Guest guest Posted September 12, 2004 Report Share Posted September 12, 2004 [i like this person's approach, and like how he deals with people who challenge his knowledge because he doesn't have any advanced degrees.] So who is this Omnivore guy, anyway? by Anthony Colpo, April 18, 2004 A couple of my valued newsletter rs have e-mailed suggesting that I include a page on my site where I tell readers a little bit more about myself. Because I value reader feedback, and because it is customary to have some such page on one's site, this week I finally got around to writing something up. Rather than the usual " Name; Jim Smith; Occupation: Gastroenterologist; Interests: Bullfrog racing; Career Achievements: 1996 AMA award for advancing knowledge in the field of adenomatous polyp research " bio-type format, I figured I would simply tell the story of how and why I came to set up Here goes... Ever since a young age, I have had an ongoing love affair with strenuous physical activity, one which paused only briefly between the ages of nineteen to 21 after the lure of 'hanging out' with friends and the opposite sex got the better of me. In 1989, at the age of 21, after a couple of years of inactivity, I took a visit to the doctor and had some blood tests done. I found out that I had a cholesterol level of 213 which, according to the doctor, placed me at " moderate risk " for heart disease. After asking me about my dietary habits, he gave me some nutritional literature which, among other things, advocated the restriction of saturated fat. The Omnivore unmasked! To me, good health had always been about physical fitness; how much weight I could lift, or how easily I could climb a steep hill on my bike. I began training again, hitting the weights, studying martial arts, and returning to the hills on my road bike, but I also started paying a lot more attention to what I ate. I began reading everything about nutrition I could get my hands on. At the time, everything I read appeared to be reiterating the same message: " Fat is BAD, complex carbohydrates are GOOD! " The message appeared to be unanimous, and I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. When my father, an active, muscular builder who appeared to be of above average fitness for his age, experienced a heart attack in 1990, my resolve to eat what I believed was a heart-healthy diet was only strengthened further. I read books by numerous low-fat authors, all of whom proclaimed that the optimal diet was one that was low in fat, especially animal fat, and one that revolved around foods such as whole-grains, legumes, and tubers. These low-fat advocates appeared to be in good company - the American Heart Association, the USDA food pyramid, and the Australian National Heart Foundation, were all issuing similar admonitions. Following such advice, I began eating only the leanest meats - skinless chicken and turkey breast, kangaroo, veal - along with low-fat fish. Because my intense daily workouts required a high energy intake, I began consuming copious amounts of rye bread, brown rice, sweet potato, wholemeal pasta, rolled oats, buckwheat, and millet. This of course, was perfectly in keeping with the common advice still given to athletes to eat lots of 'healthy' complex carbohydrate foods. I began shunning any food that contained more than a few grams of fat. I started separating egg whites and throwing away the yolks, even though I knew deep down inside I was throwing away the best-damn-tasting part of the egg! I began partaking in the gastronomic delights of butterless toast, salad without oil, and water-packed tuna. If I was at a restaurant or at a friend's place where I had been served meat that had - shock, horror, gasp! - visible fat, I would surgically trim all the offending fat away before taking even a single bite. When shopping, I wouldn't even think of buying any new food item until I had scrupulously examined the nutrition label. Any food that did not meet my stringent low-fat standards was promptly thrown back on the shelf in disgust. One day, I sat down and calculated the average amount of fat calories that I was taking in. A proud smile appeared on my face when I realized I was consistently consuming less than ten percent of my calories as fat every day! Yep, I hate to admit it, but I had turned into your classic textbook case of a neurotic low-fat, high-carbohydrate wanker! I had been fed way too much anti-fat propaganda, and like a good little automaton, I had swallowed it whole! This madness continued for several years, during which time I misguidedly wore my low-fat habits like a badge of honor. Reality began to bite halfway through the nineties. Despite my 'healthy' diet, and my daily strenuous training regimen, my blood pressure had risen from 110/65, a reading characteristic of highly-conditioned athletes, to an elevated 130/90. I noticed it was becoming increasingly harder to maintain the lean, " ripped " , vascular look that I had always prided myself on. Instead, my physique was becoming increasingly smooth and bloated. My digestive system became progressively more sluggish, my stomach often feeling heavy and distended after meals. I frequently felt tired after meals. I showed signs of leaky gut syndrome, racking up a rather impressive list of irreversible food sensitivities. I had never been much of a coffee drinker, but I was now frequently trying to fight off increasing fatigue by sipping a strong black or two before training sessions. My fasting blood glucose level was below the normal range, indicative of reactive hypoglycemia. In short, I felt like crap! To say I was disheartened would be somewhat of an understatement. Despite monumental effort and discipline, my supposedly wholesome low-fat diet had raised my blood pressure and left me with a screwed-up blood sugar metabolism. Ironically, these changes increased my risk of the very thing I was trying to avoid, the reason for changing my diet in the first place: heart disease! The sad truth was that I actually felt better six years earlier when my cholesterol level was 213 and I didn't really care about what I ate. Time for a change As my faith in low-fat nutrition started to crumble, the bodybuilding magazines I read each month began carrying ads for a new book called The Anabolic Diet, written by Dr. Mauro DiPasquale, an expert on sports medicine and a former world class powerlifter. DiPasquale's new book was claiming that a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, comprised of foods like steak, burgers, sausages, cream, whole eggs and bacon, would lead to rapid fat loss, muscle gain, and increased strength and energy! While I had learned to grow wary of such claims - anyone who is familiar with bodybuilding magazines will know that they contain some of the most hyperbolic ads ever seen in the history of marketing - I had developed a high regard for Dr. DiPasquale's knowledge from years of reading his regular magazine columns and articles. I therefore did something that just a year or two earlier would have been absolutely unthinkable - I decided to try the Anabolic Diet! I started eating more fat in one day than I had previously eaten in an average week. I was barely a week into the diet when I noticed that, for the first time ever, I was able to pull my weightlifting belt right up to the very tightest notch. After three weeks of this high-fat meat orgy, I was amazed - I had stripped off several pounds of fat, and had achieved a newfound level of leanness and definition, the likes of which I had never experienced before. That experience smashed through my most closely-held nutritional beliefs like a wild, raging bull. Up to that point, I had uncritically accepted the contention that " fat makes you fat " , but I had just achieved my lowest-ever body fat level, not by cutting fat, but carbohydrates! In addition to the positive body composition changes, I noticed something else - my digestive system seemed a lot happier in the absence of all those carbohydrates. My Anabolic Diet experiment was not a total success though; while I was delighted with the way I looked, the extremely low carbohydrate intake had left me feeling tired and drained. In fact, I felt progressively more fatigued throughout the three weeks that I was on the diet. I didn't know it back then, but this problem could have been remedied with some very minor adjustments. Nonetheless, the whole experience was an eye-opener; the high-fat, low-carbohydrate seed had been firmly planted in my mind! Some time after this, I stumbled upon Dr. Barry Sears' moderate-carbohydrate Zone diet. I figured the Zone might be a happy compromise between my former high carbohydrate ways and the extreme low-carbohydrate Anabolic Diet, so I gave it a shot. My first impressions were positive, as the Zone left me feeling much more energetic than the Anabolic Diet, but didn't produce the wild blood sugar swings of my former high carbohydrate diet. However, the 40% carbohydrate content of Sears' diet still left me prone to occasional bouts of sleepiness after meals. I also found the continual calculations required to maintain the 30/30/40 ratio of the Zone diet to be, quite frankly, a pain in the ass. With no other worthwhile option to avail myself of, I figured I would stay in 'The Zone' until something better came along. In 1998 I had moved to Melbourne, eventually establishing a personal fitness training business. During the early part of 2000, I got talking with another trainer who had been having great success on the Atkins Diet. I went out and bought myself a copy of Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution, which I proceeded to read from cover to cover within 48 hours. Atkins' book advocated an initial two week phase where less than 20g of carbohydrates were consumed each day, something that I knew from my previous experience on The Anabolic Diet would not work for me. I jumped straight into the 'maintenance' phase of the Atkins diet, consuming not only high-fat protein foods but small amounts of carbohydrates at every meal. The difference was amazing - my energy levels quickly stabilized, my mental focus sharpened, the carbohydrate-induced bloating vanished, and I stopped getting that sleepy feeling after meals. My blood pressure returned to its former levels and my blood sugar settled right in the middle of the normal range. By including small amounts of carbohydrates at each meal I was able to power through intense training sessions with energy to spare. There was another aspect of my new diet that I especially appreciated: the extremely liberating feeling of finally being able to eat REAL food again! I had always loved fatty meats like lamb, and the succulent, juicy portions of freshly roasted chicken, but had sworn myself off them years ago because their high saturated fat content was supposedly unhealthy. Hey, I don't care how many clever ways you find to dress up skinless chicken breast, it will never even begin to compare with a roasted drumstick covered in crispy, golden skin! I began recommending the diet to my personal training clients who, in addition to reporting similar benefits to those I had experienced, also noticed that they felt a lot less hungry throughout the day. They too expressed delight in being allowed to eat real food again! These overwhelmingly positive experiences with the Atkins diet contrasted strongly with the numerous doomsday predictions being made by opponents of low-carb diets who - surprise, surprise - usually happened to also be advocates of low-fat, high-carbohydrate eating, a mode of nutrition whose validity was being directly challenged by the success of the new low-carb paradigm. Because of my highly positive experiences with low carbohydrate eating, and my dismal outcome on the high-carbohydrate diet, I began to develop a rapidly growing distrust of the low-fat movement; a movement who only a few years earlier could have counted me as one of its most diligent, faithful supporters. From Trainer to Intrepid Diet Sleuth I have always had a curious, inquiring mind. If I take a sincere interest in a subject, then I want to know every possible thing about it. As such, I wanted to know if there was any way I could tweak my new low-carb diet to gain even further benefits. I also became hell-bent on learning why my low-fat diet had been such a dismal failure. I began my investigative journey, like many folks, by reading popular-format books. I soon realized, however, that if I was to ever progress beyond a reliance on second-hand knowledge, I would have to begin scouring the published research for myself. By doing so, I could come to my own conclusions, and not have to rely on the competency, accuracy, and honesty of other commentators. As such, my journey eventually led me to Melbourne's medical libraries, where I began reading one journal article after another. I read papers that helped me retrace the development of the diet-heart hypothesis. I tracked down the epidemiological studies that supposedly showed a " strong, positive association " between saturated fat, cholesterol, and coronary heart disease (CHD) - and those that did not. I got hold of every paper I could find that reported on randomized dietary CHD intervention trials. I similarly searched for reports of trials in which the weight loss effects of low- and high-carbohydrate diets were compared with each other. I began searching out articles on statin drugs, the only cholesterol-lowering strategy that had produced any noteworthy reduction in CHD mortality, to see if their mechanism of action was in fact cholesterol-lowering. I also began reading articles and texts on archaeology and Paleontology in order to gain insight into the diet that human beings did in fact evolve to eat. After all, when all is said and done, the ultimate diet for any animal - human or otherwise - is the one they were designed by nature to eat. Any veterinarian could readily tell you this, but most 'human veterinarians' (doctors), and the authorities they look up to for guidance, appear to be totally blind to this simple fact. What I found truly stunned me. The whole low-fat, high-carbohydrate paradigm was basically a complete crock. It began in the early 1900's when Russian researchers noted that feeding rabbits cholesterol caused a build-up of fatty deposits in their arteries. Unlike humans, rabbits are herbivorous creatures, and are not metabolically equipped to eat animal products (plant foods do not contain cholesterol). In the mid 1950's, health authorities were at a complete loss to explain the widespread prevalence of CHD. Inspired by the utterly irrelevant findings of the Russian rabbit experiments, scientists began examining possible links between fat, cholesterol and CHD in humans. One of these individuals, a gentleman by the name of Ancel Keys, plotted the coronary heart disease (CHD) death rates from a mere six countries on a graph, and was able to show an almost perfect correlation between fat consumption and CHD mortality (1). However, Keys had hand-picked his countries; data was actually available for 22 countries at the time! Other researchers objected to this highly-selective analysis, and showed that when data from larger numbers of countries were included, the alleged association between fat and CHD vanished.(2,3) Keys, however, was on the nutrition advisory committee of the powerful American Heart Association, and his erroneous theories were officially incorporated into AHA dietary guidelines in 1961 (4) From these extremely dubious beginnings, the nonsensical 'lipid hypothesis' evolved into a central fixture of mainstream health policy. I also came to realize that the repeated claim that a low-fat, grain- and legume-based diet was the optimal eating regimen for the human animal was, quite simply, one of the stupidest assertions ever made in the field of nutritional research. Going back to our roots I found out what Paleontologists have long known: that ever since the earliest members of the Homo species appeared around 2.4 million years ago, meat has formed an important part of the hominid diet. I read the stories of anthropologists and explorers who observed first-hand the culinary habits of isolated hunter-gatherers - folks like Weston A. Price, Professor George Mann, Vilhjalmur Steffanson, Samuel Hearne, Leon Abrams, to name but a few. All discovered that primitive peoples placed great value on fatty animal foods. To anyone not indoctrinated with anti-animal fat propaganda, this would come as little surprise - after all, the fatty portion of animal foods is where one finds crucially important fat-soluble vitamins and important fatty acids. These explorers observed how, in times of plenty, isolated peoples like the North American Indians and Australian Aborigines would eat only the fattiest portions of freshly-killed animals, leaving the rest to rot. The recent findings of what are believed to be the earliest Homo sapiens, dating back 154,000-160,000 years ago, along with dozens of stone tools and the remains of butchered hippopotamuses (animals that carry a hefty layer of body fat for thermal insulation) in Ethiopia, further highlight the stupidity of the anti-animal fat theory. So too do the numerous randomized CHD dietary intervention trials that have completely failed to show any mortality benefit from saturated fat restriction. As for cereal grains, humans did not begin to consume these in any meaningful amount until around 10,000 years ago, with the onset of the agricultural revolution. Ten thousand years represents a mere blip on the time scale of human evolution. It is in no way long enough for our species to have genetically adapted to a grain-based diet, as evidenced by the high proportion of individuals with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. Why on earth human beings should base their diet on foods to which they have not yet fully adapted has never been coherently explained by our health authorities. I found out that no population has ever been able to remain healthy on a diet comprised entirely of cereal grains, but that a number of populations have thrived on diets comprised entirely of animal foods (Masai, Samburu, Lapps, Eskimo), further highlighting the unsuitability of cereal grains as foundational foods in the human diet. In light of these findings, I realized it was no great surprise why I had done so poorly on a low-fat, cereal-based diet. Basically, I had been consuming a diet that humans were never meant to eat! I promptly modified my low-carb diet so that it was now based entirely upon Paleo-style food choices. Why should we believe you, Colpo? The purpose of my website is to help people realize that the bulk of what constitutes mainstream dietary wisdom has little foundation in scientific reality. I was fooled by such 'wisdom' during the nineties, and my health began to suffer as a consequence. If I can help even a small portion of the folks out there who have been similarly suckered by the low-fat propaganda to discover the facts, to discover a way of eating that might truly benefit their health, then I feel my efforts in establishing and running this site will have been well worth the effort. I had to laugh when one of my critics recently questioned ( my right to comment on health matters, pointing to my lack of formal qualifications (I became a certified fitness consultant in 1991, but have never studied at university). Over the last few years, I have literally read thousands of journal articles. Judging by some of the scientifically untenable theories espoused by this particular critic, I would have to seriously question whether he has even read a portion of the articles I have. In fact, just how thoroughly scientists in general research the literature before arriving at their conclusions is a matter of increasing debate. It seems that not a week passes by without a report of researchers who have been caught falsifying or 'customizing' research data, about conflicts of interests arising from financial ties between researchers and drug companies, or about the use of highly questionable research strategies. A recent article in New Scientist, for example, discussed the rather shady method by which many scientists apparently obtain the references they cite in support of their arguments.(4) Anyone who regularly reads research papers will know that at the end of the paper it is customary to include a reference list of citations to other research papers. These are papers that the author/s supposedly consulted before arriving at the conclusions expressed in their own paper. According to researchers Mikhail Simkin and Vwani Roychowdhury of the University of California, Los Angeles, who studied the frequency and pattern of misspellings found in reference list citations, a good deal of these citations appear to be simply cut and pasted from other authors' reference lists. It appears that many scientists simply trust other authors to have read the referenced papers, to have understood them, and to have cited them in a relevant, honest manner. Having come across numerous papers that did not concur with the inferences of the citing author, I can say that such a practice is, at best, wishful thinking. I do not mean to imply that all researchers are mindless twits who merely regurgitate currently accepted knowledge. Much of the information on this site would never have seen the light of day if it wasn't for those brilliant individuals who dared to question and actively scrutinize paradigms that most others had already accepted as gospel truth. I'm talking about past and present pioneer researchers like Drs. Uffe Ravnskov, George Mann, Kilmer McCully, Mary Enig, John Yudkin, and many others. By publishing and publicizing their findings, these individuals risked being ostracized and derided by their peers, but the risk of ruffling a few well-connected feathers was obviously less important to them than their allegiance to the truth and to human health. Unfortunately, such boldly independent researchers appear to be the exception, not the norm, especially in the realm of nutrition research. So why should people trust me? I don't want anyone to blindly trust me. Having just pointed out why we often can't trust even highly-decorated scientists, such a request would be extremely hypocritical. Most of you reading this would not know me from a bar of soap, and should examine my writings with a critical eye, just as you should do with ALL other writers. I want people to read what I have to say, then decide for themselves whether what I write makes sense and whether it concurs with the empirical and scientific evidence. If people read what I write and blindly accept it at face value, I haven't succeeded in educating them; all I have done is to indoctrinate another automaton! So how does one validate the nutritional and health information they receive? In the case of the information given on this website, the best way is to take the citations I give and obtain the full text studies for one's self. Some of the full-text studies I cite are available on the internet, at the respective journal's website. Others will only be available at your nearest medical library, or from document retrieval firms like Infotrieve. Of course, not everyone has the time to go rummaging through medical libraries retrieving journal articles. If you fall into this category, you can still employ some all-too-frequently-neglected validation measures. Let me explain. The main thrust of this website is that a diet comprised of a wide variety of free-range meats, poultry, eggs, fruits, nuts, vegetables, seafood and cultured dairy products, but void of liquid milk, cereal grains, legumes, white potatoes, and highly-processed convenience foods is the optimal eating pattern for the human species. Because an increasing percentage of the population is suffering from impaired glycemic control - insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, and full-blown diabetes - I also believe that a carbohydrate-reduced diet (not necessarily ketogenic) is the superior format of this diet for most people to follow. That means a moderate- to high-fat intake, coupled with a moderate- to low-carbohydrate intake. People can easily verify if my contentions are correct by performing their own short-term experiment. They can try such a diet, fine-tuning the macronutrient ratios and specific food choices until they have something they can live with for a few months. During this time, they should keep a close note of how they feel, changes in weight, energy level, digestive efficiency and so on. Blood pressure and fasting blood glucose (glycosylated hemoglobin, and if possible insulin function, would also be useful) should be measured and a general blood work-up performed before one starts their new diet, and again after a couple of months on the diet. Anybody with any sort of medical condition should keep in close contact with their doctor when changing their diet. Diabetics, for example, will often need to adjust their medication downwards, in response to the blood glucose-lowering effects of a low-carbohydrate diet. If like myself and so many others, you feel much better after adopting the above eating pattern, and your follow-up blood pressure, blood glucose and blood tests come back vastly improved, you will then know that there is something to this whole reduced-carbohydrate/Paleo-diet phenomenon after all! The 'experiment of one' that I have just described is the exact same procedure that millions of people around the world have already performed by trying reduced-carb diets for themselves. It is the reason why these diets have continued to grow in popularity despite the repeated, incessant efforts of mainstream authorities, vested industry groups, and misguided vegan organizations to virulently attack these diets with every bit of scare-mongering propaganda they can muster. These diets have continued to flourish despite such rabid opposition for one simple reason: personal experience, positive or negative, is far more convincing than establishment bullshit! To wrap up... The information presented on this website is compiled by someone who was once a fervent supporter of the low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet principle. I abandoned this diet because of the numerous deleterious changes it had produced in my health status. I began thoroughly researching the diet and nutrition arena for myself, in the process discovering that much of what the health orthodoxy tells us is utter garbage. I also came to realize that it is imperative for each and every one of us to cast over the health and nutrition information we receive with a highly critical eye. One thing I have noticed is that people always seem to be looking for 'gurus' who can impart them the knowledge that they believe will make their lives that much better. However, to blindly trust someone on the basis of impressive-sounding credentials, a charismatic personality, the number of other people who believe said guru's teachings, or the amount of media attention given to said guru's claims is hardly an optimal way to acquire knowledge, no matter what the subject. Thinking for one's self is hard work, which is probably why so many of us don't do it. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, " Nothing pains some people more than having to think. " Nonetheless, the benefits can be enormous. To quote George R. Fitzpatrick: " Nature gave man two ends - one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since, man's success has been dependent on the one he uses most. " References 1. Keys A. Atherosclerosis: a problem in newer public health. Journal of Mount Sinai Hospital, Jul-Aug, 1953; 20 (2):118-139. 2. Yerushalmey J, Hilleboe HE. Fat in the diet and mortality from heart disease. A methodological note. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1957; 57: 2343-2354. 3. Yudkin J. Diet and coronary thrombosis. Hypothesis and fact. Lancet, July 27, 1957; ii: 155-162. 4. Page IH, et al. Dietary fat and its relation to heart attacks and strokes. Circulation 1961; 23:133-136. 5. Muir H. Misprinted citations finger scientists who fail to do their homework. New Scientist, Dec 14, 2002; 176 (2373): 12. Anthony Colpo is an independent researcher and certified fitness consultant with 20 years' experience in the physical conditioning arena. 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