Guest guest Posted July 3, 2004 Report Share Posted July 3, 2004 Unholy Alliance: Part I BY KATHLEEN B. DEOUL There's a breast cancer epidemic in the United States. Between 180,000 and 200,000 women will fall victim to the disease this year. For about 20% of them, 40,000, the disease will prove fatal. If doubt that the situation is out of control and has reached crisis proportions, consider the following: * Three decades ago, the odds of a woman getting breast cancer were 1 in 20. * Ten years ago, the odds of a woman getting breast cancer were 1 in 13. * Today, the odds of a woman getting breast cancer are 1 in 7! In other words, today you are three times as likely to get breast cancer as you were in the 1970s. But that's not all. According to the National Cancer Institute's SEER data, the rate of occurrence for breast cancer among women under the age of 40 increased by 55% between 1951 and 1995, and continues to rise at around 2% per year! Why is this happening? Initially, researchers dismissed the rise in the breast cancer rate claiming it was nothing more than the result of more intensive screening. Because more women were getting mammograms, they argued, it was natural that cases that had previously gone undetected would be found, giving the appearance of an increased rate. The trouble is, were this the case, after an initial rise in new cases, the breast cancer rate would be expected to level off, reflecting the new, more aggressive screening. That isn't what happened. Instead, the rate continued to rise. Moreover, while previously undetected cases might account for a slight rise in the breast cancer rate, there is no way they could be responsible for the rate tripling! But if it's not more screening, what is the cause, and why haven't we heard more about it? The answer is that an unholy alliance of special interests doesn't want you to know the truth! There is simply too much money, power and influence at stake! Above all else, this alliance doesn't want you to learn one central fact: the very people we have put our faith in to cure breast cancer may be its principal cause! To understand how this could be it is necessary first to examine the evidence showing the link between the breast cancer epidemic and its cause. A SIMPLE CALCULUS Researchers will argue that determining the cause of a disease as complex as breast cancer is an illusive goal. Yet, a simple calculus points a clear finger of blame: * Fully 70% of the women who contract breast cancer have NONE of the known risk factors. * Non-industrialized countries have far lower rates of breast cancer than industrialized countries. * North America and Northern Europe have the highest breast cancer rates. * Asia and Africa have the lowest breast cancer rates. * Women who live in non-industrialized countries and then move to industrialized countries develop breast cancer at the same rate as women who have always lived in industrialized countries. In short, something is happening in the industrialized world that is causing the breast cancer epidemic! But what is it? If you listen to the " experts, " they'll tell you that the reason is that women are too fat, or are taking hormone replacement therapy or that they have a genetic disposition to the disease or that they didn't breast feed or that they did breast feed or that they had children too late or that they didn't have enough children. According to the " experts " any way you slice it, it's the fault of the women who get breast cancer that they have contracted a life-threatening disease! In other words, blame the victim! It's an easy out. It's also a way to divert attention from the real cause: the ever-increasing presence of toxic chemicals in our environment. There are over 85,000 synthetic chemicals in commercial use today, and more than 90% of them have never been tested for their effects on human health. Of those that have been tested, many are known to be carcinogenic. But how do we know that we are being exposed to these chemicals? We know because no less an authority than the United States Geological Survey says that we are. A CHEMICAL FEAST Two studies by The U.S. Geological Survey show just how bad the problem has become. One examined water from 406 urban wells and 2,543 rural wells. It found that one or more volatile organic compounds (industrial solvents and related chemicals) were present in 47% of the urban wells and 14% of the rural wells. They affected the drinking water of as many as 50 million Americans. Included among the noxious chemicals the USGS discovered were benzene and xylene, both powerful carcinogens. The four chemicals detected most frequently trichloroethene and tetrachloroethen which are industrial solvents, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) a gasoline additive and thrichloromethane (chloroform) which is a solvent and a byproduct of the disinfection of drinking water. A second study by the USGS examined the presence of pharmaceutical products, hormones and other organic products in U.S. streams. These results were equally disturbing. Substances found included steroids, human and veterinary drugs natural and synthetic hormones, detergents, plasticizers insecticides and fire retardants. In many instances, wastewater chemicals were mixed in the streams sampled. In half the samples, seven or more chemicals were detected and in one 38 separate chemicals were found. What is most troubling is that there are no safety standards of health advisories for many of the chemicals the researchers found. Nor is there any understanding of what health effects may result from exposures to combinations of the substances detected. Moreover, the level of contamination is likely to increase as the volume of chemicals used in agricultural and other applications continues to grow. For example, in California alone, the use of carcinogenic pesticides increased by 127% between 1991 and 1998. In other regions of the country, similar increases have occurred. But is there really a threat? The evidence suggests there is. THE LINK TO BREAST CANCER Although chemical manufacturers deny any health threat from their products, studies of exposures in the workplace and the home suggest otherwise. For example, in New Jersey, a study of 24,000 blue collar workers found a significant association between breast cancer in African-American women and employment in one of several chemical-intensive industries. Ironically, one of the industries where this phenomenon was present was pharmaceuticals, where breast cancer mortality among workers was 1.64 times higher than the national average. In the electrical equipment industry, where industrial solvents are widely used, the rate was 1.51 times higher. A study of New York women in the electrical and printing industries had similar findings. The scope of the problem becomes evident when you consider that 4 million women are employed in the chemical industry and that at least one million of them are exposed to chemicals that are known to cause breast cancer! Nor is this news recent. A study published in the Journal of Occupational Medicine in 1977 reported that women exposed to vinyl chloride in the workplace experienced a higher than expected rate of deaths from breast cancer. But you don't have to work around toxic chemicals to develop an increased breast cancer risk. On Long Island, the New York Department of Health found that women who had lived near large chemical plants located there experienced a sharply increased risk of breast cancer. Another study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology found that breast cancer mortality among white women increased in direct proportion to how close they lived to one of that state's 111 Superfund toxic waste sites. The closer they were, the greater the risk. Further, it's not just epidemiological studies that suggest the link between chemical pollution and breast cancer. MORE EVIDENCE In a recent study, researchers at the Sart Tilman Hospital in Liege Belgium have concluded that women with breast cancer have higher residues of the chemicals DDT and HCB in their tissue. The study included 159 women with breast cancer and 250 healthy women. According to Dr. Charles Charlier, a lead researcher, " These results add to the growing evidence that certain persistent pollutants may occur in higher concentrations in blood samples from breast cancer patients than controls. " What was particularly striking was that 25% of the healthy women had no detectable levels of either DDT or HCB in their blood samples whereas only 2.5% of the women with breast cancer did. Since it is known that DDT and HCB act like estrogen in the human body, stimulating the growth of precancerous and cancerous cells, the finding provides an important indication of the role these pollutants may have in the rapid increase in breast cancer rates. First used in the 1940s, DDT use peaked in 1962, when 80 million kilograms were applied to crops forests and other land areas. With the publication of " The Silent Spring, " however, concern over the effects of widespread use of the chemical arose. As a result, it was banned by the EPA in 1972. As of 1995, its use was banned in 49 countries. While DDT has been banned, it remains a problem due to its persistence in the environment. The USGS has found DDT residues in water and soil samples a much as 20 years after it was first applied! Of course, it's not just DDT that is a problem. A New York University study on women's health reported that women with the highest concentrations of chlorine-based pesticides and other organochlorines in their blood and fat had cancer risks from 4 to 10 times higher than the general population. For New Yorkers this is a particularly significant finding because there are an estimated million pounds of PCBs (a family of organochlorines chemicals) buried at the bottom of a 40-mile stretch of the Hudson River. The chemical contamination was the consequence of decades of dumping by a General Electric Plant and led to contamination of fish and wildlife throughout the region. Ultimately the State of New York had to sue GE to force the company to pay for dredging of a waterway that runs parallel to the Hudson near Albany, NY. And what did GE industry say to this? The company claimed the river was " cleaning itself! " As far as they were concerned there wasn't a problem! But that's not all. Wherever possible the chemical companies are sure no one else thinks there's a problem - or at least they're not able to say that one exists! MUZZLING THE OPPOSITION When a number of earlier studies came out suggesting that there was a higher presence of residues of DDT and other chemicals in breast tumor tissues, they were quickly debunked by an article in the New England Journal of Medicine. What was not revealed in the article, however, was the fact that it had been funded by the Chemical Manufacturers Association. Nor was this the only instance where critics of environmental contamination were attacked. When author Sandra Steingraber published " Living Downstream, " a book concerning the link between environmental pollution and cancer in 1998, the New England Journal of Medicine was quick to publish a scathing book review accusing the author of being obsessed with environmental pollution as the cause of cancer. Again, the Journal was less than candid. It only identified the book review's author as Jerry H. Berke. What it neglected to disclose was the Mr. Berke was a senior official at W.R. Grace and Company, among the largest chemical manufacturers. It also failed to note the Grace had been forced into a $69 million clean-up of contaminated wells in Woburn, Massachusetts by the Environmental Protection Agency! When a prestigious scientific organization, the International Joint Committee (IJC) recommended a global phase-out of many chlorinated chemicals, affecting roughly 15,000 compounds, the industry was quick to react in opposition to the move. The IJC had not made its recommendation in a vacuum. There had been mounting evidence about the danger of these chemicals and something even more dramatic. By 1978, Israel had one of the highest breast cancer rates in the world - 25%. Moreover, the breast cancer rate had been increasing annually in Israel for a quarter century. It also, however, had one of the highest rates of environmental pollution from chlorine chemical pesticides such as benzene hexachloride, and DDT. Responding to public pressure, the government there banned the use of these substances. Remarkably, following the move, the breast cancer rate began to drop. By 1986 it had fallen by 8% for all groups and by more than a third for women between the ages of 25 and 34. In the face of such overwhelming evidence the IJC recommendation was clearly justified - at least that's what one would think. Apparently, however, the logic of the decision was not as clear to the chemical industry, or, more important, it's new ally: The American Cancer Society! And therein lies the other half of the story. For decades, America's land, water and air have been filled with noxious substances that are largely responsible for the cancer epidemic the nation is facing. Yet, many of the very institutions we rely on to fight the scourge of cancer have made a devil's bargain with the very companies responsible for that pollution. Next month the second part of The Unholy Alliance will detail the way in which companies benefit from both causing and treating cancer, and use their financial clout to effectively buy off the institutions that are claiming to seek a cure for the disease. We will discuss how this pernicious relationship colors the nature of research and directs it away from prevention and from alternatives that might hold hope for millions. Don't miss part two of " The Unholy Alliance " next month. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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