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Fwd. Breaking News: Extra package delivered to NY Atty General's Office re: 9/11

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Thu, 18 Nov 2004 10:26:55 -0800 (PST)

Breaking News: Extra package delivered to NY Atty General's

Office re: 9/11







911 : Karl Schwarz' " extra package " to AG Eliot Spitzer


Schwarz' package also included (3) information that " could explain the

technology sources that made 9-11 possible " , (4) another " package from

a german attorney " with a scientific evidence list, (5) information

about a software that is " used in Red Team Canada and Blue Team USA

war games " and again, that " software could easily explain how NORAD

thought it was just a drill and all USAF units were in stand down mode

while those planes were allowed through to their intended targets " ,

(2) a letter by Sibel Edmonds and more...


Debriefing of meeting today with Spitzer's Senior Assistant-

Karl Schwarz: 9/11 docs to NY AG Eliot Spitzer


by Karl W. B. Schwarz


Thursday, November 18 -FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-


Hello Concerned Americans,


Several key documents were delivered Wednesday, November 17, 2004 by

one of my associates / friends to the Senior Assistant to Eliot

Spitzer, Attorney General of the State of New York. Some readers may

not recognize that name but Mr. Spitzer is the person responsible for

levying several billion in fines against Wall Street firms for a wide

variety of financial scams put forth on all Americans but he focused

appropriately on what was done to citizens of New York and the Pension

Fund of New York state employees.


Since 9-11 was in part conducted upon the State of New York, criminal

prosecution against appropriate parties is properly sited for venue

and jurisdiction of such an investigation, a Grand Jury, and

prosecution of the parties involved, some of which you will learn

about as you read on.


A friend of mine from Connecticut went to Spitzer's office to hand

deliver the materials and a separate package arrived from Europe by

overnight courier...


We are not disclosing yet the names, companies, extent of the

information provided for that would tip off where some of the

information came from and possibly endanger those persons. Suffice to

say, a blind man could follow the trail now that they know where to

start, and where the trails end.


She delivered the following items:


First, a full and complete copy of the Demand Letter I sent to Bush,

Kerry and DNC around 1 PM, September 30, 2004 [about 7 hours before

the first debate] demanding answers from Bush on 30 items that are

glaring lies and cover ups of his Administration. That document can be

seen at the following link if any of you missed that Demand Letter:




The state democratic parties of every swing state also got the demand

letter. That it was never used by the Democrats to discredit Bush

should tell you much as to the fallacy of this year's presidential



Secondly, we delivered a letter by Sibel D. Edmonds, FBI translator

that was co-signed by 24 other former federal employees from CIA, DIA,

FBI, DoD and other agencies of the United States government. That

letter was dated September 13, 2004 and represents a critique of the

9-11 Commission " Omissions Report " that has been so glowingly written

up in the lame media as a work of art by that commission. Well, I have

to agree - the 9-11 Commission Report is a " work of art " of a cover up

and an excellent fiction read for any of you that missed it.


I have made it clear in other writings that 8 of the 10 commissioners

have so many conflicts of interests, their appointment to the 9-11

Commissioner is clearly to be directors of a cover up.


This is copied and pasted from the Sibel Edmonds letter and note who

signed it and who received copies of it.




1. Costello, Edward J. Jr., Former Special Agent, Counterintelligence, FBI

2. Cole, John M., Former Veteran Intelligence Operations Specialist, FBI

3. Conrad, David " Mark " , Retired Agent in Charge, Internal Affairs,

U.S. Customs

4. Dew, Rosemary N., Former Supervisory Special Agent,

Counterterrorism & Counterintelligence, FBI

5. Dzakovic, Bogdan, Former Red Team Leader, FAA

6. Edmonds, Sibel D., Former Language Specialist, FBI

7. Elson, Steve, Retired Navy Seal & Former Special Agent, FAA & US Navy

8. Forbes, David, Aviation, Logistics and Govt. Security Analysts,

BoydForbes, Inc.,

9. Goodman, Melvin A., Former Senior Analyst/ Division Manager, CIA;

Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy

10. Graf, Mark, Former Security Supervisor, Planner, & Derivative

Classifier, Department of Energy

11. Graham, Gilbert M., Retired Special Agent, Counterintelligence, FBI

12. Kleiman, Diane, Former Special Agent, US Customs

13. Kwiatkowski, Karen U., Lt. Col. USAF (ret.), Veteran Policy


14. Larkin, Lynne A., Former Operation Officer, CIA

15. MacMichael, David, Former Senior Estimates Officer, CIA

16. McGovern, Raymond L., Former Analyst, CIA

17. Pahle, Theodore J., Retired Senior Intelligence Officer, DIA

18. Sarshar, Behrooz, Retired Language Specialist, FBI

19. Sullivan, Brian F., Retired Special Agent & Risk Management

Specialist, FAA

20. Tortorich, Larry J., Retired US Naval Officer, US Navy & Dept. of

Homeland Security/TSA

21. Turner, Jane A., Retired Special Agent, FBI

22. Vincent, John B., Retired Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI

23. Whitehurst, Dr. Fred, Retired Supervisory Special Agent/Laboratory

Forensic Examiner, FBI

24. Wright, Ann, Col. US Army (ret.); and Former Foreign Service officer

25. Zipoli, Matthew J., Special Response Team (SRT) Officer, DOE





Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Chairman Pat Roberts & Vice

Chairman John D. Rockefeller

Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Chairman Orrin G. Hatch & Ranking

Democratic Member Patrick Leahy

Senate Committee on Armed Services, Chairman John Warner & Ranking

Member Carl Levin

Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, Chairman Susan Collins &

Ranking Member Joseph Lieberman

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Chairman Porter J.

Goss & Ranking Member Jane Harman

House Committee on the Judiciary, Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.

& Ranking Member John Conyers

House Armed Services Committee, Chairman Duncan Hunter & Ranking

Member Ike Skelton

House Committee on Government Reform, Chairman Tom Davis & Ranking

Member Henry A. Waxman

House Select Committee on Homeland Security, Chairman Christopher Cox

& Ranking Member Jim Turner

Senator Charles Grassley


For the record, Congress has not made a single move to address the



From our side, there are over 200 such persons willing to tell all

before a Grand Jury or any subsequent prosecution trials.



Sibel and Karen Kwiatkowski are both cited in my book, One-Way Ticket

to Crawford, Texas, a Conservative Republican Speaks Out. Available at

www.karlschwarz.com. If you want your friends to be " smarter

Americans " this is an ideal Christmas gift for anyone that is trying

to come to grips with what is being done to this nation, by whom and

how they are doing it.


The Inspector General has written a report that is negative of Bush,

Ashcroft, et al and in usual Bushian arrogance, that IG report has

been classified. A watered-down unclassified report was due out before

the elections and it is still not available.


While Sibel has focused on justice on her front, and many of us that

receive this email are engaged on other fronts, Sibel continues to

seek that the gag order be lifted against her so Americans can know

exactly what foreign and American names were uncovered by her in the

financing of 9-11. If any of you readers will, contact your elected

representatives in DC and also demand that the gag order be lifted and

those names disclosed to the public.


A complete copy of the letter sent by Sibel and 24 other former

federal agents and employees is attached for your review.


Third, from Germany an overnight package was delivered today from a

German attorney to Spitzer's office. He appears to have uncovered an

insurance scam involving the WTC towers where in June or July of 2001

the insurance was increased by at least 300% and the beneficiaries of

those additional insurance payments are 1.) major American names; and

2.) directly tied to the Bush Administration and New World Order

proponents; and 3.) are apparently US firms not involved in US

intelligence and had foreknowledge of 9-11 happening. No one is lucky

enough to have over $3 billion happen less than 90 days after those

riders were added to the insurance of WTC.


Mr. Spitzer's office is currently investigating the insurance industry

and scams and was unaware of the information we just secured for his

review and this one directly involves 9-11 and the attack on WTC.


Fourth, out of Canada I have been provided information that could

explain the technology sources that made 9-11 possible, including a

company that was doing business with the State of New York in a

service area that would have made it easy to have installed a ground

station in or around WTC to where flying planes remotely as UAV

[unmanned aerial vehicles] could be done easily.


This company is owned by a Bush Pioneer and a Canadian firm that has

major US investors that are directly tied to either GHWB or GWB.


Our sources indicate that such a ground station and antennas might

have been in WTC 7 and the reason that building was destroyed

[imploded by internal " demolition " explosions].


Fifth, also out of Canada I have been provided information on the

software that is used in Red Team Canada and Blue Team USA war games

and again, that software could easily explain how NORAD thought it was

just a drill and all USAF units were in stand down mode while those

planes were allowed through to their intended targets. That would have

required that someone in the US let it happen and knew it was going to

happen to have coordinated that with the attack.


This company is owned by a Bush Pioneer and a Canadian firm that has

major US investors that are directly tied to either GHWB or GWB.



Sixth, out of the U.S. a party has come forth with information that

there was a $120 billion deal that was to have closed on 9-11 or

9-12-2001 in WTC and that deal was apparently a debt that did not get

paid due to 9-11. How fortunate for someone.


We provided Mr. Spitzer with the routing codes and bank officer names

of the parties that were to receive that payment and did not receive

it. Figuring out exactly who was on the other side of that deal is

just a matter of time. We already know some of the names and they are

high level American names.


Seventh, that same $120 billion deal is a derivative of a bogus

operation being run out of the Philippines by Americans in falsified

Gold Collateral US Debt Certificates. There is a new book to add to

your reading list in addition to mine - Confessions of an Economic Hit

Man by Paul Johnson, an NSA [National Security Agency] recruit that

was put into a private company to engineer the financial undermining

of poorer nations so certain US parties could take away their natural

resources and economic assets. What a country! We are being run by

charlatans, thieves and scumbags.


Mr. Johnson and myself spoke Tuesday and compared notes on the

methodologies of how Brady Bonds are structured into economic blunt

instruments to steal from smaller nations. That conversation is

consistent with what we just handed to Mr. Spitzer regarding the

aborted 9-11-2001 payment that was due from someone and our sources

indicate that the payment was due from Americans. The transaction was

a complete fraud so the " borrowed funds " based on " bogus collateral

certificates " is something that will be under investigation as of

today. Multiple foreign banks took major hits and this Bush

Administration apparently has protected those parties from justice. We

all want to know why and so should Eliot Spitzer.


The 9-11-2001 deal was Brady Bonds and bogus Gold Collateral

Certificates according to our source and $120 billion was due and payable.


Eighth, shortly before 9-11, a Mary Bush and Marvin Bush were moving

stock including stock options, stock, and the insurance on WTC.

EdgarOnline.com has that information for interested parties.


I have upcoming articles that you can see over the coming weeks at

either www.OnlineJournal.com or www.usa.mediamonitors.net titled:


A Conservative Christian Republican says:

Listen to Sibel D. Edmonds, FBI Translator


A Conservative Christian Republican says:


Part I - Pop goes the Bush Mythology Bubble


A Conservative Christian Republican says:

Part II - Pop goes the Bush Mythology Bubble


A Conservative Christian Republican says:

Part III - Pop goes the Bush Mythology Bubble


The 9-11 Commission Report is an Embarrassment to America

Shame on the 8 of 10 Sell Out Artist Commissioners


Public Enemy Number 1: Dominionist Christian Fascists




Since all of us took a financial hit due to 9-11, I am one of the 9-11

truth movement proponents that believes and has been recommending that

the " final judgment " of any court trying this matter should also

include financial restitution to all Americans and others harmed by

what is growing more apparent each day was " an inside job " .


The information we delivered to Eliot Spitzer's office is An American

Issue and both sides of the aisle in Washington, DC are implicated. If

you are a Democrat and feel abandoned by the DNC and DLC, you have

been. For people on my side of the aisle that believe in Christianity

as a religion of peace and tolerance and as a Conservative, we have

been sold out by those in power in DC now in my party. Regardless of

party or religion - any of us that is not part of that elite insider

group in DC has been sold out.


For people of all parties, all religions, all races, the fate of

America rests with us, The Silent Majority.


Put your elected Congressional leaders for your state on notice that

you too demand The Truth and demand justice for 9-11 and all

responsible parties be held accountable under the laws of this Nation.


Let Eliot Spitzer's office know through his office email form that

America is standing up behind him on this matter. Just a simple

request " Please investigate and prosecute those responsible for 9-11 " .



Let your local or national media sources know that they can start

fulfilling the proper role of the Fourth Estate, print the truth, air

the truth, or lose your business as a r, listener or viewer.


Let your friends and neighbors, your work associates read this email

too. The fate of all of us is on the line and we have a national

government that has sold all of us out to their wealthy contributors.


Look around you and remember what made this nation great. It was not

them, it was generations of " US " that made this nation great. Look at

the leaders and the media and grasp why they lie to you, to me, to all

we love.


Remember - you are an American first and right now this nation needs

The Silent Majority to stand up for the country we love - more than

ever before in US history.


Lastly, notice that I have not included the major media in on this

email. They have a surprise coming and best we let that surprise be

just that - a surprise. They deserve to be exposed as the liars and

charlatans they are for what they have helped cover up.


God bless America and all of us. We are going to need all of the help

we can muster on Earth and in Heaven.


best regards,


Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC

Karl W. B. Schwarz

President, Chief Executive Officer

(501) 663-4959, US Central Time Zone, GMT -6 hrs



September 13, 2004


To The Congress of The United States:


The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States

ended its report stating that " We look forward to a national debate on

the merits of what we have recommended, and we will participate

vigorously in that debate. " In this spirit, we the undersigned wish to

bring to the attention of the Congress and the people of the United

States what we believe are serious shortcomings in the report and its

recommendations. We thus call upon Congress to refrain from narrow

political considerations and to apply brakes to the race to implement

the commission recommendations. It is not too late for Congress to

break with the practice of limiting testimony to that from politicians

and top-layer career bureaucrats—many with personal reputations to

defend and institutional equities to protect. Instead, use this unique

opportunity to introduce salutary reform, an opportunity that must not

be squandered by politically driven haste.


Omission is one of the major flaws in the Commission's report. We are

aware of significant issues and cases that were duly reported to the

commission by those of us with direct knowledge, but somehow escaped

attention. Serious problems and shortcomings within government

agencies likewise were reported to the Commission but were not

included in the report. The report simply does not get at key problems

within the intelligence, aviation security, and law enforcement

communities. The omission of such serious and applicable issues and

information by itself renders the report flawed, and casts doubt on

the validity of many of its recommendations.


We believe that one of the primary purposes of the Commission was to

establish accountability; that to do so is essential to understanding

the failures that led to 9/11, and to prescribe needed changes.

However, the Commission in its report holds no one accountable,

stating instead " our aim has not been to assign individual blame " .

That is to play the political game, and it shows that the goal of

achieving unanimity overrode one of the primary purposes of this

Commission's establishment. When calling for accountability, we are

referring not to quasi-innocent mistakes caused by " lack of

imagination " or brought about by ordinary " human error " . Rather, we

refer to intentional actions or inaction by individuals responsible

for our national security, actions or inaction dictated by motives

other than the security of the people of the United States. The report

deliberately ignores officials and civil servants who were, and still

are, clearly negligent and/or derelict in their duties to the nation.

If these individuals are protected rather than held accountable, the

mindset that enabled 9/11 will persist, no matter how many layers of

bureaucracy are added, and no matter how much money is poured into the

agencies. Character counts. Personal integrity, courage, and

professionalism make the difference. Only a commission bent on holding

no one responsible and reaching unanimity could have missed that.


We understand, as do most Americans, that one of our greatest

strengths in defending against terrorism is the dedication and

resourcefulness of those individuals who work on the frontlines. Even

before the Commission began its work, many honest and patriotic

individuals from various agencies came forward with information and

warnings regarding terrorism-related issues and serious problems

within our intelligence and aviation security agencies. If it were not

for these individuals, much of what we know today of significant

issues and facts surrounding 9/11 would have remained in the dark.

These " whistleblowers " were able to put the safety of the American

people above their own careers and jobs, even though they had reason

to suspect that the deck was stacked against them. Sadly, it was.

Retaliation took many forms: some were ostracized; others were put

under formal or informal gag orders; some were fired. The commission

has neither acknowledged their contribution nor faced up to the urgent

need to protect such patriots against retaliation by the many

bureaucrats who tend to give absolute priority to saving face and

protecting their own careers.


The Commission did emphasize that barriers to the flow of information

were a primary cause for wasting opportunities to prevent the tragedy.

But it skipped a basic truth. Secrecy enforced by repression threatens

national security as much as bureaucratic turf fights. It sustains

vulnerability to terrorism caused by government breakdowns. Reforms

will be paper tigers without a safe channel for whistleblowers to keep

them honest in practice. It is unrealistic to expect that government

workers will defend the public, if they can't defend themselves.

Profiles in Courage are the exception, not the rule. Unfortunately,

current whistleblower rights are a cruel trap and magnet for cynicism.

The Whistleblower Protection Act has turned into an efficient way to

finish whistleblowers off by endorsing termination. No government

workers have access to jury trials like Congress enacted for corporate

workers after the Enron/MCI debacles. Government workers need genuine,

enforceable rights just as much to protect America's families, as

corporate workers do to protect America's investments. It will take

congressional leadership to fill this hole in the 9/11 Commission's



The Commission, with its incomplete report of " facts and

circumstances " , intentional avoidance of assigning accountability, and

disregard for the knowledge, expertise and experience of those who

actually do the job, has now set about pressuring our Congress and our

nation to hastily implement all its recommendations. While we do not

intend to imply that all recommendations of this report are flawed, we

assert that the Commission's list of recommendations does not include

many urgently needed fixes, and further, we argue that some of their

recommendations, such as the creation of an `intelligence czar', and

haphazard increases in intelligence budgets, will lead to increases in

the complexity and confusion of an already complex and highly

bureaucratic system.


Congress has been hearing not only from the commissioners but from a

bevy of other career politicians, very few of whom have worked in the

intelligence community, and from top-layer bureaucrats, many with

vested interests in saving face and avoiding accountability. Congress

has not included the voices of the people working within the

intelligence and broader national security communities who deal with

the real issues and problems day-after-day and who possess the needed

expertise and experience—in short, those who not only do the job but

are conscientious enough to stick their necks out in pointing to the

impediments they experience in trying to do it effectively.


We the undersigned, who have worked within various government agencies

(FBI, CIA, FAA, DIA, Customs) responsible for national security and

public safety, call upon you in Congress to include the voices of

those with first-hand knowledge and expertise in the important issues

at hand. We stand ready to do our part.




# Costello, Edward J. Jr., Former Special Agent, Counterintelligence, FBI

# Cole, John M., Former Veteran Intelligence Operations Specialist, FBI

# Conrad, David " Mark " , Retired Agent in Charge, Internal Affairs,

U.S. Customs

# Dew, Rosemary N., Former Supervisory Special Agent, Counterterrorism

& Counterintelligence, FBI

# Dzakovic, Bogdan, Former Red Team Leader, FAA

# Edmonds, Sibel D., Former Language Specialist, FBI

# Elson, Steve, Retired Navy Seal & Former Special Agent, FAA & US Navy

# Forbes, David, Aviation, Logistics and Govt. Security Analysts,

BoydForbes, Inc.,

# Goodman, Melvin A., Former Senior Analyst/ Division Manager, CIA;

Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy

# Graf, Mark, Former Security Supervisor, Planner, & Derivative

Classifier, Department of Energy

# Graham, Gilbert M., Retired Special Agent, Counterintelligence, FBI

# Kleiman, Diane, Former Special Agent, US Customs

# Kwiatkowski, Karen U., Lt. Col. USAF (ret.), Veteran Policy Analyst-DoD

# Larkin, Lynne A., Former Operation Officer, CIA

# MacMichael, David, Former Senior Estimates Officer, CIA

# McGovern, Raymond L., Former Analyst, CIA

# Pahle, Theodore J., Retired Senior Intelligence Officer, DIA

# Sarshar, Behrooz, Retired Language Specialist, FBI

# Sullivan, Brian F., Retired Special Agent & Risk Management

Specialist, FAA

# Tortorich, Larry J., Retired US Naval Officer, US Navy & Dept. of

Homeland Security/TSA

# Turner, Jane A., Retired Special Agent, FBI

# Vincent, John B., Retired Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI

# Whitehurst, Dr. Fred, Retired Supervisory Special Agent/Laboratory

Forensic Examiner, FBI

# Wright, Ann, Col. US Army (ret.); and Former Foreign Service officer

# Zipoli, Matthew J., Special Response Team (SRT) Officer, DOE








Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Chairman Pat Roberts & Vice

Chairman John D.




Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Chairman Orrin G. Hatch & Ranking

Democratic Member


Patrick Leahy


Senate Committee on Armed Services, Chairman John Warner & Ranking

Member Carl




Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, Chairman Susan Collins &

Ranking Member Joseph




House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Chairman Porter J.

Goss & Ranking


Member Jane Harman


House Committee on the Judiciary, Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.

& Ranking Member


John Conyers


House Armed Services Committee, Chairman Duncan Hunter & Ranking

Member Ike Skelton


House Committee on Government Reform, Chairman Tom Davis & Ranking

Member Henry A.




House Select Committee on Homeland Security, Chairman Christopher Cox

& Ranking Member


Jim Turner


Senator Charles Grassley



The overnight package from Germany


Karl Schwarz mentioned in Point 3) another " overnight package " from


This package includes also a list of " scientific " evidence points,

which currently got ignored by 9/11 activist groups 911truth.org or



Here are an excerpt of this list, focussing on the events in New York:


- the insurance for the WTC was more than trebled in the weeks before 9-11

the WTC was ready for demolishing in the next 10 or so years (cost:

$10-20 billion)


- WTC tower 7 was reportedly „pulled " on 9-11-1, necessitating some

internal device

- a good 100 or so witnesses, reported on the internet, observed

internal explosions

- a one-year fire investigation shows that fires were not causal for

the collapses

- hundreds of reported witnesses in the towers reported no significant


- a thermogram of the WTC2 shows a temperature of only c. 100 degrees C

- seismic recorders recorded strong underground explosions prior to

each collapse

- at least one mounted camera recorded the strong pre-collapse vibration

- a helicopter in the air was rocked by explosion shockwaves

- a 270 ton beam from WTC1 rocketed over 300 feet into the Amex building


- laterally-flying pellets damaged buildings over 1.5 miles away

- most of the cement was pulverized to nano-dust

- the collapse released tremendous heat energy, revealed in thermic

rising clouds

- each collapse ended with a flaring bright explosion light like

nuclear glow

- cars and buses were melted in the basement and rubble

- no highrise has ever collapsed from kerosene or office fires alone

- there is evidence for controlled demolitions through pre-planted


- the bomb-sniffing dogs were removed on the Thursday before 9-11

- the Twin Towers were rewired on the weekend before 9-11

- the crime scene was destroyed; 1.5 million tons of debris were

stolen and destroyed


- the flying object that hit WTC1 c. 8:46 a.m. on 9-11-1 was no large

passenger jet

- the flying object that hit WTC1, before contact, emitted or received

a short flash

- around 8:46 a.m. there were at least two separate explosions, heard

and recorded

- the flying object that hit WTC1 c. 8:46 a.m. was not flight UA11

(ed: acc. to BTS)

- the flying object that hit WTC2 had markings not of United Airlines

- the flying object that hit WTC2 left an only c. 99 foot hole (FEMA


- the flying object that hit WTC2 did not jolt, brake, veer, or react

with the wall


- the flying object that hit WTC, before contact, flew maneuvers only

missiles can do

- the flying object that hit WTC2, before contact, emitted or received

a short flash

- there was a light beam out of WTC2 instants before the impact

- the flying object that hit WTC2 was not flight UA175 (ed: acc. to BTS)

- the collapse of at least one tower spewed out a dust cloud and then

sucked it back


- hundreds of valuable criminal investigation files were destroyed in

the attacks


- many valuable files of Export-Import Bank were destroyed in the attacks

- after the collapses, there were pools of molten steel under ground

zero for weeks

- the alleged kerosene explosion at WTC1 was off-color

- the alleged kerosene explosions and fires were unable to melt or

weaken steel

- the alleged office building fires were unable to melt or weaken steel

- after the collapse the steel was changed, strangely being riddled by

small holes


- restored computer hard drives recorded financial data seconds before


- natural causes, planes, fires were unable to let the buildings fall

in 10-20 seconds

- natural causes, planes, fires were unable to pull the buildings into

their footprints

- there were no major fires in building 7 that could have weakened or

melted steel

- building 7 was intentionally destroyed through a controlled demolition

- the World Trade Center was intentionally destroyed through

controlled demolitions



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