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notes on microwaved foods...???

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Anyone aware...can you substantiate/deny...add anything, to my pal's school

notes :::

and if all this is true..how in the hell am I supposed to cook??


David and I had been in class 1 week in Nutrition, when we attended a lecture

on microwaves

the very next day we got rid of it! And we don't miss it at all...OK ,

truthfully, we did the first week.


Like many of you I think we purchased our first microwave in the late 70's they


huge then...Through the years as the more efficient and less expensive models

came out, we would get a new one and shell out the older models to the kids...

All of our children have rid them from their counters too btw~


Stop using a microwave, you will lose weight!


We were asked to do this experiement...Take 2 little plants with new soil and

add 2 seeds

to each one...One you will water with tap water , the other with microwave

water that you boiled and cooled..

Results are the one with the tap water will germinate the seed, the other


Even though H20 is made up of 1 Hydrogen and 2 Oxygen bonds, they are easily


and destroyed by some waves....mmmmmmm


What does this do to all the food we eat? Simple, it destroys all nutritional


minerals, vitamins, chains of amino acids, destroyed completely.

Let's dive into this a little deeper now...Since our body requires nutrients

to build and repair tissue, and we do not get those nutrients as they are


in microwaves....mmmmm let's see now...we will continue to have bouts

of hunger pains to the point where we can starve ourselves to death....

Our complex bodies will keep craving food till it obtains the necessary


to function at an optimal balance...If you are not eating raw and whole foods

the enzymes that you require to digest food will keep you craving endlessly...


That is another reason why we have such an obesity epidemic today..

The majority of fast food chains and restaurants microwave their food

and within an hour, we are hungry again....NO nutritional content

hence, cycle behaviour all over again..Blood sugars rise, fall, rise fall...

Still with me...?



Before I touch on the rest of my research and studies..

Microwaving babies milk and formulas destroys the nutritonal content

but also puts your babies at risk...Foods and milk do not heat up evenly,

you can shake some milk on your wrist and it seems fine, but you give

your baby the bottle and the milk is heated unevenly, and can scald

their esophagus!...

Do what we did years ago...put bottle in boiling water and set aside

for a few minutes...MILK will still have it's vital nutrients in tact and less

concern for injury...


I know, when you know better you do better~


These are notes right from our class, this is when both David and I

felt the time had come to rid our microwave for good..

We both lost 8-10 lbs within 3 months..~


Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term,

permanent, brain damage by ‘shorting out” electrical impulses in the brain

(de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue). There are over 131 studies

to this effect ~


The human body cannot metabolize (breakdown) the unknown by-products created in

microwaved food.

using any plastic in the microwaves leaches out estrogen causing estrogen

dominance which causes many unwanted side effects for men and women.


Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually

eating microwaved foods.


The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual (long term, permanent)

within the human body.


Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered

so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs

altered compounds that cannot be broken down.


The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked

in microwave ovens.


Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths (tumors). This

may explain the rapid increased rate of colon cancer in America. ( take a look

at the statistics on this one...we have never seen so many healthy YOUNG people

begin diagnosed with this cancer)


.. The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in

human blood.


Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through

lymph gland and serum alterations.


Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional

instability, and a decrease of intelligence.


MOST important.....


Decrease In Food Value — Microwave exposure caused significant decreases in the

nutritive value of all foods researched. There was a decrease in bioavailability

of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics

in all foods, a loss of 60 to 90% of the vital energy field of all tested foods,

and a marked acceleration of structural disintegration in all foods.

Final note, once we rid our home of microwaves we noticed immediately two

things...How to use our stove again...lol...NO, foods tasted better, we had been

eating microwave foods for so long, we forgot what a great

egg, stew, popcorn...oh yes popcorn tasted like...I cook popcorn on the stove

now, and it takes less time than the microwave and it is lower in calories...the

other thing we noticed immediately was we seldom snack /.....Less cravings for

the things we use to love to eat but knew was not good for us....

















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wOw! I am D-O-N-E with my microwave oven. Thanks, not-so-DitziSis!




" DitziSis " <mk2967

" !AMF " <alternative_medicine_forum >

Sunday, August 15, 2004 6:10 AM

notes on microwaved foods...???



Anyone aware...can you substantiate/deny...add anything, to my pal's school

notes :::

and if all this is true..how in the hell am I supposed to cook??


David and I had been in class 1 week in Nutrition, when we attended a

lecture on microwaves

the very next day we got rid of it! And we don't miss it at all...OK ,

truthfully, we did the first week.


Like many of you I think we purchased our first microwave in the late 70's

they were

huge then...Through the years as the more efficient and less expensive


came out, we would get a new one and shell out the older models to the


All of our children have rid them from their counters too btw~


Stop using a microwave, you will lose weight!


We were asked to do this experiement...Take 2 little plants with new soil

and add 2 seeds

to each one...One you will water with tap water , the other with microwave

water that you boiled and cooled..

Results are the one with the tap water will germinate the seed, the other


Even though H20 is made up of 1 Hydrogen and 2 Oxygen bonds, they are easily


and destroyed by some waves....mmmmmmm


What does this do to all the food we eat? Simple, it destroys all

nutritional content,

minerals, vitamins, chains of amino acids, destroyed completely.

Let's dive into this a little deeper now...Since our body requires nutrients

to build and repair tissue, and we do not get those nutrients as they are


in microwaves....mmmmm let's see now...we will continue to have bouts

of hunger pains to the point where we can starve ourselves to death....

Our complex bodies will keep craving food till it obtains the necessary


to function at an optimal balance...If you are not eating raw and whole


the enzymes that you require to digest food will keep you craving



That is another reason why we have such an obesity epidemic today..

The majority of fast food chains and restaurants microwave their food

and within an hour, we are hungry again....NO nutritional content

hence, cycle behaviour all over again..Blood sugars rise, fall, rise fall...

Still with me...?



Before I touch on the rest of my research and studies..

Microwaving babies milk and formulas destroys the nutritonal content

but also puts your babies at risk...Foods and milk do not heat up evenly,

you can shake some milk on your wrist and it seems fine, but you give

your baby the bottle and the milk is heated unevenly, and can scald

their esophagus!...

Do what we did years ago...put bottle in boiling water and set aside

for a few minutes...MILK will still have it's vital nutrients in tact and

less concern for injury...


I know, when you know better you do better~


These are notes right from our class, this is when both David and I

felt the time had come to rid our microwave for good..

We both lost 8-10 lbs within 3 months..~


Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term,

permanent, brain damage by 'shorting out " electrical impulses in the brain

(de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue). There are over 131

studies to this effect ~


The human body cannot metabolize (breakdown) the unknown by-products created

in microwaved food.

using any plastic in the microwaves leaches out estrogen causing estrogen

dominance which causes many unwanted side effects for men and women.


Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by

continually eating microwaved foods.


The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual (long term,

permanent) within the human body.


Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or

altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body

absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.


The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when

cooked in microwave ovens.


Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths (tumors).

This may explain the rapid increased rate of colon cancer in America. ( take

a look at the statistics on this one...we have never seen so many healthy

YOUNG people begin diagnosed with this cancer)


.. The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to

increase in human blood.


Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies

through lymph gland and serum alterations.


Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional

instability, and a decrease of intelligence.


MOST important.....


Decrease In Food Value - Microwave exposure caused significant decreases in

the nutritive value of all foods researched. There was a decrease in

bioavailability of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential

minerals and lipotropics in all foods, a loss of 60 to 90% of the vital

energy field of all tested foods, and a marked acceleration of structural

disintegration in all foods.

Final note, once we rid our home of microwaves we noticed immediately two

things...How to use our stove again...lol...NO, foods tasted better, we had

been eating microwave foods for so long, we forgot what a great

egg, stew, popcorn...oh yes popcorn tasted like...I cook popcorn on the

stove now, and it takes less time than the microwave and it is lower in

calories...the other thing we noticed immediately was we seldom snack

/.....Less cravings for the things we use to love to eat but knew was not

good for us....

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You could try gas stoves, which have been known to cook food. Cooking in

traditional ways, is better than microwaving. Steaming is better than

cooking with high heat, and raw is better than steaming in nearly all cases.

I still eat about 20% of my food, cooked; and I suffer for it.


The best plan, in my opinion, is not simply to eat as close as you can, to

100% raw, but to eat as little raw food as you can. In other words, the

ideal diet, is a raw one, which has been selected on the basis of

nutritional effectiveness, and less as a matter of merely exciting your

taste buds. The more you stimulate your taste buds with highly " tasty " and

highly spiced, extremely sweet, extremely salty, extremely greasy and highly

cooked foods, the more you come to depend on these stimulations. Eventually

you can't eat anything which isn't extremely pleasurable, and which doesn't

shock your taste buds. You cannot feel appetite for anything that doesn't

profoundly stimulate your palate. This is a deadly addiction that many

Americans have, and it'll kill them and destroy their health at increasingly

earlier ages. It starts at the earliest, and that's the best time to

prevent it. If you start early with your new-borns, they'll grow up and far

more easily develop mature eating habits that emphasize the

nutrient-denseness of foods, and de-emphasize the mere tastiness.








" Catherine Coy " <catherinecoy

> -

> " DitziSis " <mk2967

> " !AMF " <alternative_medicine_forum >

> Sunday, August 15, 2004 6:10 AM

> notes on microwaved foods...???



> Anyone aware...can you substantiate/deny...add anything, to my pal's


> notes :::

> and if all this is true..how in the hell am I supposed to cook??

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Thank you John

If I had the strength to stand at the stove and cook, I'm sure I'd find out it

still works. Since I am UNable to do so, and having read these notes from the

lecture, I'm eating peanut butter sandwiches. I have too few teeth left to chew

much in the way of raw, and no way to pay for new ones. Oh yes, and some canned

fish and tomatoes.

I might add that the peanut butter I eat is simply ground peanuts...no lard or

hydrogenated oils, no salt, no sugar. And the bread I eat is whole grain. It's

grocery store...it's the best I can do, since my oven does NOT work.



John Polifronio <counterpnt wrote:

You could try gas stoves, which have been known to cook food. Cooking in

traditional ways, is better than microwaving. Steaming is better than

cooking with high heat, and raw is better than steaming in nearly all cases.

I still eat about 20% of my food, cooked; and I suffer for it.


The best plan, in my opinion, is not simply to eat as close as you can, to

100% raw, but to eat as little raw food as you can. In other words, the

ideal diet, is a raw one, which has been selected on the basis of

nutritional effectiveness, and less as a matter of merely exciting your

taste buds. The more you stimulate your taste buds with highly " tasty " and

highly spiced, extremely sweet, extremely salty, extremely greasy and highly

cooked foods, the more you come to depend on these stimulations. Eventually

you can't eat anything which isn't extremely pleasurable, and which doesn't

shock your taste buds. You cannot feel appetite for anything that doesn't

profoundly stimulate your palate. This is a deadly addiction that many

Americans have, and it'll kill them and destroy their health at increasingly

earlier ages. It starts at the earliest, and that's the best time to

prevent it. If you start early with your new-borns, they'll grow up and far

more easily develop mature eating habits that emphasize the

nutrient-denseness of foods, and de-emphasize the mere tastiness.








" Catherine Coy " <catherinecoy

> -

> " DitziSis " <mk2967

> " !AMF " <alternative_medicine_forum >

> Sunday, August 15, 2004 6:10 AM

> notes on microwaved foods...???



> Anyone aware...can you substantiate/deny...add anything, to my pal's


> notes :::

> and if all this is true..how in the hell am I supposed to cook??







" It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. " -- William G. McAdoo








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