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Fwd: WH--HHS--DoD announce Pres. Directive on Biodefense Achievements- Apr 28, 2004

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Wed, 28 Apr 2004 06:14:09 EDT

Fwd: WH--HHS--DoD announce Pres. Directive on Biodefense

" Achievements " - Apr 28, 2004


WH--HHS--DoD announce Pres. Directive on Biodefense " Achievements " - Apr

28, 2004



This is just one of several April-May government-sponsored preemptive P.R.

efforts to distract from the Bush Admin's law-breaking with anthrax vaccine, for

which they may soon be held accountable in DC federal district

court...meanwhile, the 2001 (US govt-origin) anthrax letter attack perpetrator

remains at large... " BIO-BAIT-AND-SWITCH " ...





Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security and

Department of Defense Secretaries Address Biodefense Achievements


(Washington, DC) Apr. 27, 2004 – While much progress has been made

strengthening the nation’s defenses against biological attacks, President Bush

instructed his administration to review its efforts and find new and better ways

to secure America. The result of this review is Biodefense for the 21st

Century, a recently approved presidential directive that builds on our past

accomplishments, specifies roles and responsibilities, and integrates the

programs and efforts of various communities – national security, public

health, law enforcement, etc. – into a sustained and focused national effort.


WHAT: Announcement of Presidential Directive, Biodefense

for the 21st Century


WHEN: Wednesday, April 28, 2003


WHERE: Department of Health and Human Services

HHS Auditorium - Humphrey Building

200 Independence Ave. SW

Washington, DC




9:30 AM EDT Tour of HHS Secretary’s Command Center/Mobile Command


Location: Secretary’s Command Center, Humphrey Building


10:30 AM EDT Principals Media Briefing

Location: HHS Auditorium, Humphrey Building


Secretary Tommy Thompson, HHS

Secretary Tom Ridge, DHS

Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, DoD


11:00 AM EDT Technical Media Briefing (BACKGROUND ONLY)


Admiral Kenneth Bernard, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director

for Biodefense, HSC

David Stephens, Director for Proliferation Strategy, NSC

Dr. Parney Albright, Assistant Secretary, Science and Technology Directorate,


Dr. William Raub, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Health Emergency

Preparedness (HHS/OASPHEP)

Joe Henderson , Director, Office of Terrorism Preparedness and Response, CDC

Dr. John La Montagne, Deputy Director, National Institute of Allergy and

infectious Dieses (NIAID/NIH)

Dr. Lester Crawford, Acting Commissioner, FDA

Dr. Peter Fernandez, Associate Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection

Service, USDA

Dr. Carol Maczka, Assistant Administrator, Office of Food Security and

Preparedness, Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA)

Dr. William Winkenwerder, Jr., Assistant Secretary, Health Affairs, DoD

Dale Klein, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Nuclear, Chemical and

Biological Defense Programs

Dan Bryant, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Policy, DOJ


***Members of the broadcast media interested in the command center tour should

plan to arrive early enough to set up their equipment in the Auditorium for the

Principals’ briefing before bringing cameras to the command center tour.


***Members of the media who would like to cover this event must present a valid

press credential. Press should contact the HHS Press Office at 202-690-6343for

any questions regarding setup information. Directions and a map to HHS can be

found at http://www.hhs.gov/about/hhhmap.html**








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