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Organic Production Works

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9 Dec 2004 20:58:12 -0000


Organic Production Works




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ISIS Press Release 09/12/04


Organic Production Works




A new study shows organic production outperforms

conventional in crop yield, soil fertility, pest reduction

and economic return. Rhea Gala reports




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Transition to organic production



Increasing public demand for organic products attracts

premiums for the certified organic farmer, causing hard-

pressed conventional farmers to consider going organic.




In the US, a 20% annual growth rate caused sales of organic

produce to reach $8 billion in 2001; and incentives to

farmers to go organic are offered in the 2002 Farm Bill,

including cost sharing, and direct payments for conservation

practices, such as longer crop rotations.




Scientists Kathleen Delate of Iowa State University and

Cynthia A. Cambardella of the US Department of Agriculture

assessed the agroecosystem performance of farms during the

three-year transition it takes to switch from conventional

to certified organic grain production. Strategies for

lowering the risk of yield loss during this period have been

researched, as productivity has been found to decrease

initially when fertilizer and pesticide applications are

withheld. But productivity generally improves in successive

years under organic management to equal that in conventional

farms. The study found that organic grain crops can be

successfully produced in the third year of transition and

that additional economic benefits can be derived from

expanded crop rotation.




The experiment, lasting four years (three years transition

and first year of organic certification), tested the

hypothesis that organic systems relying on locally derived

inputs are capable of providing stable yields while

maintaining soil quality and plant protection compared with

conventional systems with less diverse crop rotations and

greater levels of external, fossil-fuel based inputs. The

experimental design involved a completely randomized four

replications of four different cropping system treatments.




The researchers looked at the effects of organic farming

practices, including crop rotation, cover cropping, compost

application, and non-chemical weed control on soil

fertility, crop yield, and grain quality compared with the

conventional system. They assessed pests and plant response

under various crop rotations, and determined which certified

organic drop rotations reduced the risks from low yield and

improved soil properties and economic returns.



Organics performed as well or better



During the four-year period, corn yield in the organic

system averaged 91.8% of conventional corn yield and soybean

yield in the organic system averaged 99.6% of conventional

soybean yield. By year three, there was no significant

difference between organic and conventional yields; and both

organic corn and soybeans exceeded conventional yields in

the fourth year (the first year after certification).




In the initial year of transition, an economic advantage

could be gained by planting legume hay crops or crops with a

low nitrogen demand in fields with low productivity, to

increase fertility for the following corn crop. In the

second year, yield differences were mitigated by rotation

effects and compost application, providing sufficient

nutrients for the organic grain crop. The yields in year

three were similar, but the importance of a soil-building

cover crop, or legume grass mixture such as the oat-alfalfa

mixture used in this study was apparent in the fourth year

when organic corn and soybean yields out-performed the

conventional crops.



Other benefits



The researchers thought that timely weed management and

sufficient levels of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium in

the organic system contributed to good yields during

transition. Yield increases were obtained after three years

because of available nitrogen due to organic amendments,

such as composted pig manure and the inclusion of forage

legumes and other green manures in extended crop rotations.




Soil fertility depends on the constant renewal of

biologically available nitrogen to replenish the organic

nitrogen pools for plants to absorb. Total nitrogen levels

showed an increase of 457 kg per hectare in organic soil

over four years, or an average increase of 114 kg N per ha

per annum, sufficient to maintain organic nitrogen pools in

this system. Total organic calcium increased 9% in organic

soil over the transition period, with no significant

increase in non-organic soil.




The researchers found weed pressure in the organic corn and

soybean systems was manageable, and that it was less in

organic soybean than in corn plots where rye was not used as

a cover crop. In the soybean-rye rotation, weed densities

were equivalent to conventional systems in the first two

years, and significantly less in the third year. Grass and

broadleaf weed populations varied between the organic and

conventional systems each year, but the impact on yield was

considered negligible. Corn borer and bean leaf beetle

populations were similar between systems, again with no

effect on yield.




Economic returns in the organic corn-soybean-oats/alfalfa

and the organic corn-soybean-oats/alfalfa-alfalfa rotations

were significantly greater than those in the conventional

corn-soybean rotation, as organic soybean commands premium

prices in the organic rotation due to increased demand.




A previous study had found enhanced soil fertility and

higher biodiversity were correlated with less dependence on

inputs in the organic systems, reducing fertilizer and

energy inputs by 44% and pesticide by 97%.



The study continues



This study is ongoing, and will continue to examine the

effect of crop sequence and length of rotation on long-term

pest disruption and attraction of beneficial insects into

the organic systems. Earlier work by Miguel Altieri at

University of California, Berkeley, showed that greater

biological control should occur in organic systems that

maintain diverse biota through minimal pesticide use (see

" Agroecology vs ecoagriculture " , ISIS report www.i-





Potential food quality changes will also be monitored over

time, so that assessments of the advantages of organic

production over conventional systems can be brought more to

the foreground of the debate on organic versus conventional

production. As organic farmers produce high quality food

without conventional inputs from agribusiness, agribusiness

has a vested interest in denigrating organic systems on any

account. This research is essential in countering the

corporate disinformation campaign.





This article can be found on the I-SIS website at



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