Guest guest Posted November 7, 2004 Report Share Posted November 7, 2004 A Botanical Approach to the Treatment of Cancer Dr. Michael Tierra L.AC., O.M.D. With one in five Americans estimated to get cancer in their lifetime, the multi-billion dollar war on cancer seems to be a faltering campaign. This means that the treatment of cancer with alternative methods such as herbs and diet is practically ignored. Critics of alternative treatment modalities for cancer complain about the lack of credible research and double blind studies, etc. The problem is that there is little emphasis on prevention because it involves a series of radical considerations of our lifestyle, food chain, water supply and environmental issues overall. In our economic system, if there is no profit motive, a serious focus on prevention would wreck havoc on the present economic status quo, and further, there is no incentive for a highly vested pharmaceutical company to conduct research on herbs or other low- tech cancer treatments like herbal medicine. For these reasons, I feel that it is important to share some of my personal findings and experience in the botanical treatment of cancer of all kinds. This is not the place to exhaustively go into a thorough definition and exposition of cancer. However, a basic understanding may help us to visualize how a cure is possible with wholesome diet, herbs and lifestyle changes. Fundamentally cancer is a weakening of the immune system that causes the mutation of cells that eventually colonize, destroy and displace healthy tissues that eventually leads to death. The immune system involves many complex functions that originate with digestion. Food and its proper assimilation, therefore, is fundamental to strengthening the immune system overall. Even with all of this, most cell mutations are weaker than healthy cells and simply die. Of those that survive, their proliferation is limited by normal feedback controls that prevent their growth. As a result, they live out their normal lifespan and die. Those cells that may eventually become potentially cancerous produce abnormal protein, which triggers the B-lymphocytes to form an army of antibodies to destroy the mutated cancer cells. Oncogenes or precancerous cells can be inherited, however, until the requisite number of mutations occurs in life, cancer will not develop. Viruses can also produce oncogenes. Since they proliferate by invading and taking over surrounding healthy cells, they are protected by a coat of protein. The science of virology substantiates that there are mechanisms in a healthy organism that can and do inhibit the invasion of viruses. Again this depends on a healthy immune system and there are physiological mechanisms that can destroy viruses and there are herbs such as - Bloodroot, hydrastis, burdock and dandelion for instance that have anti-cancer properties and are effective in overcoming viruses and harmful bacteria. Cancer Intervention Apoptosis vs. Necrosis Necrosis involves the cell-death of areas of tissue or bone. As a medical procedure, it employs the methods of chemotherapy and radiation to destroy cancer cells. Unfortunately, this is not purely a selective method so that healthy cells are also destroyed. Necrosis is also associated with the diseases such as gangrene and the *spread* of advanced stages of certain types of cancer such as that of the breast. Necrosis has been understood to be the long-standing cause of cell death. Only in the last decade have researchers understood a second cause, namely apoptosis. In apoptosis, cells are programmed at birth to die at old age or when various extenuating conditions no longer benefit the host. The difference is that where necrosis associated with cancer is associated with inflammation and damage to adjacent cells, apoptosis affects scattered individual cells and is a more organized method of removing old, damaged or otherwise undesirable cells. Apoptosis, therefore, represents a more " selective " delimitation of cancer cells. Angiogenesis Angiogenesis or neo-angiogenesis refers to development of vascular tissues. The process occurs in benign tumors in healthy adults during the healing of wounds, ovulation, menstruation and pregnancy. By inducing their own blood supply, tumor cells are greatly assisted with oxygen and nutrients to grow and proliferate. Compared to normal tissue, angiogenesis in a tumor is limited and imperfect and characteristically associated with chaotic vessel growth. Vessels tend to be thin walled and break easily. Eventually this leads to an occlusion of blood flow and hypoxia-induced central necrosis with the formation of open tumorous sores. Because of increased interstitial pressure, the uptake of drugs and herbs as well as the ability of the immune cells to function is greatly impeded. Be that as it may, capillary density in a tumor is a predictive metatastic measure for women with breast cancer. During the angiogenic phase, tumor growth is exponentially metastatic. Angiogenesis is at different stages both desirable in terms of facilitating the effective delivery of chemotherapy and various anti-carcinogenic substances derived from herbs as well as undesirable when it evolves to the stage of enhancing the proliferation of tumor cells and the devolution into necrotic stasis and sores. Since angiogenesis is precipitated by congestion of tumor cells and blood, the therapeutic strategy from this perspective is to break up congestion through the use of emmenagogue or Blood moving herbs. Another method is the suppression of reactionary " mast " cells that secrete histamine and serotonin characteristic during the first stages of inflammation that cause local edema and inflammation with the proliferation of phagocytes. The Holistic Treatment of Cancer No treatment of cancer should be focused on treating only the manifestations of the disease, i.e. the tumor, for instance. Instead, the focus of treatment should be the balanced promotion of the health of the whole body, mind and spirit. This may mean making significant lifestyle changes but this will assure success in overcoming the immediate manifestation of the disease as well as its dread recurrence. To recover from cancer, it is not enough to commit to changing one's diet or simply taking some herbs. These in themselves for many can be a formidable undertaking. However, issues such as creating a healing environment and allowing time to process emotional and spiritual issues that may adversely effect healing are also necessary. Healing any disease with any modality always involves a certain act of faith, for this reason, daily meditation and/or prayer is of inestimable benefit to maintain as positive and outlook as possible. Further, because the treatment of cancer can be such a daunting task, it is very important to develop a reliable support system, at least one other individual who will assist and encourage and help you each day on your road to recovery. Diet for Cancer Patients Diet, what to eat and what to avoid eating, is of primary importance in the treatment of cancer. For most of us we renew our covenant with life three times a day or each time we eat. For the cancer patient and indeed anyone with degenerative disease, the Hippocratic principle, " Let your medicine be you food and your food your medicine, " should determine the choices we make. In general, I would suggest that the cancer patient follow the dietary suggestions set forth in another section of this book. However, it may be useful to point out certain foods and classes of foods that have particular beneficial and detrimental impact on cancer patients. We all have come to realize that certain vitamins, namely vitamins A, C, D and K, folic acid, beta-carotene and selenium as well as the B complex group are all beneficial in inhibiting carcinogenesis. In addition, the use of fiber from whole grains and citrus pectin have beneficial effects in inhibiting and preventing cancer of the large intestine and prostate. A major factor involved in the process of carcinogenesis and all degenerative conditions is a high level of cancer causing, oxygen scavenging free radicals, which are unstable particles that damage the outer protective membranes of cells and are incrementally self-replicating. Free radicals, an internal process of oxidation, when in balance also serve a beneficial function in helping to kill invading pathogens and thereby prevents inflammation. According to an article in the New York Times, April 28, 1988, " free oxygen radicals, the main type formed in living organisms, have been implicated in more than 60 disorders, including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, cataracts and rheumatoid arthritis. " Vitamins such as vitamin A, C and E are powerful free radical scavengers. These are found in most fruits, vegetables and whole grains. One of the most powerful, Pycnogenol, is highly present in pine bark and grape seeds. It certainly would not hurt to eat a bunch of organic grapes including chewing the seeds when these are seasonally available. In addition, I would recommend cancer patients to take a daily high dose of pycnogenol that contains 25 mg of pine bark (OPC 85) and 25 of grape seed (OPC 85+). Phytochemicals found in a variety of herbs have many ways to offset cancer. First, they stimulate vital process of detoxification in the body that eliminate carcinogenic factors; second, they powerfully stimulate and strengthen the body's immune system which help it to inactivate, fight and destroy cancer cells and third, many herbs have free radical scavenging properties. It is important to realize that just because one substance is researched and then marketed for having particular properties and effects, does not mean that those same effects to an even greater degree are not present in other substances. There a literally thousands of herbs that are known to have therapeutic value. Less than 1% of them have been researched. Foods high in beta-carotene These include yellow-orange vegetables such as carrots, yams, squash, pumpkin, paprika, cayenne pepper and turnips. Carotenoids other than beta-carotene include canthaxanthin, phytoene, lutein, xanathophylls and lycopenes, many of which, according to herbalist, Donny Yance AHG, may offer greater anti-carcinogenic effects than beta-carotene. He further states that carotenoids have antioxidant properties, protecting phagocytes, lipids and the cells against oxidation, strengthen the immune system, increase the production of certain interleukins and with their special effect on the skin, protect against cancer causing sun damage. Cruciferous vegetables Vegetables in the cabbage family (cruciferae) contain high amounts of anti-cancer constituents called indoles and isothiocyanates. They are also high in vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, anti-carcinogenic minerals and fiber. Because when eaten raw, these vegetables contain a high amount of thyroid lowering agents, they should always be cooked. Some vegetables in this category include cabbage, collards, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens, turnips and radishes. Dark leafy green vegetables These are high in chlorophyll and other anti-carcinogenic compounds and should be eaten daily, both raw and cooked. Again, this is a place to include uncultivated herbs such as dandelion, chicory, chickweed, malva, watercress, nettles and mustard greens. In addition romaine lettuce, arugula and spinach are valuable. One of the most powerful wild greens, purslane, hardly including in North American cuisine, is a prized delicacy in many other countries including Central America and France. Purslane is high in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants as well as vitamins E, C, K, beta-carotene, glutathione and psoralens. Psoralens have powerful antioxidant properties, which besides fighting cancer are particularly beneficial for normalizing skin pigmentation. The greens with a bitter flavor such as dandelion and chicory more powerfully stimulate detoxification, especially from the liver. They are also potassium rich foods. They can be served steamed or lightly sautéed with a little olive or sesame oil. Garlic and onion family vegetables In preparing these greens we can add chopped garlic, which is high in anti-carcinogenic sulfur compounds including allicin. Other foods that contain similar compounds to a lesser extent include onions, leeks, chives and shallots. Mushrooms Traditional people around the world have always valued the health benefits of edible mushrooms. Mushrooms are high in minerals, especially potassium, which is important to regulate intracellular fluid and the absorption of nutrients into the cell. All mushrooms have potent health giving, anti-carcinogenic properties but the one that is the most practical to use regularly is the shiitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes). These can be economically purchased dry, by the pound in Chinese grocery stores and pharmacies as " Black Mushrooms. " They can then be soaked and reconstituted in water before using. Shiitake mushrooms are high B1, B2, B12, niacin and pantothenic acid. B vitamins are necessary for cell energy and hormone production. They also contain high amounts of protein, enzymes and 8 essential amino acids and have been found to be useful for cancer, heart disease, AIDS, flu, tumors, viruses, high blood pressure, obesity and aging. Lentinant, a polysaccharide found in the root and cell wall of shiitake, has a triple helix structure, a shape considered important for the healing properties of shiitake. Lentinant stimulates the production of T-lymphocytes and macrophages that ingest foreign invaders. It also helps the production of interleukin 1 and 2, known to inhibit the growth of cancer and viruses. In Japan, lentinan, the polysaccharide found in shiitake is an approved drug used together with chemotherapy to treat cancer patients. Research has substantiated that it increases the lifespan of cancer patients and may also prevent the recurrence of cancer after surgery. Best of all the oral ingestion by animals and humans has found shiitake to possess strong antitumor activity, stimulating the body's innate immune system to fight abnormal cells. It helps the body produce more interferon to defend itself from viruses and other harmful matter. Shiitake is also very beneficial for the cardiovascular system, in the treatment of HIV, the treatment of viral/bacterial infections. Asparagus Surprisingly, asparagus is a vegetable that has a cleansing effect through the lymphatic system and the kidneys. It is high in potassium and other anti-cancer vitamins and minerals but further contains certain protein compounds that according to Donny Yance, act as " Cell Growth Normalizers " on cancer cell division. " He further states how " asparagus therapy has been used to treat various forms of cancer and reversal of the disease has been reported in a number of cases. He further describes that as a form of cancer therapy, asparagus is always cooked and pureed in a blender. It can then be stored in the refrigerator. The dose is 4 tablespoons two or three times daily alone or mixed in hot or cold water. Fruits Apples, grapes (with the seeds), apricots, peaches and berries all have powerful anti-cancer properties. They also tend to have a stronger cooling or anti-inflammatory effect so that they are best eaten in the season and climate when they naturally occur. Citrus fruits, but more important, the peel contains D-limonene which has powerful anti-cancer properties. It has been used as a trial in England as a monotherapy for individuals with pancreatic and large intestine cancer. Always use organic unsprayed citrus fruits, especially if you are going to use the peel. Either orange, tangerine or lemon rind makes a zesty condiment when mixed into soups, salads and sauces. They are also very beneficial for digestion and assimilation and a variety of citrus peels are used in teas. Grains Whole grains provide the most important bio-chemical balance for health. The most balanced grain is brown rice and should constitute a large part of the diet. Other grains are also very beneficial and include millet, quinoa, whole wheat, corn, oats and barley, all containing various anti-carcinogenic compounds and properties. Barley contains coixenlide, amino acid, saccharides and alkaloids. In Traditional barley is used to drain dampness, meaning it has mild diuretic properties. Dampness is one of the symptomatic issues involved with arthritic conditions as well as cancer. " Coix " , a type of barley, is used for a variety of cancers but especially cancer of the breast, larynx, uterus and stomach. Brown rice also has anti-cancer and diuretic properties. If digestion is weak, TCM advocates the use of long cooked rice for easier digestion and assimilation. Congee: Chinese Rice Porridge One of the most assimilable foods is congee or rice porridge. Traditionally it is used by Chinese people as a basic breakfast because of its easy digestion. In general, congee is made with organic white rice because it is considered easier to digest and is particularly beneficial for convalescence and for the treatment of chronic diseases such as cancer. The basic recipe is to cook one part by volume of white rice in 7 to 10 parts of water, slowly for six to eight hours (a slow cooker can be used). For protein supplementation, one can add a good quality non-gmo soy or organic whey powder. There are infinite variations on this basic congee recipe which should be selected according to individual requirements and needs. One can substitute or mix different grains such as barley for arthritis and cancer. It is also an ideal medium to combine various vegetables or tonic herbs according to one's condition as follows: Immune tonic -- astragalus root -- 9 grams Low energy -- codonopsis or Chinese ginseng combined with Poria cocos mushrooms (or shiitake) --- approximately 9 grams of each Liver and blood deficiency ---- lycii berries (high in beta carotene) and Polygonum multiflorum --- 9 grams of each Dryness, Yin or wasting conditions --- ophiopogon root and Chinese asparagus root --- approximately 9 grams of each For general weakness, immune deficiency, emaciation, spontaneous perspiration and loss of appetite --- Astragalus root 60 grams, Chinese ginseng 12 grams, 90 grams of white rice, 4 ounces of shredded organic lean beef, with whole brown sugar (Sucanat) added to taste, after cooking. Congee offers a wonderful opportunity to add grated orange or tangerine peel both for flavor and their anti-carcinogenic properties as desired. Orange or tangerine peel in tea or with congee is good to help overcome nausea of chemotherapy. It is not possible to offer all the possible variations for making congee. As one can see, it is the perfect medium for a variety of health-giving, easily digested and assimilated food and herb combinations. Beans and various legumes Isoflavones are flavonoid compounds that are commonly found in various legumes including organic soybeans. One of the most important currently is Genistein because of its close molecular resemblance to human estrogen. For this reason it is very important to include beans, especially soybeans as part of an anti-cancer diet. Fermented soybean products such as miso, tempeh and shoyu tamari go through complex chemical processes that are of particular benefit in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Protein Foods Cancer is fundamentally involved with mal-utilization of protein. Oncologists generally agree that the actual cause of death in cancer patients is cachexia, a condition of severe weight loss and wasting associated with protein mal-absorption. In fact cancer cells are able to grow by making the amino acids of protein available for their growth at the expense of the body as a whole. Meat, especially red meat, being the most readily assimilable protein, becomes a banquet for cancer cells. Emphasizing the use of plant sources of vegetable protein such as legumes and beans that contain cancer-fighting compounds should be a prominent part of an anti-cancer diet. Legumes and beans supply high quality protein necessary to rebuild thetissues and maintain a healthy immune system. They are also an important source of insoluble fiber that slows the release of glucose into the bloodstream, keeping blood sugar levels in balance. It has been found that sugar speeds up metabolism and causes tumors to grow at a much faster rate. Fiber is also fermented in the colon mostly by beneficial bacteria that produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA's) that help prevent colon cancer. Legumes also serve as protease inhibitors, which are a protein- splitting enzyme, found to be important to block cancer growth. Finally, legumes are an important source of valuable phytochemicals such as saponins, which tonify the immune system and inhibit the DNA synthesis of cancer cells. Another important source of protein is from fatty fish such as alaskan salmon, which is also rich in Poultry, (with the skin removed), are a less " dense " protein than red meat and can also be occasionally used. The following recipe was given to me by one of my former esteemed teachers for the treatment of cancer. It is a basic stew and if all the ingredients are unavailable it still has great benefit. Dr. Miriam Lee's Bean Soup Treatment for Cancer Contents and Measurements: Brown rice 10 tblsp. Black beans 1 Tblsp. Pinto Beans 1 tblsp Organic Corn or cornmeal 1 Tblsp Azuki Beans 1 tblsp Barley 1 Tblsp Pine Nuts 1 tblsp Millet 1 Tblsp Mung Beans 1 tblsp Buckwheat 1 Tblsp Split peas 1 tblsp Oats 1 Tblsp Organic Soya beans 1 tblsp Organic Peanuts (nip removed) 1 Tblsp Chinese Herbs: Add 12 grams of each of the following: Qian-shi (Euryale seed also called Foxnut), Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon root), Bai Guo (Ginkgo seed) with the skin removed (this is the most difficult to obtain and can be omitted), Bai He (Tiger lily bulb), Lian Zi (Lotus seed), Shan yao (Dioscorea batatas), Fu Ling (poria cocos). Preparation: Simmer the entire contents in 18 cups of water. As soon as it comes to boil, reduce heat and simmer for another 2 hours. (Donot use too high of a flame as this will destroy the nutrients.) Consume over a period of 3 days. Keep unused portion in the freezer. Continue this food therapy for many months. All these herbs are available from a Chinese pharmacy (See Sources in the appendix). Soybean Extract: Special Nutrition for Cancer Patients One of the most valuable anticancer food agents I have found is a special fermented soybean extract that was first developed in a cancer hospital in China. It is made by concentrating approximately 25 to 27 pounds of organic soybeans down to 8 ounces of liquid. This is then fermented for several days to form and release 1000's of bioactive phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-osteoporotic, anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, etc. The phytochemicals generated from the concentrated fermented soybean extract are able to prevent cancer by capturing free radicals and prevent them from damaging DNA. In animal studies they have been found to be effective in the prevention and treatment of most cancers including breast, colorectal and prostate. They assist in detoxifying the liver, lowering the number of histamines in the blood that helps clear various allergic reactions, including bronchitis and nasal congestion and also help relieve pain, lower cholesterol, heal stomach ulcers and stop menstrual cramps. Research has shown that Soybean products contain five cancer preventive or reversal chemical agents: 1) protease inhibitors, which hold off activation of the specific oncogenes that cause cancer; 2) phytate, which binds iron in the intestines to prevent it from generating free radicals resulting in cancer; 3) phytosterols, which neutralize the breakdown of cholesterol and reduce the development of colon tumors and skin cancer; 4) saponins, which stop cellular mutations that could inevitably lead to cancer; 5) isoflavones, which are plant estrogens with strong inhibiting effects in hormone related malignancies such as prostate, ovarian, cervical and breast cancers. The isoflavones are a group of phytochemicals that include genistein. Genistein is an estrogen precursor that binds to receptor sites and either block estrogen uptake if there is too much or supplies it if there is too little. This is thought to be why Asian women have a noticeable lack of gynecological problems associated with menopause, fibroids and more than a 45% lower incidence of breast cancer. The assortment of other isoflavones found in soy are effective against a wide variety of cancers including lung, brain, breast, colon, prostate, skin and even blood dyscrasias including leukemia and Hodgkin's disease. Juices Cancer patients should have one or two 8 ounce glasses of fresh organic vegetable juice each day. A good combination is carrots, beets, celery, garlic and if available fresh burdock root. For a flavor variation one can add an apple occasionally as desired. Green Drink I also recommend the use of chlorella which is a highly nutritive one cell blue-green algae that is a powerful immune system stimulant that also has demonstrated anti-tumor effects. Research has shown that Chlorella is able to repair the DNA system and increase serum albumin levels. Beverages Green tea contains catechin polyphenols that are have been shown to have potent anticarcinogenic properties. Other beverages that can be used are red clover tea, the anti-cancer tea described below and roasted root and grain beverages, many of which contain a roasted extract of dandelion root which is a potent liver detoxifier with anticancer properties. Herbal Treatment The basic strategy in the treatment of cancer involves improving the health and natural immunity of the patient overall and secondly dissolving the tumor by killing the more vulnerable cancer cells. Herbs and herbal preparations have the ability to treat cancer both through necrosis and apoptosis. Internal Herbal Treatment Formula #14 (Blood Purifier and Alterative) Echinacea root, Golden seal, Chaparral, Honeysuckle flowers, Forsythia blossoms, Sarsaparilla root, Yellow dock root, American ginseng, Ginger root, Cinnamon twigs, Licorice This blood purifying formula is effective for inflammatory conditions, skin eruptions, fevers, toxicity of blood and lymph, boils, sores and arthritic conditions. It can be used for both bacterial and viral infections. It is also a good antibiotic herbal formula useful for many acute inflammatory symptoms including flu and sore throat. The majority of the herbs in this formula have known anti-carcinogenic compounds, which make it useful for the treatment of cancer. The tablets should be taken at least two three times daily. Chaparral contains the powerful antioxidant NDGA (nordihydroquaiaretic acid) which has known anti-carcinogenic properties. Golden Seal (Hydrastis canadensis) is another important North American blood purifying anti-inflammatory herb. Its major constituents, berberine, hydrastine and hydrastinine are effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria, yeast, fungus and protozoas. Berberine, a major compound in goldenseal, has been found to inhibit cellular respiration especially of cancer cells which are more sensitive to berberine that the normal cells. Honeysuckle flowers contain flavones, luteolin, inositol and saponins and are used for the treatment of cancer generally but especially of the lungs. Forsythia blossoms contains oleanolic acid, flavonoid glycoside and saponin and has anti-carcinogenic properties similar to honeysuckle flowers. Sarsaparilla root is rich in phytochemicals including various saponins that have immune potentiating and cancer inhibiting properties. Yellow dock root is effective for cancer and has been used in TCM for acute leukemia. American ginseng contains ginsenosides and polysaccharide that inhibit Ehrlich's ascites carcinoma and various other types of cancers including sarcoma-180 and adenocarcima-755. Licorice and its various constituents including glycyrrhizin have been found to be prophylactic against cancer. Echinacea is perhaps the most famous Western herb for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. While it may have little direct activity againstcancer, its ability to stimulate the immune system makes it a useful addition to the formula. Echinacea is an immune system stimulant and has shown anti-carcinogenic properties. Formula # 15 (Pau D' Arco/Mushroom Complex) Pau d'arco bark, Pau d'arco extract, Burdock root, Echinacea root, Echinacea root extract, Red clover blossoms, Poria, Reishi mushroom in soy culture, American ginseng, Kelp Cool-natured and dispersing, this formula is a mild diuretic, helping to resolve tumors, cysts, and lymphatic congestion. It can be used for all degenerative diseases associated with the appearance of abnormal growths. For patients undergoing chemo or radiation therapy it can be taken with Formula #75 Reishi Mushroom Complex to offset some of the negative side effects and to optimize the effects of the Western treatments for these conditions. This formula can also be combined with formula # 14. Dosage: Two to four tablets three times daily with warm water or a tea made from a combination of equal parts red clover blossoms, burdock root and chaparral. Pau d' arco (Tabebuia heptaphylla, also called Lapacho, Taheebo and Ipe Roxo) Cooling, bitter, alterative, antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti- tumor, anti-viral, anti-neoplastic, digestive, diuretic, fungicide, anti-diabetic, anodyne, analgesic, astringent, parasiticide, hypotensive. Constituents: Lapachol, a quinone, is a recognized antitumor agent found in the wood and barely in the bark. According to Wagner, head of the institute of Pharmaceutical Biology at the university of Munich in Germany, much of the basis for Pau d' Arco's reputation is it immune stimulating properties. Quinones (also present in cascara sagrada and rhubarb root) are present throughout nature. They are involved with the transference of hydrogen and of electrons. Lapachol found in the inner bark activates human immune cells (lymphocytes and granulocytes) in low concentrations. Lymphocytes include cells that mediate immunologic reactions such as T-cells. Granulocytes are white blood cells found in the blood that devours foreign cells and bacteria. Lapachol is barely soluble in water The best quality Pau D' Arco comes from Argentina. It has significant anti-fungal properties and has had several studies corroborating its effectiveness for treating cancer. Pau D' Arco is a first rate alternative and blood purifier and can be used for a wide variety of conditions including all skin diseases, for the treatment of flu, herpes and hepatitis, environmental allergies, asthma as well as leukemia and pernicious anemia. Burdock root (Fructus et radix Arctii, Chinese, Niu Pang) It is classified as acrid, bitter, antipyretic resolving masses and lumps, removing the stagnation of Qi in the viscera. The root is classified in Chinese medicine as cold, bitter, slightly biting flavor. It is used to clear fever, detoxify and dispel Wind (spasms and the proliferation of pathogenic influences) The dried root, seed and whole plant is used. It contains arctiin, fatty oil, sterol, vitamin A- like substances and vitamin B in the fruit; volatile oil and vitamin B in the leaf and 5% inulin, mucilage, tannic substance and proteins in the root. For cancerous edema 60 grams is fried and pulverized for oral administration, 6 grams taken three times daily. Doses of the root often combined with the seed range from 9 to 30 grams daily. Red Clover Blossoms (Trifolium pratense) Classified as bitter, cold, antiinflammatory, diuretic, antipyretic and able to improve acuity of vision because of its high beta carotene content. It contains isoflavones, which possesses estrogen-like actions (genistein) and the activity of 100 grams of the dried plant corresponds to 0.55-0.56 ug. of estradiol. Its anticancer properties are enhanced by the presence of active carotene (richest in the blossoms) and vitamin E. Poria Cocos has a neutral energy and bland flavor. It contains Beta-pachyman (93% of the weight of poria), choline, adenine and other constituents. It has been found to inhibit mice sarcoma-180 at an effective rate of 96.88%. It increases phagocytosis and promotes the formation of immunoglobulin. Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) has a sweet and warm energy, is both sedative and tonic, supreme deep immune system tonic, nourishes the spirit, essence and vital energy. It has strong anti-carcinogenic properties and is rich in a number of complex phytochemicals including ergosterol, fumaric acid, aminoglucose and mannitol, coumarins, alkaloids, lactone and various enzymes. It is effective for all cancers and immune system deficiencies. As such it is specific for individuals recovering from chemotherapy. Kelp (Laminaria species) is salty and cold in nature, it has trace amounts of iodine which activate thyroid function. It is generally used in Chinese medicine to soften any hard lumps or tumors. It is rich in polysaccharides, which have known anticancer properties. It also is able to inhibit the growth hormone of tumors. With these two formulas I combine other herbs and formulas for detoxification and elimination: Formula #12 for detoxifying the blood through the liver, Triphala for gentle purification of the liver, blood and gastrointestinal tract, Formula #2 to assist the process of detoxification through the urinary tract Formula #75 Reishi Mushroom Complex taken as a digestive and immune tonic before meals. Red Clover, Burdock and Chaparral Tea for Cancer Purchase or freshly pick good quality red clover blossoms (these should have mostly reddish purple blossoms not just the green leaves, as the flowers are highest in beta-carotene). Simmer one handful of the combination each morning in three cups of boiling water. Have one half cup before and after meals with the other herbal formulas. Warm each cup before use. In addition, two formulas that may be considered include the Ayurvedic, Guggul Raj formula, which is used in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine for circulatory disorders, lowering blood cholesterol and creating the correct ration of LDL and HDL cholesterol. Guggul is also regarded as an effective Ayurvedic treatment for various types of cancer. Stress Free (formula # may be useful to feed the nervous system and counteract nervous stress, which is understandably associated with cancer and can effect one's recovery. These formulas are described as follows: The liver is the most important organ of detoxification in the body. It has numerous functions including filtering out stored internal toxins caused by stress and external toxins caused by ingested substances and environmental pollutants. All the herbs in this formula have anti-cancer properties. Milk thistle seeds are particularly valuable to help nourish and rebuild the liver. A good nutritional supplement I recommend is to lightly dry roast whole milk thistle seeds (available from and then grind them with a little rock salt or roasted sea salt. These can be eaten by the spoonful several times a day or sprinkled on food as a condiment. Formula # 12 for the Liver (Liver Detoxifying Formula) Bupleurum, Milk thistle seed extract (83.5% Silymarin), Cyperus, Dandelion root, Oregon grape root, Wild yam root, Dang quai, Dang quai extract, Lycii berries, Fennel seed, Ginger, Green citrus peel Used to help regulate liver metabolism. It both dredges deep-seated toxins stored in cells throughout the body and detoxifies the liver while supporting the liver yin (blood). It is useful for hepatitis, chest pains and colitis due to liver irregularities, constipation, cirrhoses, gynecological disorders and general blood detoxification. Unlike many other cholagogues, it also helps tonify live blood so it is especially good for deficient conditions with blood and yin deficiency. It contains a number of anti-cancer herbs including the following: Dandelion (Herba Taraxaci or Chinese, Pu Gong Ying) The whole herb is used. It Clears heat, is sweet, bitter, mild and cold with no toxicity. It is especially effective for curing female breast abscess. It goes to the Liver and Spleen. It contains taraxasterol, choline, inulin and pectin. Interestingly Chang Minyi states that " the drug (herb) has been processed into an extract or pills and is widely used for treating various sorts of cancer. " This statement seems unsubstantiated by my own experience. The hot water extract inhibits sarcoma-180 in mice with an effective rate of 43.5%, whereas the hot water extract has no effect. The hot water extract contains a polyose substance that is anti-carcinogenic and promotes immunity. According to Elucidation of the Materia Medica, The drug cures female breast cancer because breast abscess is distributed to the Liver channel which dominates all the body activities during menstruation. " This seems to suggest that because dandelion activates liver function, it helps the liver " neutralize " estrogen which can activate certain cancer cells. Bupleurum (Bupleurum falcatum) contains saikosaponins that have anti-inflammatory properties similar to prednisolone. It is a primary ingredient in a number of herbal formulas whose action involves liver detoxification. It has the ability to inhibit cancer growth by inducing apoptosis (slow death of cancer cells) and inhibiting angiogenesis (blocking the vascularization of tumors). It is used for breast, liver and colon cancer and it has been found to increase the effectiveness of the chemotherapeutic agent 5- fluorouracil (5-FU). Oregon Grape (Berberis acquifolia) like Goldenseal is high in berberine, which has antineoplastic properties and tends to block oxygen uptake specifically to cancer cells. Herbs and the Urinary Tract The kidneys serve as a filter of Soluble wastes from the blood. Urea, one of the waste byproducts of urine, is formed from ammonia, which in turn is the result of protein degradation. These, along with other cellular wastes are discharged from the liver to combine with other wastes and nutrients in the blood. When the blood passes through the small tubules of the kidneys, the waste byproducts that are smaller than proteins pass into the tubules for excretion. Other important nutrients such as amino acids, certain vitamins, calcium magnesium and sodium are reabsorbed. Urine contains water, urea, urates, nitrates, sulfates and phosphates. The dietary need for potassium is obviated by the fact that there is a certain loss of potassium secreted with urates in the urine. Herbs have a number of effects on the urinary tract. They can stimulate the excretion of urine and thus have a more flushing effect. They also possess potent antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which help prevent and cure urinary tract infections. Many urinary diuretic herbs have anti-lithic or stone dissolving properties. Still another important effect is to soothe the lining of the bladder and greatly relieve pain and irritation. Finally, the use of mushrooms such as Poria Cocos and other mushrooms have potent anti-carcinogenic properties. Because of their high potassium and mineral content, help regulate cellular nutrition and inter and extra cellular fluid balance. Formula # 2 (Urinary System Detoxifying Formula) Cleavers, Dandelion root, Poria, Marshmallow root, Parsley root, Uva ursi, Ginger root. This formula is dispersing, diuretic, regulates fluid metabolism and overcomes thirst, swelling, cystitis and kidney weakness. It has a cool to neutral energy and is effective for most Damp Heat (inflammatory) urinary tract disorders. Interestingly, the formula has also proved corrective for individuals tending to frequent urination in both women and men with benign prostate enlargement that causes incomplete and dribbling urine. This formula can be used as a safe and effective diuretic as well as for urinary disorders and infections. Herbal formula to maintain balanced elimination and detoxification Formula # 23 TRIPHALA Equal parts Emblica officinalis, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebulae. Triphala (tri-three, phala-fruits) is a combination of the fruit of the chebulic, belleric, and emblic myrobalan trees, respectively. These are popularly known in India as harad, behada and amla. Triphala is widely regarded as a purgative and laxative but in fact it is considered a rasayana and rejuvenator. Its special value, therefore, is both as a regulator of elimination as well as rejuvenator of the whole body. Harada and behada have a warm energy, while amla is cool. Triphala, being a combination of all three, is therefore balanced, making it useful as an internal cleansing, detoxifying formula for everyone including more sensitive type individuals and vegetarians. Daily use of triphala will promote normal appetite, good digestion, the increase of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and removal of undesirable fat. Triphala will also eliminate what is called deficient heat in Chinese medicine. This is a feeling of heat and burning on the chest, legs, palms and/or soles of the feet, all representing a B-vitamin deficiency in Western medicine. Triphala taken regularly will promote absorption and utilization of the B vitamins and will completely relieve the symptoms of deficient heat. Triphala is very beneficial for creating a favorable chemical environment for the proliferation of beneficial intestinal bacteria and an unfavorable environment for non-beneficial intestinal bacteria. Of primary importance is the use of triphala as a bowel regulator. It is considered as safe as food and is not habit forming, even when taken on a daily basis. No wonder that in India there is a saying comparing the importance of triphala to that of a mother. Since triphala is a tonic, cleanser and blood purifier, there is still one other important use for it and that is as a strengthener of the eyes, useful for cataracts, conjunctivitis and glaucoma. Triphala can be used as daily eyewash to strengthen vision, counteract many eye defects and eliminate redness and soreness. Dosage: As a blood purifier, reducing and cleansing agent, take two tablets three times daily. As an occasional tonic laxative, take two to six tablets in the evening. As an eyewash, steep a teaspoon of the powder in a cup of boiled water, cool, strain through a cloth, and using an eyecup purchased in a pharmacy, bathe the eyes two or three times a day. Herbal formula to break up tumors and normalize circulation Formula #68 Guggul raj Guggul, Triphala (Harada, Amla, Behada), Pippli, Omum seeds, Chitrak. Guggul is specific for circulatory problems especially high cholesterol and high triglycerides. In addition, guggul is used for arteriosclerosis, arthritic and rheumatic problems, numbness and impaired circulation. The active biochemical constituents are called guggulsterones, which contain diterpenes, sterols, esters and fatty alcohols. All of these seem to have a synergistic effect in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Guggul is one of the most valued herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. It has been used for thousands of years for a variety of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis and lipid imbalances. Gugulipid has been found in research to be safer and more effective than many cholesterol-lowering drugs, including niacin. Because of this, it was granted approval in India for marketing as a lipid-reducing drug in June of 1986. Gugulipid lowers cholesterol by increasing the liver's metabolism. Guggulsterone increases the liver's ability to increase the uptake of LDL cholesterol from the blood by the liver. Guggulsterone also has thyroid-stimulating activity, which contributes to the lipid-lower activity in general. Guggul is widely used for a variety of circulatory and metabolic complaints. These include weight loss, to increase energy, as a heart tonic, to improve flexibility and youthful mobility, strengthen the bones as a treatment to prevent osteoporosis, and nervous tissues, treat cancers and tumors, arthritis and rheumatic complaints and all circulatory disorders. It is traditionally combined with triphala to accents its ability to detoxify the channels of the body, reduce cholesterol and high blood lipids for weight loss. FU ZHENG TONIC IMMUNE THERAPY Fu zheng is a therapeutic approach to protective the " righteous qi " of the body, which represents all those aspects that we would not want to compromise when our system's immune system is under attack. Fu Zheng formulas such as the one below are typically taken to maintain the immune system under all circumstances or when one must undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Formula # 75 Reishi Mushroom Complex Reishi mycelial biomass, Shiitake mycelial biomass, Siberian ginseng extract, Schizandra, Astragalus, Atractylodes, Grifola, Ligustrum, Poria cocos, Reishi mushroom extract, Polygala, Ginger root, Green citrus peel This combines Fu Zheng herbs in a special formulation useful for cancer patients undergoing conventional Western medical treatment for individuals with a depleted immune system and to protect one from sickness. Herbal formula to strengthen the nerves and help maintain calm and centeredness Formula # 8 Nerve tonic for Stress) Valerian, Valerian root extract, Zizyphus seeds, Calcium carbonate, Magnesium citrate (8% of the US RDA for Magnesium), American ginseng, Black cohosh, Chamomile, Ginger, Hawthorn berries, Hops, Skullcap, Wood betony, Siberian ginseng extract and Siberian ginseng, Licorice This formula has a mild, neutral and soothing energy and is a tonic for the nerves. It relieves feelings of stress and tension, insomnia, excessive irritability, anxiety, poor concentration and the mild relief of pain. It is an ideal formula to use during times of high stress or in the workplace. It will induce a sense of calm centeredness without drowsiness. It can also be taken a half-hour before retiring for a sound night's sleep. Herbs to Clear the lymphatic system and metastasis Pokeroot (Phytolacca dicandra, Chinese, Shang Lu) It is cooling, bitter, alterative, anodyne, antibiotic, antiinflammatory, anti-rheumatic, anti-scorbutic, anti-syphilitic, anti-tumor, cathartic, emetic, parasiticide and toxic. It is considered a specific for all glandular derangements including breast cancer as well as other cancers. Because of its strong cathartic and emetic effects, certainly in its fresh state and in too large dosage it can be a gastro-intestinal irritant. However, in my opinion, Pokeroot is one of the two or three most important native herbs for treating cancer. It can be used with a broad-spectrum blood purifying formula such as the Hoxsey formula. The dose of the tincture is no more than 5 to 10 drops every three hours. Generally it is best to make syrup of fresh pokeroot which tends to lessen gastric irritation. This is simply made by adding fresh green pokeroot tincture to a base syrup or honey. The dose is five to ten drops every three hours. In 1869, Eli Jones gives a formula, which he used to cure his first case of breast cancer. It consisted of equal part of tinctures of pokeroot (the fresh green root only should be used), gentian root and dandelion root. These were all added to a simply syrup (they could be simply mixed with a base of honey and glycerin). He said this was " especially useful for cancer in old people or patients past midlife. It keeps the stomach and bowels in a healthy condition, keeps up the appetite and strength. " The dose of the syrup is no more than one teaspoonful after each meal. Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) Thuja is particularly indicated for cancers of viral origin including colon-rectal cancer, uterine cancer breast and lung cancer. It enhances the immune system by stimulating T-lymphocytes and increasing interleukin-2 production. This makes it particularly useful for increasing tolerance of chemo and radiation therapy. Dosage: No more than 10 drops of the tincture three times daily. (See appendix for formula names) External Treatment The internal treatment is involved with the process of internal purification and normalizing the chemistry of the body to create an unfavorable environment for cancer cells to thrive and thus leading to their dissolution. The external treatment of cancer with escharotic salves actually seeks out and destroys cancer cells. Escharotic pastes and salves are caustic compounds that are applied externally on the skin. These are directly applied over the affected area and will erode the tissue to eventually destroy and remove the underlying tumor. The direct application of herbs and herbal juices to tumors has been practiced in many different traditions and cultures far back into antiquity. It is known that the Native Americans commonly applied poultices of roasted onions and bloodroot as well as other substances, which eroded the skin to draw out cancers, tumors and other undesirable materials. Straight garlic poultice will also cause blistering and open the skin but, like onions, it is very painful. These formulas were admired and used by medical doctors during the 18th century in Europe. Other examples of topical application of herbs and their expressed juice are the use of chelidonium or dandelion latex to remove warts and other excrescences. The Chinese have a tradition of breaking open the seed of brucea javonica and taping directly over warts and excrescences to stimulate their dissolution. The treatment of breast cancer particularly through the use of dandelion latex was described as a folk remedy by the Chinese. Japanese macrobiotics uses a grated poultice of the taro potato (Colocasia esculenta) which grows in tropical, hot countries. The Africans call this plant taro, in India it is called albi, in Japan it is sato-imo ( " field-potato " ), in the Caribbean's it is malanga or yautia. It is a staple food of the Native Hawaiians who make a porridge called poi which is a staple of the traditional Hawaiian diet.. In the mid nineteenth century, Samuel Thompson, a leader of one of the most popular movements of natural healing based primarily on the use of Native American herbs, reported the successful treatment of breast cancer. This was done by using a paste of thickened decoction of red clover blossoms. It was repeatedly and thickly applied to the woman's breast and covered over with a protective bandage. After a short time the cancer literally sloughed off through the surface of the skin, leaving a shallow crater. It is presumed that if this case is at all similar to dozens that I have seen or heard of, that this healed over without any complications. Meanwhile and previously in Europe from the middle of the 18th century to the mid-nineteenth century one of the ways of treating cancer was by applying zinc chloride directly to tumors until they died and fell off. This was obviously a painful process. Around the mid-nineteenth century, Native American herbs became very popular in Europe and a Dr. J.W. Fell, working at Middlesex Hospital in London developed a paste made of bloodroot, zinc chloride, flour, and water. This was directly applied as a paste to a malignant growth and generally destroyed the tumor within two to four weeks. Bloodroot (Sanguinarea canadensis) is one of the most beautiful eastern North American woodland herbs and was commonly used to treat cancer by the Native Americans. Since that time it has been identified as a primary ingredient in most escharotic salves and pastes, as these are called, used for the treatment of cancer. The alkaloid, sanguinarine has been indeed found to possess powerful anti-cancer properties. The Eclectics medical doctors of the 19th century, especially Dr. Eli Jones, specialized in the treatment of cancer emphasizing internal treatment and lifestyle changes but evidently used escharotic salves and ointments with success. The late Dr. Raymond Christopher created a Black Ointment drawing salve that contained potent anti-cancer herbs such as poke root and black walnut bark. Many consider this to be only for drawing out slivers and such embedded in the flesh, but in fact, the salve is also used for drawing out cancers and tumors. In recent times various formulas for the salve has been sold or given away by various clandestine individuals who are mostly motivated by the desire to help provide patients with a less invasive and harmful method to remove cancers from various parts of the body. One of the most startling facts is that the use of escharotics has been and continues to be an accepted and recognized medical procedure. A medical text entitled Chemosurgery: Microscopically controlled Surgery for Skin Cancer was written by Dr. Frederic E. Mohs, B.Sc., M.D. and last published by Charles Thomas in 1978. It uses the same basic escharotic paste used by Eli Jones, Hoxsey, and others for application for topical application for the removal of various cancers, molls, warts and other growths and excrescences. Dr. Mohs was clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of Wisconsin Medical School As recently as the late 1960's Vipont pharmaceuticals under the name of Vipont Chemical Co. of Fort Collins, Colorado, was formed by a rodeo cowboy named Howard McCrorey and two friends specifically to research and develop the salve for FDA approval. At one point they informally sent it off to an investigator of Mayo clinic to be tested for its efficacy in treating cancer. The investigator sent back two letters stating he had not tested anything that even came close to the anti-tumor activity of the salve. In order to keep the company viable they performed various contract work. As a result they brought a toothpaste to market called Viadent which utilized the ingredients of their salve to maintain dental hygiene and prevent and cure periodontal disease. It was and still is very effective and the company was eventually bought up by Colgate who is the manufacturer of Viadent. The Escharotic Black Salve researched by Vipont is the basic one that is usually found. It consists of Equal parts powdered bloodroot, galangal, zinc chloride and distilled water. Other versions of this add white flour to make more of a paste consistency. Besides its topical use, there is a tradition of internal use for cancer and all infectious and inflammatory diseases. Vipont conducted an LD/50 toxicity study of the salve for internal use. It was reported that the LD/50 was around 700mg per kilogram of body weight. Since the recommended dose for internal use is no greater than 250mg, at this level toxicity is very low. However, it should never be taken on an empty stomach as it can be too irritating. The salve can be taken in a 00-sized gelatin capsule as it is taken each day. Vipont and company has documented the use of the salve for a wide variety of problems, ranging from the removal of warts, moles and skin cancers to other internal cancers, colds, eye problems (diluted in a saline solution, one part salve to 1000 parts water), staff infections, impotency, skin diseases, gastrointestinal inflammations and other conditions too numerous to list. One representative who reported this story and was on the Board ofs of Vipont Chemical Company, Clark Bigham stated that " my inclination is to try it for just about any known condition other than stomach ulcers and auto-immune diseases. " This is not the place to thoroughly explore the formulas and methods for the use of escharotic salves. This, along with a more complete presentation on the botanical treatment of cancer will be presented in another book. For those who are interested, there is a 2 1/2 hour video presentation on the treatment of cancer and the use of escharotic salves which is available with a more extensive paper on the subject. See appendix 4. Dry Skin Brushing and the Medicated Epsom Salts Bath The skin is one of the most important organs of elimination. As such it is an extension of the lungs and kidneys. It is important for the cancer patient to improve surface circulation on the skin and keep the pores of the skin open for regular the discharge of metabolic wastes. Each day before showering, the skin should be vigorously dry brushed with a natural fiber brush or luffa sponge. Then a warm bath or shower can be taken which should always be followed by a cool rinse at the end to invigorate blood circulation and stimulate surface warmth. The Medicated Epsom Salts Bath should be taken at least twice a week before retiring to bed. It neutralizes toxins, relieves pain and calms the nerves. Simply dissolve 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts in warm water in the bathtub. For the treatment of cancer, the best time to take the bath is just before bedtime. Eli Jones recommends that this bath be taken as often as twice a week. The skin should be vigorously rubbed with a natural bristle brush to remove all the dead skin and other material. The blood needs the magnesium in Epsom salts, which neutralizes the toxins. The bath also soothes the tired nerves and induces sound sleep. If there is no bathtub, dissolve one ounce of Epsom salts in a pint of warm water and bathe the body all over with the mixture. For acute fevers the bath can be used once or twice a day. For skin diseases, use sulfate of soda. For the treatment of cancer, the bath should never be omitted. Enzyme Therapy Experimental evidence has shown that cancer cells are highly susceptible to lysis (dissolution) when exposed to proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes. The rapid process of cell division of cancer cells causes them to have weaker cell membranes. This is makes them highly susceptible to destruction with enzymes. With age and any degenerative condition, serum levels of proteolytic enzymes (proteases) are at a much lower concentration. Thus aging is involved with a decrease of enzymes generally throughout the body which effects many body functions including digestion, energy production, DNA, oxygen and amino acid metabolism among other functions. Proteolytic enzymes such as papain from papaya and bromelain from pineapple are used in extract form as meat tenderizers. When the more vulnerable membranes of cancer cells are exposed to these enzymes they tend to be broken down with the consequent dissolution of the tumor. As tumors breakdown, through any means, they tend to throw an added toxic burden on the body, which can ultimately injure the kidneys. This is one reason that daily coffee enemas and weekly colonics are recommended, to facilitate the discharge of toxic waste from the destruction of the cancer. Proteolytic enzymes are most effective when taken rectally. Place 3 enzyme wafers in a single enema once a day for 3 days, then 2 wafers in a single enema 2 time a day for 3 days, then one wafer in a single enema once a day for 5 days. A syringe and enema tip accompanies the Wobe Mugos enema wafers. Place the number of wafers in the syringe and draw from 15 to 200 cc of distilled water into the syringe (body temperature). Shake a few times until the wafer dissolves and attach the plastic tube to the syringe. Lubricate the tube syringe and insert into the rectum. Slowly allow the fluid to enter the rectum. This usually does not stimulate bowel movement. The whole process should be performed in 5- 6 minutes or the enzyme will be deactivated. The enzyme is rapidly absorbed within a few minutes by the large intestine and enters the blood stream to the site of its action. COFFEE ENEMAS Coffee enemas during the initial stages of treatment are important to maintain regular detoxification from the overburdened liver. Coffee specifically draws toxins from the liver through the mesentery of the small intestine. While a small amount of caffeine may be absorbed, the detoxification is of far greater benefit. It may be possible to use other herbs such as bayberry bark, raspberry leaf and catnip to accomplish a similar purpose but since this is not yet proven in experience, the coffee enema may be the better choice. Dissolve 3 tablespoonsful of ground organic coffee in one quart of water. Boil for three minutes and then simmer for another fifteen minutes. Strain and allow cooling to body temperature. Place in an enema bag, which can be purchased from a pharmacy. Be sure the stopper on the enema bag hose is closed. Apply oil to the enema tip and the anus. Position a place in the bathroom with towels and blankets as necessary. Hang the bag no higher than 3 feet above the area where you will be laying on the floor. Lay on your back and gently insert the oiled enema tip into the anus. Try to have your feet slightly elevated, perhaps against the wall near where enema bag is hanging. Allow the coffee to flow gently into the bowel slowly so as not to cause cramping. Gentle pressure on the bag will encourage the flow. At the same time massage upwards on the left side of the abdomen from the descending colon to the transverse colon just under the ribs and then down to ascending colon on the right side of the abdomen. Retain for 4 or 5 minutes and expel. Often within 20-30 minutes the patient will expel up to a gallon of fluid. Initially this can be done once or twice daily for several days in succession. Then the interval can be spread out to a couple of times a week and finally once a week. It can be used anytime the patient feels bogged down and tired, or has pain. High Colonic Enemas This is done similar to the coffee enema but instead of one quart, two quarts of fluid are used. This may be an herb tea appropriate for the condition that is being treated. This should be done once a week. One may also engage a colonic therapist to administer the treatment. Key to formulas mentioned in the text: Formula #14 --- River of Life Formula # 15 --- The complete Pau D' Arco Formula #12 --- HepatoPure Formula #2 --- Diurite Formula #23 --- Triphala Formula # 68 --- Guggul Raj Formula # 75 --- Reishi Mushroom Supreme Formula # 8 --- Stress Free Bibliography: Cancer and Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science and Clinical Research by John Boik, 1995, publ. by Oregon Medical Press, 315 10 Ave. North, Princeton, Minn. 55371, USA. Phone and fax (612) 389-0768 Anticancer Medicinal Herbs, Chang Minyi, et al., published by Hunan Science and Technology Publishing house, 1992 Treating Cancer with Chinese Herbs, Hong-yen Hsu, Oriental Healing Arts Institute, 1982 The Treatment of Cancer By Integrated Chinese-Western Medicine by Zhang Dai-Zhao, translated by Zhang Ting-Liang and Bob Flaws, Publ. by Blue Poppy Press Books on Magnet Healing Biomagnetic and Herbal Therapy by Dr. Michael Tierra L.AC., O.M.D., Lotus Press The Anatomy of Biomagnetism by Albert Roy Davis Ph.D. This is an important work describing the pioneer research in the use of biomagnetics by one of the late leaders in North America. It is available from Schafer's Health Centre (see below).9i Magnet Therapy Theory and Practice by Dr. Neville S. Bengali published by Jain publishers in India. 1921, Chuna Mandi street 10, Paharganj, New Delhi-110055 This is a very authoritative and informative book but the reader should be aware of a semantic difference that causes the author to reverse the description of the qualities of North and South poles. Discovery of Magnetic Health by George J. Washnis and Richard Z. Hricak, published by Nova, Rockville, Maryland, USA Magnet Therapy by Holger Hannemann, published by Sterling publishing company, New York. Healing Magnetism by Heinz Schiegl. published by Weiser, York Beach, Maine Biomagnetic Handbook by Philpott, MD and Sharon Taplin. Published by Enviro-Tech Products 17171 SE 29 St., Choctaw, OK 73020. 405/390- 3499 Cancer Salves Cancer Salves: A Botanical Approach to Treatment, ISBN 1-55643-270- 4. By Dr. Ingrid Naiman, published by Seventh Ray Press and distributed by North Atlantic Books. _________________ JoAnn Guest mrsjo- DietaryTi- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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