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The World's Most Vicious MACC Attack: Genetic Engineering is the culprit.

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> TOTAL WELLNESS, Newsletter

by Dr. Sherry Rogers, M. D.




Up until now I never dreamed there

> could be anything worse than the chemical

> catastrophes we have

> experienced in this century, but I was wrong, for at

> least with chemical

> sensitivity you can find evidence for it's

> bioacumulation in the body,

> and get rid of it.


> On the other hand there is a newer plague that is

> nearly impossible to

> detect and it is irreversible. Worse, it causes an

> unmistakable,

> inescapable domino effect.


> GENETIC ENGINEERING is the culprit.


> You probably were first aware of genetic engineering

> when I told you

> about Monsanto inserting genes from plants of

> unrelated species into the

> soybean plant to make it resistant to the potent

> herbicide, Roundup

> [glyphosate]. The Roundup resistant soybean seed can

> now be heavily

> sprayed with Roundup to kill weeds, and never damage

> the soybean.


> However, the beans do pack quite a wallop for those

> who ingest them

> because they are heavily con-taminated with the

> toxic herbicide,

> Roundup. These genetically modified soybean

> products, which comprise

> about 80% of the beans available, have been found in

> most baby formulas

> including Carna-tion, Similac, Enfamil, Isomil, and

> Neocare as well as

> Doritos, Fritos, vegetable oils, soybean oil,

> margarine, and much more.


> As well, one of the genes is from the petunia plant

> which is a

> nightshade. That means folks with nightshade-induced

> arthritis can now

> get arthritis from soybean products. When Monsanto

> inserted the Brazil

> nut gene into soy, folks allergic to Brazil nuts

> were suddenly

> anaphylaxis [serious life threatening reaction where

> one is not able to

> breathe] from soybean. They quickly re-moved the

> gene because the

> symptom was so dramatic.


> Unfortunately, genetic engineering is not limited to

> a simple matter of

> trying to improve upon a few species of plant food.

> For when a gene from

> one species is placed in a wholly different animal

> or plant, you need a

> vector, or something that will carry that gene into

> the genetic factory

> of the unrelated or-ganism. Oftentimes a VIRUS is

> used, since a virus is

> merely a piece of genetic material with a protein

> coat that is so small

> that it can easily " infect " other genetic material.



> FOOD Cancer in

> chickens, often results from infection with the Rous

> Sarcoma virus. Hold

> your seat, for you'll probably find this as

> difficult to believe as I

> did. Scientists who make money for companies through

> genetic engineering

> have decided there is no problem with using this

> chicken cancer virus as

> a vector or carrier to implant the growth hormone

> gene into farmed fish

> so they will grow faster.


> The problem is that once inside the fish, this virus

> can persist and

> infect the next host, you, that eats that fish.

> Scientists glibly say

> that there is no danger here and can get away with

> it because the U. S

> Government does not require any testing or proof of

> the safety of

> genetically engineered foods. And the scary part is

> far from over.


> LEUKEMIA virus in chicken has been used as a vector

> to carry genes, many

> of which are human, into developing poultry. In

> addition, a retrovirus

> was used as a virus vector in pigs to insert human

> fetal cells to grow

> aortas for transplantation into humans. These have

> led to infections in

> humans with the pig's retrovirus. Have they lost

> their minds and all ethics?


> These viruses can also combine with one another to

> create new plant and

> animal diseases. And more important, foreign genetic

> material from these

> viruses can be absorbed through our intestines and

> become incorporated

> into the cells of our own bodies creating new

> diseases in us. Wow! What

> a sci-fi nightmare!


> Genes inserted into plants are put there to make

> them resistant to

> certain pests, pesticides, herbicides or

> antibiotics. But these vectors

> or gene transporters can also infect the bacteria

> and other organisms in

> our intestinal tracts.


> Creating a new antibiotic resistance in them. How

> would you like to be

> harboring Klebsiella or Candida in your gut that is

> resistant to all

> treatments?


> If that weren't enough of a problem, one of the most

> common genes

> inserted into plants is the Bt gene. Bt stands for

> Bacillus

> thuringiensis, a particular bacteria that secretes a

> toxin that kills

> many types of pests that infect plants. The problem

> is that this toxin,

> once inside some people makes them extremely ill. It

> can mimic the

> symptoms of nightshades where you seemingly

> overnight have to crawl to

> the bathroom for days because of such sore body

> muscles and joints.


> As with a nightshade attack [November 1999 issue]

> days or weeks later it

> can end as precipitously as it began, baffling every

> physician. The Bt

> gene has been put in potatoes, corn and not only

> have soy-beans become

> Roundup resistant but so has the sugar beet from

> which vitamin C powder

> can be made.


> Genes have been put into tomatoes to change their

> ripening time, into

> cotton [used in junk food oil called vegetable oil,

> as on roasted nuts

> given out on airlines] to make that plant resistant

> to pesticides.

> Canola oil is another product of genetic engineering

> and should never be

> ingested.


> In 1994 the U. S FDA approved the genetically

> engineered hormone rBGH

> which is a growth hormone designed to increase milk

> production in cows.

> This growth hormone caused increased mastitis and

> need for antibiotics

> [which go into the milk] and as well over 800

> farmers using it reported

> adverse health problems in their cows.


> Monsanto, the developer, tried to bribe Health

> Canada Govt. officials

> with several million dollars to approve this hormone

> which is used by

> about a third of U. S. farmers.


> The prestigious medical journal, Lancet [May

> 9,1998], shows that breast

> cancer is SEVEN times higher in women with tiny

> increases in growth

> hormone, Insulin like Growth Factor [iGF-1], which

> comes from cows

> injected with BGH. In January 1996 the International

> Journal of Health

> Sciences reported that IGF-1 concentrations are ten

> times higher in BGH

> milk and can be absorbed through our intestines and

> increase our risk of

> cancer.


> As well, there is evidence that it has caused

> abnormal cysts on the

> thyroid gland and in the prostate gland and a myriad

> of other symptoms.

> There is no turning back. By forcing genes from one

> species to another

> entirely unrelated species, we are creating new

> entities.


> This is another example of the arrogance and

> ignorance of man when he

> thinks that he can one-up God and create an improved

> organism.


> There are so many fallacies with this reasoning that

> over a dozen books

> have already been written to begin to collate much

> of the evidence

> against genetically modified organisms. The

> difficulty is that there are

> not enough people even aware of the problem to make

> a significant impact.


> By the time the damage is done it will be to late.

> It's not like

> cleaning up a lake from decades of pollution. Once

> we have [1] lost

> thousands of species of plants, [2] driven all small

> farmers out of

> business, [3] created Frankenstein foods, [4] super

> weeds resistant to

> all herbicides, [5] plants resistant to pesticides,

> [6] new viruses and

> new illnesses in humans, there will be no turning

> back.


> You might be surprised as I was to find that there

> is no testing

> required even after these and many more facts have

> come to light.

> Genetically modified foods are already unavoidable

> and there is

> absolutely no labeling required. We are already

> eating genetically

> modified foods, as 60% of processed foods now

> contain at least one

> genetically modified food.


> A common snack might be chips with firefly gene or

> potato chips with

> chicken gene [watch out for leukemia and sarcoma,

> muscle cancer, virus

> genes]. Or perhaps you like salsa with tomato having

> a flounder gene. A

> common meal might include creamy broccoli soup with

> a bacteria gene and

> a salad made with canola oil, vegetable oil or

> soybean oil, all GMO

> products.


> People like myself who are nightshade sensitive are

> really out of luck

> because the tobacco gene is used in lettuce and

> cucumbers and the

> petunia gene is used in soybeans and carrots.


> Folks with celiac disease might be fooled because

> walnuts can have the

> barley gene in them. And some foods like

> strawberries have " undisclosed

> genes " so all bets are off.


> Would we expect anything different from an industry

> that has carte

> blanche regulation-free control over our total food

> supply? You might

> think cheese is a safe food but they've genetically

> engineered

> bacterial rennet. Apple juice can have the silkworm

> gene and grapes can

> contain a virus gene. Well including trout, salmon,

> catfish, bass and

> even shrimp. In May of 1999, three giant

> multinational food companies

> announced they would no longer market genetically

> engineered foods or

> their ingredients in England, because the Limeys

> were smart enough to

> protest, so guess who will get the leftovers? U. S.


> Proponents of GMO foods say they will lessen the

> amount of pesticides

> that must be used, but that is not true. Didn't we

> already fall for this

> line with the promise that new pesticides would

> reduce the need for others?


> First of all many of the toxins that plants have

> been genetically

> manipulated or forced to produce also kill

> beneficial things like

> ladybugs so that even more pesticides are needed to

> do the job that they

> would have done. These genes can also spread from

> the crops to the weeds

> making the weeds more resistant and stronger than

> ever, creating an

> epidemic of super weeds.


> Also disturbing is a report that Monsanto's Roundup

> ready resistant GE

> soybeans have higher than normal levels of

> estrogen. Is this something

> we want for male babies growing up on soybean

> formula? As well, some of

> the viruses used as vectors for genes and inserted

> into plants to make

> them virus resistant can be combined with genetic

> material from another

> invading virus [as from a cold] forming a brand new

> more virulent virus

> and creating a new fatal epidemic that has never

> before been seen.


> Clearly NAFTA has allowed our illegal " recycled "

> pesticides access to

> us, while our FDA and USDA cannot police what they

> already have on their

> plates, much less handle the billion dollar graft

> associ-ated with

> genetic engineering that is so carefully documented



> The FDA has allowed Olestra into your foods, which

> has no proven ability

> to decrease the rampant obesity. But it does

> decrease you absorption of

> priceless nutrients like vitamin E, D, and K that

> are ab-solutely

> crucial in inhibitingthe top two most common causes

> of death and

> disease, arteriosclerosis and cancer. In the past we

> have talked about

> how many people are not " Better Through Chemistry "

> as DuPont's old motto

> suggested.


> Because many have lost loved ones to cancer and

> other diseases caused by

> environmental chemicals, they have become " bitter

> through chemistry " .

> These chemicals are allowed in our air, food and

> water so that

> multinational corporations can make huge profits.

> Now with the wildfire

> spread of genetic engineering, small farms will fade

> into extinction as

> multinational agriculture and chemical corporations

> [MACC] gain control

> over all of your food.


> Are you ready for the greatest MACC attack in the

> history of the world?

> Worse than chemical pollution ever thought of being,

> genetic pollution

> has the irreversible potential and probability of

> changing the very

> nature of all of or food and even our own genetics.

> As veterinarian,

> Michael W Fox, warns in his excellent and highly

> recommended book,

> BEYOND EVOLUTION [which details and references the

> dangers of GMO

> foods], our only chance to save ourselves and the

> future is with people

> power.


> But uninformed people are powerless. Multinational

> corporations are

> changing our food and animals and they have free

> reign. They're not

> accountable to anyone since they do not have to

> label their foods and

> they are not required to do any safety testing. It

> is irreversible,

> unstoppable and has the capability of snowballing

> us into a veritable

> Jurassic Park.


> You vote with your shopping basket and can make your

> voice heard by

> letting your legislators know that you want all

> genetically engineered

> food labeled and all engineering stopped until there

> are appropriate

> studies done on the long range human side effects

> and safety.


> Recommended reading: Fox, Michael W BEYOND

> EVOLUTION, the Lyons Press,

> 123 W 18th New York, N. Y. - 10011 - Phone 212

> 620-9580 Cummins R



> CONSUMERS, available from Natural Lifestyles, 1 800

> 752 2775

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