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Re:Natural Healing VS. Allopathic Method. Was: Natural Metropolol Substitutes.

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Mon, 24 May 2004 01:22:42 -0000


Fwd: Natural Metropolol Substitutes or Reduction? Anyone?


--- In

, " HeartDropsFromPureSpace "


Does anyone know of any natural substitutes for those on metropolol?

Also, can people ween themselves off this drug safely?




Dear Member,


I am writing about a few things and this email is not directed to you you

personally so please do not read that into this, it is just because it is answer

to the question of replacing a pharmacuetical with a natural substance.

The message is directed to the group at large. First let me say that I don't

even know what this medicine that you mention is or what it is for.


Most people come to alternative healing because it really isn't

working or they have been hurt by allopathic medicine or are in fear

of being hurt.


We have all been taught by our societies around us to think in terms

of symtom equals disease and to attack the disease or symptom. If we

have headache we take " something " . Got a fever, take an aspirin. Got

diahrea, take some liquid cork. Appendicitis, gallbladder,

trouble.? Watch it until it " get bad enough " and then cut it out. The

same holds true for heart, livers, kidneys. Just rework them or

replace them but don't really try an " heal " them. Depressed? Why that

is why God made antidepressants. It is like a diabetic needing

insulin. The list goes on and on and seemingly without end. We now

have social phobia disease and authoity defiant disease or some such

silliness. Well there is a pill for every one of them now.


Well that is how we all have been taught to think so it is perfectly

normal for the first thought about natural healing is to think in

terms of what is a safe, natural thing can I take to " replace " that

poisonous, expensive, side effect causing crap that I get from my

doctor and the pharmacist.


Or if they have done some reading on the web about " alternative

health " they come with most of their information gleaned from what is

put out by sellers of products. Most of those sellers aren't that

sharp about alternative medicine, but they have worked on their text

to the point that they hope that it will sell you something even if

it may be one sided, misleading, or just unintentional

misinformation. To say the least, most of what people learn on the

web if filled with misinformation. They then " know " that such and such a stuff

is great because it is " alternative "


Well, I don't like to be the one to break bad news, but it really

doesn't work that way. Well I must also add that there are an awful

lot of people out there who also feed into that for a lot of

different reasons. A lot of people " practice " alternative medicine

similar to the allopaths. When the person has a symptom they will

prescribe one herb, nutrient, homeopathic remedy, or whatever to

combat the symptom. That is OK in some cases but in a lot of cases

that will not change what is happening on cellular level.


To make my point, when someone " says what should I take to help my

broken bones heal so that I will not have arthritus or something " ,

they are really mistating the question by thinking in allopathic



It would be more in keeping with natural healing to think, " What

does my body need in materials to heal in the best way that it can " .

or " What are the natural building blocks to repair and heal by

letting my body heal itself with it's worderous self healing power " .

We then need to think in terms of what does the bone require to heal

itself?. What nutrients do the nerves and tendons need to heal

themselves?. What substances are used in these processes?


That is a completly different concept. To illutrate, let me explain.

One concept is that the body is stupid and that we have to keep

correcting that stupidity. The other is that the body is the master

at healing itself. That is the way that it was designed.


An example. The body comes with the most sophisicated system possible

to detect when there is a need for water. It checks the status

constantly to billions of cells in coordination with the organs etc.

A lot of people are now convinced because someone wrote a book

and " sold " to the alternative community (the ones who thougt in terms

of the body being stupid and that you have to watch it every second

or it will go off haywire) about " The Body's Desperate Cries For

Water " or some such ridiculous title. This guy is going to " teach "

you how to think and take charge of your water intake because your

body is too stupid to do it right. Then he goes on to tell you that

if you drank enough water, you could " cure " all of these diseases.

Pure bunkum, but people it believe because it fits in with their way

of thinking.


The person who really understands natural healing thinks in terms of

what does the doctor within (that self healing mechanism ) need to

use in it's job to heal itself. It will usually be nutritional

substances. The body usualy uses amino acids, vitamins, minerals,

fats, co factors, enzymes, etc to live and also to repair.


The natural healing method in a nutshell is something like this. Put

in lots of good stuff like good foods and vitamins etc. Don't put in

bad unnatural things that might poison the bodies ability to be

healthy. Get as much as possible of the bad stuff already there out

of the body. Let the doctor within who really knows what is going on

do the work Allow it to heal.


So on the one hand, we have a bunch of people who are running around

checking their " stupid " bodies with litmus paper or other things to

check their acidity, their water levels, their whatever because

everyone knows that you cannot trust those stupid bodies. You have to

watch them every second or they go off track in a second. They also

usually have a remedy for every symptom. It may be an " alternative "

remedy but it is still thinking in the terms of symptom = disease =

one specific treatment. The body couldn't figure it out and it is up

to them.


On the other hand we have the camp who says that the best doctor is

the one within. If we cut ourselves we heal by the body heals itself.

Not because it is so stupid that we wil have to direct it to do so in

some way. They believe that also holds true for most of the things

that need to be healed inside too. It is just a matter of giving the

body what it really needs to heal, and get out of its way and quit

trying to direct it to something else. They believe that it isn't

necessary or even possible to really understand exactly all the

things that it might need so they take all of the nutrients in lavish

quantities and that way the body can pick and choose what it needs,

when it needs it, and in sufficient quantities to be able to do the

job of healing.


Do you see the difference? It is a very big difference.


OK, Now all of you herb people are mad at me right? Well you

shouldn't be. If you are you are thinking in a short sighted manner.

I think that herbs are wonderfull. So is homeopathy, acupuncture,

traditional chinese medicine, etc. They are great but if the problem

is deficiency that is causing the body not to heal it usally will not

correct that on a cellular level although it may help in other ways.

If the body is suffering from accumulated poisons it usualy requires

that the body receive enough of whatever nutrient it needs to carry

those poisons away. After all is said and done, it is the body that heals itself

no matter what method is being used for treatment.


Herbs are wonderfull substances and I use them all the time. A lot of

times they are a concentrated form that gives us something that was

lacking in our industrial diets over time and was in our ancestral

diets anyway. They are to be used when the situation is for one

reason or another a nutrient may not bring relief soon enough or

there is a specific compound in them that is now necessary to treat

because the body somehow got sick (maybe from a deficiency, maybe

from a toxic substance, whatever) and using a nutrient may not be

enough or it may take a long while to correct and heal because the

problem is now a big one.. Or a lot of other what ifs. The same with

other alternative methods.


It is not an either / or situation, all of one or all of the other.

but it is a " when " to use what. That is where the overall

understanding will best suit you. Knowing when to use what. They are

all beneficial in their own way, but are usually not replacements for

each other.


If there is infection we have to kind of attack the situation, but we

cannot use the attack method for everything or even most things. That

is mainly the allopathic method. Some times the symptoms, though not

life threating or serious, are so debiltating, painfull or irritating

that we must do something. And a lot of alternative methods work well

together. I can use acupucture, herbs, homeopathic remedies etc with

my nutrients but it will require that I have some basic understanding

of how my body heals and maintains it's health and what it needs and

what it needs to do that. And then I look to what else will help it

heal from the other areas available to me.


Well if you can kinda mix and match with alternatives, how about

mixing and matching allopathic drugs with alternatives. I personaly

do not believe that it is really possible in most cases as one is

usually poisonous to the system when " attacking " the symptom and the

other is trying to nourish and alleviate the symptom by healing the

underlieing cause. They are working at cross purposes on the most

basic level even though you may not see it as you might be using both

in your thinking to alleviate the problem. I do not believe that one

will ever get well really while still using pharmacueticals.


Most people come to alternative healing and they only can think in

terms of what " pill " do I take to treat my " disease " . The only pill

that works over time is education. It can be self education or it can

be a visit to someone else and use their education like an

alternative practicioner. If you understand that most healing is done

by the body and that all you have to do is give it what it needs to

do that it becomes a whole lot simpler.


A lot of the " cures " are really the same. If there are poisons inside

of you get them out as much as possible annd try and not put any more

in as much as possible. Learn about and take nutrients in your foods

and supplements in sufficient quatities to allow your body to heal

over time. See that wasn't much was it. If people would do that all

of their lives they would have very little sickness.


After that when you have specific areas of health problems, educate

yourselves about your condition. I can almost guaratee you that the

solution will not be limited to " take this pill " .


We first try and cure by effecting the body biologically on a

cellular level with nutients etc. Then we can move outward from the

cell to it's signaling to the rest of the body by homeopthics,

acupucture, etc. Or to use herbs to bring about a certain response

within the body. But whatever you add make sure that you have firstly

done what is necessary supply the body with all of the needed

nutrients and that you try and not put any more poisons than

absolutely necessary into the body and go on a program to get out

all of the built up poisons that are already in there.


We are not doctors here. How could anyone properly diagnose or treat

anyone else under these conditions even if we were? What we are is a

group of people who share information in our quest for self education

about alternative health.


And NO I didn't want to learn it either. I did it out of no other

options. I would prefer to be able to go to my family alternative

practicioner and give them my insurance and then to the alternative

herb / nutrient store to pick up my " alternative prescription " again

using my insurance card. But that is just daydreaming. If I want to

be healthy or regain my health, I have to either find that elusive

alternative practicioner or I have to in essence become my own

doctor. Most of us have to make that choice.












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