contains mathematical properties.

> These are the properties that are common to One

> (Aleph-Alef) and Seven (Zayin).

> Neither number can be expressed as the product of

> any two whole numbers other than

> itself and one; neither is a prime factor of any

> other number between one and ten. This is

> the letter of spirit, and sustenance of strength and

> triumph over struggle.

> 1 and 7 signify importance, because 1 is for the

> first day and first One, He That Is.

> 7 signifies the Six Days of Creation and One Day of

> Rest, The Seven Days of the

> Creation cycle.


> 8

> Ches-Chet

> Divine grace and transformative energies.


> 9

> Tes-Tet

> Objective goodness.

> God manifests himself as the Good One who does good.

> He rewards those who practice goodness and kindness.


> 10

> Yud-Yod

> This tenth letter can not be divided into component

> parts.

> The 10 tests of Abraham, The 10 Plagues, The 10

> Commandments.

> It is also the reference of the world to come.

> One of the important factors of this letter is that

> it resonates with humility.

> The individual must humble himself.

> It is the beginning of a letter (the dot) and the

> ending point of each letter.

> It bridges all and symbolizes metaphysical creation

> and totality.


> 11

> Chof-Kaf'--'20

> This represents the three crowns.

> 1-The crown of priesthood (religious study)...

> 2-The crown of kingship (leadership)...

> 3-The crown of Torah (the Living Word of God).

> Culminating in the fourth level of attainment...

> that of a good name, which is superior to all three.

> It takes all three to accomplish this highest of

> levels, the fourth level, that of a good...


> see the link forthe rest, too much to post...


> http://www.davidreidlowell.org/workbook/33.html


> CREATIONISM and how it ties into Kabballah and

> Majik


> Day One


> 'And in the beginning heaven and earth were

> created.'

> 'And God said let there be light.'



> The light given off by the exchange of energy. The

> first day is the day of conception, the union of egg

> and sperm. It is a period of tremendous activity.

> When the sperm encounters the outer shield of the

> egg, it uses the enzymes in its head to penetrate

> the egg's outer limits. In the head of each sperm

> there are enzymes that create a chemical attack or

> reaction on the outer shield of the egg.

> The egg is protected by a layer of protein chains

> with sugars extending off them. The sperm have

> receptors that move around the sugars. As it does,

> the tail of the sperm spins and moves rapidly while

> the enzymes from the pouch in its head clear a

> pathway for it. The receptors in the sperm bind with

> the proteins in the egg membrane; once two membranes

> are fused or penetrated they merge into one.

> Once these have fused together, the contents of

> the sperm empty into the interior of the egg. The

> sperm's nucleus is pulled toward the eggs and they

> fuse or merge. At this point chemically, life begins

> or rather the life-processes continue. Critical mass

> is being built through reactions, and life begins

> with a nudge. After this cells begin to gather and

> collect, expanding exponentially.



> Day Two


> 'Let there be firmament in the midst of the

> waters,

> and let it divide the waters from the waters.'



> And God's divine presence His realm was created,

> His habitat of perfection. And it was pronounced

> good. The beginning of the second week is when the

> embryo becomes separate and identifiable with limbs

> and organs taking shape. Cells that had gathered

> begin to solidify and organize into a structured

> form.



> Day Three


> 'Let the waters under the heaven be gathered unto

> one place,

> and let dry land appear.'


> The words 'be gathered together' are where

> boundaries begin to form. Things begin to take shape

> and there is movement. During the fourth week the

> embryonic disc begins to fold itself by changing

> shape of the cells, making some multiply faster than

> others.

> This is when the structure of the embryo's body

> forms. During this part of the fourth week, the

> tubes of the heart fuse and start contracting,

> moving blood in one direction.



> Day Four


> 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the

> heaven to divide the days from the night; and

> let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days

> and years.'



> The days which make up a lifetime, the season of

> aging and growing in wisdom. During this time of the

> fourth week there are signs, spots appear, where the

> eyes and ears will form. The embryo is identifiable

> and about the size of a pea. Divine processes

> measure creational time, so here four days are equal

> to that of about one month or four weeks.



> Day Five


> 'Let the waters swarm with swarms of living

> creatures,

> let fowl fly above the earth in open firmament.'



> Every living creature forms after its own kind.

> During the process of the second month the embryo

> becomes a fetus. After its own kind, it is now

> viably a developed miniature human baby.

> Also during the processes of the second month the

> fetus is about the size of a jelly bean, the arms

> and legs are longer, and there are bends in the arms

> (elbows) and legs (knees). By the end of this month

> there is a heartbeat. Internal organs are forming,

> the tail is almost completely gone.

> During the third month the fetus floats in salty

> amniotic fluids of the uterus. The eyelids grow, the

> feet and hands are well developed and fingernails

> start to grow. During this month the significant

> change is that of gender identity. In the ninth week

> the testes in boys release male hormones, and the

> crease that had been the creased phallus bump

> disappears and the phallus remains.

> With girls it is between the ninth and twelfth

> week that the creased phallus bump modifies, the

> crease stays and the phallus retracts to become a

> clitoris.

> During the fifth month fine hairs cover the baby,

> the mother feels movement and the baby develops its

> own early immune system. From here on in, the baby

> grows in mass and weight.



> Day Six


> 'Land and animals, for the earth brings forth.'



> This is a most important time to care for the

> baby, here the mind develops and so does thought.

> During the last trimester, the sixth to ninth month,

> nerve endings create a constant flow of brain waves.

> Electrochemical firings are occurring; the baby is

> beginning to process.

> The sixth month is alikened to the sixth day, 'And

> God created man in His own image, in the image of

> God created He them, male and female created He

> them.' It is now known that the baby can survive for

> the first time out of the womb (with medical

> assistance and intervention).

> By the 26th week the baby has strong chances of

> surviving an early premature birth (and this alone

> may not be premature, but God's will).

> The baby's lungs have expanded and have created

> surfactant, the molecule that helps lungs expand and

> take in air. By the end of the month the baby has

> brainwaves of a newborn, they resemble a newborn's

> brainwave pattern.

> By the seventh month the baby's lungs are capable

> of expanding and have a large enough surface area

> for letting oxygen pass into the blood. The baby can

> regulate its body temperature and it reacts to loud

> noises.

> The fine hair which covered its body now starts to

> disappear, and the baby starts to move upside down

> with its head moving into the pelvic region. By the

> eighth month the baby's central nervous system is

> more mature, and it can direct its own breathing,

> blink, contract muscles and relax. A layer of fat

> has been deposited under the skin, so the skin is

> healthy and pink. And in the ninth month the baby is

> delivered and the child is deposited upon the earth.

> The last trimester relates to the sixth day.

> During this 3 month period, life becomes formed and

> independent. The further into the ninth month, the

> more successful the delivery. But here Day 6 is a

> period of 3 months.

> The processes of Creationism are the same, from

> nothingness to somethingness. All children are born

> with a soul or divine presence of God upon them.


> Too much to post....



> The link is:

> http://www.davidreidlowell.org/workbook/34.html


> ALL things are connected through thought, belief

> and creation. There are NO imperfections.


> Blessings to you all.










> Mail

> Use Photomail to share photos without annoying

> attachments.



> Mail

> Use Photomail to share photos without annoying


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