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USA: ACTION ALERT! Omnibus Vaccine Legislation THREAT

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Subject:USA: ACTION ALERT! Omnibus Vaccine Legislation THREAT

Thu, 18 Nov 2004 17:52:12 -0000



Ingri Cassel


Friday, November 12, 2004 9:33 AM

ACTION ALERT!!! Omnibus Vaccine Legislation THREAT


Dear Members and Friends -


This action alert is SO important to act on.

Some members of Congress are actually

proposing to nearly double the budget of

the Justice Dept. that is appropriated for

litigating cases of vaccine injury claims.

What is even more shocking is the utter

contempt they are showing to families

of vaccine-injured children.


Since they are anticipating more and more

claims of mercury damaged children as a result

of the cumulative effects of mercury from

thimerosal in childhood vaccines --and the

recommended vaccine schedule kept increasing

annually, and now semi-annually with the flu shot

added mid-stream this year, do you think they

would recommend that the vaccine injury compensation

fund increase also????!!!!! Not a chance.


They actually want to keep it at the same level as last year.

(Please scroll down to the bottom to see actually figures

of proposed budgets. Amazing!)


The government is anticipating that increasing its budget to

defend against vaccine injury claims will PREVENT an increase

in compensation being awarded from VICP for what they will

refer to as " alleged " mercury damage cases arising from

thimerosal. You can only imagine how far they will use their

new found Justice Dept. muscle ($$$) to claim that the mercury

must be coming from environmental sources.


How about using this fiasco to overturn the compulsory

vaccination laws in your state? Getting the 2000 Simpsonwood

transcripts out more through such articles as Blaylock's

The Truth Behind the Vaccine Cover-Up (on Mercola.com)

would be a good start in exposing Public Health's blatant

criminal acts on a grand scale.


It certainly is long overdue. I'm reading fascinating

history from England's eventual repeal of the Vaccination Acts

in 1890 (their compulsory smallpox vaccination laws).

Makes me wonder how a " free " people could ever allow

such a tyranny of forced/coerced injections of disease,

heavy metals and known carcinogens.




We want to thank all of the courageous moms of special

children who have been damaged by thimerosal-containing

vaccines for networking with others in your state, and making sure

their story got to the press. The thimerosal issue is only the


Repealing the compulsory vaccination laws is next.








Parents, Caregivers, and Friends;


All the work we have done in the past few years to fight Frist is

coming to

a head.


With this past election, those who are supported most by pharmaceutical

companies have more ammunition than ever before. It's time to pre-empt

their inevitable attempt to remove our children's rights once again.


Here's what we think is going to happen:


- Most likely, Frist will run for President in 2008. This means he

will try

to keep his name as far away from the controversy as possible. He doesn't

want to anger us, but will indeed have someone do his dirty work for

him as

we've seen in the past. This person's name is Judd Gregg. He's a Senator

with ties to pharma, and he wants all of your Thimerosal cases to be


six-feet under.


- A large three-in-one bill is currently under construction. Political

sources say this bill will come before Committee next Wednesday. This bill

already contains language that allows an ADDITIONAL $2.3 million (on

top of

the already $4 million) to the Department of Justice to SPECIFICALLY fight

Thimerosal cases. In fact, read the language below. This particular bill

just passed in the House, and will likely pass in the Senate. We feel that

Frist's inevitable legislation (provision or stand-alone bill), possibly

under the guise of a different handler, will be a one-two punch.


- Basically, they're assigning $ 2.3 million to fight the cases, and after

that, Frist, or whomever his alias will be, will introduce legislation to

once again block the cases altogether. We fear he will attach his language

to the large aforementioned bill.


HELP, HELP, HELP, HELP! WHY? Because without Thimerosal cases going

through, several things will happen, including the following:


- The truth will never emerge. Forget it. Without the truth, large sums of

money for government research on 1) Vaccinations and their effects on the

immune system and 2) Detoxification of heavy metals and re-growth of

neurons will never happen, and medical professionals will never know

how to

properly treat our children.


- Pharma will never have incentive to prevent such gross negligence ever



- Families who are bankrupt or can't afford care for their child(ren) to

reach their fullest potential will never get what's entitled to them.


We can sell t-shirts all day long, but we'll never have enough money to

help all these families get the care they need. This is why so many of us

fight for these cases. Remember, without money/resources needed in order

for a child to progress, there is little hope.






When? Before next Wednesday, Nov. 17th!!


It's very easy. Take our letter (below) or create your own. Then click





find your representatives in both the Senate and House, then fax or e-mail

(fax preferred) your letter. Parents, if you really want to jump in feet

first, call your Senator and Congress Persons. Ask for the health staffer.

Tell them your plight and your fears of Frist and his gang trying to take

away your child's civil rights. Ask for their help. Tell them you will be

calling from time to time to check in. Then, send your letter by fax as a

follow up to your phone conversation. Also, if possible, send your faxed

letter to the following key Senate/Congressional members. All of the

following were instrumental in helping our community overturn the Homeland

Security Provisions:


Senator Ted Kennedy

317 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


FAX: 202/224-2417


Senator Harry Reid

528 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


Fax 202-224-7327


Senator Hilary Clinton

476 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

(202) 224-4451

Fax (202) 228-0282


Senator Chris Dodd

448 Russell Senate Office Building

United States Senate

Washington, D.C. 20510

Tel. (202) 224-2823

Fax. (202) 228-1683


Senator Susan Collins

172 Russell Senate Office Building

United States Senate

Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: (202) 224-2523

Fax (202) 224-2693


Senator Olympia Snowe

154 Russell Senate Office Building

United States Senate

Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: (202) 224-5344

Fax (202) 224-1946


Senator Lincoln Chafee

141A Russell Senate Office Building

United States Senate

Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone: (202) 224-2921

Fax: (202) 228-2853


Senator Tom Daschle

509 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Phone: (202) 224-2321

Fax: (202) 224-7895


Senator John McCain

241 Russell Senate Office Building

United States Senate

Washington, D.C. 20510

Phone (202) 224-2235

Fax (202) 228-2862


Senator Debbie Stabenow

702 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Fax (202) 228-0325


Edwards, John (D - NC)

225 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Phone: (202) 224-3154

Fax (202) 228-1374


Congressman Dave Weldon

2347 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-3671

Fax: (202) 225-3516


Congressman Dan Burton

2185 Rayburn HOB

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-2276

Fax: 202-225-0016



Dear (Your Congressman) or (Your Senator);


As both a voter and caregiver of a vaccine-injured child, I feel very

strongly that my child's rights are about to be jeopardized once again.


For three years, Senators Bill Frist and Judd Gregg have worked more on

behalf of pharmaceutical companies than America's children. Frist's


language that blocks legitimate vaccine cases has shown up frequently

through the years, including the notorious rider, which appeared

within the

Homeland Security Act in the dead of night. They will stop at nothing to

help their pharmaceutical friends.


Recently, a bill (HR 4754) that allows the Department of Justice $2.3

million in additional funds ($4 million total) to fight my child's

Thimerosal case, passed in the House and is sure to pass in the Senate. It

is my feeling that even more Thimerosal language is on the way.


As a voter, I am asking you to be on the lookout for such language that

will remove my child's rights to fair litigation. The upcoming

Appropriations Bill will be a perfect opportunity for those against the

civil rights of the vaccine-injured to act.


The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was designed to

help families like mine care for their injured child. My child was not


injured by vaccines, but may never live independently and struggles

everyday to live a normal life. Who will help? The government promises


if any child is injured by a vaccine, they will receive care. My child has

not. Now Senators Frist and Gregg are likely to once again try to add

legislation to make sure that all of these vaccine-injured children lose

their civil rights.


Thousands of families of special-needs children are going bankrupt, and

many are selling their homes just to pay for care that insurance does not

cover. Moreover, these lawsuits give our children the voice that was taken

away. The right to have fair litigation. The right to have

compensation for

care. Why do these Senators continue in their attempts to remove these

rights when three out of every four NVICP cases are thrown out in the




Senator Frist continues to call my child's hope of having good care

" frivolous " and will tell you that vaccine-makers have left the market for

fear of liability. Both are untrue. The OMB has reported numerous times

that vaccine-makers have not left the market, yet have merged with other

manufacturers. This is why they are fewer. Their words are full of


to help their own special interest.


Please be on the lookout for language that removes the rights of the

vaccine-injured, and please do not support anything that allows

pharmaceutical companies more favors than your constituents. Especially

those who cannot speak for themselves.




(your name)




Parents, HERE IS THE BILL LANGUAGE adding DOJ Funds if you would like to

read it:







The House has passed it's version of the bill. The Senate bill is

ready for

Senate floor consideration.


Both House and Senate versions include a $2.3M plus up for the DOJ to


the thimerosal claims - this brings the total to $6.3M for DOJ to litigate

against these claims - funding an additional 13 persons at DOJ. (The House

and Senate also include another $3.4M for the operations of the court of

federal claims in this bill.)


See below for excerpts:


Following are the excerpts from the report accompanying the HOUSE bill.

H.R. 4754, House Report 108-576)



The Committee recommends $6,333,000 for the Vaccine Injury Compensation

Trust Fund to cover the Department of Justice's expenses associated with

litigating cases under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

This amount is $2,348,000 above the enacted level and the same as the

request. The recommendation includes a program increase of 13 new


and $2,305,000 to address the exponential growth in vaccine injury claims

alleging injuries caused by thimerosal.



The Committee recommends a reimbursement of $3,471,000 for fiscal year


from the Special Fund to cover expenses of the Claims Court associated


processing cases under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

This amount is $312,000 above the amount available in fiscal year 2004 and

the same as the request. The recommendation provides for one additional

special master and staff needed because of an increase in case filings.



Following are the excerpts from the report accompanying the SENATE bill.



Appropriations, 2004 $3,985,000

Budget estimate, 2005 $6,333,000

Committee recommendation $6,333,000

The Committee recommends a reimbursement of $6,333,000 for legal costs.

The recommendation is $2,348,000 above the fiscal year 2004 funding level

and identical to the budget request. This account covers Justice


expenses associated with litigating cases under the National Childhood

Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.



Appropriations, 2004 $3,159,000

Budget estimate, 2005 $3,471,000

Committee recommendation $3,159,000


The Committee recommends an appropriation of $3,159,000. The


is identical to the fiscal year 2004 funding level and $312,000 below the

budget request.


Parents, Grandparents and all other loved ones - We need those fax


spitting out letter after letter after letter! We need to send the





Think Autism. Think Cure.





Ingri Cassel, director

Vaccination Liberation

P.O. Box 457

Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869

(208) 255-2307 / (888) 249-1421






Free Your Mind.....

From the Vaccine Paradigm


" When we give government

the power to make medical decisions

for us, we, in essence, accept that

the state owns our bodies. "

~U.S.Representative Ron Paul, MD

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