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Media Blackout on US Government Agenda to Enact Legislation Imposing Biometric Identifiers: Special Report From the Law Loft- What to Do

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> 1 Sep 2004 21:53:08 -0000

> " IAHF.COM " <jham


> Media Blackout on US Government Agenda to

> Enact Legislation Imposing Biometric Identifiers:

> Special Report From the Law Loft- What to Do


> IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, Whats New, What to

> Do, US


> IAHF List: Please see the SPECIAL REPORT below my

> comments from Suzanne Harris of the Law Loft.

> Suzanne Harris,JD is an attorney/journalist who has

> often worked closely with IAHF on Codex and health

> freedom issues.


> She will be with me in Minnesota next week at the

> Health Freedom Summit sponsored by the National

> Coalition for Health Freedom where we will

> participate in a Round Table discussion on the Codex

> Vitamin issue to strategize on an emergency basis

> given that the Codex vitamin standard has been moved

> to step 7 and could be finalized at the upcoming

> Codex meeting in Germany in November- then ratified

> the following June in Rome.


> Suzanne and I both feel that regional harmonization

> will be the most likely means by which the USA will

> be pressured to harmonize its dietary supplement

> laws to a restrictive emerging international

> standard. We feel that this harmonization is likely

> to come via the Free Trade Area of the Americas, and

> urge all Americans and vitamin consumers world wide

> to study the information at

> http://www.stoptheftaa.org and to act accordingly by

> telling Congress we're not going for it, NAFTA was

> bad enough, we don't need or want the FTAA.


> When I read the Law Loft's Special Alert below, I

> immediately contacted my Senators and Congressman,

> as well as the President, and Senator Kerry, to

> express outrage that they are rushing to enact

> legislation to impose biometric identifiers, data

> mining, and other outrageous and unwarranted efforts

> that would strip us of our civil liberties.


> It is apparent to me that the move to force America

> into the FTAA is accelerating, and the Media has

> largely blacked out the congressional hearings held

> this month regarding the 41 recommendations of the

> 911 Commission.


> Read on..... learn what they've been trying to hide

> from us....... Congress is running around like a

> bunch of chickens with their heads cut off. They've

> been told to expect another 911 type attack prior to

> the November election.


> They all realize that nothing they would seek to

> legislate could occur fast enough to stop it, but

> they're trying to politically cover their butts-----

> at OUR EXPENSE. As they jump through the shadow

> government's hoops, they're turning their backs on

> the Bill of Rights.... PLEASE JOIN IAHF IN TAKING





> If you live outside the USA, please forward this to

> anyone you know in America- grasp that this is part

> of an effort to destroy the sovereingty of all

> nations and to impose a global totalitarian state.

> The move to block access to dietary supplements is

> just one part of a much larger corrupt agenda, but





> AUGUST 26, 2004















> Background:


> In late July the 9/11 Commission published 41

> recommendations for sweeping change in the structure

> of the federal government, empowering the Executive

> Branch in a way never before seen in our history.


> At first it looked like just another report to be

> shelved like all the rest. Then in an unusual turn

> of events, members of Congressional committees began

> returning from their summer vacations and began

> holding hearing after hearing with the idea of

> drafting legislation based on the 9/11 Commission’s

> recommendations and legislating those changes before

> the end of 2004. Both President Bush and Candidate

> Kerry endorsed the 9/11 recommendations in whole or

> part. Now the rush is to on legislate before the end

> of the year.


> What’s in the 41 recommendations of vital interest

> to you and me:


> Biometric identifiers for you and me and probably,

> in the end a national ID card as well:


> Congressional hearings this month and last make it

> all too plain. They intend to legislate biometric

> standards for drivers’ licenses and birth

> certificates. Eventually those biometric identifier

> documents will probably be replaced by a national ID

> card committee after committee has been told. How

> can they presume to legislate an idea resoundingly

> rejected by Americans the last time they tried this

> 8 years ago? “The American public is becoming more

> and more agreeable to intrusiveness,” said 9/11

> Commission Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton at a recent

> hearing.


> Data mining to a degree beyond your wildest

> imagination:


> We are exploring the limits of data mining a federal

> expert told the Congress. “We are trying to identify

> the universe of information that has any relevance,”

> said John Brennan, director of the Terrorist Threat

> Integration Center. “122 data mining projects are

> ongoing in our federal government,” said John Marsh,

> Defense Department Technology and Advisory Committee

> member.


> And what are they mining for? Your financial, travel

> and possibly health information and scariest of all,

> what you think. “As to US citizens, we are dealing

> with their belief system. That’s what is difficult.

> We need to understand their actions and their views

> and ideas and to deal with them,” said General

> Patrick Hughes of the Department of Homeland

> Security.


> No fly/ no travel based on expanded lists:


> And what are they planning to do with all this data?

> Expand the no fly/the no travel lists. They are

> growing now and will get even larger when the TSA

> takes control, “when the government owns the

> lists,” said Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary of

> Homeland Security.


> Massive Power Shift to the Executive Branch:


> Our government was founded with due consideration

> for the old adage that power corrupts and absolute

> power corrupts absolutely. The Founders built three

> precautionary ideas into the very foundation of the

> government. One

> was that there be a division of power between the

> states and the federal government. A second was that

> there be limits on the power of the government over

> the average citizen. Those are embodied in the Bill

> of Rights. And a third, at the federal level, was

> that powers be divided among three branches of

> government so that the three Executive, Legislative

> and Judicial be engaged in a constant struggle for

> power among themselves thus checking or diluting the

> power of each through the actions of the others.


> The power of the states has been under attack for

> some time. That’s old news. The Bill of Rights has

> been under attack for some time too. Most recently

> quite ferociously in things like the USA Patriot Act

> and in the more subtle removal of powers from the

> reach of the courts to review. The balance of power

> among the three federal branches has been hit hard

> through consolidation of power within the Executive

> Branch in the Department of Homeland Security. Now

> the doctrine of balance of power is to be dealt a

> death blow by bloating and expanding the powers of

> the Executive Branch over American citizens through

> creation of the National Counter Terrorism Center

> and the new post of National Intelligence Director.

> “We have recommended strengthening government power

> over individual lives,” said 9/11 Vice Chairman Lee

> Hamilton.


> What the 9/11 advocates are hoping you won’t notice

> is that the new NID will have a lot more powers than

> just fighting the war on terrorism. He or she will

> hold power over a data collection and an analysis

> system that merges domestic and foreign data and

> foreign and domestic intelligence gathering, that

> mines data on issues far, far afield from terrorism

> or even intelligence and counterintelligence, that

> supervisory powers will include criminal and

> narcotics supervision and all “the rest” as well.

> [see page 412 of the report.] The NID would have

> budget authority, hire and fire authority as well as

> planning authority.


> Never in human history has such a potent mix of

> powers coupled with new technologies for

> surveillance and data analysis been proposed. All of

> the powers accumulated in a few hands by the

> totalitarian states in the past look weak when

> compared to this new model. They all turned out

> badly for the average citizen even without modern

> technology and data mining. We can only assume that

> current proposal will create the worst, the most

> repressive regime in human history making the

> abuses of the past pale by comparison.


> Advocating ineffectual pseudo-protections for civil

> liberties in the form of a Civil Liberties Board

> within the Executive Branch:


> The 9/11 Commission report contains a brief and

> vague recommendation that a civil liberties board be

> created within the Executive Branch as a ‘defense’

> of civil liberty. [see page 395]



> This idea is ludicrous for several reasons. First,

> this Executive Board

> if created will exist within a classified system.

> Data will go in but it won’t come out. Indeed,

> experts believe that under the Need-to-Share system

> of classification recommended by the 9/11 Commission

> and the secure data network that is to be created,

> we will have even less access to government data,

> even data about ourselves, than we have now.


> Right now FOIA is a flop. Expert testimony this week

> from within the government said appeals of FOIA

> rulings to the judicial system no longer work.

> Judges just presume the Executive Branch is right.

> Yet no reinvigoration of FOIA has been recommended

> by the 9/11 Commission.


> Searches against Americans will be handled through

> the FISA court, that is the secret judicial body

> that deals solely in classified data and requests.

> No relief for the ordinary American here either.


> Congressman Kucinich pointed out in this week’s

> hearings that American citizens and their attorneys

> are getting blind-sided in regular courts too, as

> government attorneys claim a National Security

> defense for their information thus guaranteeing that

> neither the victim nor his attorney will ever see

> the information upon which the government’s case is

> based.


> Nowhere in the 9/11 recommendations are these civil

> liberties problems addressed nor are any real

> solutions proposed.


> Why the rush in Congress? To look good, to look like

> they have done something before the next terrorist

> attack:


> Congress was told last December to expect a

> terrorist hijack of an aircraft returning from

> Europe with possible use of dirty weapons. Now, this

> summer they are being told that another attack is

> imminent. Expect one before the November election.


> They all know that nothing they do now can cause the

> slightest benefit in preventing such an attack.

> That’s because effectuating major legislative

> changes on the ground takes 10 to 20 years.


> In an unusually frank exchange this week, Congress

> talked about why they must act now - to protect

> their jobs not our lives and liberty. “It will be

> awfully hard to stop the blame game, if we have done

> nothing, said 9/11 Commission member Slade Gorton.

> “Very insightful,“ replied Rep. Chris Cannon. “[We

> must] not look like we are dragging out feet.”


> Oh, but isn’t it better to face the terror of a

> runaway government than to face the terror of the

> terrorists, you may ask?


> Ironically expert witness after expert witness

> appearing before Congress this week and last has

> said the 9/11 recommendations will make us less

> secure in the face of terrorist and other national

> security threats, not more secure.

> “ Confusion, ambiguity and fragmentation”, that’s

> what the 9/11 recommendations will bring said Lt.

> General William Odom, former director of the

> National Security Agency who was joined by a chorus

> of experts who said essentially the same thing. “In

> all candor, you have made a powerful case against

> the proposal” commented Senator Jim Talent, R-

> Missouri.


> When must we act? Why haven’t we heard this before?

> What must we do? Will it do any good?


> Time is short here. We must act now before it is too

> late. Legislation is being written now. If all goes

> according to plan, it will be enacted into law

> before the end of the year.


> Although the press has covered some of the

> Congressional hearings discussing the

> recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, ironically

> in each day’s reporting they seem to focus on the

> least informative ones. Instead attention is

> diverted in a variety of directions like “the swift

> boat affair.”

> Will it really matter who is elected president after

> the foundations of our government have been

> destroyed?


> This information black-out whether accidental or

> intentional, makes it all the more important for you

> and your friends to act now. Spread the world

> before it is too late.


> While no one can promise you that acting now will do

> any good, not acting now guarantees that our

> liberties will be lost. A mass public campaign

> launched and executed by ordinary citizens may stop

> this juggernaut since it is premised on the

> assumptions that: we don’t really know what is

> happening in Washington and will just assume that

> what they are doing now is for our own good, we

> will not resist the loss of our liberties, we will

> just buy into the idea that loosing them is the

> price we have to pay to be safe, and that those of

> us who care about liberty will buy into the

> deception that a civil liberties board will protect

> us from abuses of power and that we don’t realize

> that nothing they legislate now can protect us in

> the short term.


> What we must do now:


> Write to both of your senators and to your

> representative. A short post card or e-mail is best.

> Take any part of the points raised here and put

> those points into your own words in a short message.


> Call the local office of your congressman and tell

> him that what they are selling you are not buying.


> And thank the few members of Congress who are

> standing up for the Constitution. It’s a short list.

> Here are a few names:


> It’s important to make the few members of Congress

> who are standing up for the Constitution know that

> you have heard them. Sometimes members of Congress

> give up when they think no one is listening.

> Conversely, they can gain converts to their

> positions if they can show other members that their

> positions are gaining support among the American

> people.


> Rep. Paul Kanjorski

> D - Pennsylvania

> Compared the powers that would be

> conferred on the NID under the 9/11 recommendations

> to the powers of Lavrenty Beria in the Soviet Secret

> Police (NKVD) in the 1930s.


> Rep. Dennis Kucinich

> D - Ohio

> Asked if anybody in Congress remembered

> that they had taken an oath to defend the

> Constitution; pointed out the dangers inherent in a

> classification system


> Rep. Ron Paul

> R - Texas

> Told Congress we are giving up our

> liberties too easily



> Rep. Christopher Shays

> R - Connecticut

> Told two cautionary tales about the

> dangers of over classification, how it endangers the

> lives of ordinary Americans and wrecks Congressional

> oversight.


> Senator Jim Talent

> R - Missouri

> Reminded Congress of the intelligence

> abuses of the 1970s.


> Rep. John Tierney

> D - Massachusetts

> Told two cautionary tales on the dangers

> of over classification especially after-the-fact

> classification of data already in the public domain

> and how it wrecks Congressional oversight;

> criticized Congress for abdicating its oversight

> powers.

> For Health Freedom,

> John C. Hammell, President

> International Advocates for Health Freedom

> 556 Boundary Bay Road

> Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA

> http://www.iahf.com

> jham

> 800-333-2553 N.America

> 360-945-0352 World


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----- Original Message --

Wednesday, September 01, 2004 6:04 PM

Media Blackout on US Government Agenda to Enact Legislation

Imposing Biometric Identifiers: Special Report From the Law Loft- What to Do



> IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, Whats New, What to Do, US


> IAHF List: Please see the SPECIAL REPORT below my comments from Suzanne

Harris of the Law Loft. Suzanne Harris,JD is an attorney/journalist who has

often worked closely with IAHF on Codex and health freedom issues.


> She will be with me in Minnesota next week at the Health Freedom Summit

sponsored by the National Coalition for Health Freedom where we will

participate in a Round Table discussion on the Codex Vitamin issue to

strategize on an emergency basis given that the Codex vitamin standard has

been moved to step 7 and could be finalized at the upcoming Codex meeting in

Germany in November- then ratified the following June in Rome.


> Suzanne and I both feel that regional harmonization will be the most

likely means by which the USA will be pressured to harmonize its dietary

supplement laws to a restrictive emerging international standard. We feel

that this harmonization is likely to come via the Free Trade Area of the

Americas, and urge all Americans and vitamin consumers world wide to study

the information at http://www.stoptheftaa.org and to act accordingly by

telling Congress we're not going for it, NAFTA was bad enough, we don't need

or want the FTAA.


> When I read the Law Loft's Special Alert below, I immediately contacted my

Senators and Congressman, as well as the President, and Senator Kerry, to

express outrage that they are rushing to enact legislation to impose

biometric identifiers, data mining, and other outrageous and unwarranted

efforts that would strip us of our civil liberties.


> It is apparent to me that the move to force America into the FTAA is

accelerating, and the Media has largely blacked out the congressional

hearings held this month regarding the 41 recommendations of the 911



> Read on..... learn what they've been trying to hide from us.......

Congress is running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut

off. They've been told to expect another 911 type attack prior to the

November election.


> They all realize that nothing they would seek to legislate could occur

fast enough to stop it, but they're trying to politically cover their

butts----- at OUR EXPENSE. As they jump through the shadow government's

hoops, they're turning their backs on the Bill of Rights.... PLEASE JOIN




> If you live outside the USA, please forward this to anyone you know in

America- grasp that this is part of an effort to destroy the sovereingty of

all nations and to impose a global totalitarian state. The move to block

access to dietary supplements is just one part of a much larger corrupt

agenda, but we CAN STOP IT:




> AUGUST 26, 2004















> Background:


> In late July the 9/11 Commission published 41 recommendations for sweeping

change in the structure of the federal government, empowering the Executive

Branch in a way never before seen in our history.


> At first it looked like just another report to be shelved like all the

rest. Then in an unusual turn of events, members of Congressional committees

began returning from their summer vacations and began holding hearing after

hearing with the idea of drafting legislation based on the 9/11 Commission's

recommendations and legislating those changes before the end of 2004. Both

President Bush and Candidate Kerry endorsed the 9/11 recommendations in

whole or part. Now the rush is to on legislate before the end of the year.


> What's in the 41 recommendations of vital interest to you and me:


> Biometric identifiers for you and me and probably, in the end a national

ID card as well:


> Congressional hearings this month and last make it all too plain. They

intend to legislate biometric standards for drivers' licenses and birth

certificates. Eventually those biometric identifier documents will probably

be replaced by a national ID card committee after committee has been told.

How can they presume to legislate an idea resoundingly rejected by Americans

the last time they tried this 8 years ago? " The American public is becoming

more and more agreeable to intrusiveness, " said 9/11 Commission Vice

Chairman Lee Hamilton at a recent hearing.


> Data mining to a degree beyond your wildest imagination:


> We are exploring the limits of data mining a federal expert told the

Congress. " We are trying to identify the universe of information that has

any relevance, " said John Brennan, director of the Terrorist Threat

Integration Center. " 122 data mining projects are ongoing in our federal

government, " said John Marsh, Defense Department Technology and Advisory

Committee member.


> And what are they mining for? Your financial, travel and possibly health

information and scariest of all, what you think. " As to US citizens, we are

dealing with their belief system. That's what is difficult. We need to

understand their actions and their views and ideas and to deal with them, "

said General Patrick Hughes of the Department of Homeland Security.


> No fly/ no travel based on expanded lists:


> And what are they planning to do with all this data? Expand the no fly/the

no travel lists. They are growing now and will get even larger when the TSA

takes control, " when the government owns the lists, " said Asa Hutchinson,

Under Secretary of Homeland Security.


> Massive Power Shift to the Executive Branch:


> Our government was founded with due consideration for the old adage that

power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Founders built

three precautionary ideas into the very foundation of the government. One

> was that there be a division of power between the states and the federal

government. A second was that there be limits on the power of the government

over the average citizen. Those are embodied in the Bill of Rights. And a

third, at the federal level, was that powers be divided among three branches

of government so that the three Executive, Legislative and Judicial be

engaged in a constant struggle for power among themselves thus checking or

diluting the power of each through the actions of the others.


> The power of the states has been under attack for some time. That's old

news. The Bill of Rights has been under attack for some time too. Most

recently quite ferociously in things like the USA Patriot Act and in the

more subtle removal of powers from the reach of the courts to review. The

balance of power among the three federal branches has been hit hard through

consolidation of power within the Executive Branch in the Department of

Homeland Security. Now the doctrine of balance of power is to be dealt a

death blow by bloating and expanding the powers of the Executive Branch over

American citizens through creation of the National Counter Terrorism Center

and the new post of National Intelligence Director. " We have recommended

strengthening government power over individual lives, " said 9/11 Vice

Chairman Lee Hamilton.


> What the 9/11 advocates are hoping you won't notice is that the new NID

will have a lot more powers than just fighting the war on terrorism. He or

she will hold power over a data collection and an analysis system that

merges domestic and foreign data and foreign and domestic intelligence

gathering, that mines data on issues far, far afield from terrorism or even

intelligence and counterintelligence, that supervisory powers will include

criminal and narcotics supervision and all " the rest " as well. [see page

412 of the report.] The NID would have budget authority, hire and fire

authority as well as planning authority.


> Never in human history has such a potent mix of powers coupled with new

technologies for surveillance and data analysis been proposed. All of the

powers accumulated in a few hands by the totalitarian states in the past

look weak when compared to this new model. They all turned out badly for the

average citizen even without modern technology and data mining. We can only

assume that current proposal will create the worst, the most repressive

regime in human history making the abuses of the past pale by comparison.


> Advocating ineffectual pseudo-protections for civil liberties in the form

of a Civil Liberties Board within the Executive Branch:


> The 9/11 Commission report contains a brief and vague recommendation that

a civil liberties board be created within the Executive Branch as a

'defense' of civil liberty. [see page 395]



> This idea is ludicrous for several reasons. First, this Executive Board

> if created will exist within a classified system. Data will go in but it

won't come out. Indeed, experts believe that under the Need-to-Share system

of classification recommended by the 9/11 Commission and the secure data

network that is to be created, we will have even less access to government

data, even data about ourselves, than we have now.


> Right now FOIA is a flop. Expert testimony this week from within the

government said appeals of FOIA rulings to the judicial system no longer

work. Judges just presume the Executive Branch is right. Yet no

reinvigoration of FOIA has been recommended by the 9/11 Commission.


> Searches against Americans will be handled through the FISA court, that is

the secret judicial body that deals solely in classified data and requests.

No relief for the ordinary American here either.


> Congressman Kucinich pointed out in this week's hearings that American

citizens and their attorneys are getting blind-sided in regular courts too,

as government attorneys claim a National Security defense for their

information thus guaranteeing that neither the victim nor his attorney will

ever see the information upon which the government's case is based.


> Nowhere in the 9/11 recommendations are these civil liberties problems

addressed nor are any real solutions proposed.


> Why the rush in Congress? To look good, to look like they have done

something before the next terrorist attack:


> Congress was told last December to expect a terrorist hijack of an

aircraft returning from Europe with possible use of dirty weapons. Now, this

summer they are being told that another attack is imminent. Expect one

before the November election.


> They all know that nothing they do now can cause the slightest benefit in

preventing such an attack. That's because effectuating major legislative

changes on the ground takes 10 to 20 years.


> In an unusually frank exchange this week, Congress talked about why they

must act now - to protect their jobs not our lives and liberty. " It will be

awfully hard to stop the blame game, if we have done nothing, said 9/11

Commission member Slade Gorton. " Very insightful, " replied Rep. Chris

Cannon. " [We must] not look like we are dragging out feet. "


> Oh, but isn't it better to face the terror of a runaway government than to

face the terror of the terrorists, you may ask?


> Ironically expert witness after expert witness appearing before Congress

this week and last has said the 9/11 recommendations will make us less

secure in the face of terrorist and other national security threats, not

more secure.

> " Confusion, ambiguity and fragmentation " , that's what the 9/11

recommendations will bring said Lt. General William Odom, former director of

the National Security Agency who was joined by a chorus of experts who said

essentially the same thing. " In all candor, you have made a powerful case

against the proposal " commented Senator Jim Talent, R- Missouri.


> When must we act? Why haven't we heard this before? What must we do? Will

it do any good?


> Time is short here. We must act now before it is too late. Legislation is

being written now. If all goes according to plan, it will be enacted into

law before the end of the year.


> Although the press has covered some of the Congressional hearings

discussing the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, ironically in each

day's reporting they seem to focus on the least informative ones. Instead

attention is diverted in a variety of directions like " the swift boat

affair. "

> Will it really matter who is elected president after the foundations of

our government have been destroyed?


> This information black-out whether accidental or intentional, makes it all

the more important for you and your friends to act now. Spread the world

before it is too late.


> While no one can promise you that acting now will do any good, not acting

now guarantees that our liberties will be lost. A mass public campaign

launched and executed by ordinary citizens may stop this juggernaut since it

is premised on the assumptions that: we don't really know what is happening

in Washington and will just assume that what they are doing now is for our

own good, we will not resist the loss of our liberties, we will just buy

into the idea that loosing them is the price we have to pay to be safe, and

that those of us who care about liberty will buy into the deception that a

civil liberties board will protect us from abuses of power and that we don't

realize that nothing they legislate now can protect us in the short term.


> What we must do now:


> Write to both of your senators and to your representative. A short post

card or e-mail is best. Take any part of the points raised here and put

those points into your own words in a short message.


> Call the local office of your congressman and tell him that what they are

selling you are not buying.


> And thank the few members of Congress who are standing up for the

Constitution. It's a short list. Here are a few names:


> It's important to make the few members of Congress who are standing up for

the Constitution know that you have heard them. Sometimes members of

Congress give up when they think no one is listening. Conversely, they can

gain converts to their positions if they can show other members that their

positions are gaining support among the American people.


> Rep. Paul Kanjorski

> D - Pennsylvania

> Compared the powers that would be conferred on the NID under the

9/11 recommendations to the powers of Lavrenty Beria in the Soviet Secret

Police (NKVD) in the 1930s.


> Rep. Dennis Kucinich

> D - Ohio

> Asked if anybody in Congress remembered that they had taken an

oath to defend the Constitution; pointed out the dangers inherent in a

classification system


> Rep. Ron Paul

> R - Texas

> Told Congress we are giving up our liberties too easily



> Rep. Christopher Shays

> R - Connecticut

> Told two cautionary tales about the dangers of over

classification, how it endangers the lives of ordinary Americans and wrecks

Congressional oversight.


> Senator Jim Talent

> R - Missouri

> Reminded Congress of the intelligence abuses of the 1970s.


> Rep. John Tierney

> D - Massachusetts

> Told two cautionary tales on the dangers of over classification

especially after-the-fact classification of data already in the public

domain and how it wrecks Congressional oversight; criticized Congress for

abdicating its oversight powers.

> For Health Freedom,

> John C. Hammell, President

> International Advocates for Health Freedom

> 556 Boundary Bay Road

> Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA

> http://www.iahf.com

> jham

> 800-333-2553 N.America

> 360-945-0352 World


> _____________________________

> Un: http://www.ymlp.com/u.php?jham+nwgott (AT) intrex (DOT) net

> Hosting by http://www.yourmailinglistprovider.com



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