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Vioxx: Sharing about Alternatives

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Vioxx: Sharing about Alternatives

JoAnn Guest

Sep 22, 2004 10:28 PDT


Dear Group,

There are various ways that we can promote education of

alternatives and share the knowledge of alternative medicine

throughout our daily life.

If you are looking for loopholes in the system, they are becoming

more apparent everyday!

The opportunities abound! Recently I am observing that many people

(and for good reason) are rapidly becoming disillusioned with

allopathic medicine! I would like to give you a few examples out of

my personal experience to illustrate this.


There are just a few things that I would like to emphasize. The

first is that we all need to educate ourselves more and more

everyday to keep up with the times. On the health front things are

changing very rapidly. The diet options that we had yesterday are

not there today and may be more diminished tomorrow. This is why we

need to use all the tools at our disposal right now.

Some of the options that we have in America, foreigners do not have.

I am discovering that many of the countries around the world do not

even have the liberty of choosing between organically grown foods

and genetically altered ones! We can thank God that we have a

choice. Many people do not have. They have no option other than to

accept Monsanto's offerings for their table. This to me is an evil

that we are perpetuating around the world and the third world

populations are suffering from the greediness of our multinationals!

One example of this is the genetically modified soybean industry.

The majority of all the soybeans that `we' grow are exported

overseas to the Japanese and other far eastern cultures. Soybeans

are a breakfast treat in their country. One example of this is a

delicacy called `Natto' which is made from the soybean. The common

people do not differentiate between the `modified' soybean and the

organic soybeans for I'm told they are not aware of any differences.


There are so many ways that we can help to educate our friends,

acquaintances and family members. Health topics are uppermost on

their minds. I have observed that there is a renewed interest in

natural health, just in our own area.

I will give you an example. We had known for some time that our new

neighbor across the street was diabetic. It was obvious that he

couldn't work, was overweight and having problems with his health.

What I didn't know was that he is currently taking 16 different

drugs for a diagnosis of fifteen different illnesses one of which is

Parkinson's. This man has completed three college courses for

various trades and is as smart, alert and intelligent as anyone,

however I'll guarantee if he continues on those PD drugs his health

will only continue to fail.

He also informed me that the wife's mother had passed away on drugs…

not an overdose, taken only as prescribed! The drug was

called " Vioxx " ! She mentioned that she had been taking this for

years for her arthritis. It was during her mom's surgery that she

discovered the truth. The little old doc doing the surgery confided

to her that the perforations in her mom's stomach was " caused " by

the Vioxx drugs!!

I am writing this to you, because since I have become aware you

would not believe the scores of people I have talked to who have

been prescribed " Vioxx " !! They even offered it to her husband. One

word of warning! If you are going to insist on taking these

insidious drugs, please do NOT take Vioxx! It is one of the very

worst. And it WILL kill you!


There are several other incidences in which I have encountered

people who have been really what I would call `ripped off' by

orthodox medicine. There is no other word for it!! I just happened

to mention to the lady down the street that I have recovered from

cardiovascular disease and she immediately started telling about her

mom's experience.

It seems that her mom had a heart attack five years ago and

typically she was put on a long list of drugs that were supposed to

bring her renewed life. As we all know, this never quite

materializes the way that we are told and she continued to

experience poor health, until they eventually prescribed a

new `miracle' drug for her to the tune of $1,000 per day (for

one `bag')!

She continued on this medication for NINE months! During this period

of time she just continued to get worse and worse! At her passing

they were left with 15 bags of this `substance' (totaling $15,000

worth) which no one will purchase and they cannot get rid of. No one

will take it for fear that it has been contaminated in some way. So

literally, they have been left `holding the bag' so to speak.


There is one other acquaintance I would like to tell you about as

well. She is a little eighty year old woman of means. She is

currently taking all sorts of medicine, one being Vioxx, following

her doctors regimen to the letter. To be frank with you, she has

been at death's door quite frequently. We have encouraged her to eat

more fibrous fruits and vegetables. She has been using some " Jason "

arthritis cream which we obtained for her at the health food store.

Obviously this cream is one of the things that is keeping her

alive! :) Although she will not change her drug regimen she will use

the herbal cream because she knows it is effective and reduces her

pain levels considerably.


I am writing this to encourage any of you who have given up

educating those around you. Never stop talking, it may seem like

they are not listening or that they are ignoring you, but you never

know what you may accomplish until you try and really natural health

is not something that will be accomplished in a nanosecond anyway.

It takes weeks and perhaps even months to reverse the damage we have

all experienced from our environment, unhealthy diets and bad

lifestyle. I am happy that the government is attempting to bring the

cigarette companies to task for their atrocities! They are also the

producers of margarine, the spread that brought me down! (heart

attack). There are aisles and aisles of margarines still on the

shelf. If they were trashed, the heart attack rate would be reduced

dramatically! Don't be fooled, even Lee Iacocca's olive

oil `spreads' and the much advertised, Benecol and Take Control,

contain trans fatty acids (hydrogenated oils). It was not until I

stopped eating them all that I started experiencing renewed health

and vitality!

Well, I have rambled on enough for now and I would like to note in

closing that my husband of thirty seven years has made a decision

that I feel is very important to us. He has informed me that he has

made the decision to forgo the sugar and all other refined

sweeteners. I am exuberant. I previously thought he would go to his

grave with a twinkie in one hand and a ding dong in the other. This

is one thing I never dreamed would be accomplished. This just proves

to me that one should never give up `preaching' the truth. Someday,

you never really know when, the truth will prevail! But then again,

it is a choice and I might say a daily one! The pervasive evil of

our perverted food supply, toxic drugs are all around us. It is

getting worse not better and the way I see it, our very existence

depends on our perserverance both in relaying the truth to the poor

deceived souls who are suffering and keeping our own health

untouched by the contaminants in the meantime. I have printed things

out and made copies of some newsletters to educate those who are

interested. The answer is in our persistance!

You may not see any results the first time around.

Don't let this deter you.

The truth will prevail, you can count on it.


Best Regards,



JoAnn Guest





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