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What passes for " Medical Research " in the USA should more correctly be called

" Product Research And Developement " because that is what it really is, but it is

much better to call it research. That way it looks like Big Pharma is some kind

of altruistic benevolent entity and they can then also use government and

academic resources for their own gain and no one knows or cares because they

assume that it is all in the " search for the cure " .. F.





The Merchants

by Steven Ransom


" If man were to throw his entire medicine cabinet

into the sea, it would be better for man and worse

for the fishes. " Oliver Wendell Holmes


In their long, hard battle for proper recognition, genuine natural treatments

for serious illnesses have always had to fight on two fronts. Firstly, they have

had to do battle with the drug merchants, who use every trick in the book to

undermine any genuine treatments not under their own jurisdiction. And they will

employ all means possible to disseminate their damaging disinformation on 'the

non-conformists and their wares' as far and wide as possible in order to protect

their own lucrative market. No department, private or public, is beyond the

reach of the merchants' all-consuming influence.


Thriller writer John Le Carré spent many years working in the British Foreign

Office and knows the politics of big business very well. His most recent book,

The Constant Gardener, focuses on the corrupt nature of the pharmaceutical

industry. Interviewed on the subject, Le Carré stated:


" Big Pharma is engaged in the deliberate seduction of the medical profession,

country by country, worldwide. It is spending a fortune on influencing, hiring

and purchasing academic judgment to a point where, in a few years' time, if Big

Pharma continues unchecked on its present, happy path, unbought medical opinion

will be hard to find. "


The following report, dated February 2002, comes from the Journal of The

American Medical Association:


Most Doctors Who Set Guidelines Have Industry Ties: The vast majority of doctors

involved in establishing national guidelines on disease treatment have financial

ties to the pharmaceutical industry that could potentially sway their

recommendations and inappropriately influence thousands of other physicians, a

new study concludes.


Eighty-seven percent of guideline authors had some type of relationship with

drug companies, yet these often were not disclosed, according to survey

responses from 100 authors of guidelines published from 1991 to 1999 for common

diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma.


More specifically, 38% of respondents said they had served as employees or

consultants for pharmaceutical companies and 58% had received financial support

for medical research. In addition, 59% had links with drug companies whose

medications were considered in the particular guidelines they authored.


Selling sickness

The British Medical Journal recently featured an article entitled " Selling

Sickness: the Pharmaceutical Industry and Disease-Mongering " . The report, which

readers are strongly advised to read for themselves, reveals the calculated

manner in which unnecessary fear of disease is instilled into the public mind,

in order then to market equally unnecessary drugs and related pharmaceutical

services. In the introduction to their study, the BMJ authors state:


" There's a lot of money to be made from telling healthy people they're sick.

Some forms of medicalising ordinary life may now be better described as

disease-mongering: widening the boundaries of treatable illness in order to

expand markets for those who sell and deliver treatments. Pharmaceutical

companies are actively involved in sponsoring the definition of diseases and

promoting them to both prescribers and consumers. The social construction of

illness is being replaced by the corporate construction of disease....


Although some sponsored professionals or consumers may act independently and all

concerned may have honourable motives, in many cases the formula is the same:

groups and/or campaigns are orchestrated, funded, and facilitated by corporate

interests, often via their public relations and marketing infrastructure. A key

strategy of the alliances is to target the news media with stories designed to

create fears about the condition or disease and draw attention to the latest

treatment. Company-sponsored advisory boards supply the 'independent experts'

for these stories, consumer groups provide the 'victims' and public relations

companies provide media outlets with the positive spin about the latest

'breakthrough' medications. "


Through information taken from leaked documents and other sources, the authors

single out GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pfizer and Roche - all leading pharmaceutical

companies - as engaging in this practice to one degree or another. The authors

summarise their report as follows:


" Some forms of 'medicalisation' may now be better described as

'disease-mongering' - extending the boundaries of treatable illness to expand

markets for new products.


Alliances of pharmaceutical manufacturers, doctors, and patients groups use

the media to frame conditions as being widespread and severe.


Disease-mongering can include turning ordinary ailments into medical

problems, seeing mild symptoms as serious, treating personal problems as

medical, seeing risks as diseases, and framing prevalence estimates to maximise

potential markets.


Corporate funded information about disease should be replaced by independent

information. "


For those interested in the extent to which this brazen form of 'marketing' has

penetrated and 'shaped' our collective understanding of illness and disease,

readers are encouraged to obtain a copy of the Credence title, Plague,

Pestilence and the Pursuit of Power. In this book, the reader discovers that

engendering a heightened fear of minor illnesses and disease is a useful

political tool for profit and control and is being used to influence public

reaction in a wide variety of ways.


A great number of profitable oncology services are now being offered to a

fearful population - a population whose understanding of cancer has been

'shaped' almost entirely by those who sell and deliver treatments. Great News on

Cancer in the 21st Century reveals the extent to which establishment medicine

has been teaching us what to think about cancer but not how.


Forever 'unproven'

G Edward Griffin is the author of World Without Cancer. On the approval and

licensing of non-pharmaceutical cancer treatments, he states:


" Therefore - and mark this well - as long as the present laws remain, the only

substances that ever will be 'approved' for cancer therapy will be proprietary.

No substance from nature will ever be legally available for cancer or any other

disease unless its source can be monopolised or its processing patented. No

matter how safe and effective it may be, and no matter how many people are

benefited, it will forever be relegated to the category of 'unproven' therapies.

As such, freely available cures from nature will always be illegal to prescribe,

to promote, and in many cases even to use. "


In opposition to the incessant drive by big business to dominate our health

choices, Dr Matthias Rath provides another non-populist summary of the primary

ethics of the merchant's house:


" Throughout the 20th century, the pharmaceutical industry has been constructed

by investors, the goal being to replace effective but non-patentable natural

remedies with mostly ineffective but patentable and highly profitable

pharmaceutical drugs. The very nature of the pharmaceutical industry is to make

money from ongoing diseases. Like other industries, the pharmaceutical industry

tries to expand its market - that is, to maintain ongoing diseases and to find

new diseases for their drugs. Prevention and cure of diseases damage

pharmaceutical business and the eradication of common diseases threatens its

very existence.


Therefore the pharmaceutical industry fights the eradication of any disease at

all costs. The pharmaceutical industry itself is the main obstacle, why today's

most widespread diseases are further expanding, including heart attacks,

strokes, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and many others.

Pharmaceutical drugs are not intended to cure diseases. According to health

insurers, over 24,000 pharmaceutical drugs are currently marketed and prescribed

without any proven therapeutic value. According to medical doctors'

associations, the known, dangerous side-effects of pharmaceutical drugs have

become the fourth leading cause of death after heart attacks, cancer and



Millions of people and patients around the world are defrauded twice: A major

portion of their income is used to finance the exploding profits of the

pharmaceutical industry. In return, they are offered a medicine that does not

even cure. "


More vested interests

In an eye-opening book entitled Reclaiming our Health: Exploding the Medical

Myth and Embracing the Source of True Healing, author John Robbins has collated

some interesting statistics:


The Cancer Industry

Percentage of cancer patients whose lives are reliably saved by chemotherapy -



Evidence to show that, for the majority of cancers, chemotherapy exerts a

significant positive influence on survival or quality of life - none


Percentage of oncologists who said that if they developed cancer they would not

participate in chemotherapy trials due to " the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy

and its unacceptable degree of toxicity " - 75%


Percentage of people with cancer in the United States who receive chemotherapy -



Company that accounts for nearly half the chemotherapy sales in the world -

Bristol-Meyers Squibb


Chairman of the Board, Bristol-Meyers Squibb - Richard L Gelb


Richard L Gelb's other job - Vice-Chairman, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer


, Bristol-Meyers Squibb - James D Robinson III


James D Robinson III's other job - Chairman of the Board, Memorial

Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

, Ivax, Inc. Chemotherapeutics - Samuel Broder


Samuel Broder's other job (until 1995) - Executive Director, the National Cancer



Organised medical crime

Dr Richard Schulze has spent many years speaking out against the pharmaceutical

cartels and promoting personal responsibility in healthcare. One of his more

famous sayings is " Getting well is easy, it's the getting sick that takes years

of constant, dedicated, hard work. " When he was 11, his father died in his arms

of a massive heart attack. At 14, his mother also died of a heart attack. They

were both only 55 years old. At 16 years of age, Richard was diagnosed with a

genetic incurable heart deformity.


After curing himself of this so-called incurable disease through changes in his

lifestyle (and no surgery), he set out on a mission to help others. Schulze had

first-hand experience of being in the clutches of the orthodoxy and determined

to set out to do something about alerting the wider world to some of its perils.

Dr Schulze now travels the world, delivering his message:


" Over 200 years ago, Ben Rush, who signed the Constitution of the United States,

warned that we needed to include a medical freedom clause in the Constitution.

He said if we didn't it was likely that one group of doctors would monopolise

healthcare by passing legislation to outlaw other types of doctors and systems

of medicine.


This is exactly what happened. Over the last 80 years, organised medical groups

and pharmaceutical companies, using lawyers, bribes, lobbyists, insurance

companies and the strong arm of the Food and Drug Administration, have been very

busy. They have corrupted elected officials to pass laws to remove any

competition. They have crushed Natural Doctors, Natural Medicine and Self-Care.

Their goal is to monopolise healthcare and make us dependent on medical doctors

and pharmaceutical drugs. It almost worked!


We have watched them pass more and more laws restricting our rights. They have

made many healing herbs, foods and even nutrients illegal. Natural health

professionals who flourished a few decades ago are now barred by law to

practise, and natural doctors, holistic healers, health food store-owners and

even family members of the sick have been arrested and jailed for using natural

remedies. If you disagree with your doctor regarding the medical treatment of

your children, they can be taken away from you, put in a foster home, and you

can be arrested for endangering the health and welfare of your child.


There are many people who are jailed every year, put there for disagreeing with

medical doctors and their policies. Organised medical crime has gone so far,

they have outlawed words for other health professionals to use, such as

'Diagnose' and 'Cure'. Just by using these words you can be arrested for

practising medicine without a license. "


It seems that the delivery system of 21st century conventional healthcare is

being bought and taught to think of treatment and prevention of disease in

pharmaceutical terms only. The current move by the European Parliament to

restrict the nutritional supplement market is a case in point. In its sights are

over 300 vitamins, minerals, herbs and other nutrients, whose sales they are

seeking to streamline and bring under their own jurisdiction. All this under the

guise of wanting to protect the public from harm.


The following text is taken from an article exploring the potential

ramifications of this move:


" Imagine dropping by your favourite health food store to find it boarded up and

out of business. So you go around to your local drug-mart to pick up some

vitamin C, but the only dosage on the shelf is ridiculously low. The druggist

informs you that 60mg is now the maximum dosage available without a

prescription. So if you've been taking a mega-dosage of vitamin C to help fight

heart disease or build up your immunity against cancer, you'll have to find a

doctor willing to prescribe that dosage - you're no longer free to decide on

your own how much of this natural vitamin you want to take.


Sounds like a nightmare? It gets worse.


Imagine that all of this is the result of new legislation imposed by lawmakers

with direct ties to pharmaceutical companies - powerful companies that will use

the law to create an enormous new source of profits. Now that's a real

nightmare. But what makes it truly nightmarish is that, incredibly, it will soon

become a reality in the United Kingdom and most of Europe - if the global

pharmaceutical industry has its way. "


A number of health organisations are currently spearheading the fight against

the pharmaceutical industry and various monopolies, as they seek to legislate

against our free choice of natural nutrients. If this legislation is passed, it

will directly affect YOU in many ways. Positive moves are afoot to thwart their

attempts and a website address is included at the end of this book to enable you

to find out more about this directive and register your protest quickly and


© Copyright 2003 Steven Ransom

Extracted from Great News on Cancer in the 21st Century


Further Resources


Great News on Cancer in the 21st Century by Steven Ransom

Cancer: Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth by Phillip Day

The ABC's of Disease by Phillip Day

B17 Metabolic Therapy compiled by Phillip Day

Click here to purchase or review any of the above.

Click here for telephone sales around the world.

Click here if you wish to contact Credence for information on treatment options

or resources.






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