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DOCTOR YOURSELF Newsletter (Vol. 4, No. 19, September 5, 2004)

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> " Andrew W. Saul " <drsaul


> DOCTOR YOURSELF Newsletter (Vol. 4, No. 19,

> September 5, 2004)

> Sun, 15 Aug 2004 14:30:04 -0400


> To for free:

> dynewsletter-


> " New opinions are always suspected, and usually

> opposed, without any other

> reasons but because they are not already common. "

> (John Locke, English

> philosopher, 1632-1704).



> September 5, 2004)


> " Free of charge, free of advertising, and free of

> the A.M.A. "


> Written and copyright 2004 by Andrew W. Saul of

> http://www.doctoryourself.com , which welcomes 1.5

> million visitors

> annually. Commercial use of the website or the

> contents of this Newsletter

> is strictly prohibited.






> What's the difference between a decade of AIDS drug

> research and a truckload

> of Pentagon five-hundred-dollars-apiece hammers?


> Answer: The public has received more honest value

> from the hammers.


> It's been known since 1993 that nutrition stops AIDS

> better than any

> pharmaceutical drug. Yes, fully eleven years ago, a

> Johns Hopkins study (1)

> demonstrated that supplements slow AIDS, and even

> help halt it. The seven

> year long study of 281 HIV positive men showed that

> those taking vitamins

> had only about ONE HALF as many new AIDS outbreaks

> as those not taking

> supplements.


> Imagine: a 50 percent reduction in AIDS cases just

> from vitamins!


> The real wonder is that the dosages used were so

> small: only 715 milligrams

> of vitamin C a day, and about 5 times the US RDA of

> the B-vitamins and beta

> carotene. Larger, orthomolecular amounts would

> almost certainly save still

> more lives. Even so, Tang et al (1993) concluded

> that " The highest levels of

> total intake (from food and supplements) of vitamins

> C and B1 and niacin

> were associated with a significantly decreased

> progression rate to AIDS (as

> were) vitamin A, niacin, and zinc. "



> Today, right now, 40 million of the world's people

> have AIDS. How many

> deaths have resulted from eleven years of

> nutritional inaction?



> On July 1, 2004, reported from Harvard as if it were

> original news, a new

> study by Fawzi et al (2) now ALSO finds that

> vitamins cut AIDS deaths by 27%

> and slow the progression to AIDS by 50%.

> " Multivitamins also resulted in

> significantly higher CD4+ and CD8+ cell counts and

> significantly lower viral

> loads. . . Multivitamin supplements delay the

> progression of HIV disease. "


> Okay! We've got it! Nutrition supplement therapy for

> HIV-AIDS patients is

> well worth doing.




> Pharmaceutical-fuelled research conferences open and

> close with still no

> AIDS drug cure in sight. In July, the Joint United

> Nations Program on

> HIV/AIDS estimated the amount of money needed to

> treat the world's poorest

> AIDS patients will top $12 billion. Implicit in this

> prediction are two

> silent assumptions: 1) that the spread of AIDS will

> continue virtually

> unabated, and 2) that treatment efforts will be

> continue to be

> pharmaceutically-based. Yet drug treatment has been

> spectacularly

> ineffective in lowering either the spread or the

> mortality rate of AIDS. Any

> limited approach diminishes the humanity of AIDS

> sufferers to that of

> already-doomed pharmaceutical customers.


> On the other hand, there is the ever-growing promise

> of nutrition,

> medicine's poorest cousin. Or is it? Since not

> everyone that is HIV positive

> ends up with full-blown AIDS, we need to ask why. If

> it is because some

> people have stronger immune systems, it is logical

> to go out of our way to

> nutritionally build up the immune system of any AIDS

> patient. The body's

> natural defense system, which is so weakened by the

> AIDS virus, is highly

> dependent on that individual's diet. Just how much

> research has been funded

> to see how well simple nutrients fight AIDS? Very

> little. And yet, any

> grade-school child can grasp that a weak immune

> system is much more likely

> to be due to a nutritional deficiency than to a drug

> deficit.



> Now, in 2004, we have Harvard research confirming

> what the 1993 Johns

> Hopkins study showed more than a decade ago: even

> very modest doses of

> nutritional supplements slow, or even help stop,

> Acquired Immune Deficiency

> Syndrome.


> To the tune of 50%.


> If there were a drug that did that, it would be

> trumpeted from every media

> rooftop.




> The last thing the medical profession needs is to

> prove Voltaire correct

> when he bitterly commented that " Doctors give drugs

> of which they know

> little, into bodies of which they know less, for

> diseases of which they know

> nothing. " Nutrition poses a tremendous threat to

> medicine and pharmacology.

> If large doses of vitamins can do a better job than

> drugs, then it is an

> embarrassment to health professionals who have

> maintained " you don't need

> vitamin pills; just eat a balanced diet. "


> It goes beyond this, though. When vitamins

> outperform drugs, then big money

> is at risk. Vitamin C powder costs less than $20 a

> pound. (You can find it

> at many health food stores or with a Google search.)

> Multiple vitamin pills

> cost just pennies each. Carrots grow in your garden.

> All are

> nonprescription. If these common nutrients work,

> they certainly cannot be

> patented by a drug company. No potential for profit?

> Then no interest or

> funding for research.


> Yes, there is righteous need for urgency. For those

> that have already died

> from AIDS, it is too late for us to apply

> yesterday's research. For those

> dying from AIDS right now, tomorrow's research is

> too late.


> Only one thing matters, and that is living results.

> Even the small amount of

> nutritional research done has shown more promise

> than heavily funded medical

> research. The public has been told to line up, wait

> for, and try out new

> high-risk, high-cost drugs as they come along. Up

> until now, that same

> public has been told to NOT try those " dangerous "

> vitamins. There is a bolt

> loose here somewhere. For the HIV positive

> individual, and certainly for the

> AIDS patient, it must be " any port in a storm. "




> It would seem to me that it is high time for a major

> clinical trial of

> Professor Harold Foster's nutritional AIDS

> prevention protocol (3) of

> selenium, cysteine, glutamine and tryptophan. (The

> Foster treatment, which

> has been field tested in Africa, was discussed in


> NEWS http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v4n12.txt.)

> With every delay, AIDS

> patients suffer and die, and so many unnecessarily.

> It is time for a

> full-blown nutritional study for such a reasonable

> approach that has already

> shown promise in preventing full-blown AIDS.


> I therefore ask my readers to please send a brief

> email to the Editor of the

> Medical Post newspaper <info

> and respectfully urge

> its physician readers and the medical profession to

> conduct a clinical trial

> of Dr. Harold Foster's four-nutrient (selenium,

> cysteine, glutamine and

> tryptophan) regimen to fight AIDS.


> References:


> 1. Fawzi WW, Msamanga GI, Spiegelman D, Wei R,

> Kapiga S, Villamor E,

> Mwakagile D,


> Mugusi F, Hertzmark E, Essex M, Hunter DJ. A

> randomized trial of

> multivitamin supplements and HIV disease progression

> and mortality. N Engl J

> Med. 2004 Jul 1;351(1):23-32.


> 2. Tang AM, Graham NM, Kirby AJ, McCall LD, Willett

> WC, Saah AJ. Dietary

> micronutrient intake and risk of progression to

> acquired immunodeficiency

> syndrome (AIDS) in human immunodeficiency virus type

> 1 (HIV-1)-infected

> homosexual men. Am J Epidemiol. 1993 Dec

> 1;138(11):937-51.


> 3. Foster, H.D. What Really Causes AIDS. Victoria:

> Trafford Publishing,

> 2002. Also posted at www.hdfoster.com and freely

> available for downloading.




> Self-Care for Health: Andrew Saul's Doctor Yourself:

> Natural Healing that

> Works


> Review by Irene Alleger


> Our healthcare system in the US has become

> untenable. High-priced drugs and

> surgery are inappropriate and ineffective treatments

> for the prevalent

> diseases, most of which we bring on ourselves by our

> modern lifestyles, e.g.

> processed food, no exercise, stress, etc. If most of

> our modern illnesses

> are caused by our food choices and lack of balance

> in our lives, then it

> stands to reason that drugs are not the answer. The

> answer, in fact, is in

> our hands: we only need to understand that there is

> a better way to take

> care of ourselves, but it does mean that we take

> responsibility. Instead of

> " going " to the doctor, we can become the doctor.


> I can think of no one better suited to educate

> especially the baby boomers

> (who have become the target of Big Pharma and their

> endless ads for

> questionable treatments) than Andrew Saul, PhD, a

> biologist and consulting

> specialist in natural healing. His previous book

> Paperback Clinic (reviewed

> in the Townsend Letter Aug/Sept 1999) has been used

> as both a college

> textbook and reference work for health

> practitioners. In Doctor Yourself, he

> provides an enormous amount of information on the

> use of nutrition -

> orthomolecular medicine - in treating almost all

> disease. " Orthomolecular "

> means using a therapeutic substance that is natural

> to the body, such as a

> vitamin or mineral. The research has validated this

> treatment for several

> decades. The reason most people are not aware of

> this is because the drug

> companies have convinced the public (and the

> government) that drugs are the

> only scientific medicine. The end result is that

> millions of older Americans

> now spend more on drugs than on food . Surely there

> is something very wrong

> with this scenario.


> Abram Hoffer MD, in his Foreword, says Doctor

> Yourself represents a new type

> of comprehensive medical reference book. In my

> opinion, it is one of the

> best I've seen.


> The book is not about vitamins, says Saul, it is

> about diseases treatable

> with vitamins. And don't worry about what your

> doctor says about vitamins.

> Most allopathic doctors in the US know nothing about

> nutrition; it isn't

> taught in medical school, therefore it doesn't

> exist. But there is more than

> sufficient published research accessible to anyone

> interested enough to look

> it up. Saul coats his medical advice with wit and

> humor too - important

> information that is also fun to read about.


> The author also doesn't mince words. He comes right

> out in the beginning

> with Fire Your Doctor! and Your Money or Your

> Health? Provocative? Yes, but

> bolstered by copious research, biological truths,

> and crucial life and death

> issues. Read on!


> Part 1 consists of Natural Healing Protocols: from

> Acid Reflux to

> Vaccinations, the medical advice is safe, effective,

> and affordable. Most of

> all, readers want to know, does it work?

> Unequivocally, YES! Andrew Saul's

> approach to Allergies:


> " Most allergies are a lot of bunk. . . They usually

> disappear while you

> wait, if you use the safest, cheapest, and most

> effective antihistamine in

> existence: Vitamin C. "


> " Allergy, like most disease names, tells you little

> about cause and nothing

> about cure. . . Take enough C to be symptom free,

> whatever the amount might

> be...but stay a few thousand milligrams under the

> amount that causes

> diarrhea. That's about your only concern, because

> the safety of vitamin C

> therapy is unassailable. "


> " What really rankles me is that allergists have made

> a subculture out of

> avoiding various molds, pollens, hairs, foods - all

> substances to which we

> have had millions of years of evolutionary

> exposure. "


> " LAW: The quantity of a nutritional supplement that

> cures an illness

> indicates that patient's degree of deficiency. It is

> therefore not a

> megadose of the vitamin, but rather the

> megadeficiency of the nutrient, that

> we are dealing with. "


> Part 2: Natural Healing Tools and Techniques,

> includes Saul's Super Remedy

> for " when you don't feel well. "


> 1. Get to niacin saturation, which is indicated by a

> mild, warm pink

> " flush. " If you are feeling stressed, anxious,

> depressed, worried...continue

> to take enough niacin throughout the day so that

> each dose makes you feel

> just a tad warm.


> 2. Get to vitamin C saturation, which is indicated

> by bowel tolerance.

> Vitamin C in quantity is the best broad-spectrum

> antitoxin, antibiotic, and

> antiviral there is.


> 3. Get to carotene (and water) saturation. This can

> be simultaneously

> achieved by twice daily juicing with green or orange

> vegetables such as

> carrots.


> 4. Stop eating meat, sugar and chemical food

> additives. Be a vegetarian for

> a couple weeks, or come as close as you can. Just

> eat the other good natural

> foods, like salad, nuts, your favorite vegetables,

> brown rice and other

> whole grains, fruits, and beans. Buy fresh or read

> every label. No

> chemicals, no sugars. Just do it!


> Andrew Saul says, " When I work with very sick

> people, the first " homework " I

> give them is to go flush, reach bowel tolerance,

> hydrate, turn orange, and

> save a cow. " With humor and intellect, Saul lets

> people know that staying

> healthy is not at all complicated. It's only been in

> the past 50 or 60 years

> that we have come to depend on pharmacy, and between

> the " high calorie

> malnutrition " from processed foods, and the

> pharmaceutical drugs, are we

> healthier or sicker?


> As more people become aware of books like Doctor

> Yourself, the medical

> paradigm will change, but not fast enough for most

> of us. If every American

> had a copy of this book, it could change the world

> as we know it. We could

> again be the healthy, happy people we were meant to

> be.


> (Reprinted with permission from the Townsend Letter

> for Doctors and

> Patients, 911 Tyler Street, Pt. Townsend, WA 98368;

> Tel. 360-385-6021;

> http://www.townsendletter.com, No. 250, May 2004, p

> 128.)


> TO ORDER an autographed copy of DOCTOR YOURSELF:

> Natural Healing that Works,

> please go to

> http://www.doctoryourself.com/order.html Sales of my

> book

> enable the entire 1.5 million word

> http://www.doctoryourself.com website,


> available without charge to you

> and to the world.


> VITAMIN C RDA: Far Too Low


> by Hilary Roberts, PhD


> When the US and other governments decided on the

> recommended daily intake

> (RDA) for vitamin C, they used the best evidence

> available at the time. The

> question " How much vitamin C does a healthy person

> need? " sounds relatively

> straightforward. In reality, the science behind this

> question is

> sophisticated and the evidence supporting the RDA

> has now been shown to be

> wrong. Consequently, the recommended intake of

> vitamin C could be less than

> a tenth of what we need. If people conform to the

> current recommendations,

> they may suffer long-term disease. Furthermore,

> there is no clear mechanism

> for the RDA to be modified when new scientific

> evidence emerges. Until

> revising the RDA is seen as more than an

> administrative inconvenience,

> people are likely to continue developing

> deficiency-based illnesses.




> The US Food and Nutrition Board have prepared daily

> recommended nutrient

> allowances since 1941. Initially, they were based on

> the amount needed to

> prevent people getting scurvy, which can easily be

> measured in short-term

> studies. The dose required to prevent acute scurvy

> was established many

> years ago, as a few milligrams per day. However, the

> possibility remains

> that such low levels of vitamin C will not be enough

> to avoid longer-term

> deficiency diseases. This hypothesis is very

> difficult to test and has

> tended to be overlooked. Ignoring long-term effects

> is easy for the

> administrators: they simply claim that there is no

> scientific proof that

> such disease will result from their recommendations.

> However, since science

> is based on refutation rather than proof, such a

> statement can always be

> made, no matter how strong the evidence. Just as an

> accused person is

> " innocent until proven guilty " , a scientific idea

> remains plausible until it

> has been shown to be wrong. Real scientists

> understand that " no scientific

> proof " is a fancy way of saying " we don't like this

> idea " .


> In the United States, the RDA is defined as " the

> level of intake of

> essential nutrients that, on the basis of scientific

> knowledge, are judged

> by the Food and Nutrition Board to be adequate to

> meet the known nutrient

> needs of practically all healthy persons " . The RDA

> is said to be the amount

> of vitamin that provides the least risk of

> inadequacy and the least risk of

> toxicity. Unfortunately, this definition is too

> vague to have any scientific

> meaning. RDA values are not scientific, but persist

> because they provide a

> simple intake level that generally prevents acute

> deficiency.


> Two important points are worth noting. Firstly, most

> RDA standards are based

> on extrapolated data, which means they were not

> measured in actual

> experiments on real people. Secondly, even the

> experimental data from the

> 19-30 year old subjects, who were measured, is based

> on neutrophils, a white

> blood cell type that is known to have unusual

> vitamin C biochemistry, along

> with an exceptional ability to pump the vitamin into

> the cell body. This

> cell type is not a reliable model for the whole

> body.




> The number of subjects used in the experiments on

> which the vitamin C

> recommendations are based was too small (15 males

> and 7 females) to allow an

> estimate of the biochemical variability in

> requirements.


> The underlying research is based on young, healthy

> subjects. Older, less

> healthy people might need more - how much more is

> unknown.



> The underlying research design was biased and flawed

> in several ways.

> Repeated requests to the US National Institutes of

> Health to explain these

> errors have failed to elicit a satisfactory

> response; their evidence can

> therefore now be discounted.


> Stressed and even mildly ill people can tolerate

> 1000 times more vitamin C,

> implying a change in biochemistry that was ignored

> in creating the RDA.


> The RDA concept does not differentiate between short

> and long-term effects

> of deprivation. The possibility that sub-clinical

> scurvy causes chronic

> disease has enormous implications for health.


> In setting the RDA, unsubstantiated risks of taking

> too much vitamin C have

> been accorded great importance, whereas the risks of

> not taking enough have

> been ignored.




> Despite all the hype, no one knows how much an

> individual human being

> requires for good health. Many have opinions and

> suggest that they have the

> answer, but the question remains open.


> A new scientific theory, called the dynamic flow

> model, explains all the

> observed responses to vitamin C in the literature.

> According to this model,

> people should ideally be in a state of dynamic flow,

> which means they ingest

> more vitamin C than they need and the extra flows

> through the body and is

> excreted in the urine. The excess acts as a

> reservoir when extra vitamin C

> is required. For example, after a bee sting or at

> the start of a cold, more

> is available to be absorbed from the gut. Dynamic

> flow is the closest we

> humans can get to restoring our physiology to how it

> was before we lost the

> ability to make vitamin C in our bodies, as most

> other animals still do.


> We know for sure that people need a few milligrams

> each day to avoid scurvy.

> The idea that more is needed for good health is

> increasingly accepted. The

> actual minimum daily requirement for good health

> could vary over the range

> of, say, 100 mg to over 20 grams (20,000 mg),

> depending on the individual.

> An individual can find their vitamin C burn-rate

> using Dr Cathcart's bowel

> tolerance measure. To be in dynamic flow, one would

> need doses totaling half

> or more of the person's normal bowel tolerance

> level. These should be

> divided into four or more daily doses, since vitamin

> C is excreted quickly.

> It is important to remember that the bowel tolerance

> level is variable and

> would change quickly if the person contracted an

> illness.

> (http://www.doctoryourself.com/titration.html)


> We know of no simple experiment or practical study

> that could rigorously

> provide an answer to the question of how much

> vitamin C is needed. For any

> given person, the amount is a result of a

> cost-benefit analysis. There

> appears to be little toxicity from high doses, which

> offer the promise of

> extended health and resistance to many chronic

> diseases. The costs of

> vitamin C supplementation are low and the potential

> benefits are high. By

> contrast, the health costs of sticking to the low

> RDA could be enormous and

> the benefits are minimal. It is hard to understand

> why government

> authorities would take such risks with the health of

> their population.


> The RDA values were based on unscientific

> assumptions by establishment

> nutritionists. The values are not justifiable in

> terms of biology,

> statistics or basic science. It is simply not

> sensible to recommend a single

> value for a varied population. Scientifically, the

> arguments for the

> recommended daily allowance are barely justifiable

> as tentative suggestions,

> but they are presented as having the authority of

> scientific laws.


> Suggestions for megadose levels are scientifically

> valid. Linus Pauling's

> orthomolecular approach proposes that people vary

> considerably and their

> required intake of vitamin C changes with their

> state of health.

> (http://www.orthomed.org/pauling2.htm and

> http://www.orthomed.org/pauling.htm) This is more

> biologically plausible

> than setting a fixed requirement for the entire

> population. The evidence

> suggests that Linus Pauling was correct and that

> many people need higher

> doses than those currently recommended.


> (Dr. Roberts is co-author [with Dr. Steve Hickey] of

> Ascorbate: The Science

> of Vitamin C, 2004, ISBN: 1-4116-0724-4, which is

> available from

> www.lulu.com/ascorbate)



> Part 2


> (The Gerson nutritional cancer therapy, and Part 1

> of this interview, was

> presented in the DOCTOR YOURSELF NEWS, Vol 4, No 16

> (http://www.doctoryourself.com/news/v4n16.txt)



> Doctor Yourself News: Ms. Gerson, do you have early

> memories you'd be

> willing to share of your helping Dr. Gerson in the

> clinic?


> Charlotte Gerson: That would take us back to about

> 1949, in his clinic in

> upstate New York.


> DY News: As a New Yorker myself, I am curious to

> know where Dr. Gerson's

> clinic was located?


> Charlotte Gerson: My father's clinic was located in

> Nanuet, NY, just inland

> from Nyack. At the time it was a really small

> community but it has grown.


> DY News: What was your role there?



> Charlotte Gerson: I helped mainly by relieving him

> of having to do the daily

> liver injections. But it was more a learning

> experience making rounds with

> him. I remember a lady who had colon cancer with

> liver metastases, very ill,

> pale and bedfast. My father asked her at one point

> when she had had her last

> bowel movement. She was silent for a little while,

> so my father repeated the

> question. Then she replied, " I heard you doctor, and

> I am trying to

> remember. While I was at the hospital, I think my

> last bowel movement was at

> least 6 weeks ago! " I'll never forget my

> father's face on hearing this statement.



> DY News: I had a relative who had the same

> experience at Roswell: They let

> him go literally weeks without a bowel movement, and

> that was in 1980, over

> thirty years later. Could you tell us more of your

> interacting or attending

> to Dr. Gerson's patients, and one or two who made a

> particularly memorable

> impression on you?



> Charlotte Gerson: An interesting experience was that

> of a lady suffering

> from breast cancer. She was in an early stage, with

> 'only' a tumor in her

> breast, still quite vigorous, eating and sleeping

> well and free of pain. But

> she presented a strange problem: she didn't respond

> to the treatment in any

> way, no better and no worse. And that was totally

> extraordinary. Then one

> day in the dining room, I overheard her talk to her

> daughter who was coming

> up to visit her from New York City. She told her

> daughter not to forget the

> salt to brush her teeth. That was a shock and I

> asked her if she brushed her

> teeth with salt. Yes, her dentist told her to do

> that. Of course I told her

> to stop it immediately and also reported this to my

> father. I explained to

> her that the mucous membrane in the mouth is highly

> absorptive and that the

> salt goes rapidly into the body, encouraging new

> tumor growth. As soon as

> she stopped the salt, she had a normal healing

> reaction and was on her way

> to recovery.


> DY News: What was the first health lecture you ever

> presented by yourself?


> Charlotte Gerson: After my father passed away, there

> was one overwhelming

> thought in my mind: I have to continue to publish

> his book. (A Cancer

> Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases, reviewed at

> http://www.doctoryourself.com/bestbooks.html). I

> arranged for another

> printing and then had 3,000 copies on my hands. So,

> I had to sell them since

> they were not doing anybody any good stashed away in

> a warehouse. That is

> when I started to do health lectures in New York,

> first at the Foundation

> for Cancer Treatment (FACT), then for the various

> chapters of the

> International Association for Victors and Friends



> and at meetings of

> the National Health Federation's

> (http://www.thenhf.com) many chapters.


> One of my first lectures took place in San Angelo,

> Texas, during WW II,

> where my husband was stationed at the airfield. The

> various men's clubs were

> always looking for a speaker, and since a member of

> the armed forces is not

> permitted to address a meeting, I was invited. I

> spoke mainly about my

> father's life and my escape from the Nazis but, of

> course, couldn't avoid

> talking about

> health since it was an important part of my father's

> and my life. In all, I

> must have done hundreds of public lectures, also in

> Canada, Australia,

> Germany, England, Ireland, Austria, and Italy.



> DY News: I understand that all of Dr. Gerson's

> siblings perished in the

> Holocaust. How did you and your father spend your

> free time together?


> Charlotte Gerson: When we lived in France and I was

> only about 13 or 14

> years old, we used to take a lot of Sunday walks

> through the woods from

> Sevres to Versailles, visiting the castle and famous

> gardens as well as the

> Malmaison. Actually, trying to think of my father's

> free time, he never took

> any. He almost never went to a movie, had no TV,

> didn't even go to the opera

> which he loved. He was always working, reading,

> studying. I do remember just

> once when the whole family went to the opera in

> Paris. By the way, my

> favorite opera is " Don Carlo. "

> (http://www.metopera.org/synopses/carlo.html)


> DY News: No doubt you are well aware of Prince

> Charles' recent (June 2004)

> statement supporting the Gerson therapy, and the

> resulting medical backlash

> against the Prince. The British press has taken some

> very rough shots at him



> and

> especially



> Would you please comment the intensity of this

> criticism of the Prince, and

> His Royal Highness' actual

> statement:



> " I know of one patient who turned to Gerson Therapy

> having been told she was

> suffering from terminal cancer and would not survive

> another course of

> chemotherapy. Happily, seven years later, she is

> alive and well. So it is

> vital that, rather than dismissing such experiences,

> we should further

> investigate the beneficial nature of these

> treatments. "



> Charlotte Gerson: I think that Prince Charles was

> very courageous to talk

> about the patient who recovered on the Gerson

> Therapy. I also think it is

> horrifying and shocking to note the intensity of the

> criticisms - actually

> not criticisms but outright vicious attacks.


> DY News: A much more positive UK opinion is to be

> found at




> .


> Charlotte Gerson: Overall, it is amazing that so

> many of the " learned

> scientists " of the UK show such lack of respect for

> their crown prince along

> with lack of knowledge or interest in true healing.

> They never comment on

> the fact that the prince's acquaintance was terminal

> but recovered! And,

> that true scientists would jump on such a dramatic

> recovery and further

> study a treatment that obtained it! On the Internet,

> even the title of the

> report on the article in the " Observer " is nasty:

> " Now Prince Charles talks

> about a coffee cure for cancer. " As your readers

> well know, nobody ever

> claims that coffee is a cure, but the tone of the

> title implies: See how

> this crazy character now talks some new nonsense!

> What foolishness will he

> commit next?


> Then they talk about a " $20,000/year cost for

> injections on the Gerson

> Therapy, " which is simply not true. But what about

> the chemotherapy

> injections and their costs? The recently FDA

> approved cancer drug, Erbitox,

> costs $2,400 for the weekly dose, or $125,000 per

> year; and although it has

> been shown to shrink tumors, it has not been shown

> to prolong lives. (As

> reported by Michael L. Culbert, ScD. in the " Intl.

> Council for Health

> Freedom " , Volume VIII:2, Fall 2004.

> http://www.ichf.info/history.php)


> DY News: Have you been awarded any honorary degrees

> as of yet for your own

> work?


> Charlotte Gerson: No.


> DY News: On behalf of my readers, I thank you for

> all you have done to

> continue to bring your father's important findings

> to the public.


> For more information:


> My review of the complete how-to-do-it Gerson

> Therapy book:


> http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersontherapy.html


> Dr. Gerson's own words:


> http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersonspeech.html


> Review of Dr. Gerson's biography:


> http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersonbio.htm


> Review of new DVD about the Gerson Therapy


> http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersontherapy2.html


> References and citations




> and


> http://www.doctoryourself.com/bib_gerson.html .


> The Gerson Institute, 1572 Second Avenue, San Diego,

> CA 92101


> Tel. 619-685-5353. Toll-free: 1-888-4-GERSON


> The Gerson Institute's Website:

> http://www.gerson.org




> M. G. writes:


> " I enjoyed your healthy, funny article " How I Got

> into Natural Healing. "

> (http://www.doctoryourself.com/howstart.html) It' s

> comical, and warm. Did

> you ever consider a screenplay? "


> Not until now. Would you please pitch it to Michael

> Eisner for me?


> If you like Michael:





> If you like Mickey more:


> http://www.savedisney.com


> Privacy Statement:


> We do not sell, and we do not share, our mailing

> list or your email address

> with anyone. We never send out advertisements of any

> kind. You may notice

> that there is no advertising at

> http://doctoryourself.com and no advertising

> in this newsletter. We have no financial connection

> with the supplement

> industry. We do not sell vitamins or other health

> products, except for Dr.

> Saul's books, which help fund these free public

> services.


> FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL to this newsletter are

> available with a blank

> email to


> dynewsletter-


> AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This newsletter is not in any way

> offered as

> prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any

> disease, illness, infirmity or

> physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or

> alternative health program

> necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance

> of some risk, and no one

> should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical

> care should obtain it from

> a physician. Consult your doctor before making any

> health decision.


> " DOCTOR YOURSELF " " DoctorYourself.com " and " Doctor

> Yourself Newsletter " are

> service marks of Andrew W. Saul. All rights

> reserved.


> Copyright c 2004 and prior years Andrew W. Saul

> drsaul .

> Permission to reproduce single copies of this

> newsletter FOR NON-COMMERCIAL,

> PERSONAL USE ONLY is hereby granted providing no

> alteration of content is

> made and authorship credit is given. Additional

> single copies will be sent

> by postal mail to a practitioner or patient, free of

> charge, upon receipt of

> a self addressed envelope with THREE first-class

> stamps on it (offer good in

> the USA only), to Number 8 Van Buren Street, Holley,

> NY 14470 USA. (585)

> 638-5357.




> For information about my book, " DOCTOR YOURSELF:

> Natural Healing that Works "

> please go to

> http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html .


> Subscriptions to my DOCTOR YOURSELF NEWSLETTER by

> email are free for the

> asking. Just send a blank email to

> news-


> " Don't feel you owe me any respect; you can listen

> or not, as you please. "

> (Benjamin Franklin)


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