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Seaweeds for Health

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Seaweeds for Health

by Roy Collins



Please visit his web site www.cybermacro.com/pages/userpages/Oldtext.html


Algae are non-flowering water plants that lack differentiation of plant body

into true roots, stems and leaves. Algae, along with other non-flowering plants

comprise approximately half of herbal kingdom. Algae grow in every drop of water

in nature and every gram of fertile soil. Algae can range in size from

microscopic unicellular structures to over 60 meter multicellular structures.


Collectively, algae are responsible for 90 percent of

the earth's oxygen and 80 percent of its food supply.


There are two broad categories of algae:


1) Ancient Plankton or blue-green algae, which consists of a single cell that

lacks a defined nucleus, and


2) True Algae, which may be a single cell or a large mass of undifferentiated

cells having clearly defined nuclei. Algae are classified mainly by their

pigmentation which corresponds to specific water levels that filter out (or

trap) specific colors from the light spectrum.


There are six color groups:


1) yellow-green. Most live in fresh water ponds and muddy ditches. They store

reserve foods in the form of oil (as opposed to starch). One example is



2) blue-green (ancient plankton). This is the simplest of all algal forms,

similar in many ways to beneficial bacterial forms, but capable of building up

their own food from inorganic substances. One example is Chlorella.


3) green. This form shows a varied pattern of body types resembling

multicellular organisms. Green algae posses cellular cell walls and store their

excess food in the form of starch. One example is Sea Lettuce.


4) golden. The cells in this group are surrounded by membranes or walls

containing small amounts of silica. Most species are found in fresh water lakes

and ponds. One example is diatomaceous earth (fossil diatoms).


5) red. In this group are included the small bodied plants that appear mainly in

salt water. Cells are either in flat sheets or in hair-like filaments. A

holdfast attaches them to the ocean floor or to rock formations. Their red

pigment enables them to thrive in deep water as it allows them to trap blue and

green light which penetrates greater depths. Red algae stores carbohydrates as

chloridian starch and has a cell wall mixed of cellulose and pectin. One example

is Irish Moss.


6) brown. This algal group shares a number of features that are common with more

modern land plants. They have vascular tissue which carries sugars from

photosynthetic blades down to the deep parts of the plants which grow below

light penetration They are common in cool salt water. One example is

Bladderwrack (Fucus sp s.)


By totaling their numbers we find the algae kingdom to be quite large, with more

than ten thousand species recorded but with numerous other species still

unidentified. It is incedible to note that out of this high number only a

handful of algae are found to be toxic to human beings -- these being from the

blue-green group and from species found in the warm waters of the tropics. Most

algal forms provide all the nutritive substances required to sustain most life

forms. They are especially abundant in minerals and vitamins and are oxygen rich

due to the high amounts of chlorophyl that most species contain. Because their

carbohydrates are indigestable, they offer only a minimal amount of fat.


Historical documents show that algae were consumed by the Chinese, Japanese,

Koreans, Polynesians, Hawaiians, Europeans, North and South Americans, Africans,

and Australians. According to recent surveys, people living in areas where large

quantities of algae were consumed were to have lived longer and had a lower

incidence of hypertension and arteriosclerosis.


Numerous other medical benefits are also attributed to a variety of specific

algal forms. Bladderwrack (fucus sps.) has been successfully employed for

obesity, fatty degeneration of the heart, stomach and intestines, and has been

used externally for the healing of wounds. Fucus extract has also been found

effective for numerous respiratory complaints, dyspnea, and has been used

successfully as a replacement for Synthroid for thyroid problems and as an

alternative replacement as a blood anticoagulant with an effect to that of the

drug Heparin. Warm water extracts from various species of Sargassum and the

sulfated polysaccha ride fraction of Codium pogniformis have proven antitumor

properties. Chrondria littoria has been found to contain fatty acids that have a

wide spectrum of antibacterial and antifunfal actions. Digena simplex and

Aasidum helminthocorton have been successfully used for the elimination of

pinworms and roundworms. It has also been observed that the laxative action

from the above two species also has application in a treatment for hard

fibromas. Controlled studies of Spirulina suggests that it promotes self-healing

abilities and is proven useful for allergies, anemia, liver disease, diabetes,

pancreatitis , visual complaints, senility, heavy metal poisioning and in the

recovery from radiation and chemotheapuetic treatments of cancer.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) certain forms of blue green

algae are a proven source of beta carotene, vitamin B12, gamma linolenic acid

and protein. In addition, WHO has used spirulina in its feeding programs for

malnourished children in India: It found that consumption of 1 gram of spirulina

daily resulted in decreased incidence of Bitot's spot, a form of blindness

caused by vitamin A deficiency. The daily dose provided beta carotene that

increased vitamin A levels.


Most species of algae are flavorful but many people who are not familar with

their somewhat slippery texture may find them somewhat difficult to adjust to at

first. This is a result of the conditioning of our modern palate that is biased

to a limited species of land plants. With time, however, one can soon learn to

love these ancient plants that contain valuable numerous trace elements that are

sorely lacking in our modern diet. Algae can be added to soups, mixed in with

salad greens, steamed or sauteed with land vegetables, dried and made into table

condiments, or deep fried like chips.


None of the seaweds are difficult to harvest but it is important to note that

they need to be dried in direct sunlight, and stored away from moist air (do not

lea ve out overnight when air drying). Only those species that are still

attached to the ocean floor should be used. Algae found floating or washed

ashore, or from polluted waters should not be consumed. They can however be

ground up, along with other tide line wash ups (flotsom and jetsum) into

effective sitz bath ingredients, especailly useful for female disorders of the

vagina, fallopian tubes, womb and ovaries. Various species of edible algae can

also be purchased from Oriental food shops and health food or specialty food



From a macrobiotic perspective, algae are primitive foods and should not be used

in excess. They are representives of the ancient ocean from which we evolved and

form an important part of our biologial make-up and dietary needs. In terms of

yin and yang, they (as a group) fall more under the dominance of yin and are

cooling and damp. Algae can and should be eaten daily but their amount should

not exceed more than ten percent of the entire meal.


Roy Collins is a lifelong practitioner and teacher of macrobiotics. He is the

author of various books on the I Ching and medicinal plants. Recently he founded

the Old Text School of Macrobiotic Learning where he continues to teach the

Unique Principle in an apprenticeship format.


JoAnn Guest








AIM Barleygreen

" Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future "




















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