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Chemical Sensitivity - It's a Serious Problem More Often Than You Think!!!

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Chemical Sensitivity - It's a Serious Problem More Often Than You Think!!!




2002-04-10 |


The source of the problem



There are over 70,000 chemicals commercially produced in the United States

today. many of which were developed after World War II. The long-term, low dose

effects of many of these chemicals have never been investigated. In fact, the

term “low dose” is misleading, implying low concentrations are harmless. But

many chemicals are harmful in very low doses, like the herbicide 2,4, 5-T which

is harmful in parts-per-trillion. Unless generated by the body (formaldehyde,

pentane), the body’s level for chemicals should be non-detectable, and not “low



With the energy conservation efforts of the 1980’s came the construction of

closed buildings. The inability to circulate fresh air coupled with the rise in

toxic construction materials and an increase in the use of office machines has

created an indoor air pollution problem that exceeds outdoor air pollution. In

fact, only approximately 40% of indoor chemicals come from outdoors. Sixty

percent of indoor chemicals are generated by products or machines used indoors.


The workplace is a site for chemical toxicity. Closed buildings present their

own problems, and each profession additionally contributes specific chemical

exposures. With the down-sizing of many businesses and the movement of workers

from the office to their respective homes, the home must also be evaluated as a

source of occupational chemical exposure. And because the “work” of childhood is

to become educated, schools with their multiple chemicals (asbestos, chalk,

paints, solvents, commercial cleaning products, etc.) are a source for

substantial chemical toxicity, not only for children but also for teachers,

secretaries, janitors, and other school employees.



Who's at risk?

The exact number of persons suffering from chemical sensitivity is unclear, but

the rise in asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, and

second-hand smoke lung disease are all examples of this illness. A study of

24,000 students at Northern Texas University revealed 25 normals for chemical

toxicity (0.1%). The ratio of females to males presenting for medical treatment

is 7:1. Males more typically present with advanced disease.


What are the signs of chemical sensitivity?

Chemicals Sensitivity is defined as an adverse reaction(s) to ambient doses of

toxic chemicals contained in air, food, and water. Both inorganic compounds

(carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, heavy metals, etc.) and organic compounds

(pesticides, formaldehyde, phenol, etc.) are involved. The suffering patient

usually presents with multi-system complaints depending on the tissues or organs

involved, the pharmacological nature of the exposure, the susceptibility of the

exposed person, and the presence of other body stressors.


Central nervous system dysfunction is common, resulting in headache, chronic

fatigue, poor short term memory, hyperactivity, and increased appetite leading

to food cravings and overeating. Respiratory complaints include adult onset

“asthma”, shortness of breath, and fibrotic lung disease. Heart palpitations and

dysrhythmias herald severe cardiac dysfunction. Abdominal bloating,

constipation, and multiple food

intolerances signal gastrointestinal involvement. Often Raynaud’s-type vascular

constriction resulting in cold hands and feet, easy bruising, or phlebitis

signal chemically- induced peripheral vascular disease. Arthritis and myalgias

indicate musculoskeletal involvement. Recurrent, sterile urinary tract

inflammation, auto-immune endocrine involvement, and peripheral nerve weakness,

paresthesias, and sensory deficits are also found. In fact, the hallmark of

chemical sensitivity is that patients present with multisystem disease. This is

because, once the chemicals enter the body, they enter the bloodstream and

circulate to all parts of the body, even the brain.


Two important phenomena to understand are " spreading " and " switching. " Spreading

occurs when additional organ systems are involved, or when a patient

additionally becomes sensitive to inhalants, foods, dust, animal danders, or

other environmental exposures. Switching occurs when the same exposure produces

entirely different organ involvement (i.e. photocopier fumes initially caused

headache, and subsequently caused no headache but wheezing).


The main mechanism for chemical sensitivity is the failure of the body’s enzyme

detoxification pathways to adequately clear chemical compounds. Both immune and

non-immune processes have been involved. Chemical sensitivity can develop after

a massive chemical exposure (i.e. Bhopal), after specific non-chemical events

(massive trauma, childbirth, surgery), after severe infections (viral,

bacterial, parasitic) or with no identifiable cause (60% in one large study).

Approximately 28% of patients diagnosed with chemical sensitivity have

employment-related exposures.



Because most of the toxic chemicals involved are lipophyllic (fat soluble), they

become stored in the body’s fat, resistant to metabolism and excretion. In fact,

the chemical levels measured from fat biopsies are sometimes 300 times greater

than the circulating serum levels.


How can I tell if I am sensitive to chemicals?

The diagnosis of chemical sensitivity is achieved by taking a thorough patient

history including occupational, home, and environmental exposures, diet,

medications, and personal care items. The timing of symptoms to exposure,

reproducibility of the symptoms, spreading, and switching must all be

investigated. Serum levels of suspected chemicals confirm the diagnosis. If

serum levels are negative and suspicion is high, a fat biopsy must be performed

and often cinches the diagnosis. Additionally, chemical challenge tests can

demonstrate the cause-and-effect relationship between a chemical exposure and

symptoms. A brain SPECT scan calibrated for chemical sensitivity can demonstrate

classic patterns of cerebral bloodflow and brain neuron function aberrations.


Evaluation of end-organ disease is accomplished through pulmonary function

tests, chest x-rays, liver function tests, thyroid function tests with

antibodies, adrenal evaluation with antibodies, urinalysis, blood chemistry,

endoscopy, cystoscopy, etc. depending on the symptoms involved.



Is there any treatment for chemical sensitivity?

Avoidance of the harmful chemicals is the first step in treatment. Removal

eliminates the exposure. Face masks and air filters can minimize exposures when

total removal is not possible (i.e. car fumes on the street). However, total

removal should be accomplished whenever possible.


To maximize a patient’s liver detoxification pathways, selected nutrients which

are co-factors of liver Phase II detoxification pathways are administered. To

decrease the fat stores of chemicals, a heat detoxification program has been

developed consisting of selected nutrients, exercise, heat therapy, and massage.

The protocol of nutrients, exercise, and heat therapy can often reduce the serum

levels of the chemicals to " non-detectable. "


Because of the spreading phenomenon, sensitivity to molds, grasses, trees,

weeds, foods, dust, and other environmental factors must also be determined.

Avoidance and/or desensitization for these factors is the treatment of choice.


So what's the prognosis, Doc?

The prognosis depends on how early in the disease process the diagnosis is made

and treatment is started. Early diagnosis and treatment yields an excellent

prognosis. Although the patient usually remains chemically sensitive, symptoms

can be controlled. Late diagnosis and treatment often results in irreversible,

fixed, end-organ disease and progressive spreading and switching. The goal is to

make the diagnosis and to initiate treatment as soon as symptoms develop.



Chemicals are pervasive in our environment, and constant exposure to low levels

can cause multi-system dysfunction. Good diagnostic modalities are now available

to detect chemical toxicity. Treatment consists of avoidance of toxic chemicals,

augmenting liver pathways to excrete chemicals, and a heat treatment protocol

that mobilizes chemicals from the fat deposits in the body where chemicals often

get stored.


Adrienne Buffaloe, M. D.


Dr. Adrienne Buffaloe is Dirctor of the Townsend Foundation, a non-profit

organization for research, education, and heallthcare for the indigent for

environmentally-triggered illnesses.


She is also a member of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and a

graduate of Columbia College..........>>>>>Scholar.


The Townsend Foundation Post Office Box 503 New York, NY 10156

tel (212) 685-2286 ext 4 fax (212) 725-5744.



American Academy of Environmental Medicine, 4510 West 89th Street-Suite 110,

Prairie Village, Kansas 66207.


Braunwald E, et al Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 11th Edition , New

York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1987, pp 1313-14.


Environmental Health Perspectives, National Institutes of Health: National

Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Washington, DC: United States

Printing Office.


Randolph, TG. Human Ecology and Susceptibility to the Chemical Environment

Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, 1962.


Rea, W. Chemical Sensitivity Vol. I-IV Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers,



Reeves, AL (ed). Toxicology: Principles and Practice, New York: John Wiley and

Sons, 1981.


Copyright 1995, 1996 by Adrienne Buffaloe, MD.









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