Guest guest Posted October 30, 2004 Report Share Posted October 30, 2004 THE IMPORTANCE OF FRESH JUICES JoAnn Guest Oct 29, 2004 19:52 PDT THE IMPORTANCE OF FRESH JUICES One of the finest ways to obtain necessary nutriments in the diet is through the intake of raw fruit and vegetable juices. Many of the readily available vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables are needlessly lost during cooking, boiling, frying and other ruinous food preparation processes. Nature presents fruits and vegetables to us in a wholesome state, containing all the essentials which can sustain a high quality of life in a healthy body. Man, in his insatiable desire to improve upon Nature, usually comes up with an end product that hardly resembles the Creator's original design in appearance or function. We see the market shelves (and this includes the health stores) loaded with all sorts of " health giving " bottled juices derived from numerous sources--this includes the common garden variety vegetables and the most exotic tropically-grown fruits. The main thing that these juices have in common is this: THEY ARE ALL DEAD. During the bottling or canning process the precious juices are heated to temperatures far above the sun's ripening rays in the field or orchard. We know that whenever a food is heated above approximately 130 degrees F., many of the life-giving enzymes are destroyed. The vitamins and minerals contained within the substance are converted to inorganic and inassimilable toxins. These inorganic poisons are extremely detrimental to the system because often they cannot be easily eliminated by weakened organs. Several years ago we visited a large orange juice processing plant near the shores of the Salton Sea in Southern California. One would imagine that the juices of ripe oranges from the nearby orange groves would be immediately frozen and shipped out. This was not so, however. The fresh orange juice underwent a process which included heating the juice to a temperature many degrees above the boiling point of 212 degrees F. This was a necessary part of the pasteurization process in order to kill any bacteria present in the juice. It also killed the juice. The natural Vitamin C which was destroyed by the extreme heat was replaced by the addition of synthetic Vitamin C to the " soup " at the end of the process. You may recall that we have suggested the use of bottled juices in some of our cleansing and rejuvenation programs, apple, grape, and so on. This is true ONLY when freshly squeezed juices are unavailable or out of season. There is no satisfactory substitute for " the real thing. " Youngsters whose taste buds have not yet been numbed by years of food abuse (the addition of tons of salt during a lifetime to " flavor " the food, for example) can taste the difference between first class and " steerage " products immediately. Freshly squeezed orange juice was always a part of our breakfast when our family lived up in Washington state. We remember one morning when we ran out of fresh oranges to make the juice. I went down to the local store and purchased some frozen orange juice to substitute for the fresh. We reconstituted it and placed glasses of it before our children who were accustomed to the freshly squeezed item. They took one swallow and said, " Yuk! This stuff tastes terrible. What did you do to it?? " They instinctively knew that there was something wrong with it. Anyone who has tasted canned carrot juice and fresh carrot juice has had the same reaction. The insipid cooked carrot liquid in the can has been responsible for many people never trying carrot juice again---even if it was fresh and sweet. Carrot juice is one of the best foods available. We'll talk more about it later. Fresh juices are easily digestible and do not tax the digestive system. We can compare them to a blood transfusion from the plant to the human body. With fresh juice taken within a few minutes after squeezing, the vital source of energy goes directly into the bloodstream. All juices should be sipped slowly and " chewed " like solid food. They should be swished around in the mouth and thoroughly mixed in with the saliva in order to properly begin the digestive process. Many juices are rich and not compatible with the gastric juices when an insufficient amount of saliva is present. This may result in discomfort or regurgitation. So juices should not be gulped or drunk quickly in large amounts. Let me tell of an incident which occurred in downtown Salt Lake City. We had a small health store and juice bar in one of the busiest sections of downtown. A woman came into the juice bar and demanded to have a large glass of raw beet juice. I told her that it was not wise to drink such a large glass of straight beet juice if she was not accustomed to doing so, but that she could mix the carrot juice with the beet so that the body would take it more easily. " Oh NO, " she said. " Just give me that large glass of beet juice NOW. And hurry up about it. I don't want to hear any more of your stupid talk. " Well, the customer is always supposed to be right, so I gave her a large glass of beet juice which she immediately gulped down. She left the money for the juice on the counter and quickly rushed out of the store and into the street. I was very glad that she made it out, for as soon as she was on the sidewalk, she spewed forth out of her mouth the entirety of the red beet juice much to the alarm of the passersby who probably thought she was suffering from a gastric hemorrhage!! The beet juice was not mixed with her saliva and was irritating to her system in this form causing her body to rapidly reject it. Quenching the thirst The roots of the plant go down into the earth and take in food and minerals in solution via osmosis into the plant. Here these ingredients are processed and changed from inorganic to organic, and if properly selected as to juice type, this natural " blood " or " lifeline " in the plant is a perfect food and liquid for man, both for the required nourishment and liquid used by the systems. During summertime, for instance, drinking celery juice not only quenches the thirst, but also supplies the natural organic salts in proper quantities so that the heat is not noticed (this should be used instead of the inorganic salt tablets). While others are in misery and sweltering with the heat, you are enjoying life. You have, in this simple procedure, properly thinned down a sluggish and heavy blood stream so that it flows rapidly and with ease through the body to carry off the poisons and wastes. And this is the reason why a heavy meat and starch eater will suffer apoplexy and strokes long before the heat even bothers the vegetarian or fruitarian. Energy without stress Juices will supply energy without overworking the body. This is because nearly all fresh juice from fruits and vegetables is partly assimilated immediately upon entering the mouth, going directly into the blood stream as an oral transfusion. The juice will not wear out the digestive organs with a lot of excess materials that are difficult to digest and burdensome to eliminate. Juice therapy Though we have had years of experience in juice therapy and have seen amazing numbers of miraculous healings with it alone, nevertheless, problems continually arose with patients from time to time that juice therapy could not handle. We found the reason for the distress and after accenting the program introduced so ably by Professor Arnold Ehret in his mucusless diet healing system, it was here that we saw our mistake with using a straight juice therapy. With fruit juice especially-but with almost any type vegetable juice also-the sticky mucus and waste materials would break loose from the tissues and be carried out to be eliminated, but there it stayed, in large, gluey deposits. Use liquids only to clean out the accumulated filth from the body. So with all of your cleansing aids, these should be used " in moderation " and " with prudence and skill " ! We highly recommend the use of fruit and vegetable juices-and for them to be used copiously-but as they were intended to nourish the tissue and break loose the waste, these should always be coupled with raw and cooked (low heated) fruits and vegetables as aids in elimination. After a person's body is completely cleaned of all waste (up to 7 years on the program), and during the long cleansing process, more and more juice can be used; but the roughage will always be needed. A juicer is the most valuable addition to the family's kitchen equipment. It is an investment that will pay for itself many times over. Especially if you have been purchasing fresh juices from the store at a high price. Vegetables (especially carrots) can be obtained in bulk and juiced at home, thus insuring a tremendous saving. There are two basic types of juicers: a centrifugal juice extractor and a masticator juicer. The centrifugal juicers separate the pulp from the juice by means of stainless steel blades and a centrifugal action chamber. These juicers make about a quart of juice before the pulp needs to be removed from the mesh basket within the chamber. The masticator juicer grinds or chews the vegetables with a large metal " tooth " and the juice is strained through a stainless steel mesh. The most popular juicer of this type is the Champion juicer. It is very sturdy, almost industrial in design, and can make several gallons of juice before needing to be cleaned. The pulp is expelled through an opening and can be collected outside the machine. We have found this model to be very satisfactory. It can also grind nuts into butter and puree fruits and vegetables. Dr. N. W. Walker was one of the foremost authorities on fresh juices and fresh juice therapy. He was a living testimony (he lived well over 100 years of age) to the benefits of raw juices which he advocated since in his seventies. He has several books on the market which can give you a good knowledge of the virtues of juices. His books list the vitamin and mineral contents of juices, and the suggested proportions of juice combinations for the therapeutic uses of juices. His latest book includes a list of juices and proportions thereof compiled by an M.D. who has successfully used juice therapy in his practice. Following this article is a list from Dr. Arthur W. Snyder's Booklet, Nature's Way to Health, published in 1969 by Hansen's. It is a summary of ailments along with the juices that are most effective in restoring health. Most disease is a result of malnutrition and using foods supplying the necessary nutriments will often restore a balance to the ailing body. The fresh raw juices are such life-giving foods. NOTES ON CARROT JUICE John B. Lust, in his book, The New Ray Juice Therapy quotes the learned Ragnar-Berg on carrots: They have some protein, are rich in carbohydrates, potassium, sodium, and calcium, there is a high alkali excess, a trace of iodine and a good proportion of all vitamins. They constitute a powerful cleansing food. A large amount of carrot carbohydrate is one of the most effective means of changing the intestinal flora from a putrefactive to a non-putrefactive type. Medicinal uses: Tonsillitis, colitis, appendicitis, anemia, gravel, acidosis, blood poisoning, faulty circulation, ulcers, rheumatism, indigestion, increase milk secretion, poor teeth (high in calcium), acne, adenoids, cancer, etc. Preparation: Whole, juice or cooked. The juice is preferred, as the therapeutic virtues are thereby sufficiently concentrated to supply the restorative elements that are needed. Dosage Juice: 1-6 pints a day. Administration: The juice is taken orally, or is used as a wash or in a poultice form externally. Snowbound and healthy The garden carrot is one of the great foods of all time. There is a little town in Idaho which had its main crop in carrots, and they did so well there that every farm was in carrots. This was still in the " horse and buggy days " and the area was quite isolated, so when fall came, the people would harvest the carrots and take them down to a larger town and trade for supplies as staples for the winter. But one particular winter they got snow-bound before they could take the carrots down, so they had raw carrots, fried carrots, grated carrots, juiced carrots, carrot salads. That is about all they lived on. And, you know, that was the first year in the history of that town that there was no sickness; not even a case of sniffles! Well, the next year, being pretty smart people, they didn't take the chance of the repeat performance of getting snowbound again, so they hurried down early to get their usual dietary staples and, of course, they had their regular sickness, and they kept their local doctor happy by keeping him in business. Dr. Loretta Foote Dr. Loretta Foote was one of the sweetest women we ever knew; and all she did was try to help people. She was an herbalist, and when we had our offices on 1st South in Salt Lake City, she was on our staff as the obstetrician. She was a woman that delivered thousands of babies and most of them were delivered in the home; in fact, our five were delivered in our home by natural childbirth, assisted by Dr. Loretta Foote. Dr. Foote had a friend, and a very prominent lady of Salt Lake (most people would know the name were it mentioned), who was told by her doctors that she was dying of cancer, and this was before the days of the juicers. Dr. Foote grated carrots for her with the old " knuckle-skinner " (grater) and squeezed out the juice by hand with cloths, until she would get a quart or so every day (and sometimes 2-3 times per day), so you can imagine how much dedicated effort that this took. Dr. Foote fed this to her friend, and she was completely cured, to the astonishment of the doctors. This prominent lady later wrote a booklet on how she was healed of cancer, and we have one of the very, very few of those left in existence. Then this fine lady sponsored Dr. Foote in a health store, the first health store in America, and they went broke! So this appreciative lady said, " They don't want us here; let's go to the coast. " Many of you have been to the coast and have seen the many, many juice bars, health stores-well, these two great ladies started the first health store and juice bar on the coast, the first ones that were successful in the United States. And these started to gain in popularity. Later Dr. Foote returned to Salt Lake City and started another health food store, and this time it was a success. Here is a wonderful pioneer lady who did wonders with the juice of our common garden carrot! The carrot poultice is good for man or beast Traveling from our office in Evanston, Wyoming, a number of years ago, I had to go over to Woodruff on a house call, to a family that was very, very sick. They improved so rapidly and were so pleased with our program that it was with some reluctance and embarrassment that the man said to me " Would it insult you if we asked you something about an animal? " I said, " No, we're good for man or beast. " He said that he had a favorite horse outside that got tangled up in the barbed wire. " The vet was here yesterday and used the last ointments, salves and things that he knew about, and then he said there was only one thing more left to do, as the gangrene is setting in, so just shoot the horse. " Well, this lovely animal was part of the family. They had quite a few children, and they still loved the horse, so he said, " What can we do? " So we went out and looked at the horse's leg. I said " All right, you have been taking carrot juice and you have some pulp there and a ton or so of carrots that you have brought in from your field, just grind up carrots and make a great big poultice and cover that horse's leg. that will do him good, and then give the horse all the carrots it can eat. " Within seven days time that horse's leg was completely healed. The flesh was fully restored. One of the most common misconceptions regarding carrot juice is that one will start to develop orange or yellow colored skin after steadily drinking the juice because of the carotene content in the juice. This is not true. The development of yellowish skin is due to the fact that carrot juice is a great liver cleanser and the toxicity within the body is coming to the surface. Keep up with the carrot juice and the symptoms will soon disappear. The formerly constipated liver is reconditioned once again to experience a free flow of bile the excess of which is eliminated through our largest eliminative organ, the skin. I have personally experienced this phenomenon during a time when we prepared hundreds of gallons of carrot juice a week for sale. Because the juice was so abundant and available, I drank it for nearly every meal...sometimes instead of meals. My wife soon commented upon the yellow cast which my skin began to take on. I continued drinking the juice, however, and within a week my skin color was back to normal. But my liver had gone through a wonderful cleansing! It is often a surprise to me that the most learned of health authorities will try to sell you the carotene theory without any sort of proof, personal experience or background. In the fifth century Before Christ, Hippocrates said, " Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can heal the patient with food. " Many seemingly miraculous cures have been effected upon some extremely wasting diseases through the raw juice regime. Our own " Incurables " program has helped many, many people out of their deathbeds and into a new life. The majority of nourishment is derived from juices: apple, carrot, and grape. The program is often tried as a last resort: that is when all other standard drug therapy has failed. Often a patient has been sent home from the hospital to die because the family ran out of money, or there was otherwise no hope of recovery. Some of the persevering and desperate relatives took their loved ones on the Incurables route. These once doomed persons are walking the earth today --- alive and healthy. Dr. H. E. Kirschner, M.D. treated people for over 50 years. In his book, Live Food Juices he recounts many fabulous results in his cases of incurable diseases where live juices were used. Some of these diseases were malnutrition, leukemia, failing eyesight, arthritis, bleeding hemorrhoids, obesity, various cancers, kidney disease, bladder tumors ... the list could go on. The doctor states that there could be a table loaded with all types of vegetables and we could still be suffering from malnutrition because our bodies could not possibly eat enough to provide the missing nutriments. With the juices, the pulp is eliminated and we are left with the life-giving vital principles contained within the vegetables. It is, of course, best to use only the organically grown fruits and vegetables (those free of pesticides and preserving chemicals) for our juices. But Dr. Walker states that the detrimental toxins remain in the pulp, and this we can discard. Fresh raw fruit and vegetable juices are extremely tasty either alone or in combination. The very famous green drink (a must for those lacking potassium) can be made from spinach, celery, parsley, carrot and beet tops. Any other nutritive " weeds " in the yard such as lamb's quarter, comfrey, alfalfa, mint, etc., can be added. The green drink is the epitome of refreshing, living energy from plant sources. Some people combine pineapple juice with the greens for a sweeter drink. Green drink can also be made in a regular blender with pineapple juice and greens. A helpful drink for asthmatic conditions includes pineapple juice, comfrey (fresh leaves), and fresh mint leaves to taste. If the green drink is made in the blender, you may wish to strain out some of the pulp. You may hear also that the oxalic acid found in members of the goosefoot family such as spinach and chard prevent the absorption of calcium, and is poisonous to the system. We can clear this fear by telling you that the oxalic acid is in an organic, assimilable state. The amount of oxalic acid taken only prevents an equal amount of calcium to be bound. By drinking other juices, the calcium intake can far exceed the small amount of calcium bound, so there is no possibility of a calcium deficiency from the ingestion of spinach juice. Dr. Shook gives and excellent discussion on the difference between organic and inorganic oxalic acid in his Advanced Treatise In Herbology. We suggest that you look into the possibilities of including fresh, raw fruit and vegetable juices in your family diet. With the many sources available on the subject you can familiarize yourself with what has been done with juice therapy to restore and maintain health. Fresh vegetables and fruits are usually easy to obtain all year around and if there is no nearby source during the winter months, root crops like carrots, beets, potatoes and turnips can be stored in a cool, dark place. Apples will often keep through the winter if properly stored. Let us take the best from man's technology (the juicers) and use them in the beneficial processing of the Creator's life-giving foods. Recommended Books We would like to recommend some fine books on the market emphasizing the values of raw fruit and vegetable juices. Some of the following books have a few points of view that differ from our own, but they are, in general, very informative and helpful. We would particularly recommend those books by Dr. N. W. Walker, a leader in the field of juice therapy. *Live Food Juices, by H. E. Kirschner, M.D. *Raw Vegetable Juices, by N. W. Walker *Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices, by Dr. N. W. Walker - *Raw Foods and Juices Nutrition Plan, by Dr. Max Bricher-Benner *Complete Raw Juice Therapy, by Susan E. Charmine About Raw Juices, About Series, Thorsons Publishers, Limited Juice Therapy, by A. W. Snyder Make Your Juicer Your Drug Store, by Newman Drink Your Troubles Away, by John Lust CONDITION INDEX Condition with Juices Indicated In Order of Efficiency (from Dr. Arthur W. Snyder's booklet, " Nature's Way to Health, " 1969, Hansen's) ACIDOSIS: Spinach, celery & spinach, celery & beet, carrot, tomato. ACNE: Carrot & spinach, celery & watercress, grapefruit. ADENOIDS: Carrot, carrot & spinach. ANEMIA: Carrot & spinach, celery & parsley, beet, fig. APPENDICITIS, Chronic: Celery, carrot, carrot & cucumber. APPETITE, Loss of: Dandelion, celery, turnip leaf, radish. ARTHRITIS: Celery & cucumber, carrot, endive, apple. ASTHMA: Carrot & garlic, carrot & spinach, endive, apricot. AUTO-INTOXICATION: Celery & cabbage, spinach, garlic, apple. BILIOUSNESS: Celery & apple, tomato, carrot & spinach, lemon. BLOOD BUILDER: Spinach, beet, carrot, pomegranate, grape. BOILS-CARBUNCLES: Carrot & spinach, carrot & cucumber, carrot. BODY CLEANSER: Celery & cabbage, dandelion, pomegranate, apple. BONE BUILDER: Spinach, turnip leaf, watercress, orange, fig. BRONCHITIS: Carrot & garlic, carrot & dandelion, carrot. CATARACTS: Carrot, watercress & spinach, carrot & spinach. CATARRH, Respiratory or Nasal: Carrot, carrot & lettuce, radish, apricot. CHLOROSIS: Carrot & spinach, celery & parsley, beet. CIRCULATION, Poor: Celery & garlic, lettuce & onion, grape. COLDS: Carrot & garlic, carrot, grapefruit, lemon. COLIC: Carrot & celery, papaya. COLITIS: Carrot, carrot & coconut, pear, fig. CONSTIPATION: Rhubarb, prune, fig. CONVALESCENCE: Carrot & spinach, beet, pomegranate. COUGHS: Carrot, carrot & spinach, blackberry, fig. CRAMPS: Carrot, celery. CYSTITIS: Celery, carrot & cucumber. DECAY, Tooth: Carrot & spinach, carrot & turnip leaves. DIABETES: Carrots & spinach, dandelion, cabbage. DIARRHEA: Carrot, cranberry. DIPHTHERIA: Pineapple, carrot & spinach, celery & parsley. DROPSY: Celery, dandelion, carrot & spinach, onion & milk. DYSENTERY: Blackberry, cranberry. DYSPEPSIA: Carrot & celery, papaya, pineapple. ECZEMA: Carrot, carrot & cucumber. EPILEPSY: Turnip leaf, watercress, spinach. FEVERS: Cucumber, blackberry, watermelon. FLATULENCE (Gas): Celery, carrot. GALLBLADDER, Congested: Dandelion, endive, tomato. GALLSTONES: Celery & parsley, tomato, grapefruit. GASTRIC CATARRH: Carrot, apple, pear. GASTRITIS: Carrot, coconut, papaya. GOITER: Spinach, radish, lettuce, watercress, tomato, pineapple. GONADAL DEFICIENCY: Carrot, spinach, turnip leaf, watercress. GOUT: Celery & cucumber, carrot & spinach. GRAVEL (Kidney): Carrot & cucumber, endive & parsley. HAYFEVER: Carrot, celery & parsley. HEART TROUBLES (Functional): Carrot, cucumber & cabbage, endive, carrot & spinach, apple. HEADACHES: Celery, carrot-celery-parsley-spinach. HEMORRHAGE (Lung): Carrot. HEMORRHOIDS: Carrot & watercress, carrot & turnip leaf, prune. HYPERACIDITY, Gastric: Celery, spinach, carrot, papaya. HYPERTENSION (High Blood Pressure): Celery-garlic-parsley, celery, dandelion, grapefruit. HYPOADRENIA (Adrenal Deficiency): Carrot & spinach, pineapple. IMPOTENCE: Watercress, spinach. INFECTIONS, Susceptibility to: Carrot, spinach, garlic, parsley, tomato. INFLUENZA: Carrot, carrot & spinach, celery & garlic. INSOMNIA: Lettuce, celery, apple, onion. JAUNDICE: Dandelion, carrot & spinach, apple, grape, tomato. KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES: Cucumber & parsley, dandelion, spinach. LARYNGITIS: Carrot, pineapple. LEUCORRHEA: Beet, celery & parsley, pineapple. LIVER TROUBLES: Carrot-beet-cucumber, apple, dandelion, grapefruit, lemon. LOW BLOOD PRESSURE: Beet, grape, pomegranate. LUMBAGO: Celery & cucumber, blackberry. MALARIA: Grapefruit, carrot & spinach, celery & parsley. MENSTRUAL DISORDERS: Beet, celery & parsley, pineapple. MENSTRUAL CRAMPS: Blackberry. MYALGIA (Muscular Rheumatism): Celery, celery & cucumber, endive. NEPHRITIS: Celery & parsley, cucumber. NERVE TONIC: Celery, lettuce, coconut. NERVOUSNESS: Celery, lettuce, garlic, apple, grape. NEURALGIA: Carrot & celery, celery. NEURITIS: Celery & cucumber, endive, carrot & spinach. OBESITY: Celery, spinach, lettuce, orange, lemon. OTITIS MEDIA (Inflammation of Middle Ear): Carrot, celery & parsley, endive. PLEURISY: Carrot & cucumber, carrot & spinach. PIMPLES: Carrot, cucumber, grapefruit, grape, apricot. PSORIASIS: Carrot, cranberry. PYORRHEA: Spinach, cucumber. QUINSY: Carrot & spinach, carrot. RACHITIS (Rickets): Carrot, turnip leaves, spinach, watercress, plus sunshine or Vitamin D. REDUCING: Grape, orange, grapefruit, lemon. RENAL CALCULUS (Stones in Kidney): Carrot & cucumber, celery & parsley. RHEUMATISM: Celery & cucumber, carrot, apple, lemon. SCIATICA: Celery & cucumber, carrot & spinach. SCROFULA: Carrot-celery-parsley-spinach, carrot & spinach. SCURVY: Grapefruit, orange, lemon, cabbage. SICK HEADACHE: Celery, celery & apple. SINUSITIS: Carrot, parsley, endive, tomato, onion. SORE THROAT: Pineapple, celery, coconut, fig. SPLEEN TROUBLES: Dandelion, watercress. STOMACH ULCERS: Carrot, carrot & coconut, papaya. TONSILLITIS: Carrot, celery & parsley. TOXEMIA: Carrot & spinach, garlic, apricot. TUMORS: Carrot, spinach, pineapple. ULCERS (Peptic-Duodenal): Cabbage, carrots, carrot & coconut, papaya, fig. UREMIA: Celery & parsley, cucumber, apple. URTICARIA (Hives): Carrot & spinach, spinach, carrot & cucumber. WORMS: Garlic, onion, pomegranate, apricot. Used by permission - Dr. Christopher's Newsletters - Volume 3 Number 5 return to newsletters --- ----------- DISCLAIMER The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and should not be used to diagnose and treat diseases. If you have a serious health problem, we recommend that you consult a competent health practitioner. After each product is a list of what it has been used to aid. We are not claiming that the product will cure any of these diseases or that we created them to cure these disorders. We are merely reporting that people have used the product to aid these conditions. Finally, we wish to caution you that the information on this web site is for educational purposes only. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses. _________________ JoAnn Guest mrsjo- DietaryTi- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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