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Shirley's Wellness News June/July 04

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Shirley's Wellness Cafe Newsletter <wellnesscafe wrote:

Shirley's Wellness Cafe Newsletter


Shirley's Wellness News June/July 04

Tue, 29 Jun 2004 06:25:59 -0500


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What's in the news

Dr. Bob Rogers, DVM is asking for your help in writing letters to lawmakers

Vaccinosis Chronic Disease Caused By Vaccines

Chronic disease and The Immune System by Dr. Will Falconer, DVM




Dr. Bob Rogers, DVM - " Veterinary Medicine has one of the best public images of

any profession. Now for the first in our lifetime we face a difficult ethical

challenge, that of revising our vaccination recommendations. We say

light-heartedly that half of everything we learned in Vet School was wrong; we

just don’t know which half. Although most Veterinarians enjoy a challenge, it is

always difficult to make a transition from what we thought we knew and were

comfortable with, to new and less familiar ways of doing things. Most

organizations like most people tend to resist change. " more

Dr. Bob Rogers, DVM is asking for your help in writing letters to lawmakers

Dear Fellow Pet Lovers,

I have created this e-mail list especially for people whom I hope will be

willing to help me advocate for vaccination reform. I am asking for your help,

in writing letters.

As you know, I have asked the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners,

who's duty it is to protect the public, to take a leadership role in

stopping the common practice of administration of vaccinations which are

unnecessary, provide no benefit for the pet, and are potentially harmful.

They have repeatedly refused or have made suggestions which have been

ineffective. (See the complaint and open letter response in the library on my

web site: www.critteradvocacy.org ).

I have taken this complaint to the Texas Sunset Commission, a commission of 12

State Senators and Representatives who over-see the State Veterinary Board. They

have directed the Vet Board to take action to stop unnecessary vaccinations and

will introduce legislation to address this.

These Texas lawmakers have proposed legislation to prohibit unnecessary vaccines

and reform the way DVMs obtain CE to avoid conflict of interests.

Veterinarians in Texas are lobbying against this reform.



It does not matter if you don't live in Texas. << Letters MUST be received by

these lawmakers by July 9th.>> (click here for a sample letter)

The proposed legislation, and a list of the law makers is on my web site

(effective 6/28/04), along with a sample letter/petition I would like you to



I have also posted on my web site (effective (6/28/04)), a link to my slide

presentation, which reviews the literature to support reduced vaccination


Please take a look and help me spread the word about this very informative slide



Bob Rogers, DVM


www.critteradvocacy.org is dedicated to the education of pet owners and the

care-takers that help them.

click here for a sample letter



Vaccinosis: Chronic Disease Caused By Vaccines - In fall 1997, two influential

professional magazines featured articles asking the question: Has the decrease

of infectious diseases in childhood through the mass use of vaccines been

replaced with an increase in chronic diseases such as diabetes and asthma? The

Economist, a prestigious international magazine read by world leaders in

government, business and public policy, and Science News, a magazine read by

both health care professionals and the general public, explored the reported

links between vaccines and chronic diseases in their November 22, 1997 issues.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS / cot death ) and Childhood Vaccines

Misdiagnosed Shaken Baby Syndrome - SBS or Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis?

Do Children's Shots Invite Autism? by Bernard Rimland Ph.D.

Childhood Vaccinations and Juvenile-Onset (Type-1) Diabetes by Harris Coulter,


Library - Books & Journals: Vaccine Controversy

Homeopathy is noted for its success to antidote or remove the toxic effects of

vaccines and to re-establish balance in the organism and restore health. Certain

homeopathic remedies taken after vaccination can minimize vaccine damage. A

professional homeopathic vet should be consulted for more information. more

about homeopathy

Dr. Smits MD - " Once the diagnosis of The Post-Vaccination Syndrome (PVS) is

considered a simple and efficient treatment can restore health by giving the

vaccinations that caused the disease in homeopathic potencies. Even severe

damage as paralysis, epilepsy, general decline, etc. can partially or completely

be restored. "

Homeopathy can be used successfully to prevent and treat smallpox, measles,

whooping cough, chickenpox, and other ailments



Dr. Will Falconer, DVM - " Most of the chronic diseases we commonly see in

animals (and humans) have an immune basis, e.g. diabetes, allergies, asthma,

thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, repeated ear infections, cancer,

etc. While they can be cured through the careful use of homeopathy, the road to

cure can be a long one -- often years if the animal has had years of

disease.Transfer factors can significantly shorten the course, by giving a much

needed balancing effect to the immune system. If the immune system is overactive

as in allergies, ear infections, asthma, diabetes, or hypothyroidism, Transfer

Factor can balance this overactivity so the system is not attacking its own

organs, overreacting to things that shouldn’t be perceived as a threat. If,

conversely, the immune system is under-active as in mange, parasites, viral

infections, or cancer, Transfer Factor Plus can clearly stimulate it to better

meet the challenges it needs to be alert to. " About Dr. Falconer



Dr. John Hanover, DVM - " I incorporate acupuncture, chiropractic treatments and

herbal formulas into my practice to give my patients the best available

treatment. Herbs are preferable because they do not have the side effects or

toxins that medications do and they sometimes work better. The Amazon Herb

formulas are convenient, easy to use and safe. They are not drugs but are whole,

concentrated foods so you do not have to worry about giving your pet too much. "



I update my site regularily. Click here to check what's new at Shirley's

Wellness Cafe (www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/update.htm )Feel free to forward

this newsletter to friends and e-mail groups. I grant the permission to print,

copy and distribute this information freely, in part or in full, as long as you

maintain the integrity of the information and the links. (more info on copyright




Disclaimer - The information in Shirley's Wellnesss Cafe's newsletter is

presented for the educational and free exchange of ideas and speech in relation

to health and wellness only. It is not intended to diagnose any physical or

mental condition, or to prescribe or promote any particular product(s). It is

not intended as a substitute for the advice and treatment of a licensed

professional. In the event that you use the information for your own health, or

for your animals, you are prescribing for yourself or your animals, which is

your constitutional right and for which the author of this site assumes no

responsibility. The author of this website is neither a legal counselor nor a

health practitioner, nor a veterinarian and make no claims in this regard.

Search Shirley's Wellness Cafe

Shirley's Wellness Cafe is a free educational website oriented to self healing

and dedicated to help promote natural health for humans and their animals.

Learn to achieve natural health for you, your family and your pets with

alternative/holistic/complimentary/integrative and preventative methods of

healing: homeopathy, herbs, urine therapy, hydrotherapy, raw foods & juices,

therapeutic fasts, healing clays, sunlight, thalassotherapy (seawater),

nutrition, naturopathy, biomagnetics healing, aromatherapy, reiki healing,

flower essences and more. " First do no harm... "

Partial list of topics at Shirley's Wellness Cafe:

About Shirley: learn how I achieved optimum health after a lifetime of

suffering www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/author.htm

Optimum Pet Nutrition & Holistic Animal Health:


Natural Health for Children & Parenting Issues:


Natural Health for Women: www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/women.htm

Natural Health for Men: www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/men.htm

Homeopathic Medicine for your Family and your Pets:


The Healing Powers of Raw Foods & Juices:


Healing with Flowers, Herbs, hydrotherapy & Other Natural Remedies:


Healing Clays are one of the most effective natural detoxifying agents

available. www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/clay.htm

Water: the great healer (hydrotherapy)


Alternative Cancer Therapy Programs:


Oils That Can Save Your Life: Flax Oil The Wonder Healer:


Salt Deficiency: the cause of many serious disease


Urine Therapy: medically proven natural cure:


Basic Healing Principles - A healing crisis: what is it?:


Therapeutic Fasting and Internal Cleansing:


Cayenne Pepper: the great healer www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/cayenne.htm

Wheatgrass juice: nectar of health and rejuvenation


Healing Earth: Fulvic Acid & Shilajit


Transfer Factor an immune booster for people and animals


Diabetes: alternative therapies: www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/diabetes.htm

Testimonials of Amazing Health Recovery:


Healing eczema/psoriasis: a drugless approach:


Dental Amalgams the " silver " fillings in your teeth - Is It Safe?:


Fluoride: wide range of serious health problems:


Beware of canola oil: www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/canola.htm

Beware of The Toxicity of Soy Products www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/soy.htm

The Bitter Truth About NutraSweet (Aspartame):


I grant the permission to copy, print, or distribute the information contained

in this file, in part or in full, as long as the integrity of the information

and the links is maintained and when used only in a not-for-profit format. If

any other use is desired, permission in writing from Shirley Lipschutz-Robinson

is required. This information is freely available for educational purposes only.

©Copyright 1996-2004 Shirley Lipschutz-Robinson .






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