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I don't know if the world

is full of smart men bluffing

or imbeciles who mean it.

(Morrie Brickman)


Most allergies are a lot of bunk. They usually

disappear while you wait if you use the safest, most

powerful, cheapest and most effective

antihistamine-antitoxin in existence: vitamin C. As

Jacob Marley's ghost said to Ebeneezer Scrooge, " You

don't believe in me. " Well, you don't, do you? How

can a simple vitamin replace a medical specialty, and

I'm telling you, it could. You could start a drive-in

allergy clinic, with only one prescription:


" Take C. Forty dollars, please. Do you want fries

with that? "


Wisdom is inherent in simplicity and safety.

Hippocrates, the father of medicine so-called, said:

" Of several remedies, the physician should choose the

least sensational. " That is genius, and it is

practical, reproducible advice good for modern man.

Vitamin C therapy is safe, simple and effective.


So you question this naive approach? Naturally,

since we've all been taught that anything safe and

simple cannot possibly be medically effective. So I

give you the case of my friend Tim.


Tim brought in his wife and family to talk about

scarlet fever. They'd had a touch of it in their

family, and a touch is enough of that. We discussed

vitamin C's role as an antipyretic (fever-lowerer) and

value as an antibiotic. They were keen to focus on

this. Just in passing, Tim also mentioned some

unspecified allergy problems. I briefly mentioned

that vitamin C had great usefulness there as well.


Tim called me a few weeks later.


" Good resolution with the fever, " he said. " We gave

all the kids grams of vitamin C and only one of them

had scarlet fever symptoms. That was Jeffrey, and he

got over it much faster than the doctor expected him

to. "


" That's really good, Tim, " I said.


" There's more to tell, " he responded. " I was stung

by a bee last week. "


" And? "


" And I'm allergic to bee stings. "


Ulp. He hadn't previously told me that.


" I have medicine and an inhaler, " Tim continued.

" The whole kit and kaboodle. When I was stung, I took

25,000 milligrams of vitamin C in the first hour. By

the end of the day, I'd taken 100,000 milligrams. No

symptoms at all. Not even any swelling. You had to

look hard to find where the sting was, even. "


" But you used your medicine, right? "


" No! " Tim said. " That's the amazing thing. Normally

I would have had to, or I would probably die. But

this time, all I did was the C. Talk about an

antitoxin-antihistamine! That vitamin C really

works. "


I was unnerved at the high stakes Tim had played for,

but impressed with his findings.


Allergy, like most disease names, tells you little

about cause and nothing about cure. Robert F.

Cathcart, MD, looks at allergy (and many other

conditions as well) simply in terms of how much

vitamin C it takes to cure it. He has much experience

as a clinician and has published numerous papers on

the topic.


And he is correct.


A young woman, age 20, was brought to see me once by

her family. She was allergic to horses and hay.

Since she loved to ride, and her parents kept several

horses in their barn, this was a big problem. The

young lady was not readily going to change her eating

habits, but was willing to take a lot of vitamin C.

It was effective, as she tells it:


" Whenever I was taking 20,000 milligrams of vitamin C

a day, I had no allergies at all. The only time I got

them back was when I drank beer. So I either avoided

beer, or if I drank, I took an extra 10,000 mg of C.

I never had problems with horses or hay again. "


I had a client once who was allergic to everything,

literally. She said that she'd tested out positive as

allergic to 72 different substances. I'd never heard

of that severe a condition before, and apparently,

neither had her allergist. He said that she could

take a " megadose " of perhaps 1,000 milligrams a day.

It was not doing anything. I suggested she take

vitamin C to bowel tolerance, and hold the C level

just below the amount that caused loose stools. This

turned out to be nearly 40,000 milligrams a day.


She took all the C she could hold. That was the end

of her 72 allergies.


And I've seen more of the same with children and

teenagers, friends and neighbors, all ages and stages.

Take enough C to be symptom free, whatever the amount

might be... but stay a few thousand milligrams under

the amount that would cause diarrhea.


Think about this: what would actually happen if

everyone were actually healthy? If each person took

vitamins? If doctors and hospitals and

pharmaceuticals, all of which prosper from sickness,

were not needed? In America, there is a vested

interest in disease. There is no profit in



The United States Recommended Daily Values (or

Dietary Allowances, or Reference Intakes, or whatever

other claptrap they offer you) are forms or

nutritional communism, or dietetic socialism. The

government-set levels are incontestably right and

ample for all, and that's the end of it. A socialist

state might say that you may earn your pay, but only

keep a subsistence income, say a few thousand dollars

above the federal poverty level. Would your needs be

met with ten or twelve thousand dollars a year? Would

you be best off that way? Does the government have

either the knowledge, or the right, to decide either

your financial needs or your nutritional needs for



RDA's: one size fits nobody.


Let's temporarily assume that orthodox dietitians are

correct when they tell us that vitamin supplements can

only cure vitamin deficiency diseases, and nothing

else. If this is true, when any disease is cured by

supplements, it indicates deficiency. If zinc speeds

recovery from the common cold (and many studies do

confirm this), then people with colds are zinc

deficient. If lots of vitamin C shortens the

intensity and duration of the common cold (and there

are dozens of scientific studies that prove this),

then people with colds are vitamin C deficient as

well. The RDA's and pitiful American intakes are

therefore below the deficiency levels.


LAW: The quantity of a nutritional supplement that

cures an illness indicates the patient's degree of

deficiency. It is therefore not a megadose of the

vitamin, but rather a megadeficiency of the nutrient

that we are dealing with.


Allergies evidently constitute one such



You must use vitamins correctly to get the job done.

Large amounts work; small amounts don't. The dose

depends on the patient. Think big: you have to use as

much as it takes to get results. Dr. Frederick Robert

Klenner said, " If you want results, use adequate

ascorbic acid. Don't send a boy to do a man's job. "

If I were to die tomorrow, I'd want you to remember

that I told you this today: " Take enough C to be

symptom free, whatever that amount might be. "


The safety of vitamin C therapy is unassailable. Dr.

Klenner writes, " Vitamin C is the safest substance

available to the physician. "


Vitamin therapy: don't knock it until you've tried

it. And especially, until you have personally read

Nutritional Influences on Illness, by Melvyn Werbach,

MD; How to Live Longer and Feel Better by Linus

Pauling; The Vitamins in Medicine, by Bicknell and

Prescott; Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C,

edited by Lendon Smith, MD; The Vitamin C Connection,

by Emanuel Cheraskin, MD; A Physician's Handbook on

Orthomolecular Medicine, edited by Roger Williams; and

Orthomolecular Psychiatry, by David Hawkins, MD and

Linus Pauling. Do not be dismayed by these

high-falutin' titles. " Orthomolecular " is usually just

another term for megavitamin. These are the books you

want to look into.


I raised my kids all the way into college without

either of them ever having a single dose of an

antibiotic, not even once. Why? Because we used

vitamins instead, that's why. And this especially

meant lots of vitamin C. Vitamin C very effectively

treated their influenzas and mononucleosis; it

promptly stopped their coughs and their bronchitis; it

lowered their fevers and cured their sore throats. I

repeat: they never once had an antibiotic. Because of

the C, they never once needed an antibiotic. It is

not that kids won't get sick, because they do.

Naturopathy is not about avoiding doctors and drugs.

Naturopathy is about not needing doctors or drugs.

And orthomolecular therapy is about using vitamins

instead of drugs.


Vitamin C is but one of many vitamins, vitamins are

but one part of nutrition, and nutrition is but one

aspect of health. And even then, look what just the

one vitamin can do.


Vitamin C replaces antibiotics, antihistamines,

antipyrretics, antitoxics, and antiviral drugs at

saturation (bowel tolerance) levels. This is the

single most inflammatory statement in medicine.


" I Don't Believe In Allergies "

An English friend of mine told me that he'd hardly

even heard of allergies until he came to the United

States. " Allergies were quite rare in Britain, " he

said. " In America it seems everyone has them, children

especially. " He's right, really. If you asked

Grandma, she might say the whole allergy business is

ridiculous. I agree with Grandma. I think there is

only one genuine allergy, and that would be the fatal

result of transfusing the wrong type of blood into a

person. Anything else is simple by comparison, and

deserving of nutritional therapy.


First of all, what we now label " allergies " could just

as easily be called " undernutrition " and I think

should be. The majority of Americans are demonstrably

scorbutic, or on the very verge of scurvy (McCormick,

1962). Insufficient vitamin C results in exaggerated

sensitivity to even average levels of irritants,

toxins, chemicals, pollution and microorganisms.

Deficiencies of vitamins A, B-complex and E frequently

manifest as skin problems or hypersensitivity to

foods, stress, germs or shock. Millions of vitamin

deficient but overstuffed persons are literally

waiting to be allergic to something. Food that fills

and fattens but doesn't fortify the body is like

trying to build a wall with bricks and no mortar: it

will hold up only until you lean upon it.


Can you imagine how you'd explain the theory of

evolution to a classroom full of kids allergic to

housedust? I can't see any way that humankind could

have evolved at all if people were always stopping to

itch, scratch or sneeze. Allergy shots have only been

available in recent medical history. So have

allergies. So has our chemical-laden, overcooked,

overly processed, overly meaty-and-starchy diet. If

you look at someone cross-eyed and they get sick, they

were primed and ready by years of bad diet.


What's more, " allergy " tells you nothing. In Botany

class, I once learned that plants turn towards the

light because of phototropism. Phototropism means

" moves towards light " . The name tells you nothing

that you couldn't have observed yourself. Same with

allergies. Rashes, hives, troubled breathing and such

when gathered together in one body are collectively

called " allergy " . When some people get near such and

such, they have an " allergic reaction " . What do you

do, then? Just keep them away from what triggers the

reaction. No milk, no dust, no cats, no feathers,

etc. Nothing concrete is accomplished. How can

avoidance be cure? If your son got sweaty palms,

hives or " butterflies " every time he telephoned a girl

to ask her for a date, would you conclude that he's

allergic to women and send him to a monastery? Of

course not. You'd find out why he got so nervous and

strengthen him, encourage him and most of all allow

him to get over it.


So why not do the same for your body?


" Allergic " tells you nothing more than any other

symptom. Symptoms tell us that our body is not quite

right. Naturopaths tell us that if our body is not

quite right, we should take a good look at the way we

take care of it. Check your diet first, not for the

presence of " allergens " but rather for an absence of

nutrients. You can start with a saturation test with

vitamin C, as mentioned above.


Other questions to ask yourself: Are you avoiding

chemical preservatives and other unnecessary food

additives? Avoiding drugs, non-prescription and

otherwise? Are you getting enough rest? Do you need a

cleansing fast? Eating a near-vegetarian diet? These

questions should replace battery after battery of

allergy tests.


Great-grandma might have said (mine did, anyway) that

you have to eat a peck of dirt before you die. One of

my brothers once confidently reassured me that I could

eat dog droppings, flies and all, and it still

wouldn't kill me. Regardless of the merits of that

particular gem of wisdom, it is safe to say that a

naturally healthy body will not be troubled by

allergies. The way to have a naturally healthy body

is to NOT eat as so many misguided consumers do. As

Dr. John A. Myers says in " The Role of Some

Nutritional Elements in the Health of the Teeth and

their Supporting Structures " from Annals of Dentistry

(22)2, June 1958:


" Modern civilized diet, after much processing,

modification, staleness, and complete cooking,

produces children with rampant dental caries, skeletal

defects, allergies and fatigue, along with the

emotional and nervous changes seen in the experimental

animals. (p. 38) "


Rather, the way to be healthy is deceptively simple:


1.) Stop eating meat, sugar, and junk food. . . or

reduce as much as possible.


2.) Instead, eat whole grains, fruits, beans, sprouts,

lightly cooked or raw vegetables, and take vitamin

food supplements (especially vitamin C).


3.) Clean out body wastes by occasional juice fasts

and an everyday natural diet which is high in fiber

and free of artificially colored or preserved foods..


This is more than " folk " medicine. This is a real

remedy for all folks.


Copyright C 2002 and prior years Andrew W. Saul,

Number 8 Van Buren Street, Holley, New York 14470.

(585) 638-5357

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