Guest guest Posted March 2, 2002 Report Share Posted March 2, 2002 Michele, We had a bunch of posts about this a month or so ago b/c my cousin's baby was having the same issues. Between the recommendations here and what I read, I decided to give my cousin a blend of orange, lavender and chamomile to wear as perfume until the baby reaches 4 months, then she can add one drop of her perfume to the plain massage oil I gave her. It seems that the baby's liver isn't developed enough until then to even process the eo's. You could also make a room spray in very low dilutions, or diffuse the oils. Do check the archives, though, b/c the ladies here gave some great advice! Debbie deb > hi all, > I was wondering, is there any oil I can add when I massage my colicky baby? > Something to help calm him down? He's so miserable poor guy, but I didn't > know if eo's were ok for little guys, I am wary about trying any. I'm > already on basically bread & water myself, so I can't do any more in that > venue > > TIA > Michele & gas baby > -- > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 2, 2002 Report Share Posted March 2, 2002 Thanks! I'll have to check the archives. I was on web only for the past few months because I was too busy with pg and this baby to read everyday So I must have missed the colic discussion -- " Debra McDuffee " <deb Organization: Body Health Center Sat, 2 Mar 2002 16:05:52 -0500 Re: Colic Michele, We had a bunch of posts about this a month or so ago b/c my cousin's baby was having the same issues. Between the recommendations here and what I read, I decided to give my cousin a blend of orange, lavender and chamomile to wear as perfume until the baby reaches 4 months, then she can add one drop of her perfume to the plain massage oil I gave her. It seems that the baby's liver isn't developed enough until then to even process the eo's. You could also make a room spray in very low dilutions, or diffuse the oils. Do check the archives, though, b/c the ladies here gave some great advice! Debbie deb > hi all, > I was wondering, is there any oil I can add when I massage my colicky baby? > Something to help calm him down? He's so miserable poor guy, but I didn't > know if eo's were ok for little guys, I am wary about trying any. I'm > already on basically bread & water myself, so I can't do any more in that > venue > > TIA > Michele & gas baby > -- > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 2, 2002 Report Share Posted March 2, 2002 Hey Michele If it were me and my little one I'd try adding a blend of chamomile and fennel tea to my diet .. also my mom always says keep the colicky baby's feet covered and it really helps I hope the wee one feels better soon *Smile* Chris (list mom) Michele wrote: > hi all, > I was wondering, is there any oil I can add when I massage my colicky > baby? > Something to help calm him down? He's so miserable poor guy, but I didn't > know if eo's were ok for little guys, I am wary about trying any. I'm > already on basically bread & water myself, so I can't do any more in that > venue > > TIA > Michele & gas baby > -- > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 2, 2002 Report Share Posted March 2, 2002 basically bread & water myself, so I can't do any more... Hey Michele- have you tried eliminating wheat? Just a thought... my little guy is allergic to wheat and corn, but he never had colic- it manifested as excema- which is absent when we keep him off those foods(corn is worse) Catnip tea can be helpful, too- you may drink it- or try to give the little guy a few spoonfuls- good luck Michelle Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 3, 2002 Report Share Posted March 3, 2002 Article I wrote once, might be something helpful in it! ******************************************************8 Very young babies and Aromatherapy Before I start this months article on the use of Aromatherapy, I want to make something perfectly clear. I am a conservative Aromatherapist, when it comes to Babies under six months. I do not prescribe to the theory that " My mother put tons of junk on me, and I'M okay, so it will be okay for MY baby. " So you may/will find differing opinions amongst aromatherapist's on this subject. On babies under three months old, I do NOT use ANY essential oils. The only exception I make to this, is if the baby is suffering from a very bad head cold and cannot breathe through his or her nose, then I will put a diffuser in the room with only 1 drop of eucalyptus oil, WELL AWAY FROM WHERE THE BABY IS!!! So what can you do with a baby under three months old? Massage. It's comforting, relaxing, it can help to ease colic, it also helps in the bonding process between the parent and the baby. Choose a time when your baby is feeling comfortable. Not too sleepy, or just after a meal, or just before one either. Right after Bath Time is usually a good time. When you take your baby out of the water, dry him/her and then wrap in a cozy towel and go to a warm room. Lay him/her on the floor, or bed, undressed either on the front or back, which ever position is most comfortable, especially for the first few times. Pour into your hand, a little bit (half a teaspoon) of a light carrier oil such as Grapeseed, or Apricot Kernel, and rub it into your palms. Please note, I did NOT say " baby oil " or " mineral Oil " . Why? Because that is the WORST possible stuff to put on skin. It blocks the skins pores, so your skin cannot breathe (sometimes you will see baby acne caused by this gunk), and although they make it smell nice, it does nothing except make your skin exceptionally slippery. So if you have any, chuck and if you don't have any of the two oils I mentioned, try using a little Olive Oil. Once you have rubbed the oil between your hands and it's warmed up a little, it's time to start on your baby. I will start on the front, if you start on the back , just read on a little further. Place your hand at the top of the chest and bring it gently but firmly down in a clock wise motion, over the ribs, over the tummy, circle over the abdomen, up the ribs on the other side, bringing your hand back up to the starting position, then take each of your hands out and down the arms and back up again to the starting position. Do this about 10 times. When you have finished, it's time for the little legs. Place a hand on each leg (you may find your hands getting dry, so add a little more oil to them) and starting from the foot, with firm but gently pressure, go up to the top and gently back down again. Do this ten times as well. Now roll your baby onto his/her tummy, and this time start with the legs. As on the front, you start at the feet and slide up and lightly down, ten times. The back is pretty much the same as the front as well, start high up, near the top of the shoulders in the middle and bring your hand down in a sweeping circle and back up to the starting position, then over the shoulders, down the arms and back up again. Again ten times. One slight variation of hand placement, that I personally prefer, is using BOTH my hands, so they never come off the baby. I place my hands in the starting position, palms down with my thumb of my left hand is place side by side the little finger of my rightfv The left hand is facing right and the right hand is facing left. I bring them down and up as described, but when I reach the top, they split, go down over the shoulders and down the arm, back up to the starting position etc. Massage for colic and constipation These two conditions can extremely distressing for both parent and baby. In the case of colic, no one is sure what causes it, and it can last for hours. One thing that can help is massage on the abdomen area. This needs to be done very gently. Place your baby in a warm room, undress him/her and get your carrier oil. This time use only two or three fingers, depending on the size of the baby and your hands. Using the tips of your fingers place them at the top of the abdomen, just under the belly button and firmly but gently move them around in a clockwise circle. The tummy should indent just a LITTLE BIT! Repeat this motion ten times. Then judge for yourself how the baby is responding. Is he/she crying less, more, just the same? If he or she seems to appreciate it, if it seems to help, continue for a while longer. Please note, as this is the SAME massage for constipation, don't be surprised if in a short while after the massage, you get a smelly nappy/diaper. One carrying position for colicky babies that seems to really help, is to place your hand in between the baby's legs, and drape him/her up over your arm, so the head is somewhere around your elbow. The constant pressure of your forearm on the stomach seems to ease some babies. For constipation, the massage is the same for colic. Steady firm but gentle motion as it follows the intestines around in a clock wise motion., ten times and wait a few hours. If there is no result, repeat. As always, consult with your physician if you are starting to get worried. Babies between three and six months old At this age, I do start using essential oils, but very carefully, and usually no more than a drop of two. Continue using the massage, as at anytime in life, it's comforting, and both parents and babies really start to look forward to that time of day. For Colds and Coughs at this stage, I would make up a little chest cream. Try and find some cream that contains no fragrances or allergens (such as lanolin etc.). For each Tablespoon of cream add, one drop eucalyptus (I prefer Lemon-Eucalyptus and this age. Not quite so pungent), Roman Chamomile and 2 drops lavender. Rub it into the chest clock wise up, over the throat, up under and behind the ears. Do the same for the back. Clock wise and up the neck on both sides. I would also diffuse in the room, one drop Eucalyptus and two drops Lavender, well away from the bed. In my next article, I will go on to explain how to use Aromatherapy with older babies and small children, but one thing I want to remind you, is that Essential oils are VERY powerful. Just because they are natural, does NOT mean that they are harmless. MORE IS NOT BETTER! Cheers! Kathleen Petrides Editor: AFS Coming in the next issue: Making E.O. flavored Easter Candies by Chris Ziegler, an article from Graham and Lynda Sorenson on YL, a new column with Flower Essences and MORE! Subscribe: - " Michele " <mbrantner Saturday, March 02, 2002 12:24 PM Colic > hi all, > I was wondering, is there any oil I can add when I massage my colicky baby? > Something to help calm him down? He's so miserable poor guy, but I didn't > know if eo's were ok for little guys, I am wary about trying any. I'm > already on basically bread & water myself, so I can't do any more in that > venue > > TIA > Michele & gas baby > -- > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 3, 2002 Report Share Posted March 3, 2002 Hello, Not aromatherapy , but some things that got me through a very colicy baby. *laying him on his belly after feeding- make sure his head is turned not face down and rub in circular motions on his back. * while he is on his back slowly make bicycle motions with his legs *rocking helped, but sometimes I was too exhausted so I had a vibrating backrub pad thing, I would put it next to the crib leg and it would gently vibrate the crib - like riding in a car(do this only when you are awake) * leaving the vacuum running would also sooth him???? * My mother -in law was a nurse and she would insert the rectal thermomater to relief gas pressure * I would also use the stroller in the house and walk him around while I got chores done, so when he fell asleep I would roll him over to the couch and get in a badly needed nap. * Hug him, kiss him, rock him and know it does get better Godd luck Emryldgea > - > " Michele " <mbrantner@s...> > > Saturday, March 02, 2002 12:24 PM > Colic > > > > hi all, > > I was wondering, is there any oil I can add when I massage my colicky > baby? > > Something to help calm him down? He's so miserable poor guy, but I didn't > > know if eo's were ok for little guys, I am wary about trying any. I'm > > already on basically bread & water myself, so I can't do any more in that > > venue > > > > TIA > > Michele & gas baby > > -- > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 3, 2002 Report Share Posted March 3, 2002 Hi Michelle > I was wondering, is there any oil I can add when I massage my colicky baby? > Something to help calm him down? He's so miserable poor guy, but I didn't > know if eo's were ok for little guys, I am wary about trying any. I'm > already on basically bread & water myself, so I can't do any more in that > venue oooooh! and don't I just remember how awful it was! I wouldn't use eo's on your baby for a while yet, but you can help by what you take in. As well as the suggestions that have been passed on to you, have you ever heard of essences, like the Bach Flower or Australian Bush. I use them quite a lot and one company that I know well has a boxed set of 5 essences for Mother and Baby. They are called Transference Flower Essences, as they are to be taken by the breast feeding mother. There is a Mum's Rescue essence for Trauma at birth (hardly appropriate now!) a Mother's Love essence for promoting pure love a Scream essence - soothing teething essence and the one that you need a Bubbles Colic Essence which contains the signature of Dill Fennel and MAllow the last one is Oh! Sleep, which is an essence especially for mothers for when you feel over tired and cannot sleep. This will give mother and bay a good nights rest If you would like me to send you the last four of these, I will happily, as a pressie for you and your little man Just send of you address Regards Ann - Scotland, who wishes these had been around 35 years ago for her screaming son! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 27, 2002 Report Share Posted March 27, 2002 Shivani, Fennel works really well for me, too. I have IBS, and when I have an attack, it calms the intestinal spasms. It's a great natural remedy, and between ginger and fennel, I never need anything else for digestive ailments! Debbie deb - <SArjuna Wednesday, March 27, 2002 10:27 AM colic > Once again trying to catch up on posts, so coming in real late on this. > For immediate relief of gas pain, try fennel. Adults can chew the seeds > and suck the juice out. For a baby, make tea. If the baby is nursing and > the moter eats the seeds, the effects will reach the baby through her milk. > That is something to help with the gas, but the gas is just a symptom. > So then it'd be good to sleuth out the cause. Dietary in most cases. Either > eating stuff the body just can't handle or eating things in combinations in > which they do not digest well. But sometimes emotional. > A nursing baby will react to a lot of things in the mother's milk. Not > only what she eats but her emotions affect the milk strongly. > For immediate help, though, our family finds the fennel miraculous. I > once had gas paon so bad that I was down on the floor rolling around. (After > eating a terrible digestive combination in an upscale natural foods > restaurant, because it was pretty much what they had that day that was not > meat. Never again!) Then I remembered fennel and made it out to the > kitchen and chewed a good mouthful. Pain gone in about 5 minutes. > Shivani > > > How To Make Rose Petal Jam - Step By Step Instructions > > > To Un send a blank e-mail to: - > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2004 Report Share Posted May 24, 2004 Does anyone know what to do for a baby with colic? Thanks, Kendall Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2004 Report Share Posted May 24, 2004 Check your local health food store for Gripe water! It is used extensively in the UK! Very good stuff. kathy Does anyone know what to do for a baby with colic? Thanks, Kendall Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2004 Report Share Posted May 25, 2004 Hi, There over the counter Homeopathic remedies for colic, teething etc. formulated just for infants. Look up Homeopathic remedies on line....NG - <KBvanRW Monday, May 24, 2004 8:27 AM colic > Does anyone know what to do for a baby with colic? > Thanks, > Kendall > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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