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DOCTOR YOURSELF Newsletter (Vol. 4, No. 13, June 5, 2004)

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" Andrew W. Saul "

DOCTOR YOURSELF Newsletter (Vol. 4, No. 13, June 5, 2004)

Mon, 24 May 2004 12:41:20 -0400


" I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it. "

(Vincent Van Gogh)



To for free: dynewsletter-


The DOCTOR YOURSELF NEWSLETTER (Vol. 4, No. 13, June 5, 2004)


" Free of charge, free of advertising, and free of the A.M.A. "


Written and copyright 2004 by Andrew Saul, PhD, of

http://www.doctoryourself.com , which welcomes a million visitors annually.

Commercial use of the website or the contents of this Newsletter is strictly





Some Nutritional Aspects


Everybody knows what muscles are, and when they don't work, the weakness,

frailty and incapacity of a little child with muscular dystrophy makes for

many a poignant poster and tearful telethon. " There is no treatment. there

is no specific therapy, " says the Merck Manual. The National Institutes of

Heath says the same thing: " There is no specific treatment for any of the

forms of MD. " http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/md.htm ,

accessed April 2004)


Such despairing, autocratic but research-friendly pronouncements must not be

seen as the last word until we adequately weigh in maternal and fetal

malnutrition as a fundamental cause of muscular dystrophy. The good news (to

be considered further below) is that if nutrient deficiency can cause an

illness, nutrient therapy may ameliorate, or even cure, that illness.


Malnutrition causes muscular dystrophy? The short answer is, Yes.

" Dystrophy: 1. Defective nutrition. 2. Any disorder caused by defective

nutrition. " (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, p. 407.)

When we consider all this means, we are poised to head down a steep slope.

Nothing gets you into the emotional soup faster than being perceived as

blaming a baby's birth defect on the mother's diet. Truly, it is very

difficult to know for sure if a birth defect is the result of genetics or

environmental factors. The mother represents half of a developing baby's

heredity, but almost all of the developing baby's environment. Every single

cell in a baby is the product of inherited DNA instruction. But every single

cell in a baby is also the product of the mother's diet.


" Dinner Table Heredity "


Ova (human eggs) are formed during the fetal stage of a female's life. In

other words, all of a woman's own eggs are actually formed while she was

developing inside her mother, before she herself was born. Wow. This means

that what your grandmother ate significantly contributed to your anatomy.

Think that one over: What looks to be purely a genetic problem may in fact

be a largely a nutritional one. I call this " Dinner Table Heredity. " Just

because a problem comes out of the womb does not mean that that problem is

genetic and only genetic. Science has known for decades that many a specific

birth defect is a direct result of a specific vitamin deficiency.


Hillemann HH. (1956) " Maternal Malnutrition and Fetal Prenatal Development

Malformation " (Address at Oregon State College, November 9)


Hillemann HH. (1958) " Maternal Malnutrition and Congenital Deformity "

(Grants Pass Oregon Address, March 17)


Hillemann HH. (1961) " The Spectrum of Congenital Defect, Experimental and

Clinical " Journal of Applied Nutrition 14:1,2.)


Spina bifida, now well-known to be caused by a lack of folic acid (folate),

is an example. I personally was born with a slight degree of spina bifida. I

do not blame my mother; I might blame those who wrongly advised her about

her pregnancy diet. I most certainly blame the food processing industry for

systematically milling away the B-complex vitamins from her daily bread, and

I blame the government for letting them get away with it.


Unlike spina bifida, muscular dystrophy may be reversible. However, MD is

probably not a matter of simple malnutrition, for it often does not respond

to low-dose nutrient therapy. But it may respond to high-dose nutrient

therapy, and may therefore be what orthomolecular physicians call a

" genetotrophic " disease.




The important interrelationship between food and the genes was first called

the " genetotrophic concept " by Roger J. Williams, PhD. Dr. Williams, the

discoverer of the B-vitamin pantothenic acid, has explained in his books and

scientific papers how existing biochemical birth defects may be effectively

overcome with optimum nutrition.


( http://www.doctoryourself.com/biblio_williams.html ). See especially (and

note the date):


Williams RJ. Muscular dystrophy and individual metabolic patterns: The

possibilities of a nutritional therapeutic approach. Proc. of the First and

Second Medical Conferences [1951-1952] of the Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. of

America, 118-22 (1953).


Also see:


Williams RJ. Beerstecher, E., Jr. and Berry, L. J., " The Concept of

Genetotrophic Disease, " Lancet, February 18, 1950, 287-90.


Williams RJ. " Concept of Genetotrophic Disease, " Nutr. Rev., 8, 257-60



Williams RJ. " The Unexplored Field of Genetotrophic Disease, " MD, 6, 123-4,

136 (1951).


Williams RJ. and Rogers, L. L., " The Formulation of a Genetotrophic

Supplement for the Experimental Treatment of Diseases of Obscure Etiology, "

Texas Reports Biol. Med., 11, 573-81 (1953).


In genetotrophic diseases, genetic abnormality leads to nutritional

disability. To compensate, the body requires the availability of larger than

normal quantities of one or more nutrients for the affected gene to

successfully express itself. For that particular person, normal dietary

vitamin intakes are quite inadequate for normal function. It is a bit like

trying to take a hot bath with the drain open: it can be done, but you are

going to need a lot more hot water.


I think muscular dystrophy may constitute a good example of a genetotrophic

disease. This also goes a long way to answering the perennial parents'

question as to how one child can be healthy while the sibling is afflicted

with MD. . . when Mom ate pretty much the same diet during both pregnancies.

There may be both a genetic component and a nutritional component. Rather

than a nutrient deficiency, MD may more exactly be considered to be a

genetically-influenced nutrient dependency.




To a family with a child with muscular dystrophy, it must seem like the

worst form of Monday Morning Quarterbacking to say what might have caused

the disease their child already has. Coulda, shoulda, woulda is poor

compensation for the parents of a disabled child, and to discuss it is to

invite after-the-fact feelings of guilt and helplessness. So the real

question is, To what extent might individual nutrients enable the sufferer

to overcome the existing condition? There is considerable good news, and all

of it is nutritional.




By now, CoQ10 (umbiquinone) should probably be accepted as a vitamin. Many

other vitamins are coenzymes. CoQ10 is found in very tiny quantities in

foods. Most young people make CoQ10 in their bodies, but a youngster with

muscular dystrophy may either make too little or have a bigger requirement

because of the illness.


It has been established that heart muscle greatly benefits from CoQ10

supplementation, resulting in improvement in cases of congestive heart

failure and even cardiomyopathy. Striated cardiac muscle and striated

voluntary (skeletal) muscle are not that dissimilar. Furthermore, Folkers et

all write that:


" Cardiac disease is commonly associated with virtually every form of

muscular dystrophy and myopathy. . . The rationale of this trial was based

on known mitochondrial myopathies, which involve respiratory enzymes, the

known presence of CoQ10 in respiration, and prior clinical data on CoQ10 and

dystrophy. These results indicate that the impaired myocardial function of

such patients with muscular disease may have some association with impaired

function of skeletal muscle, both of which may be improved by CoQ10 therapy.

.. . CoQ10 is the only known substance that offers a safe and improved

quality of life for such patients having muscle disease. " (Folkers K,

Wolaniuk J, Simonsen R, Morishita M, Vadhanavikit S. Biochemical rationale

and the cardiac response of patients with muscle disease to therapy with

coenzyme Q10. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1985 Jul;82(13):4513-6.)


Because CoQ10 is so absolutely vital to muscle cells, involved with growth

control, cellular energy production, and other essential life functions, it

warrants special consideration for persons with muscular dystrophy.


In two placebo-controlled, double-blind trials, 100 mg CoQ10 daily resulted

in " definitely improved physical performance " in patients with muscular

dystrophies and atrophies. " In retrospect, " the authors wrote, " a dosage of

100 mg was too low although effective and safe. " But even at this low dose,

their conclusion was emphatic: " Patients suffering from these muscle

dystrophies and the like should be treated with vitamin Q10 indefinitely. "


(Folkers K ; Simonsen R (1995) Two successful double-blind trials with

coenzyme Q10 (vitamin Q10) on muscular dystrophies and neurogenic atrophies.

Biochim Biophys Acta 1271(1):281-6. May 24)


I submit that 300-600 mg/day would be a more effective dose, especially for

an older MD child. For most families, the limiting factors will be cost or

medical disapproval. Even pricey supplements are cheaper than most drugs.

And as there are no harmful side effects with CoQ10, it is inexcusable to

NOT give it a serious therapeutic trial.


Let's be fair: If CoQ10 is important to rabbits, might it also be important

to children? (Boler JB, Farley TM, Scholler J, Folkers K. Deficiency of

coenzyme Q10 in the rabbit. Int Z Vitaminforsch. 1969;39(3):281-8.)




Like CoQ10, vitamin E is an antioxidant. There is a long history of

scientific suspicion, to this day largely untested, that antioxidants are of

unusual benefit to individuals with muscular dystrophy. Linus Pauling wrote

about muscular dystrophy, both experimental and hereditary, in How to Live

Longer and Feel Better. Dr. Pauling's comments are here reprinted with

permission of the Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University:


" It was recognized more than fifty years ago that a low intake of E leads to

muscular dystrophy, a disorder of the skeletal muscles characterized by

weakness similar to that caused by a deficiency of vitamin C (the studies of

vitamin E and muscular dystrophy have been discussed by Pappenheimer; 1948).

.. . Several kinds of hereditary muscular dystrophies are known. For the most

part their nature is not thoroughly understood, and there is no specific

therapy recommended for them. Myasthenia gravis is treated by inhibitors of

cholinesterase, corticosteroids, and surgical removal of the thymus gland.

The medical authorities do not mention the possible value of vitamins in

controlling muscular dystrophies. The evidence about the involvement of

vitamin E and vitamin C as well as B6 and other vitamins in the functioning

of muscles suggests that the optimum intakes of these nutrients should be of

value to the patients. So far as I know, no careful study of an increased

vitamin intake for patients with hereditary muscular dystrophy has been

reported. " (p 160)


With the exception of the CoQ10 studies referenced above, Dr. Pauling's

statement of 20 years ago, unfortunately, still pretty much stands. I found

a couple of studies, one with 15 patients using vitamin E and selenium

reporting " minimal " benefits (Backman E, Henriksson KG. Effect of sodium

selenite and vitamin E treatment in myotonic dystrophy. J Intern Med. 1990

Dec;228(6):577-81.) and another with 16 patients, showing " slight " benefit.

(J Child Neurol. 1986 Jul;1(3):211-4. A trial of selenium and vitamin E in

boys with muscular dystrophy. Gamstorp I, Gustavson KH, Hellstrom O,

Nordgren B.)


I think they would have obtained far better results if they had used larger

doses of selenium, much larger doses of vitamin E, and only the natural form

of vitamin E.


One study, using 600 mg of vitamin E and a relatively high amount of

selenium (4,000 mcg Na2SeO3), got very good results in all five patients

studied. " All improved their grip strength. . ., two normalized their gait,

another two can now sit down on their heels and stand up, one patient can

now walk on his toes, one can now get up from lying on the floor without

using a chair and two patients have improved their physical capacity. . . No

side-effects were observed. " (Orndahl G, Sellden U, Hallin S, Wetterqvist H,

Rindby A, Selin E. Myotonic dystrophy treated with selenium and vitamin E.

Acta Med Scand. 1986;219(4):407-14.)


This is, at the very least, genuinely encouraging.


Why no new, large-scale studies of high dose selenium-vitamin E therapy?

Because drugless therapy is ignored by drug companies, and consequently

remains unpromoted and unknown to physicians. There is no money in products

that cannot be patented. Children learn at an early age that mud pies don't

sell. No investment is made, no research is done where there is no money is

to be recovered. Drug companies do not expect to find, nor do they want to

find, a cure that does not involve a drug. A tragic example is modern

medicine's approach to muscular dystrophy.


No doubt Jerry Lewis is a great guy and his heart is in the right place. But

he may have unwittingly set the cause of health science back a generation.

Telethons to raise cash for drug research for muscular dystrophy are

expensive anachronisms. They are just re-inventing the wheel, and they're

building it wrong to boot. Remember: " Dystrophy " means " malnutrition. " There

is no drug that corrects malnutrition, and never will be.


Agricultural scientists know this. You will have little trouble finding

research studies on the role of selenium or vitamin E in preventing muscular

dystrophies in chickens, cattle or calves, sheep or lambs. Yet in spite of

the long and expensive history of research on muscular dystrophy, only a

very small portion has involved vitamins, and it was quite some time ago. In

The Vitamins in Medicine, third edition, Bicknell and Prescott provide a

thorough review of the literature on pages 612-619 and 635-641. There is

considerable evidence that the disease is an inability of muscle tissue to

efficiently utilize vitamin E. I give you the following quote from this

medical textbook:


" The peculiar muscular degeneration of muscular dystrophy may be produced in

animals is caused and is only caused by lack of vitamin E. Human muscular

dystrophy shows identically the same peculiar degeneration. The key to the

cure of muscular dystrophy is vitamin E. " (See: Rabinovitch R et al (1951)

Neuromuscular disorders amenable to wheat germ oil therapy. J. Neurol.

Neurosurg. Psychiat. 14:95-100.)


Synthetic vitamin E will not work. On pages 643-644 of The Vitamins in

Medicine, DL alpha tocopherol (synthetic " vitamin E " ) is described as

" valueless. " It has to be the natural " D-alpha " form, preferably from or

with wheat germ, wheat germ oil, and fresh stone ground whole wheat bread (p

645). The vitamin-E-friendly mineral selenium, ideally, is found in these

foods (see below).


The most remarkable revelation of all is that muscular dystrophy is

described as easier to cure in children, and easier still with added B

vitamins and vitamin C (p 644).



The essential trace mineral selenium works closely with vitamin E and helps

the body to get more out of less of the vitamin. This important biochemical

partnership, or synergy, only works if both nutrients are present. It takes

very little selenium, probably about 100 to 300 micrograms (mcg) a day to

protect your cells and membranes from harmful oxidation via the protective

selenium-containing enzyme, glutathione peroxidase, found in all body cells.

By the way, selenium is also found in the protein matrix of the teeth.


Blood levels of selenium are reduced in muscular dystrophy. " Myotonic

dystrophy and all its major symptoms (including muscle dystrophy) can be

cured or prevented in animals by selenium supplementation. " (Werbach M.

(1988) Nutritional Influences on Illness, New Canaan, CT: Keats, p 310-311.)

An even more recent version is reviewed at

http://www.doctoryourself.com/werbach.html .)


Orndahl G et al. (1983) Selenium therapy of myotonic dystrophy. Acta. Med.

Scand. 213:237.


Hidiroglou M, Jenkins K, Carson RB, Brossard GA. Selenium and coenzyme Q10

levels in the tissues of dystrophic and healthy calves. Can J Physiol

Pharmacol. 1967 May;45(3):568-9.


What works with calves should, in my opinion, be reasonably applied to



Foods containing selenium include nutritional (or brewer's) yeast, seafood,

legumes, whole grains, animal products and vegetables. However, food is an

unreliable source of selenium, as selenium content of soils varies around

the nation.


For normally healthy individuals, overdose of selenium is possible with

chronic excessive dietary intake. But we need to bear in mind that in the

Orndahl study cited above, muscular dystrophy patients showed improvement

with a dose of up to 1,400 mcg elemental selenium over period of nearly two

years. Toxicity is clearly not a major issue.




Lecithin has been shown to improve therapeutic response when included along

with vitamin E supplementation. This is probably due to the fact that

lecithin contains a great deal of both inositol and phosphatidvl choline,

which appear to reduce creatinuria in those with muscular dystrophy. Daily

dosage used is about 20 g, which is about three tablespoons a day.


Jackson MJ, Jones DA, Edwards RH. Vitamin E and muscle diseases. J Inherit

Metab Dis. 1985;8 Suppl 1:84-7. (This review explains how vitamin E, and the

phospholipids in lecithin, benefit the muscles.)


Milhorat AT and Bartels WE. (1945) The defect in utilization of tocopherol

in progressive muscular dystrophy. Science 101:93-4.


Milhorat AT et al. (1945). Effect of wheat germ on creatinuria in

dermatomyositis and progressive muscular dystrophy. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol.

Med. 58:40-1.





A Medline search at the National Library of Medicine in Washington, D.C.,

will yield over 18,300 studies that in some way relate to muscular

dystrophy. Yet I have seen no evidence whatsoever that current muscular

dystrophy research includes megavitamin and mineral therapy. Every time I

see " Jerry's kids " on a poster or on TV, it gets me right here. And every

time I'm solicited for a donation to a medical charity, I tell the canvasser

that I'll gladly contribute the moment their organization begins to sponsor

clinical trials with lecithin, selenium, and vitamin E. It has already been

shown that selenium, vitamin E and CoQ10 levels are decreased in people with

muscular dystrophy. (Ihara Y, Mori A, Hayabara T, Namba R, Nobukuni K, Sato

K, Miyata S, Edamatsu R, Liu J, Kawai M. Free radicals, lipid peroxides and

antioxidants in blood of patients with myotonic dystrophy. J Neurol. 1995

Feb;242(3):119-22.) The Vitamins in Medicine was published in 1953. So was

Dr. Williams' paper on treating MD with nutrition. What is taking so long to

apply that knowledge to those suffering today?




A Featured Letter from a NEWSLETTER Reader:


" In November, 2003, my 3 year old grandson was diagnosed with Muscular

Dystrophy. The next day I visited the local health food store with only my

30 year old copy of " Let's get Well " by Adelle Davis (NY: Signet, 1972.) It

was there, on pages 235 and 243-245, that I found evidence that vitamins

helped. Then, I drove 100 miles to my daughter and her husband's house to

deliver a basket filled with bottles of vitamins and other food supplements.

My daughter mixes these things together twice a day and, though not quite

four years old, the boy takes them with no problem. I recently spoke to my

daughter to verify the dosages, which we decided on after consulting the

book " Healthy Healing " (11th ed.) by Linda G. Rector-Page (Healthy Healing

Publications, 2000. ISBN: 188433489X) and then adjusted for my grandson's

size. (His weight is about 38 pounds.)


" He takes:


a liquid B-complex supplement, 1/2 tsp 2X (two times) a day


Flax Oil, 1/2 tsp 2X a day


CoQ10 (30 mg), 1/2 capsule 2X a day


Wheat Germ Oil, 1/2 tsp 1X a day


Vitamin A (10,000 IU), 1 capsule 1X a day


Vitamin E (200 IU), 1 capsule 2X a day


60 mg. selenium, 1X a day.


Vitamin C (500 mg), 1/2 tablet crushed 2 X day


magnesium maleate, (625 mg.) 1/4 tsp. 1 X day


lecithin (600 mg), 1/2 capsule 2 X day


evening primrose oil: a few drops a day


" His mother also mixes yeast flakes, lecithin granules, and wheat germ

together and tries to add as much as she can to his diet - in cereal, on

toast with honey, etc. - and often makes banana muffins with wheat germ.


" Within the first week of supplementation there were dramatic changes. He

had been constipated and his stools were black and tar like. That situation

soon became normal and now he is completely potty trained. For the first

time in his little life, he left his mother's side to run around and play

with other children at a school function. Soon afterwards, he began climbing

steps without her help and up the ladder to his brother's bunk bed. He runs

now and has learned how to jump. On my weekly visits I have witnessed all

these changes in his health, strength and personality. On Easter he road his

two wheel bicycle with training wheels all the way down the street and last

week was beginning to learn how to maneuver his sister's scooter. He is a

happier child now and has confidence in himself.


" My daughter received no nutritional guidelines nor any help from her

pediatrician, and after waiting two months for an appointment at a

university hospital, enduring all their tests, also left there with nothing.

When she asked both physicians about nutrition and dietary supplements they

told her, 'There are no studies that indicate that diet and nutrition make a



" What we have right now is a visible increase in the child's energy and

strength, which has been noticed by all who know him. We don't know for

certain if we are giving him enough of this vitamin or maybe too much of

another, but do see constant improvement and are doing the best that we can

with what information we've been able to find thus far. I believe there are

great opportunities here.


" In the past 6 months there has been a nagging void in my mind: What

happened with that promising research information? Isn't there anyone who

followed up, who pursued this? I am afraid to imagine numbers of parents who

are going through what my daughter did with the doctors last year, only to

return home with nothing but the prospect of watching their child

deteriorate further. I hope this story may help some of them. "


Kathleen M. Hanson




Thank you, Kathleen, for sharing your most promising experiences with all of



DOCTOR YOURSELF Book and Website News


For information about my in-your-face megahealth book, " DOCTOR YOURSELF:

Natural Healing that Works " please take a look at

http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html . When purchased directly from

me, I am of course happy to autograph your book for you.


A Doctor Yourself READER REVIEW:


" I purchased your book " Doctor Yourself " from Amazon.com and have read it

all the way through, twice. It's fun reading, and even the parts that don't

apply to me have very useful information. "


Thank you. You know, when my book was first published, it was all the way

down the sales list at Amazon at about 2,000,000th out of all their

products. Really. Now, it is number 89,306. That means, I guess, that I now

outsell 1,900,000 other items at Amazon. At this rate, Harry Potter may have

some new competition. Additionally, DOCTORYOURSELF.COM has now gone through

the 25,000 hits-per-day mark. My heartfelt thank you's to all my readers for

your success in making me so popular.




I often go weeks without entering a food store. If you do not believe that,

look here:




And here:




Here, too: http://www.doctoryourself.com/recipes.html


And, especially, do look at this next one to follow. Here is the chapter

that did NOT make it into my Doctor Yourself book. Now you can read it

anyway, savor the good judgement of my editor, and appreciate why it was





And speaking of cutting:




Yes, it is right " upstairs from the Los Angeles County morgue, and such

close proximity to several hundred bodies, even unseen, can be creepy. " You

used to be able to buy their official red toe tags for $5 each, imprinted

with your name, but they may be currently unavailable, or simply " buried " in

backorders. Yes, you can get coroner mugs, key rings, bumper stickers,

T-shirts, hats, beach towels, boxer shorts, and plastic skulls. Can't get a

cheap flight to LA? They are dying for your business, of course, and

therefore have an upscale, if tasteless, website at http://www.lacoroner.com


I especially like the " Stay Cool " refrigerator magnet ($2).


(Roderick K. Little shop around the coroner. Smithsonian magazine, December,

2003, p 30-32.)


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AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This newsletter is not in any way offered as

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necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one

should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from

a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision.


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