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Blueberries & Barley Ease Urinary Woes

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NOW | AUG 5 - 11, 2004 | VOL. 23 NO. 49


Rushing to the washroom to pee only to discover that you can squeeze out a

mere dribble is more than annoying. It can also signal a urinary tract

infection (UTI). When it comes to a takeover by micro-organisms, only our

airways are more vulnerable than our urethras and bladders. Symptoms of an

infection may include frequent and/or urgent urination, burning with

urination, abdominal pain and cloudy or bloody urine.


Don't ignore the symptoms; they're sometimes a sign of other illness. And

if you've got an infection, you have to make sure the bacteria involved

don't spread to your kidneys. If that happens, you'll experience intense

back pain, high fever, chills, nausea and diarrhea – and you'll need the ER.


Usually, the germs involved come from your digestive tract. If you're a

girl, wipe front to back after you pee or shit. If you're a guy, you raise

your generally low risk of infection if you don't put on a condom before

anal sex.


If you know you're prone to UTIs, your first line of defence is to eat well

for strong immunity. Drink enough to keep you taking a leak every two to

three hours. A daily litre of unsugared cranberry juice (you could sweeten

it with stevia) or half a cup of blueberries will help keep bacteria from

sticking to your bladder. Some believe probiotic supplements, naturally

fermented veggies like sauerkraut and pickles and natural yogurt lower the

numbers of potentially UTI-causing germs in your gut.


Avoid tight clothes; boycott bubble baths and pads and tampons " enhanced "

with chemical scents. Empty your bladder after intercourse, since the

pressure involved can push bacteria up a gal's urinary tract. And on that

note, sisters, to avoid stress on your urethra, don't let anyone in unless

you're highly aroused and lubed.


Note that diaphragms and spermicidal foam up your risk of a UTI. If,

despite all, you get sick, you need antibiotics to protect those precious

kidneys unless you're under the close supervision of a holistic

practitioner. Otherwise, take the full course and then see a naturopath,

homeopath or herbalist for customized advice on preventing a repeat.


Note that herbal UTI treatments are complicated. They can shut down your

kidneys if you have any other kidney issues. Also, the pH of your urine

affects how different herbs work. One of the most frequently used herbs,

uva ursi, is potentially toxic. In other words, if you want to treat with

herbs, get pro supervision.




" For preventing UTIs, use cranberry juice in its pure form. Don't walk

around in bare feet, especially on cold floors – that seems to stress the

bladder and kidneys. Soups and baked and steamed root vegetables with

colour, like yams, turnips and squashes, soothe and moisturize the kidneys.

For a UTI without complications, we mix antiseptic herbs, mechanical

diuretics and moisturizing herbs. For resistant infections we bring in

goldenseal , usnea , echinacea and d-mannose , a natural plant sugar that

affects the way bacteria adhere to the kidneys in resistant E. coli

infections. "


ROGER LEWIS , chartered herbalist, Toronto


" Remedies to have on hand for acute cases, until you can see a

practitioner, include Pulsatilla 30c if symptoms include frequent and

urgent need to pass urine, worse when lying down. Staphysagria 30c

addresses symptoms that follow sexual activity or catheterization. Another

remedy is Arsenicum album , for cystitis with severe burning pains that are

relieved by warmth. Apis 30c treats cystitis with stinging pains that get

worse from warmth. Take the remedy every half-hour if symptoms are severe.

The first three to four doses should give relief. People who feel

victimized and have boundary problems are more susceptible to UTIs. "


TAMARA DER-OHANIAN , homeopath, Toronto


" (To prevent infections) avoid dehydration and simple sugars that feed

bacteria. Take bioflavonoids, beta-carotene, vitamin A, zinc and buffered

vitamin C to support the immune system. Put 10 drops of tea tree oil in a

half-cup of water and rinse the perineal area after showers, urination and

intercourse. Barley water , an old remedy for increasing urine flow, is

mildly antimicrobial and very soothing. It can sometimes clear up a mild

infection. Put 1 cup barley in a litre of water, bring to a boil and simmer

for 30 minutes, cool and strain. Add lemon juice to taste, and drink up to

six cups a day. "


KATE WHARTON , naturopath, Toronto


" The first question I ask someone who comes in with a chronic UTI condition

is, 'Who or what are you pissed off at?' When people have feelings of

violation or anger, it releases cortisol, which reduces immune system

functioning. Feelings of mistreatment within a relationship, even on a

minor level, will cause anger that women are often afraid to express. The

body is wise, and the energy is released in an area where you could become

aware that it's related to your relationship – it's your sexual area.''


SUSAN STEVENSON , reiki practitioner and counsellor, Toronto


" Fill and empty your bladder frequently to wash away any bacteria that make

it there. Those who have difficulty emptying their bladder effectively are

more prone to infection. (As a preventive measure, try double voiding ,

voiding again shortly after voiding.) If someone is having recurrent

infections, we might prescribe prophylactic antibiotics. We typically don't

use probiotics, because the antibiotics we use are given in such a low dose

that they don't alter the gut flora. "


LISA CARTWRIGHT , MD, urologist, Toronto Hospital for Sick Children

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