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Mad, Mad Meat

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Mad, Mad Meat

By Christine Marie Tretter House & Home




A man made a journey in search of a feast.

When he came upon the fancy restaurant, his destination he reached.

He was seated at his usual table, and ordered his favorite meat.

The filet mignon so delightful, he savored every piece.

Uttering a sigh of satisfaction, the man was truly glad.

Never once did it occur to him that his meal was really mad.


The man never knew what hit him when 15 years had passed.

After supping on scores of meat dishes, his brain began to crash.

At first he would shake and tremble but later became paralyzed.

The poor unfortunate became demented and his life passed before his eyes.


Human Ingenuity


Some great minds in the 1970s and 1980s conceived of incorporating the rendered

parts of cows and sheep into the feed of farm animals and cows. The new

agricultural feed supplements increased the protein levels of the feed which

beefed up the cattle and increased the milk output of dairy cattle.


Along with the new agricultural practices an infectious strain was brewing. The

new food supplements composed of animal parts, blood, bone meal, and fats were

processed under low temperature which did not kill the deadly agent.


Little known to the unwitting farmers feeding their livestock that Scrapie, a

Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy or T.S.E. would jump the species barrier

to cows. In cows, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or B.S.E. makes cows mad.

Since the beginning of the time of domestication, cows, sheep and goats have

been primarily grass feeders but in the wink of an eye, they have turned into

carnivores, if not cannibals.


The panic began in 1986 and the European nations cringed in fear because many

believed Mad Cows Disease was about to become a plague that would reach epidemic

proportions. It began spreading throughout Europe like a hot disease. It nearly

wiped out the British beef industry and 3.7 animals were slaughtered.


The disease was quickly tagged “Mad Cow” because of the abnormal way cows acted.

They became nervous and aggressive and lost their ability to stand. Finally,

their bodies deteriorated until they died. In 1996, the British Government

conceded (despite their previous denials) that there was a link between the Mad

Cow meat people were eating, and the new brain disease called a variant of

Creuzfeldt-Jakob disease or vC.J.D.


In a far distant land, in Papau, New Guinea, a primitive tribe of Fore

Highlanders ritually consumed the brains of their dead. The ritual cannibalism

infected them with a strange disease that resulted in the loss of coordination,

dementia and eventually death. Later it was found that this disease is similar

to the Mad Cow Disease. Once the tribesmen stopped this practice the disease




What T.S.E., B.S.E. and vC.J.D. all have in common is a mutating protein called

prions. Prion proteins target and wreak havoc with the brain. These insidious

agents riddle the brain with holes.

The incubation period for cattle eating rendered feed is approximately 2 to 8



In humans it can take a lot longer, anywhere from 10 to 30 years. vC.J.D. begins

as depression and anxiety, as it progresses, the sufferer’s limbs become

paralyzed with accompanying involuntary tremors and devastating dementia.


In the terminal stage, the person ends his life in a mute state. Several

theories abound: some researchers believe people become infected by eating one

serving of tainted meat; others, believe that prions build up by eating tainted

meat over a long period of time.


Everything which includes cow parts is suspect, including blood transfusions,

vaccinations, cosmetics, candies and even the gelatin capsules of vitamins.


The USDA, the FDA and the CDC have been conducting B.S.E. surveillance since

1990. The USDA states that not one case of Mad Cow has surfaced in the U.S.

Recently, however, a USDA News Release stated that the USDA removed the

quarantined sheep from a Vermont Farm in March of 2001. Several of the sheep

from the flock had tested positive for T.S.E.


A frightening scenario could play itself out here in America with much more

catastrophic effects. The US has a much larger economic investment in the meat

and dairy industry than does Europe. Current agricultural practices in the US

make it ripe for the conditions that led to the epidemic in Britain and

neighboring European countries.


Avoiding an American outbreak of the disease may be only a matter of chance.


In the US, meat and dairy farmers have been including food supplements in the

form of rendered animal proteins for decades. These include animal fats, bone

meal, blood and meat proteins. It’s against the laws of nature for animals to

eat their own kind, eventually human ingenuity pays a price as deadly diseases

turn and threaten us.


Many theories are floating around about the nature of these new diseases/

plagues but scientists do agree: the emergence of vC.J.D. is linked to people

eating beef contaminated from Mad Cows.b



JoAnn Guest









AIM Barleygreen

" Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future "


















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