Guest guest Posted August 24, 2004 Report Share Posted August 24, 2004 Eli Lilly, Zyprexa, and the Bush Family: > the diseasing of our > malaise > Big Pharma > By Bruce Levine > > ---------- > > More than one journalist has uncovered corrupt > connections between the Bush > Family, psychiatry, and Eli Lilly & Company, the > giant pharmaceutical > corporation. While previous Lillygates have been > more colorful, Lilly’s > soaking state Medicaid programs with Zyprexa—its > blockbuster, antipsychotic > drug—may pack the greatest financial wallop. > Worldwide in 2003, Zyprexa > grossed $4.28 billion, accounting for slightly more > than one-third of Lilly’ > s total sales. In the United States in 2003, Zyprexa > grossed $2.63 billion, > 70 percent of that attributable to government > agencies, mostly Medicaid. > > Historically, the exposure of any single Lilly > machination—though sometimes > disrupting it—has not weakened the > Bush-psychiatry-Lilly relationship. In > the last decade, some of the more widely reported > Eli Lilly intrigues > include: > > a.. Influencing the Homeland Security Act to > protect itself from lawsuits > b.. Accessing confidential patient records for a > Prozac sample mailing > c.. Rigging the Wesbecker Prozac-violence trial > A sample of those who have been on the Eli Lilly > payroll includes: > > a.. Former President George Herbert Walker Bush > (one-time member of the > Eli Lilly board of directors) > b.. Former CEO of Enron, Ken Lay (one-time member > of the Eli Lilly board > of directors) > c.. George W. Bush’s former director of Management > and Budget, Mitch > Daniels (a former Eli Lilly vice president) > d.. George W. Bush’s Homeland Security Advisory > Council member, Sidney > Taurel (current CEO of Eli Lilly) > e.. The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (a > recipient of Eli Lilly > funding) > In 2002, British and Japanese regulatory agencies > warned that Zyprexa may be > linked to diabetes, but even after the FDA issued a > similar warning in 2003, > Lilly’s Zyprexa train was not derailed, as Zyprexa > posted a 16 percent gain > over 2002. The growth of Zyprexa has become > especially vital to Lilly > because Prozac—Lilly’s best-known product, which > once annually grossed over > $2 billion—having lost its patent protection, > continues its rapid decline, > down to $645.1 million in 2003. > > At the same time regulatory agencies were warning of > Zyprexa’s possible > linkage to diabetes, Lilly’s second most lucrative > product line was its > diabetes treatment drugs (including Actos, Humulin, > and Humalog), which > collectively grossed $2.51 billion in 2003. Lilly’s > profits on diabetes > drugs and the possible linkage between diabetes and > Zyprexa is not, however, > the most recent Lillygate that Gardiner Harris broke > about Zyprexa in the > New York Times on December 18, 2003. > > Zyprexa costs approximately twice as much as similar > drugs and Harris > reported that state Medicaid programs—going in the > red in part because of > Zyprexa— are attempting to exclude it in favor of > similar, less expensive > drugs. Harris focused on the Kentucky Medicaid > program, which had a $230 > million deficit in 2002, with Zyprexa being its > single largest drug expense > at $36 million. When Kentucky’s Medicaid program > attempted to exclude it > from its list of preferred medications, the National > Alliance for the > Mentally Ill (NAMI) fought back. The nonprofit > NAMI—ostensibly a consumer > organization—bused protesters to hearings, placed > full-page ads in > newspapers, and sent faxes to state officials. What > NAMI did not say at the > time was that the buses, ads, and faxes were paid > for by Eli Lilly. > > Ken Silverstein, in Mother Jones in 1999, reported > that NAMI took $11.7 > million from drug companies over a three and a half > year period from 1996 > through 1999, with the largest donor being Eli > Lilly, which provided $2.87 > million. Eli Lilly’s funding also included loaning > NAMI a Lilly executive, > who worked at NAMI headquarters, but whose salary > was paid for by Lilly. > Though NAMI’s linkage to Lilly is a scandal to > psychiatric survivors—whose > journal MindFreedom published copies of Big Pharma > checks to NAMI—the story > didn’t have the widespread shock value that would > elevate it to Lillygate > status. > > In 2002, Eli Lilly flexed its muscles at the highest > level of the U.S. > government in an audacious Lillygate. The event was > the signing of the > Homeland Security Act, praised by President George > W. Bush as a “heroic > action” that demonstrated “the resolve of this great > nation to defend our > freedom, our security and our way of life.” Soon > after the Act was signed, > New York Times columnist Bob Herbert discovered what > had been slipped into > the Act at the last minute and on November 25, 2002, > he wrote, “Buried in > this massive bill, snuck into it in the dark of > night by persons unknown…was > a provision that—incredibly—will protect Eli Lilly > and a few other big > pharmaceutical outfits from lawsuits by parents who > believe their children > were harmed by thimerosal.” > > Thimerosal is a preservative that contains mercury > and is used by Eli Lilly > and others in vaccines. In 1999 the American Academy > of Pediatrics and the > Public Health Service urged vaccine makers to stop > using mercury-based > preservatives. In 2001 the Institute of Medicine > concluded that the link > between autism and thimerosal was “biologically > plausible.” By 2002, thim- > erosal lawsuits against Eli Lilly were progressing > through the courts. The > punchline of this Lillygate is that, in June 2002, > President George W. Bush > had appointed Eli Lilly’s CEO, Sidney Taurel, to a > seat on his Homeland > Security Advisory Council. Ultimately, even some > Republican senators became > embarrassed by this Lillygate and, by early 2003, > moderate Republicans and > Democrats agreed to repeal this particular provision > in the Homeland > Security Act. > > In early 2003, “60 Minutes II” aired a segment on > Lillygate and Prozac. With > Prozac’s patent having run out, Eli Lilly began > marketing a new drug, Prozac > Weekly. Lilly sales representatives in Florida > gained access to > “confidential” patient information records and, > unsolicited, mailed out free > samples of Prozac Weekly. How did Eli Lilly get its > hands on these medical > records? Regulations proposed under Clinton and > later implemented under Bush > contained a provision that gave health-care > providers the right to sell a > person’s confidential medical information to > marketing firms and drug > companies. Despite many protests against this > proposal, President Bush told > Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson > to allow the new rules to > go into effect. > > > > > > Perhps the most cinematic of all Lillygates > culminated in 1997. The story > began in 1989 when Joseph Wesbecker—one month after > he began taking > Prozac—opened fire with his AK-47 at his former > place of employment, killing > 8 and wounding 12 before taking his own life. > British journalist John > Cornwell covered the Louisville, Kentucky trial for > the London Sunday Times > Magazine, ultimately writing a book about it. > Cornwell’s The Power to Harm > (1996) is not only about a disgruntled employee > becoming violent after > taking Prozac, but is also about Eli Lilly’s power > to corrupt the judicial > system. > > > Victims of Joseph Wesbecker sued Eli Lilly, claiming > that Prozac had pushed > Wesbecker over the edge. The trial took place in > 1994, but received scant > attention as the public was transfixed by the O.J. > Simpson spectacle. While > Eli Lilly had been settling many Prozac violence > cases behind closed doors > (more than 150 Prozac lawsuits had been filed by the > end of 1994), it was > looking for a showcase trial that it could win. > Although a 1991 FDA “blue > ribbon panel” investigating the association between > Prozac and violence had > voted not to require Prozac to have a violence > warning label, by 1994 word > was getting around that five of the nine FDA panel > doctors had ties to Big > Pharma—two of them serving as lead investigators for > Lilly-funded Prozac > studies. Thus, with the FDA panel now known to be > tainted, Lilly believed > that Wesbecker’s history was such that Prozac would > not be seen as the cause > of his mayhem. > > A crucial component of the victims’ attorneys’ > strategy was for the jury to > hear about Eli Lilly’s history of reckless > disregard. Victims’ attorneys > especially wanted the jury to hear about Lilly’s > anti- inflamatory drug > Oraflex, introduced in 1982 but taken off the market > three months later. A > U.S. Justice Department investigation linked Oraflex > to the deaths of more > than 100 patients and concluded that Lilly had > misled the FDA. Lilly was > charged with 25 counts related to mislabeling side > effects and pled > guilty—but in 1985, the Reagan-Bush Justice > Department saw fit to fine them > a mere $25,000. > > In the Wesbecker trial, Lilly attorneys argued that > the Oraflex information > would be prejudicial and Judge John Potter initially > agreed that the jury > shouldn’t hear it. However, when Lilly attorneys > used witnesses to make a > case for Eli Lilly’s superb system of collecting and > analyzing side effects, > Judge Potter said that Lilly had opened the door to > evidence to the contrary > and ruled that the Oraflex information would now be > permitted. To Judge > Potter’s amazement, victims’ attorneys never > presented the Oraflex evidence > and Eli Lilly won the case. Later, it was discovered > that—in a manipulation > Cornwell described as “unprecedented in any Western > court”—Eli Lilly cut a > secret deal with victims’ attorneys to pay them and > their clients not to > introduce the Oraflex evidence. However, Judge > Potter smelled a rat and > fought for an investigation. In 1997, Eli Lilly > quietly agreed to the > verdict being changed from a Lilly victory to > “dismissed as settled.” > > > > Looking back further to 1992, Alexander Cockburn, in > both the Nation and the > New Statesman, was one of the first to connect the > dots between the Bush > family and Eli Lilly. After George Herbert Walker > Bush left his CIA director > post in 1977 and before becoming vice president > under Ronald Reagan in 1980, > he was on Eli Lilly’s board of directors. As vice > president, Bush failed to > disclose his Lilly stock and lobbied hard on behalf > of Big Pharma—especially > Eli Lilly. For example, Bush sought special tax > breaks from the IRS for > Lilly and other pharmaceutical corporations that > were manufacturing in > Puerto Rico. > > Cockburn also reported on Mitch Daniels, then a vice > president at Eli Lilly, > who in 1991 co-chaired a fundraiser that collected > $600,000 for the > Bush-Quayle campaign. This is the same Mitch Daniels > who in 2001 became > George W. Bush’s Director of Management and Budget. > In June 2003, soon after > Daniels departed from that job, he ran for governor > of Indiana (home to Eli > Lilly headquarters). In a piece in the Washington > Post called “Delusional on > the Deficit,” Senator Ernest Hollings wrote, “When > Daniels left two weeks > ago to run for governor of Indiana, he told the Post > that the government is > ‘fiscally in fine shape.’ Good grief! During his > 29-month tenure, he turned > a so-called $5.6 trillion, 10-year budget surplus > into a $4 trillion > deficit—a mere $10 trillion downswing in just two > years. If this is good > fiscal policy, thank heavens Daniels is gone.” > > > There is one Eli Lilly piece of history so bizarre > that if told to many > psychiatrists, one just might get diagnosed as > paranoid schizophrenic and > medicated with Zyrprexa. Former State Department > officer John Marks in The > Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”: The CIA and > Mind Control, The Secret > History of the Behavioral Sciences (1979)—along with > the Washington Post > (1985) and the New York Times (1988)—reported an > amazing story about the CIA > and psychiatry. A lead player was psychiatrist D. > Ewen Cameron, president of > the American Psychiatric Association in 1953. > Cameron was curious to > discover more powerful ways to break down patient > resistance. Using > electroshock, LSD, and sensory deprivation, he was > able to produce severe > delirium. Patients often lost their sense of > identity, forgetting their own > names and even how to eat. The CIA, eager to learn > more about Cameron’s > brainwashing techniques, funded him under a project > code-named MKULTRA. > According to Marks, Cameron was part of a small army > of the CIA’s > LSD-experimenting psychiatrists. Where did the CIA > get its LSD? Marks > reports that the CIA had been previously supplied by > the Swiss > pharmaceutical corporation Sandoz, but was > uncomfortable relying on a > foreign company and so, in 1953, the CIA asked Eli > Lilly to make them up a > batch of LSD, which Lilly subsequently donated to > the CIA. > > > > The most important story about Eli Lilly is that > Lilly’s two current > blockbuster psychiatric drugs—Zyprexa and > Prozac—are, in scientific terms, > of little value. It is also about how Lilly and the > rest of Big Pharma have > corrupted psychiatry, resulting in the increasing > medicalization of > unhappiness. This diseasing of our malaise has > diverted us from examining > the social sources for our unhappiness—and > implementing societal solutions. > > Much of the scientific community now acknowledges > that the advantage of > Prozac and Prozac-like drugs over a sugar-pill > placebo is slight—or as > Prevention and Treatment in 2002 defined it, > “clinically negligible.” When > Prozac is compared to an active placebo (one with > side effects), then Prozac > is shown to have, in scientific terms, zero value. > Moreover, many doctors > and researchers now warn us about the dangers of > Prozac. Psychiatrist Joseph > Glenmullen’s Prozac Backlash (2000) documented > “neurological disorders > including disfiguring facial and whole body tics > indicating potential brain > damage...agitation, muscle spasms, and > parkinsonism,” and he stated that > debilitating withdrawal occurs in 50 percent of > patients who abruptly come > off Prozac and Prozac-like drugs. > > > Just as Prozac and other SSRI drugs are no longer > seen by many scientists as > an improvement in safety and effectiveness over the > previous class of > antidepressants, psychiatry’s highly touted Zyprexa > (and other “atypical > antipsychotics”) turns out to be no great advance > over the older problematic > anti-ps ychotics such as Haldol. Journalist Robert > Whitaker, in Mad in > America (2002), details how Eli Lilly’s Zyprexa > research was biased against > the inexpensive Haldol and how claims of improved > safety of Zyprexa are > difficult to justify. Whitaker reports that in drug > trials used by FDA > reviewers, 22 percent of Zyprexa patients had > “serious” adverse effects as > compared to 18 percent of the Haldol patients. > > The United States and other nations that have bought > psychiatry’s and Big > Pharma’s explanations and treatments turn out to > have worse results with > those diagnosed as psychotic than those nations who > are less enthusiastic > about drugs and who care more about community. In > 1992, the World Health > Organization (WHO), in a repeat of earlier findings, > found that so-called > underdeveloped nations, which emphasize community > support rather than > medications, have better results with those > diagnosed as psychotic than > nations, which stress drug treatments. In nations > such as the United States, > where 61 percent of those diagnosed as psychotic > were maintained on > antipsychotic medications, only 37 percent had full > remission. While in > India, Nigeria, and Colombia, where only 16 percent > of patients diagnosed as > psychotic were maintained on antipsychotic > medications, approximately 63 > percent of patients had full remission. > > While scientists are not certain about the reasons > for these WHO findings, > two possible explanations are: (1) psychiatric > drugs, even for the most > disturbed among us, are not the greatest long-term > solution; (2) community > support, crucial to our mental health, does not lend > itself to > commercialization. Thus, in areas such as mental > health, radically > commercialized societies such as the United States > are backward societies. > > Though some mental health professionals insist that > atypical antipsychotics > such as Zyprexa are a great advance, I’ve met few > Zyprexa users who agree. A > few years ago, a well-read man with a professorial > manner in his early 60s, > diagnosed by several other doctors as paranoid > schizophrenic, came to see > me. He had, at various times, taken several types of > antipsychotic drugs and > told me, laughing loudly between each sentence, “I’m > crazy on drugs and > crazy off drugs. Haldol helped me sleep and Zyprexa > helped me sleep, but I > hated the Haldol and when I was on Zyprexa, I > couldn’t take a shit for three > weeks. Now I don’t take any drugs and I can’t sleep > and I am a big > pain-in-the ass, but I can remember better what I > read.” A few weeks later > he told me, “It’s all friendly fascism. Yes, > friendly fascism. Was it you > who told me—or was it I who told you—that fascism is > about the complete > integration of industry and government under a > centralized authority? > Friendly fascism, right? I suppose I say ‘friendly > fascism’ too much, but > you’re not Ashcroft and neither am I, right? Don’t > you agree that it’s all > friendly fascism?” Then he flashed a giant smile and > said one more time, > “Friendly fascism, right, Bruce?” > > > ---------- > ---- > Bruce E. Levine, PhD, is a psychologist and author > of Commonsense Rebellion: > Taking Back Your Life from Drugs, Shrinks, > Corporations and a World Gone > Crazy (New York-London: Continuum, 2003). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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