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Traditional Western Herbal Medicine

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Traditional Western Herbal Medicine

JoAnn Guest

Oct 20, 2004 15:05 PDT


Traditional Western Herbal Medicine

Dr. Michael Tierra L.AC., O.M.D.



Traditional Western Herbal Medicine evolved from the Greeks who were

strongly influenced by the Egyptians and Middle Eastern


In fact, with the similarities between these civilizations;

universally based on the concepts of a pervasive life energy, the

elements and humours, one can make a Planetary Herbal Medicine.


The humoural system is elucidated in a treatise called " Affections "

in the Hippocratic Corpus which states: " In men, all diseases are

caused by bile and phlegm.


Bile and phlegm give rise to diseases when they become too dry or

too wet or too hot or too cold in the body " ; and the author

goes on to state how such derangement's are precipitated by


in food and drink, exercise, injuries, " smell, hearing and sight " ,

sexual excesses and " hot " and " cold " themselves.


The Four humors of the Greeks


1. Sanguine (air) hot/moist 3. Phlegmatic (water) cold/moist


2. Melancholic (earth) cold, dry 4. Choleric (fire) hot/dry


Sanguine qualities in an individual exhibited symptoms of heat and

moisture, ruddy complexion, cheerful, confident and optimistic, with


tendency toward feverish, inflammatory diseases.


Melancholic qualities had opposing qualities of cold, dryness, pale

complexion, heightened sensitivity and visionary tendencies. These


more susceptible to nervous and reproductive disorders.


Phlegmatic qualities were cold and moist, duller, slower with less

sensitivity than the sanguine. Theirs was a tendency toward diseases

associated with congestion, stagnation, rheumatic and mucus



Choleric qualities in an individual being hot and dry were the

opposite of phlegmatic. They would tend to have a hot and fiery

temperament, thus

more easily angered. They tended to develop liver diseases, high

blood pressure, rashes, sun sensitivity, burns and fevers with

little perspiration.


Galenical dietetics and medicine


The second century Greek physician Claudius Galenos, known as Galen

(130 a.d.), was responsible for assimilating and reorganizing


medical theories and transforming them on the basis of an


energetic context. This was further elaborated upon by the Persian

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) of the 11th century. For the next 1500 years

Western medicine was termed Galenical and extended its influence

throughout Europe and into the New World.


It was superceded by the discoveries of other elements and chemicals

by primitive 16th century chemists and finally the rationalist

philosophy of the 18th century. It was completely overthrown by

experiments of the

French biochemist, Francois Magendie in the 1st decade of the 1800s.


Unani Tibb medicine is based on the late 10thand early 11th century

Avicenna and Galen. Galen believed in a vital energy or creative


that he called " pneuma " that is similar in concept to the Chinese

concept of " qi " and the Ayurvedic " prana. "


Like Hippocrates, he accepted the concept of the " humours " which

arise out of the liver and form a subtle network throughout the

body. He also

assigned foods and herbs to each of the four humours that form the


of " galenical " dietetics and medicine that was accepted throughout

Europe and the Middle East for 1500 years.


Herbs and foods were Energetically classified as hot or cold, in

fact, there are four degrees each of hot and cold, making a total of


possible categories into which a food may be placed.


Cold in the first degree

Cold in the second degree

Cold in the Third degree

Cold in the Fourth degree


Hot in the first degree

Hot in the second degree

Hot in the third degree

Hot in the fourth degree


First degree: affects metabolism, but not in any way discerned by


physical sensation. Slightest action. Water is an example of a

first-degree substance.


Second degree: Acts upon the body, causing metabolic change, but in

the end is overwhelmed by the body. All nutrients belong in this



Among the actions caused by second-degree substances are opening of

pores, initiation of peristaltic action, perspiration and

stimulation of

digestion. Ginger is an example of the second degree.


Third degree: Not acted upon by the body, but acts upon the body.


medicinal substances belong to this category. An example is senna

pods, which overwhelm the eliminative powers of the colon and force



Fourth degree: Poisons. Cause cessation of metabolic function. Some

herbs are used as medicine from this category, but only in the most

minute strengths and under the direct supervision of a physician.

Hemlock and belladonna are examples of the fourth degree.


The difference between these degrees in terms of hot and cold

values, is that a second-degree hot-substance would speed up

metabolism, while a second-degree cold would slow it down.


In the extreme fourth-degree, the

difference would become more apparent, when a hot herb would cause

an increase of metabolism beyond the limits that support life, while


fourth-degree cold substance would slow down metabolism to the point

of death.


Such theories, common to most ancient civilizations, point out the

essential difference in perspective between the holistic objectives


traditional medicine of diverse countries, in contrast to that of

contemporary Western medicine.


Traditional vs. contemporary approach


The traditional approach tends to be more integrative, emphasizing

the attainment of health through a combined holistic integrating

body, mind

and spirit, using diet, exercise and lifestyle changes as well as

ritual, chants and prayer.


The contemporary Western medical approach tends to be disintegrative

and myopic; viewing the body more mechanically as a conglomerate of

separate physiological organs and molecules. The emphases is in

merely relieving

symptoms rather than maintaining health, while the ancient approach

provides a wider perspective. Both have their respective strengths

and weaknesses.



For information and feedback, mail Webmaster@PlanetHerbs




JoAnn Guest




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