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I joined because I have had an interest in altnerative medicine for a while. I

have been researching and trying to learn what I can on my own, but I have

wanted to learn more.


My family and I are currently in the process of moving to another state,

so I had planned to wait till we were settled to continue my learning,

but I recently had a problem and am hoping I can find an alternative to

" traditional " methods.


I seem to have a something wrong with one of my teeth...well, the gum above the

tooth. I have a cap on a tooth near the upper back of my mouth. I had a sinus

infection a bit ago and was having some pain in the area of that tooth, which

seemed to worsen with the fluctuation of my sinus pain and pressure. After the

sinus infection was gone, I noticed that the gum above the tooth was slightly

tender if I pressed on it, but the gums and the tooth itself weren't paining me.


When I went to the dentist for my cleaning and checkup, he said that it

didn't look like there was a problem but he saw something " odd " on the

xray that made him think there could potentially be trouble. He

mentioned root canal and gave me the number of a specialist. I don't currently

have a car, so I haven't been to the specialist yet, but I am trying to find an

alternative to root canal (or pulling the tooth out completely). I have had root

canals when I was younger and now I have gaps towards the back of my mouth where

teeth basically disintegrated and fell out.


I don't want to lose another tooth, even though I have a pretty full set, but I

also don't want to mess around with a possible abscess. A few days after I saw

the dentist, I noticed that the gum above the tooth had swollen a little...like

a small bump. Strangely, there is still no pain. I don't have a toothache or

anything. While the spot feels tender if I touch it, it's not horribly painful.


I'm guessing it's an abscess because it looks like one as far as I can

tell. The only thing is that I am confused by the absence of pain. Not

that I WANT pain, but it makes me wonder if it's not possibly something

else I don't know about...or maybe it is an abscess but could be cured

in a way other than root canal or extraction.


When I first noticed the puffiness, I had used

some Hydrogen Peroxide to rinse because I remembered a dentist once

telling me to rinse with that for a similar problem. It was during the time

since I noticed the bump and started trying the rinses that I noticed another

oddity: that the gum isn't always puffy/inflamed. Every day, it seems to puff

up, but about half of every day, it is not bumpy/inflamed at all. This is

another reason I have wondered if I couldn't fix it another way.


I have heard that an abscess can be a major problem if untreated, so I

don't want to just leave it in this up and down condition. So, I was hoping

someone would know something I didn't or couldn't find.


Thanks a bunch for any help/info.




" Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right. "

`~`Henry Ford, Businessman & Entrepreneur


" Though only breath, the words I speak are Immortal "



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  • 1 year later...

Hello! I would like to introduce myself, I am Wendy, a masters degree

student from The Netherlands. I have always been interested in alternative

ways to stay healthy or to cure illnesses. I have used homeopathy,

orthomolecular acupuncture and anthroposophy methods.

I have eaten mostly organic food since the last few years, and for half a

year I eliminated all sugars (the first month also no sweet fruits) from my

diet. This was because of returning throat infections (every couple of

months), but after the diet these infections never returned.


Now, since a few weeks I have gotten some symptoms of illness again. Maybe

someone has a view on why or how this is happening (especially since I’m

doing all I can to be as healthy as possible), or what to do about it.

Since a few months I have had problems with my tongue; even though there is

nothing to see, the skin hurts a lot (some days a lot, some days not at

all). Since about a month I have started drinking more water than I used to,

eating more vegetables and fruits and taking some mineral and vitamin

supplements. Also a few weeks ago, I got bothered by a minor yeast

infection, which I hoped would disappear, but has remained until today. I

will be going to the doctor for that this week. Also since some months I

have a tiny wart on my lip, also a symptom of a virus, or a weakened immune

system. Then, since a couple of days my dustmyte allergy has started to get

worse (I keep sneezing), and an eczema that has been gone from my neck for

years now, is starting to return.

Apart from this I have a good energy level, am sleeping well (eventhough

also since some weeks I have not been able to sleep in anymore; I used to be

very good at that ; )), and am not experiencing exceptional stress.


I would love to hear some of your ideas or cures on why my body is starting

to show all these symptoms.


Thanks in advance!


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, " Wendy * "

<rock_and_roll_music@h...> wrote:


> I have eaten mostly organic food since the last few years, and for

half a year I eliminated all sugars (the first month also no sweet

fruits) from my diet. This was because of returning throat infections (every

couple of months), but after the diet these infections never returned.


> Now, since a few weeks I have gotten some symptoms of illness

again. Maybe someone has a view on why or how this is happening (especially

since I'm doing all I can to be as healthy as possible), or what to do about



> Since a few months I have had problems with my tongue; even though

there is nothing to see, the skin hurts a lot (some days a lot, some days not at

all). Since about a month I have started drinking more water than I used to,


> eating more vegetables and fruits and taking some mineral and

vitamin supplements. Also a few weeks ago, I got bothered by a minor yeast

infection, which I hoped would disappear, but has remained until today. I will

be going to the doctor for that this week. Also since some months I have a tiny

wart on my lip, also a symptom of a virus, or a weakened immune system. Then,

since a couple of days my dustmyte allergy has started to get worse (I keep

sneezing), and an eczema that has been gone from my neck for years now, is

starting to return.

> Apart from this I have a good energy level, am sleeping well

(eventhough also since some weeks I have not been able to sleep in anymore; I

used to be very good at that ; )), and am not experiencing exceptional stress.


> I would love to hear some of your ideas or cures on why my body is

startingto show all these symptoms.


> Thanks in advance!

> Wendy


You mentioned that you were eating organic vegetables and fruits but

you didn't give us much info regarding the rest of your diet. From

the information you provided it may be an overly acidic state from

eating too many processed foods...i.e. refined breads and dairy, etc.

Refined flour (both white and wheat) containing gluten is acidic, as is refined

sugar and high fructose corn syrup, coffee, sodas, and the

list goes on and on. If you eat the standard american diet, you are

at risk. Eating more alkaline foods may help, but then there are

many factors involved in high acidity....

When you mentioned the tongue, that seemed to clue me in on this.

In many instances the tongue is sore with pH problems,.try balancing your pH.



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Dear Wendy,


You said: " and taking some mineral and vitamin supplements. "


I certainly believe in taking supplements, but we must keep in mind

that a standard vitamin/mineral supplement is made to sell to everyone

when in reality what we need is something very different because we are all

biologically unique. How much of any one nutrient I need will be different from

what you need. Sometimes by wildly different amounts. It is possible (or vice

versa) that you may need 10 times the amount of any certain nutrient than

someone else might need.


With that in mind when we continue to take manmade " standardized

supplements which by definition will not be exactly what we need. If we take the

same suppliments everyday over time we can/will create our own imbalances and

deficiencies because we are taking the improper amount which is " right for us "

because of our biologically uniqeness.


If we get too much of one nutrient then it causes an imbalance/deficit of the

competing nutrient in our sytems. So, we can create a self induced deficiency at

the same time that we are taking lots of supplements.


Many nutrients / vitamins / minerals must be balanced in the body. Too much of

one can cause it's opposite to go down because of the imbalace. B vitamins must

be taken in a balanced (for you) form. Calcium/magnesium is another good

example. If one takes too much calcium in their total diet they will create

their own magnesium " deficiency " . There are many examples of different nutrients

doing this in the body.


To counteract this problem which is common, I suggest to everyone to

have more than one standard multi vitamin/mineral supplement and to

switch off and on and to not take supplements some days at all. Kind

of a mix and match approach and some days none to help balance out the

difference of what we need and what we are getting with taking our same pills

each day. I switch back and forth between about 3 different multis. ( 2 pills

and 1 a powder)


The long term answer is to not just learn about supplements but to

also learn about ourselves and to try and distinguish what is our own

individual nutritional needs because of our own biological uniquness and

supplement that way using a standard that seems to feel right for us and then to

supplement with those extra amounts that we require as individuals which cannot

be found in any standard formula.


Just hazzarding a guess but that is what it sounds like to me when

someone is eating good healthy foods, doing the right things, taking

supplements etc. but over time develops the feeling that they are not

getting the benefits from doing all that.


Go to our links library page and to Roger Williams

and read about biological uniqueness. In fact read all of the links

over time.



Education is the answer.






> , " Wendy * "

> <rock_and_roll_music@h...> wrote:


> > I have eaten mostly organic food since the last few years, and for

> half a year I eliminated all sugars (the first month also no sweet

> fruits) from my diet. This was because of returning throat

infections (every couple of months), but after the diet these

infections never returned.

> >

> > Now, since a few weeks I have gotten some symptoms of illness

> again. Maybe someone has a view on why or how this is happening

(especially since I'm doing all I can to be as healthy as possible),

or what to do about

> it.


> > Since a few months I have had problems with my tongue; even though

> there is nothing to see, the skin hurts a lot (some days a lot, some

days not at all). Since about a month I have started drinking more

water than I used to,


> > eating more vegetables and fruits and taking some mineral and

> vitamin supplements. Also a few weeks ago, I got bothered by a minor

yeast infection, which I hoped would disappear, but has remained until

today. I will be going to the doctor for that this week. Also since

some months I have a tiny wart on my lip, also a symptom of a virus,

or a weakened immune system. Then, since a couple of days my dustmyte

allergy has started to get worse (I keep sneezing), and an eczema

that has been gone from my neck for years now, is starting to return.

> > Apart from this I have a good energy level, am sleeping well

> (eventhough also since some weeks I have not been able to sleep in

anymore; I

> used to be very good at that ; )), and am not experiencing

exceptional stress.

> >

> > I would love to hear some of your ideas or cures on why my body is

> startingto show all these symptoms.

> >

> > Thanks in advance!

> > Wendy

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